@c @c COPYRIGHT (c) 1988-2002. @c On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). @c All rights reserved. @chapter Services Provided by the Math Library (libm) @section Introduction This section lists the routines that provided by the Newlib Math Library (libm). @section Standard Math Functions (math.h) @itemize @bullet @item @code{acos} - Arccosine @item @code{acosh} - Inverse hyperbolic cosine @item @code{asin} - Arcsine @item @code{asinh} - Inverse hyperbolic sine @item @code{atan} - Arctangent @item @code{atan2} - Arctangent of y/x @item @code{atanh} - Inverse hyperbolic tangent @item @code{jN} - Bessel functions (jN and yN) @item @code{cbrt} - Cube root @item @code{copysign} - Sign of Y and magnitude of X @item @code{cosh} - Hyperbolic cosine @item @code{erf} - Error function (erf and erfc) @item @code{exp} - Exponential @item @code{expm1} - Exponential of x and - 1 @item @code{fabs} - Absolute value (magnitude) @item @code{floor} - Floor and ceiling (floor and ceil) @item @code{fmod} - Floating-point remainder (modulo) @item @code{frexp} - Split floating-point number @item @code{gamma} - Logarithmic gamma function @item @code{hypot} - Distance from origin @item @code{ilogb} - Get exponent @item @code{infinity} - Floating infinity @item @code{isnan} - Check type of number @item @code{ldexp} - Load exponent @item @code{log} - Natural logarithms @item @code{log10} - Base 10 logarithms @item @code{log1p} - Log of 1 + X @item @code{matherr} - Modifiable math error handler @item @code{modf} - Split fractional and integer parts @item @code{nan} - Floating Not a Number @item @code{nextafter} - Get next representable number @item @code{pow} - X to the power Y @item @code{remainder} - remainder of X divided by Y @item @code{scalbn} - scalbn @item @code{sin} - Sine or cosine (sin and cos) @item @code{sinh} - Hyperbolic sine @item @code{sqrt} - Positive square root @item @code{tan} - Tangent @item @code{tanh} - Hyperbolic tangent @end itemize