/* * Copyright (c) 2017 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved. * * embedded brains GmbH * Dornierstr. 4 * 82178 Puchheim * Germany * * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. */ /* * This test program runs also on GNU/Linux. Use * * cc init.c -pthread -Wall -Wextra -lrt && sudo ./a.out * * to run it. It must run probably as root for the clock_settime(). */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __rtems__ #include "tmacros.h" #else /* __rtems__ */ #include #define rtems_test_assert(x) assert(x) #endif /* __rtems__ */ static void assert_eno(const char *hint, int eno, int expected_eno) { const char *warn; if (eno != expected_eno) { warn = "WARNING: "; } else { warn = ""; } printf( "%s%s: actual '%s', expected '%s'\n", warn, hint, strerror(eno), strerror(expected_eno) ); #ifdef __rtems__ rtems_test_assert(eno == expected_eno); #endif /* __rtems__ */ } static void assert_rv(const char *hint, int rv, int expected_eno) { int eno; if (rv != 0) { eno = errno; } else { eno = 0; } assert_eno(hint, eno, expected_eno); } typedef struct { char data; } test_msg; #define MSG_COUNT 1 #define MSG_SIZE sizeof(test_msg) typedef struct { int value; pthread_mutex_t mtx; pthread_cond_t cnd; } event; typedef enum { ACTION_NONE, ACTION_MTX_LOCK, ACTION_CND_WAIT, ACTION_RW_RDLOCK, ACTION_RW_WRLOCK, ACTION_SEM_WAIT, ACTION_MQ_SEND, ACTION_MQ_RECV, ACTION_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP, ACTION_TERMINATE } test_action; typedef enum { MODE_TIMEOUT_FINITE, MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_SEC, MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_NSEC, MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_SEC_NSEC, MODE_TIMEOUT_HUGE_NSEC, #ifdef __rtems__ MODE_TIMEOUT_NULL, #endif /* __rtems__ */ MODE_TIMEOUT_PRACTICALLY_INFINITE, MODE_COUNT } test_mode; typedef struct { test_mode mode; pthread_t worker; event action; event done; pthread_mutex_t mtx; pthread_mutex_t mtx2; pthread_cond_t cnd; pthread_rwlock_t rw; sem_t sem; mqd_t mq; int counter[ACTION_TERMINATE + 1]; } test_context; static test_context test_instance; static void event_init(event *e) { int eno; eno = pthread_mutex_init(&e->mtx, NULL); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_cond_init(&e->cnd, NULL); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); } static void event_destroy(event *e) { int eno; eno = pthread_mutex_destroy(&e->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_cond_destroy(&e->cnd); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); } static void event_post(event *e, int value) { int eno; eno = pthread_mutex_lock(&e->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); e->value = value; eno = pthread_cond_signal(&e->cnd); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_mutex_unlock(&e->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); } static int event_get(event *e) { int eno; int value; eno = pthread_mutex_lock(&e->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); while (true) { value = e->value; if (value != 0) { e->value = 0; break; } eno = pthread_cond_wait(&e->cnd, &e->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); } eno = pthread_mutex_unlock(&e->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); return value; } static void *worker(void *arg) { test_context *ctx; test_action action; test_mode mode; int eno; int unused; ctx = arg; mode = ctx->mode; eno = pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &unused); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &unused); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); while ((action = event_get(&ctx->action)) != ACTION_TERMINATE) { int rv; struct timespec to_storage; const struct timespec *to; int expected_eno; test_msg msg; unsigned prio; switch (mode) { case MODE_TIMEOUT_FINITE: rv = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &to_storage); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); to_storage.tv_sec += 3600; to = &to_storage; expected_eno = ETIMEDOUT; break; case MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_SEC: to_storage.tv_sec = -1; to_storage.tv_nsec = 1; to = &to_storage; expected_eno = ETIMEDOUT; break; case MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_NSEC: to_storage.tv_sec = 1; to_storage.tv_nsec = -1; to = &to_storage; expected_eno = EINVAL; break; case MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_SEC_NSEC: to_storage.tv_sec = -1; to_storage.tv_nsec = -1; to = &to_storage; expected_eno = EINVAL; break; case MODE_TIMEOUT_HUGE_NSEC: to_storage.tv_sec = 1; to_storage.tv_nsec = LONG_MAX; to = &to_storage; expected_eno = EINVAL; break; #ifdef __rtems__ case MODE_TIMEOUT_NULL: to = NULL; expected_eno = EINVAL; break; #endif /* __rtems__ */ case MODE_TIMEOUT_PRACTICALLY_INFINITE: to_storage.tv_sec = INT64_MAX; to_storage.tv_nsec = 999999999; to = &to_storage; expected_eno = -1; break; default: to = NULL; expected_eno = -1; rtems_test_assert(0); break; } switch (action) { case ACTION_MTX_LOCK: eno = pthread_mutex_timedlock(&ctx->mtx, to); assert_eno("pthread_mutex_timedlock", eno, expected_eno); break; case ACTION_CND_WAIT: eno = pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->mtx2); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_cond_timedwait(&ctx->cnd, &ctx->mtx2, to); assert_eno("pthread_cond_timedwait", eno, expected_eno); eno = pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mtx2); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); break; case ACTION_RW_RDLOCK: eno = pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(&ctx->rw, to); assert_eno("pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock", eno, expected_eno); break; case ACTION_RW_WRLOCK: eno = pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(&ctx->rw, to); assert_eno("pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock", eno, expected_eno); break; case ACTION_SEM_WAIT: errno = 0; rv = sem_timedwait(&ctx->sem, to); assert_rv("sem_timedwait", rv, expected_eno); break; case ACTION_MQ_SEND: msg.data = 13; rv = mq_send(ctx->mq, &msg.data, sizeof(msg), 7); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); msg.data = 31; errno = 0; rv = mq_timedsend(ctx->mq, &msg.data, sizeof(msg), 5, to); assert_rv("mq_timedsend", rv, expected_eno); break; case ACTION_MQ_RECV: msg.data = 0; prio = 0; rv = mq_receive(ctx->mq, &msg.data, sizeof(msg), &prio); rtems_test_assert(rv == 1); rtems_test_assert(msg.data == 13); rtems_test_assert(prio == 7); msg.data = 0; prio = 0; errno = 0; rv = mq_timedreceive(ctx->mq, &msg.data, sizeof(msg), &prio, to); assert_rv("mq_timedreceive", rv, expected_eno); rtems_test_assert(msg.data == 0); rtems_test_assert(prio == 0); break; case ACTION_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP: rv = clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, TIMER_ABSTIME, to, NULL); if (expected_eno == ETIMEDOUT) { assert_rv("clock_nanosleep", rv, 0); } else { assert_rv("clock_nanosleep", rv, expected_eno); } break; default: rtems_test_assert(0); break; } ++ctx->counter[action]; event_post(&ctx->done, 1); } return ctx; } static void delay(void) { int rv; rv = usleep(100000); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); } static void run( test_context *ctx, const char *test, test_mode mode, void (*f)(void) ) { test_action action; int eno; void *status; printf("*** %s ***\n", test); ctx->mode = mode; eno = pthread_create(&ctx->worker, NULL, worker, ctx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); for (action = ACTION_MTX_LOCK; action < ACTION_TERMINATE; ++action) { event_post(&ctx->action, action); delay(); (*f)(); event_get(&ctx->done); } event_post(&ctx->action, ACTION_TERMINATE); status = NULL; eno = pthread_join(ctx->worker, &status); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); rtems_test_assert(status == ctx); } static void timeout_finite(void) { struct timespec now; int rv; rv = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); now.tv_sec += 7200; rv = clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); } static void test_timeout_finite(test_context *ctx) { run(ctx, "timeout finite", MODE_TIMEOUT_FINITE, timeout_finite); } static void do_nothing(void) { /* Do nothing */ } static void test_timeout_negative_sec(test_context *ctx) { run(ctx, "timeout negative sec", MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_SEC, do_nothing); } static void test_timeout_negative_nsec(test_context *ctx) { run(ctx, "timout negative nsec", MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_NSEC, do_nothing); } static void test_timeout_negative_sec_nsec(test_context *ctx) { run( ctx, "timout negative sec and nsec", MODE_TIMEOUT_NEGATIVE_SEC_NSEC, do_nothing ); } static void test_timeout_huge_nsec(test_context *ctx) { run(ctx, "timout huge nsec", MODE_TIMEOUT_HUGE_NSEC, do_nothing); } #ifdef __rtems__ static void test_timeout_null(test_context *ctx) { run(ctx, "timeout NULL", MODE_TIMEOUT_NULL, do_nothing); } #endif /* __rtems__ */ static void test_timeout_practically_infinite(test_context *ctx) { test_action action; int eno; puts("*** timeout practically infinite ***"); ctx->mode = MODE_TIMEOUT_PRACTICALLY_INFINITE; for (action = ACTION_MTX_LOCK; action < ACTION_TERMINATE; ++action) { void *status; eno = pthread_create(&ctx->worker, NULL, worker, ctx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); event_post(&ctx->action, action); delay(); eno = pthread_cancel(ctx->worker); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); status = NULL; eno = pthread_join(ctx->worker, &status); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); rtems_test_assert(status == PTHREAD_CANCELED); } } static void test(test_context *ctx) { test_action action; int eno; int rv; mode_t mode; struct mq_attr ma; event_init(&ctx->action); event_init(&ctx->done); eno = pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->mtx, NULL); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->mtx2, NULL); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_cond_init(&ctx->cnd, NULL); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_rwlock_init(&ctx->rw, NULL); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&ctx->rw); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); rv = sem_init(&ctx->sem, 0, 0); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; memset(&ma, 0, sizeof(ma)); ma.mq_maxmsg = MSG_COUNT; ma.mq_msgsize = MSG_SIZE; ctx->mq = mq_open("/mq", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, mode, &ma); rtems_test_assert(ctx->mq != (mqd_t) -1); test_timeout_finite(ctx); test_timeout_negative_sec(ctx); test_timeout_negative_nsec(ctx); test_timeout_negative_sec_nsec(ctx); test_timeout_huge_nsec(ctx); #ifdef __rtems__ test_timeout_null(ctx); #endif /* __rtems__ */ test_timeout_practically_infinite(ctx); event_destroy(&ctx->action); event_destroy(&ctx->done); eno = pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->mtx); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->mtx2); #ifdef __rtems__ rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); #else /* __rtems__ */ rtems_test_assert(eno == 0 || eno == EBUSY); #endif /* __rtems__ */ eno = pthread_cond_destroy(&ctx->cnd); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ctx->rw); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); eno = pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ctx->rw); rtems_test_assert(eno == 0); rv = sem_destroy(&ctx->sem); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); rv = mq_close(ctx->mq); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); rv = mq_unlink("/mq"); rtems_test_assert(rv == 0); for (action = ACTION_MTX_LOCK; action < ACTION_TERMINATE; ++action) { rtems_test_assert(ctx->counter[action] == MODE_COUNT - 1); } } #ifdef __rtems__ const char rtems_test_name[] = "PSXCLOCKREALTIME 1"; static void *POSIX_Init(void *arg) { TEST_BEGIN(); test(&test_instance); TEST_END(); rtems_test_exit(0); } #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_POSIX_THREADS 2 #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_POSIX_MESSAGE_QUEUES 1 #define CONFIGURE_POSIX_INIT_THREAD_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include #else /* __rtems__ */ int main(void) { test(&test_instance); return 0; } #endif /* __rtems__ */