// // x_bsun.sa 3.3 7/1/91 // // fpsp_bsun --- FPSP handler for branch/set on unordered exception // // Copy the PC to FPIAR to maintain 881/882 compatibility // // The real_bsun handler will need to perform further corrective // measures as outlined in the 040 User's Manual on pages // 9-41f, section 9.8.3. // // Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 // All Rights Reserved // // THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA // The copyright notice above does not evidence any // actual or intended publication of such source code. X_BSUN: //idnt 2,1 | Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package |section 8 #include "fpsp.defs" |xref real_bsun .global fpsp_bsun fpsp_bsun: // link %a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE fsave -(%a7) moveml %d0-%d1/%a0-%a1,USER_DA(%a6) fmovemx %fp0-%fp3,USER_FP0(%a6) fmoveml %fpcr/%fpsr/%fpiar,USER_FPCR(%a6) // movel EXC_PC(%a6),USER_FPIAR(%a6) // moveml USER_DA(%a6),%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1 fmovemx USER_FP0(%a6),%fp0-%fp3 fmoveml USER_FPCR(%a6),%fpcr/%fpsr/%fpiar frestore (%a7)+ unlk %a6 bral real_bsun // |end