/* * Timer Manager - rtems_timer_server fire_when directive * * * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2007. * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*PAGE * * rtems_timer_server_fire_when * * This directive allows a thread to start a timer which will by * executed by the Timer Server when it fires. * * Input parameters: * id - timer id * wall_time - time of day to fire timer * routine - routine to schedule * user_data - passed as argument to routine when it is fired * * Output parameters: * RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL - if successful * error code - if unsuccessful */ rtems_status_code rtems_timer_server_fire_when( Objects_Id id, rtems_time_of_day *wall_time, rtems_timer_service_routine_entry routine, void *user_data ) { Timer_Control *the_timer; Objects_Locations location; rtems_interval seconds; Timer_server_Control *timer_server = _Timer_server; if ( !timer_server ) return RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE; if ( !_TOD_Is_set ) return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED; if ( !routine ) return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS; if ( !_TOD_Validate( wall_time ) ) return RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK; seconds = _TOD_To_seconds( wall_time ); if ( seconds <= _TOD_Seconds_since_epoch() ) return RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK; the_timer = _Timer_Get( id, &location ); switch ( location ) { case OBJECTS_LOCAL: (void) _Watchdog_Remove( &the_timer->Ticker ); the_timer->the_class = TIMER_TIME_OF_DAY_ON_TASK; _Watchdog_Initialize( &the_timer->Ticker, routine, id, user_data ); the_timer->Ticker.initial = seconds - _TOD_Seconds_since_epoch(); (*timer_server->schedule_operation)( timer_server, the_timer ); _Thread_Enable_dispatch(); return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; #if defined(RTEMS_MULTIPROCESSING) case OBJECTS_REMOTE: /* should never return this */ #endif case OBJECTS_ERROR: break; } return RTEMS_INVALID_ID; }