#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # $version = < 2) { $font_prefix = "aa"; } } $unique_base = "_" . $$ . "a-"; while (&prefix_in_use($unique_base)) {++$unique_base;} print "Generated files will begin with \`$unique_base\'\n" if $verbose; $arg_index = 'a'; foreach $raw_texi (@ARGV) { $base = $unique_base . $arg_index; ++$arg_index; # $tawtexifile is a texinfo file; suffix must be either `.texi' or # `.texinfo'. If arg is in a different directory, adjust # TEXINPUTS environment variable to include that (and the current) # directory. unless ($raw_texi =~ /(.*).texi(nfo)?$/) { print "skipping $raw_texi -- has unknown extension!\n"; next; } $raw_texi_base = $1; if ($raw_texi_base =~ m|^(.*)/([^/]*)$|) { $raw_texi_base = $2; $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = ".:$1:$texinputs"; } else { $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = ".:$texinputs"; } unless (-r $raw_texi) { print "skipping $raw_texi -- not readable or doesn't exist!\n"; next; } # Preprocesses the $rawtexifile (because of @gif{} and other extensions) $processed_texi = "$base.texi"; print "Preprocessing $raw_texi into $processed_texi:\n" if $verbose; &preprocess_texinfo($raw_texi,$processed_texi,$base); print "$tex $processed_texi\n" if $verbose; if (system("$tex $processed_texi") == 0) { # @possible_index_file = <$base.??>; only works for the # first value of $base ... so, opendir(DIR,".") || die "Couldn't read current directory -- $!\n"; @possible_index_files = (); while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) { push(@possible_index_files,$_) if (/^$base\...$/); } closedir(DIR); @index_files = (); foreach $possible_index_file (@possible_index_files) { print "DEBUG: possible_index_file $possible_index_file\n" if ($verbose > 1); next unless (-s $possible_index_file); push(@index_files,$possible_index_file); } if (@index_files > 0) { $texindex_cmd = "$texindex " . join(' ',@index_files); print "$texindex_cmd\n" if $verbose; if (system($texindex_cmd) == 0) { print "$tex $processed_texi\n" if $verbose; system("$tex $processed_texi"); } } } # At this point, $base.dvi should exist -- rename it # to $raw_texi_base.dvi if (-e "$base.dvi") { rename("$base.dvi","$raw_texi_base.dvi") || die "rename $base.dvi $raw_texi_base.dvi -- $!\n"; } } if ($cleanup) {unlink(<$base*>);} sub preprocess_texinfo { local ($infile,$outfile,$b) = @_; open(IN,"<$infile") || die "Couldn't open $infile -- $!\n"; open(OUT,">$outfile") || die "Couldn't open $outfile -- $!\n"; $gif_index = 'a'; while () { # @gif{gif} or @gif{html_gif, tex_gif} if (/(.*)\@gif\{([^{]*)\}(.*)/) { $prefix = $1; $arg = $2; $suffix = $3; print OUT "$prefix\n" if $prefix; while (1) { $gif_base = $b . $gif_index; last unless (-e $gif_base . ".gif"); ++$gif_index; } $gif_file = ''; if ($arg =~ /.*,(..*\.gif)/) { $gif_file = $1; $font_base = $gif_file; } else { $font_base = $arg; $gif_file = $gif_base . ".gif"; print "Scaling $arg into $gif_file:\n" if $verbose; $scale_cmd = "giftopnm $arg | pnmscale 2 | pnmnlfilt 2 1 " . "| ppmquant 255 | ppmtogif > $gif_file"; print "$scale_cmd\n" if $verbose; if (system($scale_cmd) != 0) { print "$scale_cmd failed\n"; $gif_file = ''; } } if ($gif_file =~ /.*\.gif/) { $font_base =~ s|.*/||; $font_base =~ s|\..*||; # $font_base, due to bm2font requirements, can't be more # than six characters long and must consist entirely of # lower case letters. $font_base =~ s/[^a-z]//g; $font_base = $font_prefix . substr($font_base,0,5); while (&prefix_in_use($font_base)) {++$font_base;} $bm2font_cmd = "bm2font -f$font_base $gif_file"; print "$bm2font_cmd\n" if $verbose; if (system($bm2font_cmd) != 0) { print "$bm2font_cmd failed\n"; } else { print OUT "\@tex\n"; print OUT "\\input $font_base.tex\n"; print OUT "\\set$font_base\n"; print OUT "\@end tex\n"; } } print OUT "$suffix \n" if $suffix; } else { print OUT "$_"; } } close OUT; close IN; } sub prefix_in_use { local ($p) = @_; # Returns true or false; returns true if any file in the current # directory begins with $p. This function is here because # `<$p*>' only works for the first value of $p! opendir(DIR,".") || die "Couldn't read current directory -- $!\n"; while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) { last if /^$p/; } closedir(DIR); $rc = /^$p/; }