/* * uemf.c -- GoAhead Micro Embedded Management Framework * * Copyright (c) Go Ahead Software, Inc., 1995-1999 * * See the file "license.txt" for usage and redistribution license requirements */ /********************************** Description *******************************/ /* * This module provides compatibility with the full GoAhead EMF. * It is a collection of routines which permits the GoAhead WebServer to * run stand-alone and to also load as a solution pack under the GoAhead EMF. */ /*********************************** Includes *********************************/ #include "uemf.h" /********************************** Local Data ********************************/ int emfInst; /* Application instance handle */ /************************************* Code ***********************************/ /* * Error message that doesn't need user attention. Customize this code * to direct error messages to whereever the developer wishes */ void error(E_ARGS_DEC, int flags, char_t *fmt, ...) { if (flags & E_LOG) { /* Log error message */ } else if (flags & E_ASSERT) { /* Assert message */ } else if (flags & E_USER) { /* Display message to the user */ } } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Trace log. Customize this function to log trace output */ void goahead_trace(int level, char_t *afmt, ...) { #if DEBUG va_list args; char_t *buf; va_start(args, afmt); buf = NULL; gvsnprintf(&buf, VALUE_MAX_STRING, afmt, args); if (buf) { gprintf(buf); bfree(B_L, buf); } va_end(args); #endif } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Save the instance handle */ void emfInstSet(int inst) { emfInst = inst; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Get the instance handle */ int emfInstGet() { return emfInst; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Convert a string to lower case */ char_t *strlower(char_t *string) { char_t *s; a_assert(string); if (string == NULL) { return NULL; } s = string; while (*s) { if (gisupper(*s)) { *s = (char_t) gtolower(*s); } s++; } *s = '\0'; return string; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Convert a string to upper case */ char_t *strupper(char_t *string) { char_t *s; a_assert(string); if (string == NULL) { return NULL; } s = string; while (*s) { if (gislower(*s)) { *s = (char_t) gtoupper(*s); } s++; } *s = '\0'; return string; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Convert integer to ascii string. Allow a NULL string in which case we * allocate a dynamic buffer. */ char_t *stritoa(int n, char_t *string, int width) { char_t *cp, *lim, *s; char_t buf[16]; /* Just temp to hold number */ int next, minus; a_assert(string && width > 0); if (string == NULL) { if (width == 0) { width = 10; } if ((string = balloc(B_L, width + 1)) == NULL) { return NULL; } } if (n < 0) { minus = 1; n = -n; width--; } else { minus = 0; } cp = buf; lim = &buf[width - 1]; while (n > 9 && cp < lim) { next = n; n /= 10; *cp++ = (char_t) (next - n * 10 + '0'); } if (cp < lim) { *cp++ = (char_t) (n + '0'); } s = string; if (minus) { *s++ = '-'; } while (cp > buf) { *s++ = *--cp; } *s++ = '\0'; return string; } /******************************************************************************/