/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 embedded brains GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __rtems__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include "t-test-printf.h" #endif /* __rtems__ */ #define T_LINE_SIZE 128 #define T_SCOPE_SIZE 5 typedef struct { pthread_spinlock_t lock; char *buf; unsigned int buf_mask; atomic_uint buf_head; atomic_uint buf_tail; void (*putchar)(int, void *); void *putchar_arg; T_verbosity verbosity; const T_case_context *registered_cases; const T_case_context *current_case; void *fixture_context; LIST_HEAD(, T_destructor) destructors; T_time case_begin_time; atomic_uint planned_steps; atomic_uint steps; atomic_uint failures; jmp_buf case_begin_context; unsigned int overall_cases; unsigned int overall_steps; unsigned int overall_failures; T_time run_begin_time; #ifdef __rtems__ Thread_Control *runner_thread; const Per_CPU_Control *runner_cpu; #else bool runner_valid; pthread_t runner_thread; #endif const T_config *config; } T_context; static T_context T_instance; typedef struct { char *s; size_t n; } T_putchar_string_context; static void T_putchar_string(int c, void *arg) { T_putchar_string_context *sctx; char *s; size_t n; sctx = arg; s = sctx->s; n = sctx->n; if (n == 1) { c = '\0'; } if (n > 1) { *s = (char)c; ++s; --n; } sctx->s = s; sctx->n = n; } int T_snprintf(char *s, size_t n, char const *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int len; T_putchar_string_context sctx = { .s = s, .n = n }; va_start(ap, fmt); len = _IO_Vprintf(T_putchar_string, &sctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (sctx.n > 0) { *sctx.s = '\0'; } return len; } static int T_vprintf_direct(char const *fmt, va_list ap) { T_context *ctx; unsigned int head; unsigned int tail; ctx = &T_instance; head = atomic_load_explicit(&ctx->buf_head, memory_order_acquire); tail = atomic_load_explicit(&ctx->buf_tail, memory_order_relaxed); while (head != tail) { (*ctx->putchar)(ctx->buf[tail], ctx->putchar_arg); tail = (tail + 1) & ctx->buf_mask; } atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->buf_tail, tail, memory_order_relaxed); return _IO_Vprintf(ctx->putchar, ctx->putchar_arg, fmt, ap); } static int T_vprintf_buffered(char const *fmt, va_list ap) { unsigned int len; T_context *ctx; char buf[T_LINE_SIZE]; T_putchar_string_context sctx = { .s = buf, .n = sizeof(buf) }; unsigned int head; unsigned int tail; unsigned int mask; unsigned int capacity; len = (unsigned int)_IO_Vprintf(T_putchar_string, &sctx, fmt, ap); if (len >= sizeof(buf)) { len = sizeof(buf) - 1; } ctx = &T_instance; pthread_spin_lock(&ctx->lock); head = atomic_load_explicit(&ctx->buf_head, memory_order_relaxed); tail = atomic_load_explicit(&ctx->buf_tail, memory_order_relaxed); mask = ctx->buf_mask; capacity = (tail - head - 1) & mask; if (len <= capacity) { unsigned int todo; char *c; todo = len; c = buf; while (todo > 0) { ctx->buf[head] = *c; head = (head + 1) & mask; --todo; ++c; } atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->buf_head, head, memory_order_release); } else { /* If it does not fit into the buffer, discard everything */ len = 0; } pthread_spin_unlock(&ctx->lock); return (int)len; } int T_vprintf(char const *fmt, va_list ap) { int len; if (T_is_runner()) { len = T_vprintf_direct(fmt, ap); } else { len = T_vprintf_buffered(fmt, ap); } return len; } static int T_cpu(void) { #if defined(__rtems__) return (int)_SMP_Get_current_processor(); #elif defined(__linux__) return sched_getcpu(); #else return 0; #endif } #if defined(__rtems__) static const char * T_object_name_to_string(Objects_Name name, char *buf) { uint32_t on; size_t i; int s; on = name.name_u32; i = 0; for (s = 24; s >= 0; s -= 8) { unsigned char c; c = (unsigned char)(on >> s); if (c >= '!' && c <= '~') { buf[i] = (char)c; ++i; } } buf[i] = '\0'; return buf; } static const char * T_thread_name(const Thread_Control *th, char *buf) { if (th != NULL) { const char *name; name = th->Join_queue.Queue.name; if (name != NULL && name[0] != '\0') { return name; } else { return T_object_name_to_string(th->Object.name, buf); } } else { buf[0] = '?'; buf[1] = '\0'; return buf; } } #endif static const char * T_scope(char *buf) { const char *r; #if defined(__rtems__) ISR_Level level; const Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self; _ISR_Local_disable(level); cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get(); if (cpu_self->isr_nest_level == 0) { Thread_Control *executing; executing = _Per_CPU_Get_executing(cpu_self); _ISR_Local_enable(level); r = T_thread_name(executing, buf); } else { _ISR_Local_enable(level); buf[0] = 'I'; buf[1] = 'S'; buf[2] = 'R'; buf[3] = '\0'; r = buf; } #elif defined(__linux__) static __thread char name[128]; (void)buf; if (name[0] == '\0') { pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), name, sizeof(name)); } r = &name[0]; #else buf[0] = '?'; buf[1] = '\0'; r = buf; #endif return r; } static void T_set_runner(T_context *ctx) { #ifdef __rtems__ ISR_Level level; const Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self; _ISR_Local_disable(level); cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get(); ctx->runner_cpu = cpu_self; if (cpu_self->isr_nest_level == 0) { ctx->runner_thread = _Per_CPU_Get_executing(cpu_self); } else { ctx->runner_thread = NULL; } _ISR_Local_enable(level); #else ctx->runner_valid = true; ctx->runner_thread = pthread_self(); #endif } int T_printf(char const *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int len; va_start(ap, fmt); len = T_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return len; } void T_log(T_verbosity verbosity, char const *fmt, ...) { T_context *ctx; ctx = &T_instance; if (ctx->verbosity >= verbosity) { va_list ap; T_printf("L:"); va_start(ap, fmt); T_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); T_printf("\n"); } } static unsigned int T_fetch_add_step(T_context *ctx) { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ctx->steps, 1, memory_order_relaxed); } static unsigned int T_add_failure(T_context *ctx) { return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ctx->failures, 1, memory_order_relaxed); } static void T_stop(T_context *ctx) { const T_case_context *tc; tc = ctx->current_case; if (tc != NULL) { const T_fixture *fixture; fixture = tc->fixture; if (fixture != NULL && fixture->stop != NULL) { (*fixture->stop)(ctx->fixture_context); } } longjmp(ctx->case_begin_context, 1); } void T_plan(unsigned int planned_steps) { T_context *ctx; unsigned int expected; bool success; ctx = &T_instance; expected = UINT_MAX; success = atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&ctx->planned_steps, &expected, planned_steps, memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed); T_check_true(success, NULL, "planned steps (%u) already set", expected); } void T_case_register(T_case_context *tc) { T_context *ctx; ctx = &T_instance; tc->next = ctx->registered_cases; ctx->registered_cases = tc; } T_verbosity T_set_verbosity(T_verbosity verbosity) { T_context *ctx; T_verbosity previous; ctx = &T_instance; previous = ctx->verbosity; ctx->verbosity = verbosity; return previous; } void * T_fixture_context(void) { return T_instance.fixture_context; } void T_set_fixture_context(void *context) { T_instance.fixture_context = context; } const char * T_case_name(void) { const T_case_context *tc; tc = T_instance.current_case; if (tc != NULL) { return tc->name; } else { return "?"; } } void T_check_true(bool ok, const T_check_context *t, const char *fmt, ...) { T_context *ctx; va_list ap; char scope[T_SCOPE_SIZE]; ctx = &T_instance; if (t != NULL) { unsigned int step; if ((t->flags & T_CHECK_QUIET) == 0) { step = T_fetch_add_step(ctx); } else { step = UINT_MAX; } if ((t->flags & T_CHECK_STEP_FLAG) != 0 && step != T_CHECK_STEP_FROM_FLAGS(t->flags)) { T_add_failure(ctx); T_printf("F:%u:%i:%s:%s:%i:planned step (%u)\n", step, T_cpu(), T_scope(scope), t->file, t->line, T_CHECK_STEP_FROM_FLAGS(t->flags)); } else if (!ok) { T_add_failure(ctx); if (ctx->verbosity >= T_NORMAL) { if ((t->flags & T_CHECK_QUIET) == 0) { T_printf("F:%u:%i:%s:%s:%i:", step, T_cpu(), T_scope(scope), t->file, t->line); } else { T_printf("F:*:%i:%s:%s:%i:", T_cpu(), T_scope(scope), t->file, t->line); } va_start(ap, fmt); T_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); T_printf("\n"); } if ((t->flags & T_CHECK_STOP) != 0) { T_stop(ctx); } } else if ((t->flags & T_CHECK_QUIET) == 0 && ctx->verbosity >= T_VERBOSE) { T_printf("P:%u:%i:%s:%s:%i\n", step, T_cpu(), T_scope(scope), t->file, t->line); } } else if (!ok) { T_add_failure(ctx); T_printf("F:*:%i:%s:*:*:", T_cpu(), T_scope(scope)); va_start(ap, fmt); T_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); T_printf("\n"); } } static void T_do_log(T_context *ctx, T_verbosity verbosity, char const *fmt, ...) { if (ctx->verbosity >= verbosity) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); T_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } } static void T_system(T_context *ctx) { #if defined(__rtems__) T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Platform:RTEMS\n"); T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Compiler:" __VERSION__ "\n"); T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Version:%s\n", rtems_version()); T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:BSP:%s\n", rtems_board_support_package()); #if RTEMS_DEBUG T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_DEBUG:1\n"); #else T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_DEBUG:0\n"); #endif #if RTEMS_MULTIPROCESSING T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_MULTIPROCESSING:1\n"); #else T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_MULTIPROCESSING:0\n"); #endif #if RTEMS_POSIX_API T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_POSIX_API:1\n"); #else T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_POSIX_API:0\n"); #endif #if RTEMS_PROFILING T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_PROFILING:1\n"); #else T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_PROFILING:0\n"); #endif #if RTEMS_SMP T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_SMP:1\n"); #else T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:RTEMS_SMP:0\n"); #endif #elif defined(__linux__) T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Platform:Linux\n"); T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Compiler:" __VERSION__ "\n"); #else T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Platform:POSIX\n"); #ifdef __VERSION__ T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "S:Compiler:" __VERSION__ "\n"); #endif #endif } void T_add_destructor(T_destructor *dtor, void (*destroy)(T_destructor *)) { T_context *ctx; dtor->destroy = destroy; ctx = &T_instance; pthread_spin_lock(&ctx->lock); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ctx->destructors, dtor, node); pthread_spin_unlock(&ctx->lock); } void T_remove_destructor(T_destructor *dtor) { T_context *ctx; ctx = &T_instance; pthread_spin_lock(&ctx->lock); LIST_REMOVE(dtor, node); pthread_spin_unlock(&ctx->lock); } static void T_call_destructors(const T_context *ctx) { T_destructor *dtor; #ifdef __linux__ while (!LIST_EMPTY(&ctx->destructors)) { dtor = LIST_FIRST(&ctx->destructors); LIST_REMOVE(dtor, node); (*dtor->destroy)(dtor); } #else T_destructor *tmp; LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(dtor, &ctx->destructors, node, tmp) { (*dtor->destroy)(dtor); } #endif } static void T_actions_forward(const T_config *config, T_event event, const char *name) { const T_action *actions; size_t n; size_t i; actions = config->actions; n = config->action_count; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { (*actions[i])(event, name); } } static void T_actions_backward(const T_config *config, T_event event, const char *name) { const T_action *actions; size_t n; size_t i; actions = config->actions; n = config->action_count; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { (*actions[n - i - 1])(event, name); } } static T_context * T_do_run_initialize(const T_config *config) { T_context *ctx; ctx = &T_instance; pthread_spin_init(&ctx->lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE); ctx->config = config; ctx->buf = config->buf; if (config->buf_size > 0 && (config->buf_size & (config->buf_size - 1)) == 0) { ctx->buf_mask = config->buf_size - 1; } else { ctx->buf_mask = 0; } atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->buf_head, 0, memory_order_relaxed); ctx->buf_tail = 0; ctx->putchar = config->putchar; ctx->putchar_arg = config->putchar_arg; ctx->verbosity = config->verbosity; atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->steps, 0, memory_order_relaxed); atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->failures, 0, memory_order_relaxed); ctx->overall_cases = 0; ctx->overall_steps = 0; ctx->overall_failures = 0; T_set_runner(ctx); T_actions_forward(config, T_EVENT_RUN_INITIALIZE_EARLY, config->name); T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "A:%s\n", config->name); T_system(ctx); ctx->run_begin_time = (*config->now)(); T_actions_forward(config, T_EVENT_RUN_INITIALIZE_LATE, config->name); return ctx; } static void T_do_case_begin(T_context *ctx, const T_case_context *tc) { const T_config *config; const T_fixture *fixture; config = ctx->config; fixture = tc->fixture; ctx->verbosity = config->verbosity; ctx->current_case = tc; LIST_INIT(&ctx->destructors); atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->planned_steps, UINT_MAX, memory_order_relaxed); atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->steps, 0, memory_order_relaxed); atomic_store_explicit(&ctx->failures, 0, memory_order_relaxed); T_actions_forward(config, T_EVENT_CASE_EARLY, tc->name); T_do_log(ctx, T_NORMAL, "B:%s\n", tc->name); ctx->case_begin_time = (*config->now)(); T_actions_forward(config, T_EVENT_CASE_BEGIN, tc->name); if (fixture != NULL) { ctx->fixture_context = fixture->initial_context; if (fixture->setup != NULL) { (*fixture->setup)(ctx->fixture_context); } } } static void T_do_case_end(T_context *ctx, const T_case_context *tc) { const T_config *config; const T_fixture *fixture; unsigned int planned_steps; unsigned int steps; unsigned int failures; T_time delta; T_time_string ts; config = ctx->config; fixture = tc->fixture; if (fixture != NULL && fixture->teardown != NULL) { (*fixture->teardown)(ctx->fixture_context); } T_call_destructors(ctx); T_actions_backward(config, T_EVENT_CASE_END, tc->name); planned_steps = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ctx->planned_steps, 0, memory_order_relaxed); steps = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ctx->steps, 0, memory_order_relaxed); failures = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ctx->failures, 0, memory_order_relaxed); if (planned_steps != UINT_MAX && planned_steps != steps && failures == 0) { ++failures; if (ctx->verbosity >= T_NORMAL) { char scope[T_SCOPE_SIZE]; T_printf("F:*:%i:%s:*:*:actual steps (%u), " "planned steps (%u)\n", T_cpu(), T_scope(scope), steps, planned_steps); } } delta = (*config->now)() - ctx->case_begin_time; T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "E:%s:N:%u:F:%u:D:%s\n", tc->name, steps, failures, T_time_to_string_us(delta, ts)); ++ctx->overall_cases; ctx->overall_steps += steps; ctx->overall_failures += failures; T_actions_backward(config, T_EVENT_CASE_LATE, tc->name); } static void T_run_case(T_context *ctx, const T_case_context *tc) { T_do_case_begin(ctx, tc); if (setjmp(ctx->case_begin_context) == 0) { (*tc->body)(); } T_do_case_end(ctx, tc); } static void T_do_run_all(T_context *ctx) { const T_case_context *tc; tc = ctx->registered_cases; while (tc != NULL) { T_run_case(ctx, tc); tc = tc->next; } } static bool T_do_run_finalize(T_context *ctx) { const T_config *config; T_time delta; T_time_string ts; config = ctx->config; T_actions_backward(config, T_EVENT_RUN_FINALIZE_EARLY, config->name); delta = (*config->now)() - ctx->run_begin_time; T_do_log(ctx, T_QUIET, "Z:%s:C:%u:N:%u:F:%u:D:%s\n", config->name, ctx->overall_cases, ctx->overall_steps, ctx->overall_failures, T_time_to_string_us(delta, ts)); T_actions_backward(config, T_EVENT_RUN_FINALIZE_LATE, config->name); #ifdef __rtems__ ctx->runner_thread = NULL; ctx->runner_cpu = NULL; #else ctx->runner_valid = false; #endif pthread_spin_destroy(&ctx->lock); return ctx->overall_failures == 0; } int T_main(const T_config *config) { T_context *ctx; ctx = T_do_run_initialize(config); T_do_run_all(ctx); return T_do_run_finalize(ctx) ? 0 : 1; } bool T_is_runner(void) { T_context *ctx; bool is_runner; #ifdef __rtems__ ISR_Level level; const Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self; #endif ctx = &T_instance; #ifdef __rtems__ _ISR_Local_disable(level); cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get(); if (ctx->runner_thread != NULL) { is_runner = cpu_self->isr_nest_level == 0 && _Per_CPU_Get_executing(cpu_self) == ctx->runner_thread; } else { is_runner = cpu_self == ctx->runner_cpu; } _ISR_Local_enable(level); #else is_runner = ctx->runner_valid && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), ctx->runner_thread) != 0; #endif return is_runner; } #ifdef __rtems__ RTEMS_LINKER_ROSET(_T, T_case_context *); #endif /* __rtems__ */ void T_register(void) { #ifdef __rtems__ T_case_context * const *tc; RTEMS_LINKER_SET_FOREACH(_T, tc) { T_case_register(*tc); } #endif /* __rtems__ */ } void T_run_initialize(const T_config *config) { (void)T_do_run_initialize(config); } void T_run_all(void) { T_do_run_all(&T_instance); } void T_run_by_name(const char *name) { T_context *ctx; const T_case_context *tc; ctx = &T_instance; tc = ctx->registered_cases; while (tc != NULL) { if (strcmp(tc->name, name) == 0) { T_run_case(ctx, tc); break; } tc = tc->next; } } static T_case_context default_case; void T_case_begin(const char *name, const T_fixture *fixture) { T_case_context *tc; tc = &default_case; tc->name = name; tc->fixture = fixture; T_do_case_begin(&T_instance, tc); } void T_case_end(void) { T_case_context *tc; tc = &default_case; T_do_case_end(&T_instance, tc); } bool T_run_finalize(void) { return T_do_run_finalize(&T_instance); } T_time T_case_begin_time(void) { return T_instance.case_begin_time; } void T_set_putchar(T_putchar new_putchar, void *new_arg, T_putchar *old_putchar, void **old_arg) { T_context *ctx; ctx = &T_instance; *old_putchar = ctx->putchar; *old_arg = ctx->putchar_arg; ctx->putchar = new_putchar; ctx->putchar_arg = new_arg; }