/* * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2009. * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include "tmacros.h" #include "pmacros.h" pthread_key_t Key; volatile bool destructor_ran; void destructor(void *value) { destructor_ran = true; } void *Test_Thread( void *key_value ) { int sc; puts( "Test_Thread - pthread_setspecific - OK" ); sc = pthread_setspecific( Key, key_value ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Test_Thread - pthread_exit to run key destructors - OK" ); return NULL; } void *POSIX_Init( void *ignored ) { pthread_t thread; int sc; struct timespec delay_request; puts( "\n\n*** TEST KEY 03 ***" ); /* * Key with NULL destructor */ puts( "Init - pthread_key_create with NULL destructor - OK" ); sc = pthread_key_create( &Key, NULL ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Init - pthread_create - OK" ); sc = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, Test_Thread, &sc ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Init - sleep - let thread run - OK" ); delay_request.tv_sec = 0; delay_request.tv_nsec = 5 * 100000000; sc = nanosleep( &delay_request, NULL ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Init - pthread_key_delete - OK" ); sc = pthread_key_delete( Key ); assert( sc == 0 ); /* * Key with non-NULL destructor */ destructor_ran = false; puts( "Init - pthread_key_create with non-NULL destructor - OK" ); sc = pthread_key_create( &Key, destructor ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Init - pthread_create - OK" ); sc = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, Test_Thread, NULL ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Init - sleep - let thread run - OK" ); sc = nanosleep( &delay_request, NULL ); assert( !sc ); puts( "Init - verify destructor did NOT ran" ); assert( destructor_ran == false ); puts( "Init - pthread_key_delete - OK" ); sc = pthread_key_delete( Key ); assert( sc == 0 ); puts( "*** END OF TEST KEY 03 ***" ); rtems_test_exit(0); } /* configuration information */ #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_POSIX_THREADS 2 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_POSIX_KEYS 1 #define CONFIGURE_POSIX_INIT_THREAD_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include /* global variables */