## Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. ## ## $Id$ AC_PREREQ(2.60) AC_INIT([rtems-c-src-lib-libcpu-m68k],[_RTEMS_VERSION],[rtems-bugs@rtems.com]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([m68040]) RTEMS_TOP([../../../../..],[../../..]) RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([no-define foreign subdir-objects 1.10]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE RTEMS_ENV_RTEMSBSP RTEMS_PROJECT_ROOT RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET AM_PROG_CC_C_O RTEMS_CANONICALIZE_TOOLS RTEMS_PROG_CCAS # At this time all models should use the shared directory so do this AM_CONDITIONAL(shared, true) AM_CONDITIONAL(m68040, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68040") AM_CONDITIONAL(mcf5206, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mcf5206") AM_CONDITIONAL(mcpu32, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68340" \ || test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68331" \ || test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68332" \ || test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68336" \ || test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68337" \ || test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mcpu32" \ ) AM_CONDITIONAL(mcpu32p, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "m68360" \ || test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mcpu32p" \ ) AM_CONDITIONAL(mcf5272, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mcf5272" ) AM_CONDITIONAL(mcf5282, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mcf5282" ) AM_CONDITIONAL(mcf5235, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mcf5235" ) RTEMS_AMPOLISH3 # Explicitly list all Makefiles here AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT