## Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. ## ## $Id$ AC_PREREQ(2.52) AC_INIT([rtems-c-src-exec-posix],[_RTEMS_VERSION],[rtems-bugs@OARcorp.com]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/pthread.c]) RTEMS_TOP(../..) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../..) RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([no-define nostdinc foreign 1.6]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE RTEMS_ENABLE_POSIX RTEMS_ENABLE_INLINES RTEMS_ENV_RTEMSCPU RTEMS_CHECK_CPU RTEMS_CANONICAL_HOST RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET([-ansi -fasm]) RTEMS_CANONICALIZE_TOOLS AC_PROG_RANLIB RTEMS_CHECK_MULTIPROCESSING RTEMS_CHECK_POSIX_API # If RTEMS macros are enabled, then use them. Otherwise, use inlines. if test "$RTEMS_USE_MACROS" = "yes"; then INLINEdir="macros" else INLINEdir="inline" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(INLINE,test "$INLINEdir" = "inline" ) AM_CONDITIONAL(MACROS,test "$INLINEdir" = "macros" ) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAS_MP,test "$HAS_MP" = "yes" ) ## Needed when using automake for libs/rels RTEMS_CHECK_NEWLIB ## Refuse to build if bsp does not support libposix if test "$HAS_POSIX_API" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([libposix is not supported by this configuration]) fi AM_CONFIG_HEADER(src/config.h) # Explicitly list all Makefiles here AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile include/Makefile inline/Makefile macros/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT