/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Aeroflex Gaisler AB. All rights reserved. * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include typedef struct { Chain_Node Node; SMP_Action_handler handler; void *arg; cpu_set_t *recipients; size_t setsize; Atomic_Ulong done; } SMP_Multicast_action; typedef struct { SMP_lock_Control Lock; Chain_Control List; } SMP_Multicast_action_context; static SMP_Multicast_action_context _SMP_Multicast_action_context = { .Lock = SMP_LOCK_INITIALIZER("SMP Multicast Action"), .List = CHAIN_INITIALIZER_EMPTY(_SMP_Multicast_action_context.List) }; void _SMP_Multicast_actions_process(void) { SMP_lock_Context lock_context; SMP_Multicast_action *node; SMP_Multicast_action *next; uint32_t cpu_self_idx; _SMP_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.Lock, &lock_context ); cpu_self_idx = _SMP_Get_current_processor(); node = (SMP_Multicast_action*)_Chain_First( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.List ); while ( !_Chain_Is_tail( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.List, &node->Node ) ) { next = (SMP_Multicast_action*)_Chain_Next( &node->Node ); if ( CPU_ISSET_S ( cpu_self_idx, node->setsize, node->recipients ) ) { CPU_CLR_S ( cpu_self_idx, node->setsize, node->recipients ); node->handler( node->arg ); if ( CPU_COUNT_S( node->setsize, node->recipients ) == 0 ) { _Chain_Extract_unprotected( &node->Node ); _Atomic_Store_ulong( &node->done, 1, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELEASE ); } } node = next; } _SMP_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.Lock, &lock_context ); } static void _SMP_Multicast_actions_try_process( void ) { unsigned long message; Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self; ISR_Level isr_level; _ISR_Local_disable( isr_level ); cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get(); message = _Atomic_Load_ulong( &cpu_self->message, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELAXED ); if ( message & SMP_MESSAGE_MULTICAST_ACTION ) { if ( _Atomic_Compare_exchange_ulong( &cpu_self->message, &message, message & ~SMP_MESSAGE_MULTICAST_ACTION, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELAXED, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELAXED ) ) { _SMP_Multicast_actions_process(); } } _ISR_Local_enable( isr_level ); } void _SMP_Multicast_action( const size_t setsize, const cpu_set_t *cpus, SMP_Action_handler handler, void *arg ) { uint32_t i; SMP_Multicast_action node; size_t set_size = CPU_ALLOC_SIZE( _SMP_Get_processor_count() ); char cpu_set_copy[set_size]; SMP_lock_Context lock_context; if ( ! _System_state_Is_up( _System_state_Get() ) ) { handler( arg ); return; } memset( cpu_set_copy, 0, set_size ); if( cpus == NULL ) { for( i=0; i<_SMP_Get_processor_count(); ++i ) CPU_SET_S( i, set_size, (cpu_set_t *)cpu_set_copy ); } else { for( i=0; i<_SMP_Get_processor_count(); ++i ) if( CPU_ISSET_S( i, set_size, cpus ) ) CPU_SET_S( i, set_size, (cpu_set_t *)cpu_set_copy ); } node.handler = handler; node.arg = arg; node.setsize = set_size; node.recipients = (cpu_set_t *)cpu_set_copy; _Atomic_Store_ulong( &node.done, 0, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELAXED ); _SMP_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.Lock, &lock_context ); _Chain_Prepend_unprotected( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.List, &node.Node ); _SMP_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &_SMP_Multicast_action_context.Lock, &lock_context ); _SMP_Send_message_multicast( set_size, node.recipients, SMP_MESSAGE_MULTICAST_ACTION ); _SMP_Multicast_actions_try_process(); while ( !_Atomic_Load_ulong( &node.done, ATOMIC_ORDER_ACQUIRE ) ); }