*** BEGIN OF TEST PSXFILE 1 *** stat of /dev/console ....st_dev (0xfffe:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 4 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00020755 ....nlink = 1 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1988 ....mtime = Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1988 ....ctime = Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1988 ....st_blksize 0 ....st_blocks 0 mkdir /dev/tty mkdir /usr mkdir /etc mkdir /tmp mkdir /tmp/.. mkdir /tmp/ mkdir /j/j1 mkdir tmp rmdir /usr rmdir /dev rmdir /fred rmdir /tmp/bha mknod /dev/test_console mknod /dev/tty/S3 mknod /etc/passwd mkdir /tmp/my_dir mkfifo /c/my_dir mkdir /etc/passwd/j open /tmp/joel - should fail with ENOENT open /tmp/j open returned file descriptor 3 close /tmp/j close /tmp/j again unlink /tmp/j unlink /tmp create and close /tmp/tom Attempt to recreate /tmp/tom create /tmp/john Attempt to create a file, open in read-only mode and truncate it Exercise the reentrant version _link_r -- Expect ENOENT Unlink /tmp/bha using the reentrant version -- OK mknod with bad type - expect EINVAL open /tmp/bha in write only mode -- OK attempt fcntl on opened file -- OK attempt to read from /tmp/bha - expect EBADF closing and unlinking /tmp/bha open /tmp/bha in read only mode -- OK attempt to read from /tmp/bha - expect EBADF closing and unlinking /tmp/bha attempt to read from an unopened filedes - expect EBADF attempt to write to an unopened filedes - expect EBADF mknod /tmp/joel (0)the first write!!! rename /tmp/joel to /tmp/drjoel rename /tmp/drjoel to /tmp/joel rename /tmp/drjoel to /tmp/joel - Should result in an error since old path is not valid rename /tmp/joel to /tmp/drjoel/joel - Should result in an error since new path is not valid changing dir to /tmp rename joel to drjoel rename drjoel to joel creating directory /imfs creating directory /imfs/hidden_on_mount mounting filesystem with IMFS_ops at /imfs creating directory /imfs/test (on newly mounted filesystem) attempt to rename directory joel to /imfs/test/joel - should fail with EXDEV changing dir to / attempt to rename across filesystem, with old path having a parent node attempt to rename tmp/joel to /imfs/test/joel End of _rename_r tests (10)the first write!!! stat( /tmp/joel ) returned ....st_dev (0xfffe:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 17 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00100700 ....nlink = 1 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....mtime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....ctime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....st_blksize 80 ....st_blocks 0 unlink /tmp/joel unlink /tmp/joel mknod /tmp/joel (514)the first write!!! (513)the first write!!! (24)the first write!!! (2)the first write!!! (1)the first write!!! (0)the first write!!! (0)rst write!!! (513)the first write!!! Skipping maximum file size test since max_size is 4329344 bytes That is likely to be bigger than the available RAM on many targets. stat( /tmp/joel ) returned ....st_dev (0xfffe:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 18 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00100700 ....nlink = 1 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....mtime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....ctime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....st_blksize 80 ....st_blocks 0 stat of /tmp/j stat(/tmp/j) returned -1 (errno=2) ....st_dev (0x0:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 0 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00000000 ....nlink = 0 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 ....mtime = Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 ....ctime = Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 ....st_blksize 0 ....st_blocks 0 fopen of /tmp/j fprintf to /tmp/j (1) 26 characters written to the file (2) 26 characters written to the file (3) 26 characters written to the file (4) 26 characters written to the file (5) 26 characters written to the file ....st_dev (0xfffe:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 19 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00100644 ....nlink = 1 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....mtime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....ctime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....st_blksize 80 ....st_blocks 0 This is call 1 to fprintf This is call 2 to fprintf This is call 3 to fprintf This is call 4 to fprintf This is call 5 to fprintf ....st_dev (0xfffe:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 19 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00100644 ....nlink = 1 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:01 1988 ....mtime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....ctime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:00 1988 ....st_blksize 80 ....st_blocks 0 truncate /tmp/j to length of 40 ....st_dev (0xfffe:0x0) ....st_rdev (0x0:0x0) ....st_ino 19 may vary by small amount ....mode = 00100644 ....nlink = 1 ....uid = 0 ....gid = 0 ....atime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:01 1988 ....mtime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:02 1988 ....ctime = Sat Dec 31 09:00:02 1988 ....st_blksize 80 ....st_blocks 0 truncate /tmp/j to length of 0 truncate /tmp to length of 0 should fail with EISDIR 21: Is a directory Writing First File Writing Second File (0)this is a test line this is a test line (0)this is a test line this is a test line *** END OF TEST PSXFILE 1 ***