/* * auth.c - PPP authentication and phase control. * * Copyright (c) 1993 The Australian National University. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, * advertising materials, and other materials related to such * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed * by the Australian National University. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Copyright (c) 1989 Carnegie Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, * advertising materials, and other materials related to such * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed * by Carnegie Mellon University. The name of the * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #define RCSID "$Id$" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_PATH_LASTLOG) && defined(_linux_) #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef USE_PAM #include #endif #ifdef HAS_SHADOW #include #ifndef PW_PPP #define PW_PPP PW_LOGIN #endif #endif #include "pppd.h" #include "fsm.h" #include "lcp.h" #include "ipcp.h" #include "upap.h" #include "chap.h" #ifdef CBCP_SUPPORT #include "cbcp.h" #endif #include "pathnames.h" static const char rcsid[] = RCSID; /* The name by which the peer authenticated itself to us. */ char peer_authname[MAXNAMELEN]; /* Records which authentication operations haven't completed yet. */ static int auth_pending[NUM_PPP]; /* List of addresses which the peer may use. */ static struct permitted_ip *addresses[NUM_PPP]; /* Wordlist giving addresses which the peer may use without authenticating itself. */ static struct wordlist *noauth_addrs; /* Extra options to apply, from the secrets file entry for the peer. */ static struct wordlist *extra_options; /* Number of network protocols which we have opened. */ static int num_np_open; /* Number of network protocols which have come up. */ static int num_np_up; /* Set if we got the contents of passwd[] from the pap-secrets file. */ static int passwd_from_file; /* Set if we require authentication only because we have a default route. */ static bool default_auth; /* Hook for a link status */ void (*auth_linkup_hook)(void) = NULL; void (*auth_linkdown_hook)(void) = NULL; /* Hook to enable a plugin to control the idle time limit */ int (*idle_time_hook)(struct ppp_idle *) = NULL; /* Hook for a plugin to say whether we can possibly authenticate any peer */ int (*pap_check_hook)(void) = NULL; /* Hook for a plugin to check the PAP user and password */ int (*pap_auth_hook)(char *user, char *passwd/*, char **msgp, struct wordlist **paddrs, struct wordlist **popts*/) = NULL; /* Hook for a plugin to know about the PAP user logout */ void (*pap_logout_hook)(void) = NULL; /* Hook for a plugin to get the PAP password for authenticating us */ int (*pap_passwd_hook)(char *user, char *passwd) = NULL; /* * This is used to ensure that we don't start an auth-up/down * script while one is already running. */ enum script_state { s_down, s_up }; static enum script_state auth_state = s_down; static enum script_state auth_script_state = s_down; /* * Option variables. */ bool uselogin = 0; /* Use /etc/passwd for checking PAP */ bool cryptpap = 0; /* Passwords in pap-secrets are encrypted */ bool refuse_pap = 0; /* Don't wanna auth. ourselves with PAP */ bool refuse_chap = 0; /* Don't wanna auth. ourselves with CHAP */ bool usehostname = 0; /* Use hostname for our_name */ bool auth_required = 0; /* Always require authentication from peer */ bool allow_any_ip = 0; /* Allow peer to use any IP address */ bool explicit_remote = 0; /* User specified explicit remote name */ char remote_name[MAXNAMELEN]; /* Peer's name for authentication */ /* Bits in auth_pending[] */ #define PAP_WITHPEER 1 #define PAP_PEER 2 #define CHAP_WITHPEER 4 #define CHAP_PEER 8 extern char *crypt(const char *, const char *); /* Prototypes for procedures local to this file. */ static void network_phase(int); static void check_idle(void *); static void connect_time_expired(void *); static int null_login(int); static int get_pap_passwd(char *); static int have_pap_secret(int *); static int have_chap_secret(char *, char *, int, int *); #if 0 static int ip_addr_check(uint32_t, struct permitted_ip *); #endif static void free_wordlist(struct wordlist *); static void auth_script(enum script_state s); static void set_allowed_addrs(int, struct wordlist *, struct wordlist *); /* * Authentication-related options. */ option_t auth_options[] = { { "require-pap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_upap, "Require PAP authentication from peer", 1, &auth_required, 0, 0 }, { "+pap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_upap, "Require PAP authentication from peer", 1, &auth_required, 0, 0 }, { "refuse-pap", o_bool, &refuse_pap, "Don't agree to auth to peer with PAP", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "-pap", o_bool, &refuse_pap, "Don't allow PAP authentication with peer", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "require-chap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_chap, "Require CHAP authentication from peer", 1, &auth_required, 0, 0 }, { "+chap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_chap, "Require CHAP authentication from peer", 1, &auth_required, 0, 0 }, { "refuse-chap", o_bool, &refuse_chap, "Don't agree to auth to peer with CHAP", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "-chap", o_bool, &refuse_chap, "Don't allow CHAP authentication with peer", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "name", o_string, our_name, "Set local name for authentication", OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXNAMELEN, 0 }, { "user", o_string, user, "Set name for auth with peer", OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXNAMELEN, 0 }, { "usehostname", o_bool, &usehostname, "Must use hostname for authentication", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "remotename", o_string, remote_name, "Set remote name for authentication", OPT_STATIC, &explicit_remote, MAXNAMELEN, 0 }, { "auth", o_bool, &auth_required, "Require authentication from peer", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "noauth", o_bool, &auth_required, "Don't require peer to authenticate", OPT_PRIV, &allow_any_ip, 0, 0 }, { "login", o_bool, &uselogin, "Use system password database for PAP", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, { "papcrypt", o_bool, &cryptpap, "PAP passwords are encrypted", 1, NULL, 0, 0 }, /* Removed for RTEMS PORT { "+ua", o_special, setupapfile, "Get PAP user and password from file" }, */ { "password", o_string, passwd, "Password for authenticating us to the peer", OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXSECRETLEN, 0 }, /* Removed for RTEMS_PORT { "privgroup", o_special, privgroup, "Allow group members to use privileged options", OPT_PRIV }, { "allow-ip", o_special, set_noauth_addr, "Set IP address(es) which can be used without authentication", OPT_PRIV }, */ { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0 } }; /* * An Open on LCP has requested a change from Dead to Establish phase. * Do what's necessary to bring the physical layer up. */ void link_required( int unit ) { } /* * LCP has terminated the link; go to the Dead phase and take the * physical layer down. */ void link_terminated( int unit) { if (pppd_phase == PHASE_DEAD) return; if (pap_logout_hook) { pap_logout_hook(); } new_phase(PHASE_DEAD); notice("Connection terminated."); } /* * LCP has gone down; it will either die or try to re-establish. */ void link_down( int unit) { int i; struct protent *protp; auth_state = s_down; if (auth_script_state == s_up) { update_link_stats(unit); auth_script(s_down); } for (i = 0; (protp = protocols[i]) != NULL; ++i) { if (!protp->enabled_flag) continue; if (protp->protocol != PPP_LCP && protp->lowerdown != NULL) (*protp->lowerdown)(unit); if (protp->protocol < 0xC000 && protp->close != NULL) (*protp->close)(unit, "LCP down"); } num_np_open = 0; num_np_up = 0; if (pppd_phase != PHASE_DEAD) new_phase(PHASE_TERMINATE); } /* * The link is established. * Proceed to the Dead, Authenticate or Network phase as appropriate. */ void link_established( int unit ) { int auth; lcp_options *wo = &lcp_wantoptions[unit]; lcp_options *go = &lcp_gotoptions[unit]; lcp_options *ho = &lcp_hisoptions[unit]; int i; struct protent *protp; /* * Tell higher-level protocols that LCP is up. */ for (i = 0; (protp = protocols[i]) != NULL; ++i) if (protp->protocol != PPP_LCP && protp->enabled_flag && protp->lowerup != NULL) (*protp->lowerup)(unit); if (auth_required && !(go->neg_chap || go->neg_upap)) { /* * We wanted the peer to authenticate itself, and it refused: * if we have some address(es) it can use without auth, fine, * otherwise treat it as though it authenticated with PAP using * a username * of "" and a password of "". If that's not OK, * boot it out. */ if (noauth_addrs != NULL) { set_allowed_addrs(unit, noauth_addrs, NULL); } else if (!wo->neg_upap || !null_login(unit)) { warn("peer refused to authenticate: terminating link"); lcp_close(unit, "peer refused to authenticate"); pppd_status = EXIT_PEER_AUTH_FAILED; return; } } new_phase(PHASE_AUTHENTICATE); auth = 0; if (go->neg_chap) { ChapAuthPeer(unit, our_name, go->chap_mdtype); auth |= CHAP_PEER; } else if (go->neg_upap) { upap_authpeer(unit); auth |= PAP_PEER; } if (ho->neg_chap) { ChapAuthWithPeer(unit, user, ho->chap_mdtype); auth |= CHAP_WITHPEER; } else if (ho->neg_upap) { if (passwd[0] == 0) { passwd_from_file = 1; if (!get_pap_passwd(passwd)) error("No secret found for PAP login"); } upap_authwithpeer(unit, user, passwd); auth |= PAP_WITHPEER; } auth_pending[unit] = auth; if (!auth) network_phase(unit); } /* * Proceed to the network phase. */ static void network_phase( int unit ) { #ifdef CBCP_SUPPORT lcp_options *go = &lcp_gotoptions[unit]; #endif /* always run the auth-up script */ auth_state = s_up; if (auth_script_state == s_down) { auth_script(s_up); } #ifdef CBCP_SUPPORT /* * If we negotiated callback, do it now. */ if (go->neg_cbcp) { new_phase(PHASE_CALLBACK); (*cbcp_protent.open)(unit); return; } #endif /* * Process extra options from the secrets file */ if (extra_options) { options_from_list(extra_options, 1); free_wordlist(extra_options); extra_options = 0; } start_networks(); } void start_networks(void) { int i; struct protent *protp; new_phase(PHASE_NETWORK); for (i = 0; (protp = protocols[i]) != NULL; ++i) if (protp->protocol < 0xC000 && protp->enabled_flag && protp->open != NULL) { (*protp->open)(0); if (protp->protocol != PPP_CCP) ++num_np_open; } if (num_np_open == 0) /* nothing to do */ lcp_close(0, "No network protocols running"); } /* * The peer has failed to authenticate himself using `protocol'. */ void auth_peer_fail( int unit, int protocol) { /* * Authentication failure: take the link down */ lcp_close(unit, "Authentication failed"); pppd_status = EXIT_PEER_AUTH_FAILED; } /* * The peer has been successfully authenticated using `protocol'. */ void auth_peer_success( int unit, int protocol, char *name, int namelen) { int bit; switch (protocol) { case PPP_CHAP: bit = CHAP_PEER; break; case PPP_PAP: bit = PAP_PEER; break; default: warn("auth_peer_success: unknown protocol %x", protocol); return; } /* * Save the authenticated name of the peer for later. */ if (namelen > sizeof(peer_authname) - 1) namelen = sizeof(peer_authname) - 1; BCOPY(name, peer_authname, namelen); peer_authname[namelen] = 0; /* * If there is no more authentication still to be done, * proceed to the network (or callback) phase. */ if ((auth_pending[unit] &= ~bit) == 0) network_phase(unit); } /* * We have failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer using `protocol'. */ void auth_withpeer_fail( int unit, int protocol ) { if (passwd_from_file) BZERO(passwd, MAXSECRETLEN); /* * We've failed to authenticate ourselves to our peer. * Some servers keep sending CHAP challenges, but there * is no point in persisting without any way to get updated * authentication secrets. */ lcp_close(unit, "Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer"); pppd_status = EXIT_AUTH_TOPEER_FAILED; } /* * We have successfully authenticated ourselves with the peer using `protocol'. */ void auth_withpeer_success( int unit, int protocol ) { int bit; switch (protocol) { case PPP_CHAP: bit = CHAP_WITHPEER; break; case PPP_PAP: if (passwd_from_file) BZERO(passwd, MAXSECRETLEN); bit = PAP_WITHPEER; break; default: warn("auth_withpeer_success: unknown protocol %x", protocol); bit = 0; } /* * If there is no more authentication still being done, * proceed to the network (or callback) phase. */ if ((auth_pending[unit] &= ~bit) == 0) network_phase(unit); } /* * np_up - a network protocol has come up. */ void np_up( int unit, int proto ) { int tlim; if (num_np_up == 0) { /* * At this point we consider that the link has come up successfully. */ pppd_status = EXIT_OK; unsuccess = 0; new_phase(PHASE_RUNNING); if (idle_time_hook != 0) tlim = (*idle_time_hook)(NULL); else tlim = idle_time_limit; if (tlim > 0) TIMEOUT(check_idle, NULL, tlim); /* * Set a timeout to close the connection once the maximum * connect time has expired. */ if (maxconnect > 0) TIMEOUT(connect_time_expired, 0, maxconnect); } ++num_np_up; } /* * np_down - a network protocol has gone down. */ void np_down( int unit, int proto) { if (--num_np_up == 0) { UNTIMEOUT(check_idle, NULL); new_phase(PHASE_NETWORK); } } /* * np_finished - a network protocol has finished using the link. */ void np_finished( int unit, int proto ) { if (--num_np_open <= 0) { /* no further use for the link: shut up shop. */ lcp_close(0, "No network protocols running"); } } /* * check_idle - check whether the link has been idle for long * enough that we can shut it down. */ static void check_idle( void *arg ) { struct ppp_idle idle; time_t itime; int tlim; if (!get_idle_time(0, &idle)) return; if (idle_time_hook != 0) { tlim = idle_time_hook(&idle); } else { itime = MIN(idle.xmit_idle, idle.recv_idle); tlim = idle_time_limit - itime; } if (tlim <= 0) { /* link is idle: shut it down. */ notice("Terminating connection due to lack of activity."); lcp_close(0, "Link inactive"); need_holdoff = 0; pppd_status = EXIT_IDLE_TIMEOUT; } else { TIMEOUT(check_idle, NULL, tlim); } } /* * connect_time_expired - log a message and close the connection. */ static void connect_time_expired( void *arg) { info("Connect time expired"); lcp_close(0, "Connect time expired"); /* Close connection */ pppd_status = EXIT_CONNECT_TIME; } /* * auth_check_options - called to check authentication options. */ int auth_check_options(void) { lcp_options *wo = &lcp_wantoptions[0]; int status = 1; int can_auth; int lacks_ip; /* Default our_name to hostname, and user to our_name */ if (our_name[0] == 0 || usehostname) strlcpy(our_name, hostname, sizeof(our_name)); if (user[0] == 0) strlcpy(user, our_name, sizeof(user)); /* * If we have a default route, require the peer to authenticate * unless the noauth option was given or the real user is root. */ if (!auth_required && !allow_any_ip && have_route_to(0) && !privileged) { printf("auth_check_options: turning on\n"); auth_required = 1; default_auth = 1; } /* If authentication is required, ask peer for CHAP or PAP. */ if (auth_required) { if (!wo->neg_chap && !wo->neg_upap) { wo->neg_chap = 1; wo->neg_upap = 1; } } else { wo->neg_chap = 0; wo->neg_upap = 0; } /* * Check whether we have appropriate secrets to use * to authenticate the peer. */ lacks_ip = 0; can_auth = wo->neg_upap && (uselogin || have_pap_secret(&lacks_ip)); if (!can_auth && wo->neg_chap) { can_auth = have_chap_secret((explicit_remote? remote_name: NULL), our_name, 1, &lacks_ip); } if (auth_required && !can_auth && noauth_addrs == NULL) { if (default_auth) { option_error( "By default the remote system is required to authenticate itself"); option_error( "(because this system has a default route to the internet)"); } else if (explicit_remote) option_error( "The remote system (%s) is required to authenticate itself", remote_name); else option_error( "The remote system is required to authenticate itself"); option_error( "but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to do so."); if (lacks_ip) option_error( "(None of the available passwords would let it use an IP address.)"); status = 0; } return ( status ); } /* * auth_reset - called when LCP is starting negotiations to recheck * authentication options, i.e. whether we have appropriate secrets * to use for authenticating ourselves and/or the peer. */ void auth_reset( int unit) { lcp_options *go = &lcp_gotoptions[unit]; lcp_options *ao = &lcp_allowoptions[0]; ao->neg_upap = !refuse_pap && (passwd[0] != 0 || get_pap_passwd(NULL)); ao->neg_chap = !refuse_chap && (passwd[0] != 0 || have_chap_secret(user, (explicit_remote? remote_name: NULL), 0, NULL)); if (go->neg_upap && !uselogin && !have_pap_secret(NULL)) go->neg_upap = 0; if (go->neg_chap) { if (!have_chap_secret((explicit_remote? remote_name: NULL), our_name, 1, NULL)) go->neg_chap = 0; } } /* * check_passwd - Check the user name and passwd against the PAP secrets * file. If requested, also check against the system password database, * and login the user if OK. * * returns: * UPAP_AUTHNAK: Authentication failed. * UPAP_AUTHACK: Authentication succeeded. * In either case, msg points to an appropriate message. */ int check_passwd( int unit, char *auser, int userlen, char *apasswd, int passwdlen, char **msg) { char passwd[64], user[64]; if (pap_auth_hook) { slprintf(passwd, sizeof(passwd), "%.*v", passwdlen, apasswd); slprintf(user, sizeof(user), "%.*v", userlen, auser); return (*pap_auth_hook)(user, passwd/*, NULL, NULL, NULL*/) ? UPAP_AUTHACK : UPAP_AUTHNAK; } return UPAP_AUTHACK; #if 0 int ret = (int)UPAP_AUTHNAK; if (( userlen == 0 ) && ( passwdlen == 0 )) { ret = (int)UPAP_AUTHACK; } printf("check_passwd: %d\n", ret); return ret; #endif } /* * null_login - Check if a username of "" and a password of "" are * acceptable, and iff so, set the list of acceptable IP addresses * and return 1. */ static int null_login( int unit) { return 0; } /* * get_pap_passwd - get a password for authenticating ourselves with * our peer using PAP. Returns 1 on success, 0 if no suitable password * could be found. * Assumes passwd points to MAXSECRETLEN bytes of space (if non-null). */ static int get_pap_passwd( char *passwd) { int ret = (int)0; /* * Check whether a plugin wants to supply this. */ if (pap_passwd_hook) { ret = (*pap_passwd_hook)(user, passwd); } return ( ret ); } /* * have_pap_secret - check whether we have a PAP file with any * secrets that we could possibly use for authenticating the peer. */ static int have_pap_secret( int *lacks_ipp) { return 1; #if 0 int ret = (int)0; /* let the plugin decide, if there is one */ printf("have_pap_secret:\n"); if (pap_check_hook) { ret = (*pap_check_hook)(); } return ( ret ); #endif } /* * have_chap_secret - check whether we have a CHAP file with a * secret that we could possibly use for authenticating `client' * on `server'. Either can be the null string, meaning we don't * know the identity yet. */ static int have_chap_secret( char *client, char *server, int need_ip, int *lacks_ipp) { return 0; } /* * get_secret - open the CHAP secret file and return the secret * for authenticating the given client on the given server. * (We could be either client or server). */ int get_secret( int unit, char *client, char *server, unsigned char *secret, int *secret_len, int am_server) { int len; char secbuf[MAXWORDLEN]; if (!am_server && passwd[0] != 0) { strlcpy(secbuf, passwd, sizeof(secbuf)); } else { return 0; } len = strlen(secbuf); if (len > MAXSECRETLEN) { error("Secret for %s on %s is too long", client, server); len = MAXSECRETLEN; } BCOPY(secbuf, secret, len); BZERO(secbuf, sizeof(secbuf)); *secret_len = len; return 1; } /* * set_allowed_addrs() - set the list of allowed addresses. * Also looks for `--' indicating options to apply for this peer * and leaves the following words in extra_options. */ static void set_allowed_addrs( int unit, struct wordlist *addrs, struct wordlist *opts) { int n; struct wordlist *ap, **pap; struct permitted_ip *ip; char *ptr_word, *ptr_mask; struct hostent *hp; struct netent *np; uint32_t a, mask, ah, offset; struct ipcp_options *wo = &ipcp_wantoptions[unit]; uint32_t suggested_ip = 0; if (addresses[unit] != NULL) free(addresses[unit]); addresses[unit] = NULL; if (extra_options != NULL) free_wordlist(extra_options); extra_options = opts; /* * Count the number of IP addresses given. */ for (n = 0, pap = &addrs; (ap = *pap) != NULL; pap = &ap->next) ++n; if (n == 0) return; ip = (struct permitted_ip *) malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(struct permitted_ip)); if (ip == 0) return; n = 0; for (ap = addrs; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next) { /* "-" means no addresses authorized, "*" means any address allowed */ ptr_word = ap->word; if (strcmp(ptr_word, "-") == 0) break; if (strcmp(ptr_word, "*") == 0) { ip[n].permit = 1; ip[n].base = ip[n].mask = 0; ++n; break; } ip[n].permit = 1; if (*ptr_word == '!') { ip[n].permit = 0; ++ptr_word; } mask = ~ (uint32_t) 0; offset = 0; ptr_mask = strchr (ptr_word, '/'); if (ptr_mask != NULL) { int bit_count; char *endp; bit_count = (int) strtol (ptr_mask+1, &endp, 10); if (bit_count <= 0 || bit_count > 32) { warn("invalid address length %v in auth. address list", ptr_mask+1); continue; } bit_count = 32 - bit_count; /* # bits in host part */ if (*endp == '+') { offset = pppifunit + 1; ++endp; } if (*endp != 0) { warn("invalid address length syntax: %v", ptr_mask+1); continue; } *ptr_mask = '\0'; mask <<= bit_count; } hp = gethostbyname(ptr_word); if (hp != NULL && hp->h_addrtype == AF_INET) { a = *(uint32_t *)hp->h_addr; } else { np = getnetbyname (ptr_word); if (np != NULL && np->n_addrtype == AF_INET) { a = htonl (np->n_net); if (ptr_mask == NULL) { /* calculate appropriate mask for net */ ah = ntohl(a); if (IN_CLASSA(ah)) mask = IN_CLASSA_NET; else if (IN_CLASSB(ah)) mask = IN_CLASSB_NET; else if (IN_CLASSC(ah)) mask = IN_CLASSC_NET; } } else { a = inet_addr (ptr_word); } } if (ptr_mask != NULL) *ptr_mask = '/'; if (a == (uint32_t)-1L) { warn("unknown host %s in auth. address list", ap->word); continue; } if (offset != 0) { if (offset >= ~mask) { warn("interface unit %d too large for subnet %v", pppifunit, ptr_word); continue; } a = htonl((ntohl(a) & mask) + offset); mask = ~(uint32_t)0; } ip[n].mask = htonl(mask); ip[n].base = a & ip[n].mask; ++n; if (~mask == 0 && suggested_ip == 0) suggested_ip = a; } ip[n].permit = 0; /* make the last entry forbid all addresses */ ip[n].base = 0; /* to terminate the list */ ip[n].mask = 0; addresses[unit] = ip; /* * If the address given for the peer isn't authorized, or if * the user hasn't given one, AND there is an authorized address * which is a single host, then use that if we find one. */ if (suggested_ip != 0 && (wo->hisaddr == 0 || !auth_ip_addr(unit, wo->hisaddr))) wo->hisaddr = suggested_ip; } /* * auth_ip_addr - check whether the peer is authorized to use * a given IP address. Returns 1 if authorized, 0 otherwise. */ int auth_ip_addr( int unit, uint32_t addr) { #if 0 int ok; #endif /* don't allow loopback or multicast address */ if (bad_ip_adrs(addr)) return 0; return 1; #if 0 if (addresses[unit] != NULL) { ok = ip_addr_check(addr, addresses[unit]); if (ok >= 0) return ok; } if (auth_required) return 0; /* no addresses authorized */ return allow_any_ip || !have_route_to(addr); #endif } #if 0 static int ip_addr_check( uint32_t addr, struct permitted_ip *addrs) { for (; ; ++addrs) if ((addr & addrs->mask) == addrs->base) return addrs->permit; } #endif /* * bad_ip_adrs - return 1 if the IP address is one we don't want * to use, such as an address in the loopback net or a multicast address. * addr is in network byte order. */ int bad_ip_adrs( uint32_t addr) { addr = ntohl(addr); return (addr >> IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT) == IN_LOOPBACKNET || IN_MULTICAST(addr) || IN_BADCLASS(addr); } /* * free_wordlist - release memory allocated for a wordlist. */ static void free_wordlist( struct wordlist *wp) { struct wordlist *next; while (wp != NULL) { next = wp->next; free(wp); wp = next; } } /* * auth_script - execute a script with arguments * interface-name peer-name real-user tty speed */ static void auth_script( enum script_state s) { switch (s) { case s_up: auth_script_state = s_up; if ( auth_linkup_hook ) { (*auth_linkup_hook)(); } break; case s_down: auth_script_state = s_down; if ( auth_linkdown_hook ) { (*auth_linkdown_hook)(); } break; } }