#!@KSH@ -p # # $Id$ # # progname=`basename $0` progname=${0##*/} # fast basename hack for ksh, bash # must be uppercase hex; dc is feeble minded clicks_per_tick="1" # default is 0x3 hexbump=1 iterations=10 USAGE=\ "usage: $progname [ -opts ] file [ file ... ] -o options -- specify options to be passed to runtest -c clicks -- specify (hex) value for clicks / tick (default $clicks_per_tick) -n iterations -- num times to loop thru specified tests (default $iterations) -b hexbump -- increment clicks-per-ticks this much each loop (default $hexbump) -v -- verbose" # log an error to stderr prerr() { echo "$*" >&2 } fatal() { [ "$1" ] && prerr $* prerr "$USAGE" exit 1 } warn() { [ "$1" ] && prerr $* } # # process the options # # defaults for getopt vars # verbose="" extra_options="" while getopts vo:c:n:b: OPT do case "$OPT" in v) verbose="yes";; o) extra_options="$OPTARG";; c) clicks_per_ticks="$OPTARG";; n) iterations="$OPTARG";; b) hexbump="$OPTARG";; *) fatal;; esac done ((shiftcount = $OPTIND - 1)) shift $shiftcount args=$* # # Run the tests # After each run, rename 'log' to log.$clicks_per_tick # tests="$args" while [ $iterations -gt 0 ] do ./runtest $extra_options -c $clicks_per_tick $tests rm -rf log.$clicks_per_tick.OLD [ -d log.$clicks_per_tick ] && mv log.$clicks_per_tick log.$clicks_per_tick.OLD mv log log.$clicks_per_tick ((iterations = $iterations - 1)) clicks_per_tick=`echo 16 o 16 i $clicks_per_tick $hexbump + p q | dc` done exit 0 # Local Variables: *** # mode:ksh *** # End: ***