/* * Copyright (c) 2013 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved. * * embedded brains GmbH * Dornierstr. 4 * 82178 Puchheim * Germany * * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "tmacros.h" const char rtems_test_name[] = "SPCONTEXT 1"; #define ITERATION_COUNT 2000 #define PRIORITY_HIGH 2 #define PRIORITY_LOW 3 #define FINISH_EVENT RTEMS_EVENT_0 typedef struct { rtems_id control_task; rtems_id validate_tasks[2]; size_t task_index; int iteration_counter; } test_context; static test_context test_instance; static void validate_task(rtems_task_argument arg) { _CPU_Context_validate(arg); rtems_test_assert(0); } static void start_validate_task( rtems_id *id, uintptr_t pattern, rtems_task_priority priority ) { rtems_status_code sc; sc = rtems_task_create( rtems_build_name('V', 'A', 'L', 'I'), priority, RTEMS_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE, RTEMS_DEFAULT_MODES, RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, id ); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); sc = rtems_task_start(*id, validate_task, pattern); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); } static void reset_timer_or_finish(test_context *self, rtems_id timer) { rtems_status_code sc; int i = self->iteration_counter; if (i < ITERATION_COUNT) { self->iteration_counter = i + 1; sc = rtems_timer_reset(timer); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); } else { sc = rtems_event_send(self->control_task, FINISH_EVENT); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); } } static void switch_priorities(test_context *self) { rtems_status_code sc; size_t index = self->task_index; size_t next = (index + 1) & 0x1; size_t task_high = index; size_t task_low = next; rtems_task_priority priority; self->task_index = next; sc = rtems_task_set_priority( self->validate_tasks[task_high], PRIORITY_HIGH, &priority ); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); sc = rtems_task_set_priority( self->validate_tasks[task_low], PRIORITY_LOW, &priority ); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); } static void clobber_and_switch_timer(rtems_id timer, void *arg) { uintptr_t pattern = (uintptr_t) 0xffffffffffffffffU; test_context *self = arg; reset_timer_or_finish(self, timer); switch_priorities(self); _CPU_Context_volatile_clobber(pattern); } static void start_timer(test_context *self) { rtems_status_code sc; rtems_id timer; sc = rtems_timer_create(rtems_build_name('C', 'L', 'S', 'W'), &timer); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); sc = rtems_timer_fire_after(timer, 2, clobber_and_switch_timer, self); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); } static void wait_for_finish(void) { rtems_status_code sc; rtems_event_set out; sc = rtems_event_receive( FINISH_EVENT, RTEMS_WAIT | RTEMS_EVENT_ALL, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, &out ); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL); rtems_test_assert(out == FINISH_EVENT); } static void test(test_context *self) { uintptr_t pattern_0 = (uintptr_t) 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU; uintptr_t pattern_1 = (uintptr_t) 0x5555555555555555U; memset(self, 0, sizeof(*self)); self->control_task = rtems_task_self(); start_validate_task(&self->validate_tasks[0], pattern_0, PRIORITY_LOW); start_validate_task(&self->validate_tasks[1], pattern_1, PRIORITY_HIGH); start_timer(self); wait_for_finish(); } static void test_context_is_executing(void) { #if defined(RTEMS_SMP) /* * Provide a stack area, since on some architectures the top/bottom of stack * is initialized by _CPU_Context_Initialize(). */ static char stack[1024]; Context_Control context; bool is_executing; memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context)); is_executing = _CPU_Context_Get_is_executing(&context); rtems_test_assert(!is_executing); _CPU_Context_Set_is_executing(&context, true); is_executing = _CPU_Context_Get_is_executing(&context); rtems_test_assert(is_executing); _CPU_Context_Set_is_executing(&context, false); is_executing = _CPU_Context_Get_is_executing(&context); rtems_test_assert(!is_executing); _CPU_Context_Set_is_executing(&context, true); _CPU_Context_Initialize( &context, (void *) &stack[0], sizeof(stack), 0, NULL, false, NULL ); is_executing = _CPU_Context_Get_is_executing(&context); rtems_test_assert(is_executing); #endif } static void Init(rtems_task_argument arg) { test_context *self = &test_instance; TEST_BEGIN(); test_context_is_executing(); test(self); TEST_END(); rtems_test_exit(0); } #define CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK 1000 #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 3 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS 1 #define CONFIGURE_INITIAL_EXTENSIONS RTEMS_TEST_INITIAL_EXTENSION #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include