; RTEMS Autotools Installer. ; ; Copyright Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) ; ;!define EMPTY_INSTALLER !define PRODUCT_NAME "RTEMS Autotools" !define PRODUCT_VERSION ${RTEMS_VERSION} !define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "RTEM Project Team" !define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "http://www.rtems.org/" !define PRODUCT_TITLE "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} (${RTEMS_TARGET})" !define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" !define PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY "HKLM" !define PRODUCT_STARTMENU_REGVAL "NSIS:StartMenuDir" ; MUI 1.66 compatible ------ !include "MUI.nsh" ; MUI Settings !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\win-install.ico" !define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\win-uninstall.ico" !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${RTEMS_LOGO}" !define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_SMALLDESC ; Start Menu Support !include "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/sm-dummy.nsi" var smfolder !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_DISABLE !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_DEFAULTFOLDER "RTEMS ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT "${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY}" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "${PRODUCT_STARTMENU_REGVAL}" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU_DUMMY Application $smfolder ; Instfiles page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES ; Uninstaller pages !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES ; Language files !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; Reserve files !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS ; MUI end ------ ReserveFile "rtems.ini" !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS Name "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} (${RTEMS_TARGET})" OutFile "${RTEMS_BINARY}/rtems${PRODUCT_VERSION}-tools-${RTEMS_TARGET}-${RTEMS_BUILD_VERSION}.exe" InstallDir "C:\opt\rtems-${PRODUCT_VERSION}" ShowInstDetails show ShowUnInstDetails show BrandingText "RTEMS ${RTEMS_TARGET} Tools v${PRODUCT_VERSION}" AllowRootDirInstall false AutoCloseWindow true CRCCheck force !include "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/instance-check.nsi" !include "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/mingw-path.nsi" !include "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/msys-path.nsi" !include "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/options.nsi" !include "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/filewrite.nsi" Section "RTEMS ${RTEMS_TARGET} Tools" SecTools SetDetailsView show AddSize ${RTEMS_TOOLS_SIZE} Call MSYSFstabUpdate /* * Detect if MSYS is installed. */ Call MSYSDetect Pop $9 StrCmp $9 "not-found" 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "Could not find a valid MSYS. Please install from http://www.mingw.org/" Abort SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Uninstall" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Packages\Build" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Packages\Build" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source" File "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/build-autotools.sh" File "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/ba-wrap.sh" File "${RTEMS_PACKAGE_SOURCE}/${RTEMS_AUTOCONF_SOURCE}" File "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/autoconf.def" File "${RTEMS_SOURCE}/automake.def" !insertmacro RTEMS_AUTOCONF_PATCHES File "${RTEMS_PACKAGE_SOURCE}/${RTEMS_AUTOMAKE_SOURCE}" !insertmacro RTEMS_AUTOMAKE_PATCHES Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\at-log.txt" /* * Need to fix the slashes when using a Unix type shell. */ Push "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\ba-wrap.sh" Push '\\' Pop $R0 Call StrSlash Pop $R1 Push "$INSTDIR\Packages\Build" Push '\\' Pop $R0 Call StrSlash Pop $R2 /* * Build Autoconf. */ Push "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\autoconf.def" Push '\\' Pop $R0 Call StrSlash Pop $R0 DetailPrint "Building automake. Command window closes automatically. Debug:$DebugScriptOption" ExecWait '"$9\bin\sh" --login -c "$R1 $DebugScriptOption -p /opt/rtems-${PRODUCT_VERSION} -b $R2 -c $R0"' $0 BringToFront IntCmp $0 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "Autoconf build failed. See $INSTDIR\Packages\Source\at-log.txt" Abort BringToFront Push "$INSTDIR\Uninstall\${RTEMS_AUTOCONF}-files" call InstallFilesFromFile /* * Build Automake. */ Push "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\automake.def" Push '\\' Pop $R0 Call StrSlash Pop $R0 DetailPrint "Building automake. Command window closes automatically. Debug:$DebugScriptOption" ExecWait '"$9\bin\sh" --login -c "$R1 $DebugScriptOption -p /opt/rtems-${PRODUCT_VERSION} -b $R2 -c $R0"' $0 BringToFront IntCmp $0 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "Automake build failed. See $INSTDIR\Packages\Source\at-log.txt" Abort BringToFront Push "$INSTDIR\Uninstall\${RTEMS_AUTOMAKE}-files" call InstallFilesFromFile DetailPrint "Removing Build directory" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Packages\Build" SectionEnd Function .onInit ;Check if we are the correct instance for our mode. Call CheckInstance ;Handle the Command line options Call CheckSilent Call CheckDebug ;See if MinGW and MSYS are installed Call MinGWDetect Call MSYSDetect FunctionEnd Var FileList Function InstallFilesFromFile Pop $R6 Push $R7 Push $R8 Push $R9 DetailPrint "Installing file list: $R6" SetFileAttributes "$R6" NORMAL FileOpen $FileList "$R6" r IfErrors 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "Internal error reading file list (0:$R6)." Abort ReadLoop: FileRead $FileList $R7 IfErrors Done StrCpy $R7 $R7 -1 # has a \n only at the end StrCpy $R8 $R7 StrCpy $R7 $R7 1 # first character on the line StrCpy $R8 $R8 256 2 StrCmpS $R7 "D" ReadLoop StrCmpS $R7 "b" 0 +3 StrCpy $R9 $R8 Goto ReadLoop StrCmpS $R7 "d" 0 +3 CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\$R8" Goto ReadLoop StrCmpS $R7 "f" 0 +3 CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\Packages\Build\$R9\$R8" "$INSTDIR\$R8" Goto ReadLoop MessageBox MB_OK "Internal error installing package (2:$R6)." Abort Done: FileClose $FileList ClearErrors Pop $R9 Pop $R8 Pop $R7 FunctionEnd Function un.RemoveFilesFromFile ; Two passes, one to delete files then the directories ; This is due to the order in the *-files list. Plus ; RMDir seems to stuff things up (maybe a NSIS bug!) Pop $R6 Push $R7 Push $R8 Push $R9 DetailPrint "Delete file list: $R6" SetFileAttributes "$R6" NORMAL FileOpen $FileList "$R6" r IfErrors 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "Internal error reading file list (0:$R6)." Abort ReadLoop: FileRead $FileList $R7 IfErrors Pass2 StrCpy $R7 $R7 -1 # has a \n only at the end StrCpy $R8 $R7 StrCpy $R7 $R7 1 # first character on the line StrCpy $R8 $R8 256 2 StrCmp $R7 "b" ReadLoop StrCmp $R7 "d" ReadLoop StrCmp $R7 "D" ReadLoop StrCmp $R7 "f" 0 +3 Delete "$INSTDIR\$R8" Goto ReadLoop MessageBox MB_OK "Internal error removing package (2:$R6)." Abort Pass2: ClearErrors FileSeek $FileList 0 SET ReadLoop2: FileRead $FileList $R7 IfErrors Done StrCpy $R7 $R7 -1 # has a \n only at the end StrCpy $R8 $R7 StrCpy $R7 $R7 1 # first character on the line StrCpy $R8 $R8 256 2 StrCmpS $R7 "b" ReadLoop2 StrCmpS $R7 "d" ReadLoop2 StrCmpS $R7 "f" ReadLoop2 StrCmpS $R7 "D" 0 Fail ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$R8\*.*" 0 ReadLoop2 RMDir "$INSTDIR\$R8" #is dir Delete "$INSTDIR\$R8" ClearErrors Goto ReadLoop2 Fail: MessageBox MB_OK "Internal error removing package (2:$R6)." Abort Done: FileClose $FileList ClearErrors Delete $R6 Pop $R9 Pop $R8 Pop $R7 FunctionEnd Section -Post StrCpy $R0 "$INSTDIR\rtems${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${RTEMS_BUILD_VERSION}-tools-${RTEMS_TARGET}-uninst.exe" StrCpy $R1 "RTEMS ${RTEMS_TARGET} Tools.lnk" WriteUninstaller "$R0" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" \ "DisplayName" "$(^Name)" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" \ "UninstallString" "$R0" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" \ "DisplayVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION} Build-${RTEMS_BUILD_VERSION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" \ "URLInfoAbout" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" \ "Publisher" "${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "Application" $R2 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$R2" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$R2\Uninstall" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$R2\Uninstall\$R1" "$R0" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END SectionEnd Section Uninstall SetDetailsView show DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_TITLE}" DetailPrint "Delete the installed files" Push "$INSTDIR\Uninstall\${RTEMS_AUTOCONF}-files" call un.RemoveFilesFromFile Push "$INSTDIR\Uninstall\${RTEMS_AUTOMAKE}-files" call un.RemoveFilesFromFile RMDir "$INSTDIR\Uninstall" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\build-autotools.sh" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\ba-wrap.sh" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\${RTEMS_AUTOCONF_SOURCE}" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\${RTEMS_AUTOMAKE_SOURCE}" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\autoconf.def" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\automake.def" Delete "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source\at-log.txt" !insertmacro RTEMS_DELETE_AUTOCONF_PATCHES !insertmacro RTEMS_DELETE_AUTOMAKE_PATCHES RMDir "$INSTDIR\Packages\Source" RMDir "$INSTDIR\Packages\Build" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "Application" $smfolder Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$smfolder\Uninstall\RTEMS ${RTEMS_TARGET} Tools.lnk" Delete $INSTDIR\rtems${PRODUCT_VERSION}-${RTEMS_BUILD_VERSION}-tools-${RTEMS_TARGET}-uninst.exe RMDir "$INSTDIR" DetailPrint "All done." SetAutoClose true SectionEnd