/* * TERMIOS serial line support * * Author: * W. Eric Norum * Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory * University of Saskatchewan * Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA * eric@skatter.usask.ca * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * The size of the cooked buffer */ #define CBUFSIZE (rtems_termios_cbufsize) /* * The sizes of the raw message buffers. * On most architectures it is quite a bit more * efficient if these are powers of two. */ #define RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (rtems_termios_raw_input_size) #define RAW_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (rtems_termios_raw_output_size) /* fields for "flow_ctrl" status */ #define FL_IREQXOF 1U /* input queue requests stop of incoming data */ #define FL_ISNTXOF 2U /* XOFF has been sent to other side of line */ #define FL_IRTSOFF 4U /* RTS has been turned off for other side.. */ #define FL_ORCVXOF 0x10U /* XOFF has been received */ #define FL_OSTOP 0x20U /* output has been stopped due to XOFF */ #define FL_MDRTS 0x100U /* input controlled with RTS/CTS handshake */ #define FL_MDXON 0x200U /* input controlled with XON/XOFF protocol */ #define FL_MDXOF 0x400U /* output controlled with XON/XOFF protocol */ #define NODISC(n) \ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, \ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } /* * FIXME: change rtems_termios_linesw entries consistent * with rtems_termios_linesw entry usage... */ struct rtems_termios_linesw rtems_termios_linesw[MAXLDISC] = { NODISC(0), /* 0- termios-built-in */ NODISC(1), /* 1- defunct */ NODISC(2), /* 2- NTTYDISC */ NODISC(3), /* TABLDISC */ NODISC(4), /* SLIPDISC */ NODISC(5), /* PPPDISC */ NODISC(6), /* loadable */ NODISC(7), /* loadable */ }; int rtems_termios_nlinesw = sizeof (rtems_termios_linesw) / sizeof (rtems_termios_linesw[0]); extern struct rtems_termios_tty *rtems_termios_ttyHead; extern struct rtems_termios_tty *rtems_termios_ttyTail; extern rtems_id rtems_termios_ttyMutex; static size_t rtems_termios_cbufsize = 256; static size_t rtems_termios_raw_input_size = 128; static size_t rtems_termios_raw_output_size = 64; static rtems_task rtems_termios_rxdaemon(rtems_task_argument argument); static rtems_task rtems_termios_txdaemon(rtems_task_argument argument); /* * some constants for I/O daemon task creation */ #define TERMIOS_TXTASK_PRIO 10 #define TERMIOS_RXTASK_PRIO 9 #define TERMIOS_TXTASK_STACKSIZE 1024 #define TERMIOS_RXTASK_STACKSIZE 1024 /* * some events to be sent to the I/O tasks */ #define TERMIOS_TX_START_EVENT RTEMS_EVENT_1 #define TERMIOS_TX_TERMINATE_EVENT RTEMS_EVENT_0 #define TERMIOS_RX_PROC_EVENT RTEMS_EVENT_1 #define TERMIOS_RX_TERMINATE_EVENT RTEMS_EVENT_0 /* * Open a termios device */ rtems_status_code rtems_termios_open ( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *arg, const rtems_termios_callbacks *callbacks ) { rtems_status_code sc; rtems_libio_open_close_args_t *args = arg; struct rtems_termios_tty *tty; /* * See if the device has already been opened */ sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain( rtems_termios_ttyMutex, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) return sc; for (tty = rtems_termios_ttyHead ; tty != NULL ; tty = tty->forw) { if ((tty->major == major) && (tty->minor == minor)) break; } if (tty == NULL) { static char c = 'a'; /* * Create a new device */ tty = calloc (1, sizeof (struct rtems_termios_tty)); if (tty == NULL) { rtems_semaphore_release (rtems_termios_ttyMutex); return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; } /* * allocate raw input buffer */ tty->rawInBuf.Size = RAW_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; tty->rawInBuf.theBuf = malloc (tty->rawInBuf.Size); if (tty->rawInBuf.theBuf == NULL) { free(tty); rtems_semaphore_release (rtems_termios_ttyMutex); return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; } /* * allocate raw output buffer */ tty->rawOutBuf.Size = RAW_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf = malloc (tty->rawOutBuf.Size); if (tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf == NULL) { free((void *)(tty->rawInBuf.theBuf)); free(tty); rtems_semaphore_release (rtems_termios_ttyMutex); return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; } /* * allocate cooked buffer */ tty->cbuf = malloc (CBUFSIZE); if (tty->cbuf == NULL) { free((void *)(tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf)); free((void *)(tty->rawInBuf.theBuf)); free(tty); rtems_semaphore_release (rtems_termios_ttyMutex); return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; } /* * Initialize wakeup callbacks */ tty->tty_snd.sw_pfn = NULL; tty->tty_snd.sw_arg = NULL; tty->tty_rcv.sw_pfn = NULL; tty->tty_rcv.sw_arg = NULL; tty->tty_rcvwakeup = 0; /* * link tty */ tty->forw = rtems_termios_ttyHead; tty->back = NULL; if (rtems_termios_ttyHead != NULL) rtems_termios_ttyHead->back = tty; rtems_termios_ttyHead = tty; if (rtems_termios_ttyTail == NULL) rtems_termios_ttyTail = tty; tty->minor = minor; tty->major = major; /* * Set up mutex semaphores */ sc = rtems_semaphore_create ( rtems_build_name ('T', 'R', 'i', c), 1, RTEMS_BINARY_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_INHERIT_PRIORITY | RTEMS_PRIORITY, RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY, &tty->isem); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); sc = rtems_semaphore_create ( rtems_build_name ('T', 'R', 'o', c), 1, RTEMS_BINARY_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_INHERIT_PRIORITY | RTEMS_PRIORITY, RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY, &tty->osem); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); sc = rtems_semaphore_create ( rtems_build_name ('T', 'R', 'x', c), 0, RTEMS_SIMPLE_BINARY_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_FIFO, RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY, &tty->rawOutBuf.Semaphore); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); tty->rawOutBufState = rob_idle; /* * Set callbacks */ tty->device = *callbacks; /* * Create I/O tasks */ if (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN) { sc = rtems_task_create ( rtems_build_name ('T', 'x', 'T', c), TERMIOS_TXTASK_PRIO, TERMIOS_TXTASK_STACKSIZE, RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT | RTEMS_NO_TIMESLICE | RTEMS_NO_ASR, RTEMS_NO_FLOATING_POINT | RTEMS_LOCAL, &tty->txTaskId); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); sc = rtems_task_create ( rtems_build_name ('R', 'x', 'T', c), TERMIOS_RXTASK_PRIO, TERMIOS_RXTASK_STACKSIZE, RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT | RTEMS_NO_TIMESLICE | RTEMS_NO_ASR, RTEMS_NO_FLOATING_POINT | RTEMS_LOCAL, &tty->rxTaskId); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); } if ((tty->device.pollRead == NULL) || (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN)){ sc = rtems_semaphore_create ( rtems_build_name ('T', 'R', 'r', c), 0, RTEMS_SIMPLE_BINARY_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_PRIORITY, RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY, &tty->rawInBuf.Semaphore); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); } /* * Set default parameters */ tty->termios.c_iflag = BRKINT | ICRNL | IXON | IMAXBEL; tty->termios.c_oflag = OPOST | ONLCR | XTABS; tty->termios.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL; tty->termios.c_lflag = ISIG | ICANON | IEXTEN | ECHO | ECHOK | ECHOE | ECHOCTL; tty->termios.c_cc[VINTR] = '\003'; tty->termios.c_cc[VQUIT] = '\034'; tty->termios.c_cc[VERASE] = '\177'; tty->termios.c_cc[VKILL] = '\025'; tty->termios.c_cc[VEOF] = '\004'; tty->termios.c_cc[VEOL] = '\000'; tty->termios.c_cc[VEOL2] = '\000'; tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART] = '\021'; tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP] = '\023'; tty->termios.c_cc[VSUSP] = '\032'; tty->termios.c_cc[VREPRINT] = '\022'; tty->termios.c_cc[VDISCARD] = '\017'; tty->termios.c_cc[VWERASE] = '\027'; tty->termios.c_cc[VLNEXT] = '\026'; /* start with no flow control, clear flow control flags */ tty->flow_ctrl = 0; /* * set low/highwater mark for XON/XOFF support */ tty->lowwater = tty->rawInBuf.Size * 1/2; tty->highwater = tty->rawInBuf.Size * 3/4; /* * Bump name characer */ if (c++ == 'z') c = 'a'; } args->iop->data1 = tty; if (!tty->refcount++) { if (tty->device.firstOpen) (*tty->device.firstOpen)(major, minor, arg); /* * start I/O tasks, if needed */ if (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN) { sc = rtems_task_start( tty->rxTaskId, rtems_termios_rxdaemon, (rtems_task_argument)tty); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); sc = rtems_task_start( tty->txTaskId, rtems_termios_txdaemon, (rtems_task_argument)tty); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); } } rtems_semaphore_release (rtems_termios_ttyMutex); return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } /* * Drain output queue */ static void drainOutput (struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { rtems_interrupt_level level; rtems_status_code sc; if (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts != TERMIOS_POLLED) { rtems_interrupt_disable (level); while (tty->rawOutBuf.Tail != tty->rawOutBuf.Head) { tty->rawOutBufState = rob_wait; rtems_interrupt_enable (level); sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain( tty->rawOutBuf.Semaphore, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); rtems_interrupt_disable (level); } rtems_interrupt_enable (level); } } rtems_status_code rtems_termios_close (void *arg) { rtems_libio_open_close_args_t *args = arg; struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = args->iop->data1; rtems_status_code sc; sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain( rtems_termios_ttyMutex, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); if (--tty->refcount == 0) { if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_close != NULL) { /* * call discipline-specific close */ sc = rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_close(tty); } else { /* * default: just flush output buffer */ sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain(tty->osem, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); } drainOutput (tty); rtems_semaphore_release (tty->osem); } if (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN) { /* * send "terminate" to I/O tasks */ sc = rtems_event_send( tty->rxTaskId, TERMIOS_RX_TERMINATE_EVENT ); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); sc = rtems_event_send( tty->txTaskId, TERMIOS_TX_TERMINATE_EVENT ); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); } if (tty->device.lastClose) (*tty->device.lastClose)(tty->major, tty->minor, arg); if (tty->forw == NULL) { rtems_termios_ttyTail = tty->back; if ( rtems_termios_ttyTail != NULL ) { rtems_termios_ttyTail->forw = NULL; } } else { tty->forw->back = tty->back; } if (tty->back == NULL) { rtems_termios_ttyHead = tty->forw; if ( rtems_termios_ttyHead != NULL ) { rtems_termios_ttyHead->back = NULL; } } else { tty->back->forw = tty->forw; } rtems_semaphore_delete (tty->isem); rtems_semaphore_delete (tty->osem); rtems_semaphore_delete (tty->rawOutBuf.Semaphore); if ((tty->device.pollRead == NULL) || (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN)) rtems_semaphore_delete (tty->rawInBuf.Semaphore); free (tty->rawInBuf.theBuf); free (tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf); free (tty->cbuf); free (tty); } rtems_semaphore_release (rtems_termios_ttyMutex); return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } rtems_status_code rtems_termios_bufsize ( size_t cbufsize, size_t raw_input, size_t raw_output ) { rtems_termios_cbufsize = cbufsize; rtems_termios_raw_input_size = raw_input; rtems_termios_raw_output_size = raw_output; return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } static void termios_set_flowctrl(struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { rtems_interrupt_level level; /* * check for flow control options to be switched off */ /* check for outgoing XON/XOFF flow control switched off */ if (( tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDXON) && !(tty->termios.c_iflag & IXON)) { /* clear related flags in flow_ctrl */ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_MDXON | FL_ORCVXOF); /* has output been stopped due to received XOFF? */ if (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_OSTOP) { /* disable interrupts */ rtems_interrupt_disable(level); tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_OSTOP; /* check for chars in output buffer (or rob_state?) */ if (tty->rawOutBufState != rob_idle) { /* if chars available, call write function... */ (*tty->device.write)( tty->minor, &tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf[tty->rawOutBuf.Tail],1); } /* reenable interrupts */ rtems_interrupt_enable(level); } } /* check for incoming XON/XOFF flow control switched off */ if (( tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDXOF) && !(tty->termios.c_iflag & IXOFF)) { /* clear related flags in flow_ctrl */ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_MDXOF); /* FIXME: what happens, if we had sent XOFF but not yet XON? */ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_ISNTXOF); } /* check for incoming RTS/CTS flow control switched off */ if (( tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDRTS) && !(tty->termios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS)) { /* clear related flags in flow_ctrl */ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_MDRTS); /* restart remote Tx, if it was stopped */ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & FL_IRTSOFF) && (tty->device.startRemoteTx != NULL)) { tty->device.startRemoteTx(tty->minor); } tty->flow_ctrl &= ~(FL_IRTSOFF); } /* * check for flow control options to be switched on */ /* check for incoming RTS/CTS flow control switched on */ if (tty->termios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) { tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_MDRTS; } /* check for incoming XON/XOF flow control switched on */ if (tty->termios.c_iflag & IXOFF) { tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_MDXOF; } /* check for outgoing XON/XOF flow control switched on */ if (tty->termios.c_iflag & IXON) { tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_MDXON; } } rtems_status_code rtems_termios_ioctl (void *arg) { rtems_libio_ioctl_args_t *args = arg; struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = args->iop->data1; struct ttywakeup *wakeup = (struct ttywakeup *)args->buffer; rtems_status_code sc; args->ioctl_return = 0; sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain (tty->osem, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { args->ioctl_return = sc; return sc; } switch (args->command) { default: if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_ioctl != NULL) { sc = rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_ioctl(tty,args); } else { sc = RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER; } break; case RTEMS_IO_GET_ATTRIBUTES: *(struct termios *)args->buffer = tty->termios; break; case RTEMS_IO_SET_ATTRIBUTES: tty->termios = *(struct termios *)args->buffer; /* check for and process change in flow control options */ termios_set_flowctrl(tty); if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ICANON) { tty->rawInBufSemaphoreOptions = RTEMS_WAIT; tty->rawInBufSemaphoreTimeout = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT; tty->rawInBufSemaphoreFirstTimeout = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT; } else { tty->vtimeTicks = tty->termios.c_cc[VTIME] * rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second() / 10; if (tty->termios.c_cc[VTIME]) { tty->rawInBufSemaphoreOptions = RTEMS_WAIT; tty->rawInBufSemaphoreTimeout = tty->vtimeTicks; if (tty->termios.c_cc[VMIN]) tty->rawInBufSemaphoreFirstTimeout = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT; else tty->rawInBufSemaphoreFirstTimeout = tty->vtimeTicks; } else { if (tty->termios.c_cc[VMIN]) { tty->rawInBufSemaphoreOptions = RTEMS_WAIT; tty->rawInBufSemaphoreTimeout = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT; tty->rawInBufSemaphoreFirstTimeout = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT; } else { tty->rawInBufSemaphoreOptions = RTEMS_NO_WAIT; } } } if (tty->device.setAttributes) (*tty->device.setAttributes)(tty->minor, &tty->termios); break; case RTEMS_IO_TCDRAIN: drainOutput (tty); break; case RTEMS_IO_SNDWAKEUP: tty->tty_snd = *wakeup; break; case RTEMS_IO_RCVWAKEUP: tty->tty_rcv = *wakeup; break; /* * FIXME: add various ioctl code handlers */ #if 1 /* FIXME */ case TIOCSETD: /* * close old line discipline */ if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_close != NULL) { sc = rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_close(tty); } tty->t_line=*(int*)(args->buffer); tty->t_sc = NULL; /* ensure that no more valid data */ /* * open new line discipline */ if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_open != NULL) { sc = rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_open(tty); } break; case TIOCGETD: *(int*)(args->buffer)=tty->t_line; break; #endif case FIONREAD: { int rawnc = tty->rawInBuf.Tail - tty->rawInBuf.Head; if ( rawnc < 0 ) rawnc += tty->rawInBuf.Size; /* Half guess that this is the right operation */ *(int *)args->buffer = tty->ccount - tty->cindex + rawnc; } break; } rtems_semaphore_release (tty->osem); args->ioctl_return = sc; return sc; } /* * Send characters to device-specific code */ void rtems_termios_puts ( const void *_buf, size_t len, struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { const unsigned char *buf = _buf; unsigned int newHead; rtems_interrupt_level level; rtems_status_code sc; if (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_POLLED) { (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor, buf, len); return; } newHead = tty->rawOutBuf.Head; while (len) { /* * Performance improvement could be made here. * Copy multiple bytes to raw buffer: * if (len > 1) && (space to buffer end, or tail > 1) * ncopy = MIN (len, space to buffer end or tail) * memcpy (raw buffer, buf, ncopy) * buf += ncopy * len -= ncopy * * To minimize latency, the memcpy should be done * with interrupts enabled. */ newHead = (newHead + 1) % tty->rawOutBuf.Size; rtems_interrupt_disable (level); while (newHead == tty->rawOutBuf.Tail) { tty->rawOutBufState = rob_wait; rtems_interrupt_enable (level); sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain( tty->rawOutBuf.Semaphore, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); rtems_interrupt_disable (level); } tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf[tty->rawOutBuf.Head] = *buf++; tty->rawOutBuf.Head = newHead; if (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_idle) { /* check, whether XOFF has been received */ if (!(tty->flow_ctrl & FL_ORCVXOF)) { (*tty->device.write)( tty->minor, &tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf[tty->rawOutBuf.Tail],1); } else { /* remember that output has been stopped due to flow ctrl*/ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_OSTOP; } tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy; } rtems_interrupt_enable (level); len--; } } /* * Handle output processing */ static void oproc (unsigned char c, struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { int i; if (tty->termios.c_oflag & OPOST) { switch (c) { case '\n': if (tty->termios.c_oflag & ONLRET) tty->column = 0; if (tty->termios.c_oflag & ONLCR) { rtems_termios_puts ("\r", 1, tty); tty->column = 0; } break; case '\r': if ((tty->termios.c_oflag & ONOCR) && (tty->column == 0)) return; if (tty->termios.c_oflag & OCRNL) { c = '\n'; if (tty->termios.c_oflag & ONLRET) tty->column = 0; break; } tty->column = 0; break; case '\t': i = 8 - (tty->column & 7); if ((tty->termios.c_oflag & TABDLY) == XTABS) { tty->column += i; rtems_termios_puts ( " ", i, tty); return; } tty->column += i; break; case '\b': if (tty->column > 0) tty->column--; break; default: if (tty->termios.c_oflag & OLCUC) c = toupper(c); if (!iscntrl(c)) tty->column++; break; } } rtems_termios_puts (&c, 1, tty); } rtems_status_code rtems_termios_write (void *arg) { rtems_libio_rw_args_t *args = arg; struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = args->iop->data1; rtems_status_code sc; sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain (tty->osem, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) return sc; if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_write != NULL) { sc = rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_write(tty,args); rtems_semaphore_release (tty->osem); return sc; } if (tty->termios.c_oflag & OPOST) { uint32_t count = args->count; char *buffer = args->buffer; while (count--) oproc (*buffer++, tty); args->bytes_moved = args->count; } else { rtems_termios_puts (args->buffer, args->count, tty); args->bytes_moved = args->count; } rtems_semaphore_release (tty->osem); return sc; } /* * Echo a typed character */ static void echo (unsigned char c, struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { if ((tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOCTL) && iscntrl(c) && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n')) { char echobuf[2]; echobuf[0] = '^'; echobuf[1] = c ^ 0x40; rtems_termios_puts (echobuf, 2, tty); tty->column += 2; } else { oproc (c, tty); } } /* * Erase a character or line * FIXME: Needs support for WERASE and ECHOPRT. * FIXME: Some of the tests should check for IEXTEN, too. */ static void erase (struct rtems_termios_tty *tty, int lineFlag) { if (tty->ccount == 0) return; if (lineFlag) { if (!(tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHO)) { tty->ccount = 0; return; } if (!(tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOE)) { tty->ccount = 0; echo (tty->termios.c_cc[VKILL], tty); if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOK) echo ('\n', tty); return; } } while (tty->ccount) { unsigned char c = tty->cbuf[--tty->ccount]; if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHO) { if (!lineFlag && !(tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOE)) { echo (tty->termios.c_cc[VERASE], tty); } else if (c == '\t') { int col = tty->read_start_column; int i = 0; /* * Find the character before the tab */ while (i != tty->ccount) { c = tty->cbuf[i++]; if (c == '\t') { col = (col | 7) + 1; } else if (iscntrl (c)) { if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOCTL) col += 2; } else { col++; } } /* * Back up over the tab */ while (tty->column > col) { rtems_termios_puts ("\b", 1, tty); tty->column--; } } else { if (iscntrl (c) && (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOCTL)) { rtems_termios_puts ("\b \b", 3, tty); if (tty->column) tty->column--; } if (!iscntrl (c) || (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHOCTL)) { rtems_termios_puts ("\b \b", 3, tty); if (tty->column) tty->column--; } } } if (!lineFlag) break; } } /* * Process a single input character */ static int iproc (unsigned char c, struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { if (tty->termios.c_iflag & ISTRIP) c &= 0x7f; if (tty->termios.c_iflag & IUCLC) c = tolower (c); if (c == '\r') { if (tty->termios.c_iflag & IGNCR) return 0; if (tty->termios.c_iflag & ICRNL) c = '\n'; } else if ((c == '\n') && (tty->termios.c_iflag & INLCR)) { c = '\r'; } if ((c != '\0') && (tty->termios.c_lflag & ICANON)) { if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VERASE]) { erase (tty, 0); return 0; } else if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VKILL]) { erase (tty, 1); return 0; } else if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VEOF]) { return 1; } else if (c == '\n') { if (tty->termios.c_lflag & (ECHO | ECHONL)) echo (c, tty); tty->cbuf[tty->ccount++] = c; return 1; } else if ((c == tty->termios.c_cc[VEOL]) || (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VEOL2])) { if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHO) echo (c, tty); tty->cbuf[tty->ccount++] = c; return 1; } } /* * FIXME: Should do IMAXBEL handling somehow */ if (tty->ccount < (CBUFSIZE-1)) { if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ECHO) echo (c, tty); tty->cbuf[tty->ccount++] = c; } return 0; } /* * Process input character, with semaphore. */ static int siproc (unsigned char c, struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { int i; /* * Obtain output semaphore if character will be echoed */ if (tty->termios.c_lflag & (ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHONL|ECHOPRT|ECHOCTL|ECHOKE)) { rtems_semaphore_obtain (tty->osem, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); i = iproc (c, tty); rtems_semaphore_release (tty->osem); } else { i = iproc (c, tty); } return i; } /* * Fill the input buffer by polling the device */ static rtems_status_code fillBufferPoll (struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { int n; if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ICANON) { for (;;) { n = (*tty->device.pollRead)(tty->minor); if (n < 0) { rtems_task_wake_after (1); } else { if (siproc (n, tty)) break; } } } else { rtems_interval then, now; then = rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot(); for (;;) { n = (*tty->device.pollRead)(tty->minor); if (n < 0) { if (tty->termios.c_cc[VMIN]) { if (tty->termios.c_cc[VTIME] && tty->ccount) { now = rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot(); if ((now - then) > tty->vtimeTicks) { break; } } } else { if (!tty->termios.c_cc[VTIME]) break; now = rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot(); if ((now - then) > tty->vtimeTicks) { break; } } rtems_task_wake_after (1); } else { siproc (n, tty); if (tty->ccount >= tty->termios.c_cc[VMIN]) break; if (tty->termios.c_cc[VMIN] && tty->termios.c_cc[VTIME]) then = rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot(); } } } return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } /* * Fill the input buffer from the raw input queue */ static rtems_status_code fillBufferQueue (struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { rtems_interval timeout = tty->rawInBufSemaphoreFirstTimeout; rtems_status_code sc; int wait = 1; while ( wait ) { /* * Process characters read from raw queue */ while ((tty->rawInBuf.Head != tty->rawInBuf.Tail) && (tty->ccount < (CBUFSIZE-1))) { unsigned char c; unsigned int newHead; newHead = (tty->rawInBuf.Head + 1) % tty->rawInBuf.Size; c = tty->rawInBuf.theBuf[newHead]; tty->rawInBuf.Head = newHead; if(((tty->rawInBuf.Tail-newHead+tty->rawInBuf.Size) % tty->rawInBuf.Size) < tty->lowwater) { tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_IREQXOF; /* if tx stopped and XON should be sent... */ if (((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXON | FL_ISNTXOF)) == (FL_MDXON | FL_ISNTXOF)) && ((tty->rawOutBufState == rob_idle) || (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_OSTOP))) { /* XON should be sent now... */ (*tty->device.write)( tty->minor, (void *)&(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]), 1); } else if (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDRTS) { tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_IRTSOFF; /* activate RTS line */ if (tty->device.startRemoteTx != NULL) { tty->device.startRemoteTx(tty->minor); } } } /* continue processing new character */ if (tty->termios.c_lflag & ICANON) { if (siproc (c, tty)) wait = 0; } else { siproc (c, tty); if (tty->ccount >= tty->termios.c_cc[VMIN]) wait = 0; } timeout = tty->rawInBufSemaphoreTimeout; } /* * Wait for characters */ if ( wait ) { sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain( tty->rawInBuf.Semaphore, tty->rawInBufSemaphoreOptions, timeout); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) break; } } return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } rtems_status_code rtems_termios_read (void *arg) { rtems_libio_rw_args_t *args = arg; struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = args->iop->data1; uint32_t count = args->count; char *buffer = args->buffer; rtems_status_code sc; sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain (tty->isem, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) return sc; if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_read != NULL) { sc = rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_read(tty,args); tty->tty_rcvwakeup = 0; rtems_semaphore_release (tty->isem); return sc; } if (tty->cindex == tty->ccount) { tty->cindex = tty->ccount = 0; tty->read_start_column = tty->column; if (tty->device.pollRead != NULL && tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_POLLED) sc = fillBufferPoll (tty); else sc = fillBufferQueue (tty); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) tty->cindex = tty->ccount = 0; } while (count && (tty->cindex < tty->ccount)) { *buffer++ = tty->cbuf[tty->cindex++]; count--; } args->bytes_moved = args->count - count; tty->tty_rcvwakeup = 0; rtems_semaphore_release (tty->isem); return sc; } /* * signal receive interrupt to rx daemon * NOTE: This routine runs in the context of the * device receive interrupt handler. */ void rtems_termios_rxirq_occured(struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { /* * send event to rx daemon task */ rtems_event_send(tty->rxTaskId,TERMIOS_RX_PROC_EVENT); } /* * Place characters on raw queue. * NOTE: This routine runs in the context of the * device receive interrupt handler. * Returns the number of characters dropped because of overflow. */ int rtems_termios_enqueue_raw_characters (void *ttyp, const char *buf, int len) { struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = ttyp; unsigned int newTail; char c; int dropped = 0; bool flow_rcv = false; /* true, if flow control char received */ rtems_interrupt_level level; if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_rint != NULL) { while (len--) { c = *buf++; rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_rint(c,tty); } /* * check to see if rcv wakeup callback was set */ if (( !tty->tty_rcvwakeup ) && ( tty->tty_rcv.sw_pfn != NULL )) { (*tty->tty_rcv.sw_pfn)(&tty->termios, tty->tty_rcv.sw_arg); tty->tty_rcvwakeup = 1; } return 0; } while (len--) { c = *buf++; /* FIXME: implement IXANY: any character restarts output */ /* if incoming XON/XOFF controls outgoing stream: */ if (tty->flow_ctrl & FL_MDXON) { /* if received char is V_STOP and V_START (both are equal value) */ if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]) { if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]) { /* received VSTOP and VSTART==VSTOP? */ /* then toggle "stop output" status */ tty->flow_ctrl = tty->flow_ctrl ^ FL_ORCVXOF; } else { /* VSTOP received (other code than VSTART) */ /* stop output */ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_ORCVXOF; } flow_rcv = true; } else if (c == tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]) { /* VSTART received */ /* restart output */ tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_ORCVXOF; flow_rcv = true; } } if (flow_rcv) { /* restart output according to FL_ORCVXOF flag */ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_ORCVXOF | FL_OSTOP)) == FL_OSTOP) { /* disable interrupts */ rtems_interrupt_disable(level); tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_OSTOP; /* check for chars in output buffer (or rob_state?) */ if (tty->rawOutBufState != rob_idle) { /* if chars available, call write function... */ (*tty->device.write)( tty->minor, &tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf[tty->rawOutBuf.Tail], 1); } /* reenable interrupts */ rtems_interrupt_enable(level); } } else { newTail = (tty->rawInBuf.Tail + 1) % tty->rawInBuf.Size; /* if chars_in_buffer > highwater */ rtems_interrupt_disable(level); if ((((newTail - tty->rawInBuf.Head + tty->rawInBuf.Size) % tty->rawInBuf.Size) > tty->highwater) && !(tty->flow_ctrl & FL_IREQXOF)) { /* incoming data stream should be stopped */ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_IREQXOF; if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXOF | FL_ISNTXOF)) == (FL_MDXOF ) ) { if ((tty->flow_ctrl & FL_OSTOP) || (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_idle)) { /* if tx is stopped due to XOFF or out of data */ /* call write function here */ tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_ISNTXOF; (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor, (void *)&(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]), 1); } } else if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDRTS | FL_IRTSOFF)) == (FL_MDRTS) ) { tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_IRTSOFF; /* deactivate RTS line */ if (tty->device.stopRemoteTx != NULL) { tty->device.stopRemoteTx(tty->minor); } } } /* reenable interrupts */ rtems_interrupt_enable(level); if (newTail == tty->rawInBuf.Head) { dropped++; } else { tty->rawInBuf.theBuf[newTail] = c; tty->rawInBuf.Tail = newTail; /* * check to see if rcv wakeup callback was set */ if (( !tty->tty_rcvwakeup ) && ( tty->tty_rcv.sw_pfn != NULL )) { (*tty->tty_rcv.sw_pfn)(&tty->termios, tty->tty_rcv.sw_arg); tty->tty_rcvwakeup = 1; } } } } tty->rawInBufDropped += dropped; rtems_semaphore_release (tty->rawInBuf.Semaphore); return dropped; } /* * in task-driven mode, this function is called in Tx task context * in interrupt-driven mode, this function is called in TxIRQ context */ int rtems_termios_refill_transmitter (struct rtems_termios_tty *tty) { unsigned int newTail; int nToSend; rtems_interrupt_level level; int len; /* check for XOF/XON to send */ if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXOF | FL_IREQXOF | FL_ISNTXOF)) == (FL_MDXOF | FL_IREQXOF)) { /* XOFF should be sent now... */ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor, (void *)&(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTOP]), 1); rtems_interrupt_disable(level); tty->t_dqlen--; tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_ISNTXOF; rtems_interrupt_enable(level); nToSend = 1; } else if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_IREQXOF | FL_ISNTXOF)) == FL_ISNTXOF) { /* NOTE: send XON even, if no longer in XON/XOFF mode... */ /* XON should be sent now... */ /* * FIXME: this .write call will generate another * dequeue callback. This will advance the "Tail" in the data * buffer, although the corresponding data is not yet out! * Therefore the dequeue "length" should be reduced by 1 */ (*tty->device.write)(tty->minor, (void *)&(tty->termios.c_cc[VSTART]), 1); rtems_interrupt_disable(level); tty->t_dqlen--; tty->flow_ctrl &= ~FL_ISNTXOF; rtems_interrupt_enable(level); nToSend = 1; } else { if ( tty->rawOutBuf.Head == tty->rawOutBuf.Tail ) { /* * buffer was empty */ if (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_wait) { /* * this should never happen... */ rtems_semaphore_release (tty->rawOutBuf.Semaphore); } return 0; } rtems_interrupt_disable(level); len = tty->t_dqlen; tty->t_dqlen = 0; rtems_interrupt_enable(level); newTail = (tty->rawOutBuf.Tail + len) % tty->rawOutBuf.Size; tty->rawOutBuf.Tail = newTail; if (tty->rawOutBufState == rob_wait) { /* * wake up any pending writer task */ rtems_semaphore_release (tty->rawOutBuf.Semaphore); } if (newTail == tty->rawOutBuf.Head) { /* * Buffer has become empty */ tty->rawOutBufState = rob_idle; nToSend = 0; /* * check to see if snd wakeup callback was set */ if ( tty->tty_snd.sw_pfn != NULL) { (*tty->tty_snd.sw_pfn)(&tty->termios, tty->tty_snd.sw_arg); } } /* check, whether output should stop due to received XOFF */ else if ((tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXON | FL_ORCVXOF)) == (FL_MDXON | FL_ORCVXOF)) { /* Buffer not empty, but output stops due to XOFF */ /* set flag, that output has been stopped */ rtems_interrupt_disable(level); tty->flow_ctrl |= FL_OSTOP; tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy; /*apm*/ rtems_interrupt_enable(level); nToSend = 0; } else { /* * Buffer not empty, start tranmitter */ if (newTail > tty->rawOutBuf.Head) nToSend = tty->rawOutBuf.Size - newTail; else nToSend = tty->rawOutBuf.Head - newTail; /* when flow control XON or XOF, don't send blocks of data */ /* to allow fast reaction on incoming flow ctrl and low latency*/ /* for outgoing flow control */ if (tty->flow_ctrl & (FL_MDXON | FL_MDXOF)) { nToSend = 1; } tty->rawOutBufState = rob_busy; /*apm*/ (*tty->device.write)( tty->minor, &tty->rawOutBuf.theBuf[newTail], nToSend); } tty->rawOutBuf.Tail = newTail; /*apm*/ } return nToSend; } /* * Characters have been transmitted * NOTE: This routine runs in the context of the * device transmit interrupt handler. * The second argument is the number of characters transmitted so far. * This value will always be 1 for devices which generate an interrupt * for each transmitted character. * It returns number of characters left to transmit */ int rtems_termios_dequeue_characters (void *ttyp, int len) { struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = ttyp; rtems_status_code sc; /* * sum up character count already sent */ tty->t_dqlen += len; if (tty->device.outputUsesInterrupts == TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN) { /* * send wake up to transmitter task */ sc = rtems_event_send(tty->txTaskId, TERMIOS_TX_START_EVENT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_fatal_error_occurred (sc); return 0; /* nothing to output in IRQ... */ } if (tty->t_line == PPPDISC ) { /* * call any line discipline start function */ if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_start != NULL) { rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_start(tty); } return 0; /* nothing to output in IRQ... */ } return rtems_termios_refill_transmitter(tty); } /* * this task actually processes any transmit events */ static rtems_task rtems_termios_txdaemon(rtems_task_argument argument) { struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = (struct rtems_termios_tty *)argument; rtems_event_set the_event; while (1) { /* * wait for rtems event */ rtems_event_receive( (TERMIOS_TX_START_EVENT | TERMIOS_TX_TERMINATE_EVENT), RTEMS_EVENT_ANY | RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, &the_event ); if ((the_event & TERMIOS_TX_TERMINATE_EVENT) != 0) { tty->txTaskId = 0; rtems_task_delete(RTEMS_SELF); } /* * call any line discipline start function */ if (rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_start != NULL) { rtems_termios_linesw[tty->t_line].l_start(tty); } /* * try to push further characters to device */ rtems_termios_refill_transmitter(tty); } } /* * this task actually processes any receive events */ static rtems_task rtems_termios_rxdaemon(rtems_task_argument argument) { struct rtems_termios_tty *tty = (struct rtems_termios_tty *)argument; rtems_event_set the_event; int c; char c_buf; while (1) { /* * wait for rtems event */ rtems_event_receive( (TERMIOS_RX_PROC_EVENT | TERMIOS_RX_TERMINATE_EVENT), RTEMS_EVENT_ANY | RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, &the_event ); if ((the_event & TERMIOS_RX_TERMINATE_EVENT) != 0) { tty->rxTaskId = 0; rtems_task_delete(RTEMS_SELF); } /* * do something */ c = tty->device.pollRead(tty->minor); if (c != EOF) { /* * pollRead did call enqueue on its own */ c_buf = c; rtems_termios_enqueue_raw_characters ( tty,&c_buf,1); } } }