*** BEGIN OF TEST PSXCANCEL *** Init - pthread_setcancelstate - NULL oldstate Init - pthread_setcancelstate - bad state - EINVAL Init - pthread_setcanceltype - NULL oldtype Init - pthread_setcanceltype - bad type - EINVAL Init - pthread_cancel - bad ID - EINVAL countTaskDeferred: elapsed time (second): 0 countTaskDeferred: elapsed time (second): 1 countTaskDeferred: elapsed time (second): 2 countTaskDeferred: elapsed time (second): 3 countTaskDeferred: elapsed time (second): 4 countTaskAsync: elapsed time (second): 0 countTaskAsync: elapsed time (second): 1 countTaskAsync: elapsed time (second): 2 countTaskAsync: elapsed time (second): 3 countTaskAsync: elapsed time (second): 4 *** END OF POSIX CANCEL TEST ***