/* * rom.c -- Support for ROMed page retrieval. * * Copyright (c) GoAhead Software Inc., 1995-2000. All Rights Reserved. * * See the file "license.txt" for usage and redistribution license requirements * * $Id$ */ /******************************** Description *********************************/ /* * This module provides web page retrieval from compiled web pages. Use the * webcomp program to compile web pages and link into the GoAhead WebServer. * This module uses a hashed symbol table for fast page lookup. * * Usage: webcomp -f webPageFileList -p Prefix >webrom.c */ /********************************* Includes ***********************************/ #include #include "wsIntrn.h" /******************************** Local Data **********************************/ #ifdef WEBS_PAGE_ROM sym_fd_t romTab; /* Symbol table for web pages */ /*********************************** Code *************************************/ /* * Open the ROM module */ int websRomOpen() { websRomPageIndexType *wip; int nchars; char_t name[SYM_MAX]; romTab = symOpen(WEBS_SYM_INIT); for (wip = websRomPageIndex; wip->path; wip++) { gstrncpy(name, wip->path, SYM_MAX); nchars = gstrlen(name) - 1; if (nchars > 0 && (name[nchars] == '/' || name[nchars] == '\\')) { name[nchars] = '\0'; } symEnter(romTab, name, valueInteger((int) wip), 0); } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Close the ROM module */ void websRomClose() { symClose(romTab); } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Open a web page */ int websRomPageOpen(webs_t wp, char_t *path, int mode, int perm) { websRomPageIndexType *wip; sym_t *sp; a_assert(websValid(wp)); a_assert(path && *path); if ((sp = symLookup(romTab, path)) == NULL) { return -1; } wip = (websRomPageIndexType*) sp->content.value.integer; wip->pos = 0; return (wp->docfd = wip - websRomPageIndex); } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Close a web page */ void websRomPageClose(int fd) { } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Stat a web page */ int websRomPageStat(char_t *path, websStatType *sbuf) { websRomPageIndexType *wip; sym_t *sp; a_assert(path && *path); if ((sp = symLookup(romTab, path)) == NULL) { return -1; } wip = (websRomPageIndexType*) sp->content.value.integer; memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(websStatType)); sbuf->size = wip->size; if (wip->page == NULL) { sbuf->isDir = 1; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Read a web page */ int websRomPageReadData(webs_t wp, char *buf, int nBytes) { websRomPageIndexType *wip; int len; a_assert(websValid(wp)); a_assert(buf); a_assert(wp->docfd >= 0); wip = &websRomPageIndex[wp->docfd]; len = min(wip->size - wip->pos, nBytes); memcpy(buf, &wip->page[wip->pos], len); wip->pos += len; return len; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Position a web page */ long websRomPageSeek(webs_t wp, long offset, int origin) { websRomPageIndexType *wip; long pos; a_assert(websValid(wp)); a_assert(origin == SEEK_SET || origin == SEEK_CUR || origin == SEEK_END); a_assert(wp->docfd >= 0); wip = &websRomPageIndex[wp->docfd]; if (origin != SEEK_SET && origin != SEEK_CUR && origin != SEEK_END) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (wp->docfd < 0) { errno = EBADF; return -1; } pos = offset; switch (origin) { case SEEK_CUR: pos = wip->pos + offset; break; case SEEK_END: pos = wip->size + offset; break; default: break; } if (pos < 0) { errno = EBADF; return -1; } return (wip->pos = pos); } #endif /* WEBS_PAGE_ROM */ /******************************************************************************/