*** BEGIN OF TEST TAR 1 *** *** TEST VERSION: 6.0.0.e1efb4eb8a9d6dd5f6f37dafc9feb0a9e6a888f1 *** TEST STATE: EXPECTED_PASS *** TEST BUILD: RTEMS_POSIX_API *** TEST TOOLS: 10.3.1 20210409 (RTEMS 6, RSB ad54d1dd3cf8249d9d39deb1dd28b2f294df062d-modified, Newlib eb03ac1) Untaring from memory - untar: memory at 0x11ece8 (10240) untar: symlink: home/test_file -> symlink untar: file: home/test_file (s:73,m:0644) untar: file: home/abc/def/test_script (s:21,m:0755) untar: dir: home/dir untar: file: home/dir/file (s:12,m:0644) successful ========= /home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /home/abc/def/test_script ========= (0)#! joel ls -las /dev /home/abc/def/test_script: mode: 0755 want: 0755 ========= /symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. Copy tar image to test.tar Untaring from file - successful Untar from file into existing structure with one missing file - successful Untar from file; overwrite empty directory with file - successful Untar from file; file exists where parent dir should be created - expected fail Untar from file; non-empty dir where file should be created - expected fail Untar from file; overwrite file with explicit directory - successful ========= /dest/home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /dest/home/abc/def/test_script ========= (0)#! joel ls -las /dev /dest/home/abc/def/test_script: mode: 0755 want: 0755 ========= /dest/symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. Untaring chunks from memory - untar: symlink: home/test_file -> symlink untar: file: home/test_file (s:73,m:0644) untar: file: home/abc/def/test_script (s:21,m:0755) untar: dir: home/dir untar: file: home/dir/file (s:12,m:0644) successful ========= /dest2/home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /dest2/home/abc/def/test_script ========= (0)#! joel ls -las /dev /dest2/home/abc/def/test_script: mode: 0755 want: 0755 ========= /dest2/symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. Untaring chunks from tgz - successful ========= /dest3/home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /dest3/home/abc/def/test_script ========= (0)#! joel ls -las /dev /dest3/home/abc/def/test_script: mode: 0755 want: 0755 ========= /dest3/symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. *** END OF TEST TAR 1 ***