/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved. * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "tmacros.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "image_bin_le_singlebyte.h" #include "image_bin_le_multibyte.h" #include "files.h" #include const char rtems_test_name[] = "FSDOSFSNAME 1"; #define PRINT_DISK_IMAGE 0 #define MOUNT_DIR "/mnt" #define MOUNT_DIR_SIZE 4 #define START_DIR_SIZE 4 #define RAMDISK_PATH "/dev/rda" #define BLOCK_NUM 47 #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 #define VOLUME_LABEL "MyDisk" #define NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES 8 #define NUMBER_OF_FILES 13 #define NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_INVALID 25 #define NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_DUPLICATED 3 #define NUMBER_OF_MULTIBYTE_NAMES_DUPLICATED 2 #define NUMBER_OF_FILES_DUPLICATED 2 #define NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE 10 #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH ( 255 + 1 ) #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH_INVALID ( 255 + 2 ) #define MAX_DUPLICATES_PER_NAME 3 static const char UTF8_BOM[] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; #define UTF8_BOM_SIZE 3 /* Size of the UTF-8 byte-order-mark */ #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 static rtems_resource_snapshot before_mount; static const msdos_format_request_param_t rqdata = { .OEMName = "RTEMS", .VolLabel = VOLUME_LABEL, .sectors_per_cluster = 2, .fat_num = 0, .files_per_root_dir = 0, .media = 0, .quick_format = true, .skip_alignment = 0, .info_level = 0 }; static const char DIRECTORY_NAMES[NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES] [MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = { "a dir", "Shortdir", "shrtdir", "shrt.dir", "long_conventional_dir", "long_conventional.dir", "LongConventionalDir", "This is a directory name with with 255 characters. The following numbers are aligned in that way, that the character 0 is the mentioned one. xxxxxx150xxxxxxx160xxxxxxx170xxxxxxx180xxxxxxx190xxxxxxx200xxxxxxx210xxxxxxx220xxxxxxx230xxxxxxx240xxxxxxx250xxxxx" }; static const char DIRECTORY_NAMES_INVALID[ NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_INVALID][MAX_NAME_LENGTH_INVALID] = { "This is a directory name with with 256 characters. The following numbers are aligned in that way, that the character 0 is the mentioned one. xxxxxx150xxxxxxx160xxxxxxx170xxxxxxx180xxxxxxx190xxxxxxx200xxxxxxx210xxxxxxx220xxxxxxx230xxxxxxx240xxxxxxx250xxxxxx", ".", "..", "...", " ", "... ...", " ... ", "", "*", "/", ":", "<", ">", "?", "\\", "|", { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 17, 28, 29, 30, 31}, {127}, "э*_то длинное имя", "э:_то длинное имя", "э<_то длинное имя", "э>_то длинное имя", "э?_то длинное имя", "э|_то длинное имя" }; static const char NAMES_MULTIBYTE[ NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE][MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = { "đây là một tên tập tin dài", "Bu uzun bir dosya adı", "هذا هو اسم ملف طويل", "αυτό είναι ένα μεγάλο όνομα αρχείου", "это длинное имя", "гэта доўгае імя", "това е дълго име на файла", "这是一个长文件名", "shrtname", "long_conventional_name" }; static const char NAMES_MULTIBYTE_IN_CODEPAGE_FORMAT[ NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE][MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = { "_\2030005~1._t", "bu0008~1.bir", "__000b~1.__", "__000f~1.__", "__0012~1.___", "__0015~1.___", "__0018~1.___", "__001a~1", "shrtname", "long_conventional_name" }; static const char FILE_NAMES[NUMBER_OF_FILES][ MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = { "a file", "shrtfile", "ShrtFle", "The quick brown.fox", "long_conventional_file", "This is a filename with with 255 characters. The following numbers are aligned in that way, that the character 0 is the mentioned one. xx140xxxxxxx150xxxxxxx160xxxxxxx170xxxxxxx180xxxxxxx190xxxxxxx200xxxxxxx210xxxxxxx220xxxxxxx230xxxxxxx240xxxxxxx250xxxxx", "+", ",", "a.a", ";", "=", "[", "]" }; typedef struct { char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned int number_of_duplicates; char name_duplicates[MAX_DUPLICATES_PER_NAME][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; } name_duplicates; static const name_duplicates DIRECTORY_DUPLICATES[ NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_DUPLICATED] = { { "shrtdir", 3, { "shrtdir", "SHRTDIR", "Shrtdir" } }, { "Kurzdir", 3, { "kurzdir", "KURZDIR", "Kurzdir" } }, { "long_conventional_dir", 3, { "long_conventional_dir", "LONG_CONVENTIONAL_DIR", "Long_conventional_dir" } } }; static const name_duplicates MULTIBYTE_DUPLICATES[ NUMBER_OF_MULTIBYTE_NAMES_DUPLICATED] = { { /* The angstroem encoded differently. These encodings might become short entries */ {0xc3, 0x85}, /* '̊A' */ 2, { {0xc3, 0x85}, /* '̊A' */ {0xe2, 0x84, 0xab} /* 'Å' */ } }, /* Again the angstroem encoded differently, * but this time with additional characters in order to enforce a long entry. */ { {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', 0xc3, 0x85}, 2, { {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', 0xc3, 0x85}, {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', 0xe2, 0x84, 0xab} } } }; static const name_duplicates FILES_DUPLICATES[NUMBER_OF_FILES_DUPLICATED] = { { "shrtfile", 3, { "shrtfile", "SHRTFILE", "Shrtfile" } }, { "long_conventional_file", 3, { "long_conventional_file", "LONG_CONVENTIONAL_FILE", "Long_conventional_file" } } }; static int path_is_directory( const char *path ) { struct stat s_buf; if ( stat( path, &s_buf ) ) return 0; return S_ISDIR( s_buf.st_mode ); } static void delete_folder_tree( const char *directory_name ) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *ep; char p_buf[1024] = {0}; int rc = 0; dp = opendir( directory_name ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); while ( ( ep = readdir( dp ) ) != NULL && rc == 0 ) { if ( 0 != strcmp( ".", ep->d_name ) && 0 != strcmp( "..", ep->d_name ) ) { snprintf( p_buf, sizeof( p_buf ), "%s/%s", directory_name, ep->d_name ); if ( path_is_directory( p_buf ) ) { delete_folder_tree( p_buf ); rc = rmdir( p_buf ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rewinddir( dp ); } else { rc = unlink( p_buf ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rewinddir( dp ); } } } rc = closedir( dp ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void mount_device( const char *start_dir, const rtems_dosfs_mount_options *mount_opts ) { int rc; rc = mount( RAMDISK_PATH, MOUNT_DIR, "dosfs", RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_READ_WRITE, mount_opts ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = mkdir( start_dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 || ( rc == -1 && errno == EEXIST ) ); } static void mount_device_with_defaults( const char *start_dir ) { int rc; rc = msdos_format( RAMDISK_PATH, &rqdata ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rtems_resource_snapshot_take( &before_mount ); mount_device( start_dir, NULL ); } static void mount_device_with_iconv( const char *start_dir, rtems_dosfs_mount_options *mount_opts ) { int rc; rc = msdos_format( RAMDISK_PATH, &rqdata ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rtems_resource_snapshot_take( &before_mount ); mount_opts->converter = rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter( "CP850" ); rtems_test_assert( mount_opts->converter != NULL ); mount_device( start_dir, mount_opts ); } static void unmount_and_close_device( void ) { int rc; rtems_resource_snapshot now; bool are_resources_freed; delete_folder_tree( MOUNT_DIR ); rc = unmount( MOUNT_DIR ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); are_resources_freed = rtems_resource_snapshot_check( &before_mount ); if ( !are_resources_freed ) rtems_resource_snapshot_take( &now ); rtems_test_assert( are_resources_freed ); } /* * Simply create a few directories. These tests should all succeed */ static void test_creating_directories( const char *start_dir, const char *directories, const unsigned int number_of_directories ) { unsigned int index; int rc; char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + strlen( start_dir ) + 1]; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; for ( index = 0; index < number_of_directories; ++index ) { snprintf( dirname, sizeof( dirname ), "%s/%s", start_dir, directories + ( index * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) ); rc = mkdir( dirname, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } dirp = opendir( start_dir ); rtems_test_assert( NULL != dirp ); index = 0; dp = readdir( dirp ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( ".", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dirp ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( "..", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dirp ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); while ( dp != NULL ) { rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( directories + ( index * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ), dp->d_name ) ); ++index; dp = readdir( dirp ); } rtems_test_assert( number_of_directories == index ); rc = closedir( dirp ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } /* * Try creating directories with invalid names. */ static void test_creating_invalid_directories( void ) { unsigned int index; int rc; char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH_INVALID + MOUNT_DIR_SIZE + 1]; int len; for ( index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_INVALID; ++index ) { len = snprintf( dirname, sizeof( dirname ), "%s/%s", MOUNT_DIR, DIRECTORY_NAMES_INVALID[index] ); rtems_test_assert( len < sizeof( dirname ) ); rc = mkdir( dirname, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == -1 ); } } /* * Try creating directories which do already exist * (although names may have different capitalization/encoding) */ static void test_creating_duplicate_directories( const char *start_dir, const name_duplicates *duplicates, const unsigned int number_of_duplicates ) { unsigned int index_dir; unsigned int index_duplicate; int rc; char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + MOUNT_DIR_SIZE + START_DIR_SIZE + 2]; for ( index_dir = 0; index_dir < number_of_duplicates; ++index_dir ) { snprintf( dirname, sizeof( dirname ), "%s/%s", start_dir, duplicates[index_dir].name ); rc = mkdir( dirname, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); for ( index_duplicate = 0; index_duplicate < duplicates[index_dir].number_of_duplicates; ++index_duplicate ) { snprintf( dirname, sizeof( dirname ), "%s/%s", start_dir, duplicates[index_dir].name_duplicates[index_duplicate] ); errno = 0; rc = mkdir( dirname, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == -1 ); rtems_test_assert( errno == EEXIST ); } } } /* * Try creating and opening files with valid names */ static void test_handling_files( const char *dirname, const char *file_names, const unsigned int number_of_files ) { unsigned int index; int rc; char filename[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 + MOUNT_DIR_SIZE + START_DIR_SIZE + 4]; int fd; for ( index = 0; index < number_of_files; ++index ) { snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ) - 1, "%s/%s", dirname, file_names + index * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ); fd = open( filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); /* See if the file still exists and can be found */ fd = open( filename, O_RDWR ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } } /* * Try to find (and open) all of the file names from an * array in a given directory */ static void test_finding_files( const char *dirname, const char *file_names, const unsigned int number_of_files ) { int rc; DIR *dir_stream; struct dirent *dp; int fd; unsigned int index_file; char filename[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 + MOUNT_DIR_SIZE + START_DIR_SIZE + 4]; dir_stream = opendir( dirname ); rtems_test_assert( dir_stream != NULL ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( ".", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( "..", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); index_file = 0; while ( dp != NULL ) { rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( file_names + index_file * MAX_NAME_LENGTH, dp->d_name ) ); snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ) - 1, "%s/%s", dirname, file_names + index_file * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ); /* See if the file still exists and can be found */ fd = open( filename, O_RDWR ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); ++index_file; dp = readdir( dir_stream ); } rtems_test_assert( number_of_files == index_file ); rc = closedir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } /* * Try opening files which do already exist (with different capitalization in their names) */ static void test_duplicated_files( const char *dirname, const name_duplicates *files_duplicated, const unsigned int number_of_files_duplicated ) { unsigned int index_file; unsigned int index_duplicate; int rc; char filename[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + strlen( dirname ) + 1]; int fd; for ( index_file = 0; index_file < number_of_files_duplicated; ++index_file ) { snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ) - 1, "%s/%s", dirname, files_duplicated[index_file].name ); fd = open( filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); for ( index_duplicate = 0; index_duplicate < files_duplicated[index_file].number_of_duplicates; ++index_duplicate ) { snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ) - 1, "%s/%s", dirname, files_duplicated[index_file].name_duplicates[index_duplicate] ); fd = open( filename, O_RDWR ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); errno = 0; fd = open( filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL ); rtems_test_assert( fd == -1 ); rtems_test_assert( errno == EEXIST ); } rc = remove( filename ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } } /* * Open and read existing valid directories */ static void test_handling_directories( const char *start_dir, const char *directory_names, const unsigned int number_of_directories, const char *file_names, const unsigned int number_of_files ) { unsigned int index_directory; unsigned int index_file; int rc; DIR *dir_stream; char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2]; struct dirent *dp; for ( index_directory = 0; index_directory < number_of_directories; ++index_directory ) { snprintf( dirname, sizeof( dirname ) - 1, "%s/%s", start_dir, directory_names + index_directory * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ); test_handling_files( dirname, file_names, number_of_files ); dir_stream = opendir( dirname ); rtems_test_assert( dir_stream != NULL ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( ".", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( "..", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); index_file = 0; while ( dp != NULL ) { rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( file_names + index_file * MAX_NAME_LENGTH, dp->d_name ) ); ++index_file; dp = readdir( dir_stream ); } rtems_test_assert( number_of_files == index_file ); rc = closedir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } } /* * Try to find all sub-directories from an array * in a given start directory. * In addition try to find and open files * in these sub-directories. */ static void test_finding_directories( const char *start_dir, const char *directory_names, const unsigned int number_of_directories, const char *file_names, const unsigned int number_of_files ) { unsigned int index_directory; int rc; DIR *dir_stream; struct dirent *dp; char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2]; dir_stream = opendir( start_dir ); rtems_test_assert( dir_stream != NULL ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( ".", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( "..", dp->d_name ) ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); index_directory = 0; while ( dp != NULL ) { rtems_test_assert( 0 == strcmp( directory_names + index_directory * MAX_NAME_LENGTH, dp->d_name ) ); snprintf( dirname, sizeof( dirname ) - 1, "%s/%s", start_dir, directory_names + index_directory * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ); test_finding_files( dirname, file_names, number_of_files ); ++index_directory; dp = readdir( dir_stream ); } rtems_test_assert( number_of_directories == index_directory ); rc = closedir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } #if (PRINT_DISK_IMAGE != 0) static void print_image( const char* include_guard, const char* image_name ) { #define BYTES_PER_ROW 8 int rc; int fd; ssize_t bytes_read; uint8_t buf[BLOCK_SIZE]; unsigned int index_block; unsigned int index_row; unsigned int index_column; unsigned int index_buf; #ifdef SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS size_t index_row_start = 1; #endif /* SWOW_LINE_NUMBERS */ size_t bytes_written = 0; const size_t DISK_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_NUM; const unsigned int ROWS_PER_BLOCK = BLOCK_SIZE / BYTES_PER_ROW; printf ("/*\n" " * Declarations for C structure representing a disk image\n" " *\n" " * WARNING: Automatically generated by init.c -- do not edit!\n" " */\n" "#ifndef %s\n" "#define %s\n" "\n" "#include \n" "\n" "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern \"C\" {\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n" "\n" "static unsigned char %s[] = {\n", include_guard, include_guard, image_name); fd = open( RAMDISK_PATH, O_RDWR ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); for ( index_block = 0; index_block < BLOCK_NUM; ++index_block ) { bytes_read = read( fd, &buf[0], BLOCK_SIZE ); rtems_test_assert( bytes_read = BLOCK_SIZE ); index_buf = 0; for ( index_row = 0; index_row < ROWS_PER_BLOCK; ++index_row ) { printf( " " ); for ( index_column = 0; index_column < BYTES_PER_ROW; ++index_column ) { printf("0x%02x", buf[index_buf]); ++bytes_written; ++index_buf; if ( bytes_written < DISK_SIZE ) { printf (", "); } else { printf (" "); } } #ifdef SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS printf( "/* %6u - %6u */", index_row_start, bytes_written ); index_row_start = bytes_written + 1; #endif /* SWOW_LINE_NUMBERS */ printf( "\n" ); } } rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); printf ("};\n" "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "}\n" "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n" "\n" "#endif /* %s */\n", include_guard); } #else /* PRINT_DISK_IMAGE */ static void print_image( const char* include_guard, const char* image_name ) { /* Nothing to be done */ } #endif /* PRINT_DISK_IMAGE */ static void compare_files( const char *file0, const char *file1 ) { struct stat stat_buf[2]; int fd[2]; unsigned int index; uint8_t buf[2]; ssize_t bytes_read; int rc; rc = stat( file0 , &stat_buf[0] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = stat( file1 , &stat_buf[1] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rtems_test_assert( stat_buf[0].st_size == stat_buf[1].st_size ); fd[0] = open( file0, O_RDONLY ); rtems_test_assert( fd[0] > 0 ); fd[1] = open( file1, O_RDONLY ); rtems_test_assert( fd[1] > 0 ); for ( index = 0; index < stat_buf[0].st_size; ++index ) { bytes_read = read( fd[0], &buf[0], 1 ); rtems_test_assert( bytes_read == 1 ); bytes_read = read( fd[1], &buf[1], 1 ); rtems_test_assert( bytes_read == 1 ); rtems_test_assert( buf[0] == buf[1] ); } rc = close( fd[0] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = close( fd[1] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void compare_directories( const char *dir0, const char *dir1) { int rc; DIR *dir_stream[2]; struct dirent *dp; struct stat stat_buf[2]; char *path[2]; const unsigned int PATH_LENGTH = 1024; path[0] = calloc( PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(char) ); rtems_test_assert( path[0] != NULL ); path[1] = calloc( PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(char) ); rtems_test_assert( path[1] != NULL ); dir_stream[0] = opendir( dir0 ); rtems_test_assert( dir_stream[0] != NULL ); dir_stream[1] = opendir( dir1 ); rtems_test_assert( dir_stream[1] != NULL ); dp = readdir( dir_stream[0] ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); while ( dp != NULL ) { rc = snprintf(path[0], PATH_LENGTH, "%s/%s", dir0, dp->d_name); rtems_test_assert( rc < PATH_LENGTH ); rtems_test_assert( rc >= 0 ); rc = snprintf(path[1], PATH_LENGTH, "%s/%s", dir1, dp->d_name); rtems_test_assert( rc < PATH_LENGTH ); rtems_test_assert( rc >= 0 ); rc = stat( path[0] , &stat_buf[0] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); if ( ( strcmp( dp->d_name, "." ) != 0) && ( strcmp( dp->d_name, ".." ) != 0) ) { if ( S_ISDIR( stat_buf[0].st_mode ) ) { compare_directories( path[0], path[1] ); } else { compare_files( path[0], path[1] ); } } dp = readdir( dir_stream[0] ); } rc = closedir( dir_stream[0] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = closedir( dir_stream[1] ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); free (path[0]); free (path[1]); } static void compare_image( const char *mount_dir, const char *dev, const rtems_dosfs_mount_options *mount_opts ) { #define MOUNT_DIR2 "/mnt2" int rc; rc = mount_and_make_target_path( dev, MOUNT_DIR2, RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_TYPE_DOSFS, RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_READ_WRITE, mount_opts ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); compare_directories(mount_dir, MOUNT_DIR2); rc = unmount( MOUNT_DIR2 ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = rmdir( MOUNT_DIR2 ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } /* * Test the compatibility with a genuine MS Windows FAT file system. */ static void test_compatibility( void ) { int rc; char diskpath[] = "/dev/rdd"; rtems_dosfs_mount_options mount_opts; FILE *fp; int buffer; unsigned int index_file = 0; unsigned int index_char; unsigned int offset; char content_buf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + strlen( MOUNT_DIR ) + 1]; char file_path[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + strlen( MOUNT_DIR ) + 1]; DIR *dir_stream; struct dirent *dp; mount_opts.converter = rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter( "CP850" ); rtems_test_assert( mount_opts.converter != NULL ); rc = mount_and_make_target_path( diskpath, MOUNT_DIR, RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_TYPE_DOSFS, RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_READ_WRITE, &mount_opts ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); dir_stream = opendir( MOUNT_DIR ); rtems_test_assert( dir_stream != NULL ); dp = readdir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( dp != NULL ); while ( dp != NULL ) { index_char = 0; size_t len = strlen( filenames[index_file] ); if ( filenames[index_file][len - 1] == '.' ) rtems_test_assert( ( len - 1 ) == dp->d_namlen ); else rtems_test_assert( len == dp->d_namlen ); rtems_test_assert( 0 == memcmp( &filenames[index_file][0], &dp->d_name[0], dp->d_namlen ) ); snprintf( file_path, sizeof( file_path ), "%s/%s", MOUNT_DIR, filenames[index_file] ); fp = fopen( file_path, "r" ); rtems_test_assert( fp != NULL ); /* These files should contain their own file names. */ while ( ( buffer = fgetc( fp ) ) != EOF ) { content_buf[index_char] = buffer; ++index_char; } if ( 0 == strncmp( content_buf, UTF8_BOM, UTF8_BOM_SIZE ) ) offset = UTF8_BOM_SIZE; else offset = 0; rtems_test_assert( 0 == memcmp( filenames[index_file], &content_buf[offset], index_char - offset ) ); rc = fclose( fp ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); ++index_file; dp = readdir( dir_stream ); } rtems_test_assert( index_file == FILES_FILENAMES_NUMBER_OF ); rc = closedir( dir_stream ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unmount( MOUNT_DIR ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void test_end_of_string_matches( void ) { int rc; rc = mkdir( MOUNT_DIR "/lib.beam", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); errno = 0; rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/proc_lib.beam" ); rtems_test_assert( rc == -1 ); rtems_test_assert( errno == ENOENT ); rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/lib.beam" ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void test_end_of_string_matches_2( void ) { int rc; int fd; fd = open( MOUNT_DIR "/ets.beam", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); fd = open( MOUNT_DIR "/sets.beam", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/sets.beam" ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/ets.beam" ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void test_full_8_3_name( void ) { int rc; rc = mkdir( MOUNT_DIR "/txtvsbin.txt", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/txtvsbin.txt" ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void test_dir_with_same_name_as_volume_label( void ) { int rc; DIR *dirp; rc = mkdir( MOUNT_DIR "/" VOLUME_LABEL, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); dirp = opendir( MOUNT_DIR "/" VOLUME_LABEL ); rtems_test_assert( NULL != dirp ); rc = closedir( dirp ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/" VOLUME_LABEL ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void test_file_with_same_name_as_volume_label( void ) { int rc; int fd; fd = open( MOUNT_DIR "/" VOLUME_LABEL, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); fd = open( MOUNT_DIR "/" VOLUME_LABEL, O_RDWR ); rtems_test_assert( fd >= 0 ); rc = close( fd ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unlink( MOUNT_DIR "/" VOLUME_LABEL ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); } static void test_getcwd( void ) { const char *dir_path = MOUNT_DIR "/somedir"; char cwd_buf[128]; char *cwd; int rc; rtems_status_code sc; sc = rtems_libio_set_private_env(); rtems_test_assert( sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ); cwd = getcwd( cwd_buf, sizeof( cwd_buf ) ); rtems_test_assert( cwd != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( strcmp( cwd, "/" ) == 0 ); rc = mkdir( dir_path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = chdir( dir_path ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); cwd = getcwd( cwd_buf, sizeof( cwd_buf ) ); rtems_test_assert( cwd != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( strcmp( cwd, dir_path ) == 0 ); rc = chdir( "/" ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); rc = unlink( dir_path ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); cwd = getcwd( cwd_buf, sizeof( cwd_buf ) ); rtems_test_assert( cwd != NULL ); rtems_test_assert( strcmp( cwd, "/" ) == 0 ); rtems_libio_use_global_env(); } static void test_special_cases( void ) { test_end_of_string_matches(); test_end_of_string_matches_2(); test_full_8_3_name(); test_file_with_same_name_as_volume_label(); test_dir_with_same_name_as_volume_label(); test_getcwd(); } /* * Main test method */ static void test( void ) { int rc; char start_dir[MOUNT_DIR_SIZE + START_DIR_SIZE + 2]; rtems_dosfs_mount_options mount_opts[2]; rc = mkdir( MOUNT_DIR, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); snprintf( start_dir, sizeof( start_dir ), "%s/%s", MOUNT_DIR, "strt" ); /* * Tests with code page 850 compatible directory and file names * and the code page 850 backwards compatible default mode mode of the * FAT file system */ mount_device_with_defaults( start_dir ); test_creating_duplicate_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_DUPLICATES[0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_DUPLICATED ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_defaults( start_dir ); test_duplicated_files( MOUNT_DIR, FILES_DUPLICATES, NUMBER_OF_FILES_DUPLICATED ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_defaults( start_dir ); test_creating_invalid_directories(); test_creating_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES ); test_handling_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES, &FILE_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_FILES ); compare_image( MOUNT_DIR, "/dev/rdb", NULL); test_special_cases(); rc = unmount( MOUNT_DIR ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); /* * Again tests with code page 850 compatible directory and file names * but with multibyte string compatible conversion methods which use * iconv and utf8proc */ mount_opts[0].converter = rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter( "CP850" ); rtems_test_assert( mount_opts[0].converter != NULL ); rc = mount( RAMDISK_PATH, MOUNT_DIR, "dosfs", RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_READ_WRITE, &mount_opts ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); test_finding_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES, &FILE_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_FILES ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_iconv( start_dir, &mount_opts[0] ); test_creating_invalid_directories(); test_creating_duplicate_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_DUPLICATES[0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES_DUPLICATED ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_iconv( start_dir, &mount_opts[0] ); test_duplicated_files( MOUNT_DIR, FILES_DUPLICATES, NUMBER_OF_FILES_DUPLICATED ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_iconv( start_dir, &mount_opts[0] ); test_creating_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES ); test_handling_directories( &start_dir[0], &DIRECTORY_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORIES, &FILE_NAMES[0][0], NUMBER_OF_FILES ); mount_opts[1].converter = rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter( "CP850" ); rtems_test_assert( mount_opts[1].converter != NULL ); compare_image( MOUNT_DIR, "/dev/rdb", &mount_opts[1]); test_special_cases(); rc = unmount( MOUNT_DIR ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); print_image( "IMAGE_BIN_LE_SINGLEBYTE_H_", "IMAGE_BIN_LE_SINGLEBYTE"); rc = mount( RAMDISK_PATH, MOUNT_DIR, "dosfs", RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_READ_WRITE, NULL ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); unmount_and_close_device(); /* * Tests with multibyte directory and file names and * with multibyte string compatible conversion methods which use * iconv and utf8proc */ mount_device_with_iconv( start_dir, &mount_opts[0] ); test_creating_duplicate_directories( &start_dir[0], &MULTIBYTE_DUPLICATES[0], NUMBER_OF_MULTIBYTE_NAMES_DUPLICATED ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_iconv( start_dir, &mount_opts[0] ); test_duplicated_files( MOUNT_DIR, &MULTIBYTE_DUPLICATES[0], NUMBER_OF_MULTIBYTE_NAMES_DUPLICATED ); unmount_and_close_device(); mount_device_with_iconv( start_dir, &mount_opts[0] ); test_creating_directories( &start_dir[0], &NAMES_MULTIBYTE[0][0], NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE ); test_handling_directories( &start_dir[0], &NAMES_MULTIBYTE[0][0], NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE, &NAMES_MULTIBYTE[0][0], NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE ); mount_opts[1].converter = rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter( "CP850" ); rtems_test_assert( mount_opts[1].converter != NULL ); compare_image( MOUNT_DIR, "/dev/rdc", &mount_opts[1]); test_special_cases(); rc = unmount( MOUNT_DIR ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); print_image( "IMAGE_BIN_LE_MULTIBYTE_H_", "IMAGE_BIN_LE_MULTIBYTE"); rc = mount( RAMDISK_PATH, MOUNT_DIR, "dosfs", RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_READ_WRITE, NULL ); rtems_test_assert( rc == 0 ); test_finding_directories( &start_dir[0], &NAMES_MULTIBYTE_IN_CODEPAGE_FORMAT[0][0], NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE, &NAMES_MULTIBYTE_IN_CODEPAGE_FORMAT[0][0], NUMBER_OF_NAMES_MULTIBYTE ); unmount_and_close_device(); test_compatibility(); } static void Init( rtems_task_argument arg ) { TEST_BEGIN(); test(); TEST_END(); rtems_test_exit( 0 ); } rtems_ramdisk_config rtems_ramdisk_configuration [] = { { .block_size = BLOCK_SIZE, .block_num = BLOCK_NUM }, { .block_size = BLOCK_SIZE, .block_num = BLOCK_NUM, .location = &IMAGE_BIN_LE_SINGLEBYTE[0] }, { .block_size = BLOCK_SIZE, .block_num = BLOCK_NUM, .location = &IMAGE_BIN_LE_MULTIBYTE[0] }, { .block_size = BLOCK_SIZE, .block_num = sizeof( image_bin ) / BLOCK_SIZE, .location = image_bin } }; size_t rtems_ramdisk_configuration_size = RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE(rtems_ramdisk_configuration); #define CONFIGURE_INIT_TASK_STACK_SIZE ( 1024 * 64 ) #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_DOES_NOT_NEED_CLOCK_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_SIMPLE_CONSOLE_DRIVER #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_SEMAPHORES (2 * RTEMS_DOSFS_SEMAPHORES_PER_INSTANCE) #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_EXTRA_DRIVERS RAMDISK_DRIVER_TABLE_ENTRY #define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_LIBBLOCK #define CONFIGURE_FILESYSTEM_DOSFS /* 2 RAM disk device files + 2 mount_dir + stdin + stdout + stderr + * 2 for open directories/files + 4 * 2 for recursive tree compares*/ #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_FILE_DESCRIPTORS ( 7 + 2 + ( 4 * 2 ) ) #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS 1 #define CONFIGURE_INITIAL_EXTENSIONS RTEMS_TEST_INITIAL_EXTENSION #define CONFIGURE_RTEMS_INIT_TASKS_TABLE #define CONFIGURE_INIT_TASK_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT #define CONFIGURE_INIT #include