/* * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2009. * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include "system.h" #include /* For O_* constants */ #include /* For mode constants */ #include #include "test_support.h" mqd_t Queue; volatile bool tsr_fired; volatile int tsr_status; volatile int tsr_errno; rtems_timer_service_routine mq_send_timer( rtems_id timer, void *arg ) { int msg = 4; tsr_fired = true; tsr_status = mq_send( Queue, (const char *)&msg, sizeof(int), 1 ); tsr_errno = errno; } void *POSIX_Init( void *argument ) { struct mq_attr attr; int status; int msgBody; rtems_id timer; rtems_status_code rc; puts( "\n\n*** POSIX MESSAGE QUEUE TEST 3 ***" ); attr.mq_maxmsg = 1; attr.mq_msgsize = sizeof(int); puts( "Init - Open message queue" ); Queue = mq_open( "Qsend", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0x777, &attr ); if ( Queue == (-1) ) { perror( "mq_open failed" ); } assert( Queue != (-1) ); puts( "Init - send to message queue" ); status = mq_send( Queue, (const char *)&status, sizeof(int), 1 ); if ( status == (-1) ) { perror( "mq_status failed" ); } assert( status != (-1) ); /* * Now create the timer we will send to a full queue from. */ puts( "Init - Create Classic API Timer" ); rc = rtems_timer_create( 1, &timer ); directive_failed( rc, "rtems_timer_create" ); puts( "Init - Fire After Classic API Timer" ); tsr_fired = false; rc = rtems_timer_fire_after( timer, rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second(), mq_send_timer, NULL ); directive_failed( rc, "rtems_timer_fire_after" ); sleep(2); if ( tsr_fired == false ) { puts( "ERROR -- TSR DID NOT FIRE" ); rtems_test_exit( 0 ); } if ( (tsr_status != -1) || (tsr_errno != ENOMEM) ) { puts( "ERROR -- TSR DID NOT RETURN CORRECT STATUS" ); printf( "status=%d errno=%d --> %s\n", tsr_status, tsr_errno, strerror(tsr_errno) ); rtems_test_exit( 0 ); } puts( "Init - mq_send from ISR returned correct status" ); puts( "*** END OF POSIX MESSAGE QUEUE TEST 3 ***" ); rtems_test_exit( 0 ); return NULL; /* just so the compiler thinks we returned something */ }