@c @c COPYRIGHT (c) 1988-1998. @c On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). @c All rights reserved. @c @c $Id$ @c @chapter Terminology and General Requirements @section Conventions @section Definitions @section General Concepts @section Error Numbers @example E2BIG, Constant, Implemented EACCES, Constant, Implemented EAGAIN, Constant, Implemented EBADF, Constant, Implemented EBADMSG, Constant, Implemented EBUSY, Constant, Implemented ECANCELED, Constant, Unimplemented ECHILD, Constant, Implemented EDEADLK, Constant, Implemented EDOM, Constant, Implemented EEXIST, Constant, Implemented EFAULT, Constant, Implemented EFBIG, Constant, Implemented EINPROGRESS, Constant, Implemented EINTR, Constant, Implemented EINVAL, Constant, Implemented EIO, Constant, Implemented EISDIR, Constant, Implemented EMFILE, Constant, Implemented EMLINK, Constant, Implemented EMSGSIZE, Constant, Implemented ENAMETOOLONG, Constant, Implemented ENFILE, Constant, Implemented ENODEV, Constant, Implemented ENOENT, Constant, Implemented ENOEXEC, Constant, Implemented ENOLCK, Constant, Implemented ENOMEM, Constant, Implemented ENOSPC, Constant, Implemented ENOSYS, Constant, Implemented ENOTDIR, Constant, Implemented ENOTEMPTY, Constant, Implemented ENOTSUP, Constant, Implemented ENOTTY, Constant, Implemented ENXIO, Constant, Implemented EPERM, Constant, Implemented EPIPE, Constant, Implemented ERANGE, Constant, Implemented EROFS, Constant, Implemented ESPIPE, Constant, Implemented ESRCH, Constant, Implemented ETIMEDOUT, Constant, Implemented EXDEV, Constant, Implemented @end example @section Primitive System Types @example dev_t, Type, Implemented gid_t, Type, Implemented ino_t, Type, Implemented mode_t, Type, Implemented nlink_t, Type, Implemented off_t, Type, Implemented pid_t, Type, Implemented pthread_t, Type, Implemented pthread_attr_t, Type, Implemented pthread_mutex_t, Type, Implemented pthread_mutex_attr_t, Type, Implemented pthread_cond_t, Type, Implemented pthread_cond_attr_t, Type, Implemented pthread_key_t, Type, Implemented pthread_once_t, Type, Implemented size_t, Type, Implemented ssize_t, Type, Implemented time_t, Type, Implemented uid_t, Type, Implemented @end example NOTE: time_t is not listed in this section but is used by many functions. @section Environment Description @section C Language Definitions @subsection Symbols From the C Standard @example NULL, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection POSIX.1 Symbols @example _POSIX_C_SOURCE, Feature Flag, @end example @section Numerical Limits @section C Language Limits @example CHAR_BIT, Constant, Implemented CHAR_MAX, Constant, Implemented CHAR_MIN, Constant, Implemented INT_MAX, Constant, Implemented INT_MIN, Constant, Implemented LONG_MAX, Constant, Implemented LONG_MIN, Constant, Implemented MB_LEN_MAX, Constant, Implemented SCHAR_MAX, Constant, Implemented SCHAR_MIN, Constant, Implemented SHRT_MAX, Constant, Implemented SHRT_MIN, Constant, Implemented UCHAR_MAX, Constant, Implemented UINT_MAX, Constant, Implemented ULONG_MAX, Constant, Implemented USHRT_MAX, Constant, Implemented @end example NOTE: These are implemented in GCC's limits.h file. @subsection Minimum Values @example _POSIX_AIO_LISTIO_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_AIO_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_ARG_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_CHILD_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_DELAYTIMER_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_LINK_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_LOGIN_NAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_MAX_CANON, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_MAX_INPUT, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_MQ_OPEN_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_MQ_PRIO_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_NAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_OPEN_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_PATH_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_PIPE_BUF, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_RTSIG_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_SEM_NSEMS_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_SEM_VALUE_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_SIGQUEUE_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_SSIZE_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_STREAM_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_THREAD_KEYS_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_TTY_NAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented _POSIX_TIME_MAX, Constant, Unimplemented _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Run-Time Increasable Values @example _POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Run-Time Invariant Values (Possible Indeterminate) @example AIO_LISTIO_MAX, Constant, Implemented AIO_MAX, Constant, Implemented AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX, Constant, Implemented ARG_MAX, Constant, Implemented CHILD_MAX, Constant, Implemented DELAYTIMER_MAX, Constant, Implemented LOGIN_NAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented MQ_OPEN_MAX, Constant, Implemented OPEN_MAX, Constant, Implemented PAGESIZE, Constant, Implemented PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS, Constant, Implemented PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX, Constant, Implemented PTHREAD_STACK_MIN, Constant, Implemented PTHJREAD_THREADS_MAX, Constant, Implemented RTSIG_MAX, Constant, Implemented SEM_NSEMS_MAX, Constant, Implemented SEM_VALUE_MAX, Constant, Implemented SIGQUEUE_MAX, Constant, Implemented STREAM_MAX, Constant, Implemented TIMER_MAX, Constant, Implemented TTY_NAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented TZNAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Pathname Variable Values @example LINK_MAX, Constant, Implemented MAX_CANON, Constant, Implemented MAX_INPUT, Constant, Implemented NAME_MAX, Constant, Implemented PATH_MAX, Constant, Implemented PIPE_BUF, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Invariant Values @example SSIZE_MAX, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Maximum Values @example _POSIX_CLOCKRES_MIN, Constant, Implemented @end example @section Symbolic Constants @subsection Symbolic Constants for the @code{access} Function @example R_OK, Constant, Implemented W_OK, Constant, Implemented X_OK, Constant, Implemented F_OK, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Symbolic Constants for the @code{lseek} Function @example SEEK_SET, Constant, Implemented SEEK_CUR, Constant, Implemented SEEK_END, Constant, Implemented @end example @subsection Compile-Time Symbolic Constants for Portability Specifications @example _POSIX_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO, Feature Flag, _POSIX_FSYNC, Feature Flag, _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL, Feature Flag, _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES, Feature Flag, _POSIX_MEMLOCK, Feature Flag, _POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE, Feature Flag, _POSIX_MEMORY_PROTECTION, Feature Flag, _POSIX_MESSAGE_PASSING, Feature Flag, _POSIX_PRIORITIZED_IO, Feature Flag, _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING, Feature Flag, _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS, Feature Flag, _POSIX_SAVED_IDS, Feature Flag, _POSIX_SEMAPHORES, Feature Flag, _POSIX_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS, Feature Flag, _POSIX_SYNCHRONIZED_IO, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREADS, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_CEILING, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED, Feature Flag, _POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS, Feature Flag, _POSIX_TIMERS, Feature Flag, _POSIX_VERSION, Feature Flag, @end example @subsection Execution-Time Symbolic Constants for Portability Specifications @example _POSIX_ASYNC_IO, Feature Flag, _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED, Feature Flag, _POSIX_NO_TRUNC, Feature Flag, _POSIX_PRIO_IO, Feature Flag, _POSIX_SYNC_IO, Feature Flag, _POSIX_VDISABLE, Feature Flag, @end example