## Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([rtems-c-src-lib-libbsp-sparc-leon2], [_RTEMS_VERSION],[http://www.rtems.org/bugzilla]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([bsp_specs]) RTEMS_TOP(../../../../../..) RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([no-define nostdinc foreign 1.12.2]) RTEMS_BSP_CONFIGURE RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET RTEMS_CANONICALIZE_TOOLS RTEMS_PROG_CCAS RTEMS_CHECK_NETWORKING RTEMS_CHECK_SMP AM_CONDITIONAL(HAS_NETWORKING,test "$HAS_NETWORKING" = "yes") AM_CONDITIONAL(HAS_SMP,[test "$rtems_cv_HAS_SMP" = "yes"]) ## bsp-specific options RTEMS_BSPOPTS_SET([CONSOLE_USE_INTERRUPTS],[*],[0]) RTEMS_BSPOPTS_HELP([CONSOLE_USE_INTERRUPTS], [The leon2 console driver can operate in either polled or interrupt mode. Under the simulator (especially when FAST_UART is defined), polled seems to operate better. It is common for a task to print a line (like the end of test message) and then exit. In this case, the program returns control to the simulator command line before the program has even queued the output to the uart. Thus sis has no chance of getting the data out.]) RTEMS_BSPOPTS_SET([SIMSPARC_FAST_IDLE],[*],[]) RTEMS_BSPOPTS_HELP([SIMSPARC_FAST_IDLE], [If defined, speed up the clock ticks while the idle task is running so time spent in the idle task is minimized. This significantly reduces the wall time required to execute the RTEMS test suites.]) RTEMS_BSPOPTS_SET([BSP_POWER_DOWN_AT_FATAL_HALT],[*],[]) RTEMS_BSPOPTS_HELP([BSP_POWER_DOWN_AT_FATAL_HALT], [If defined, CPU is spinning on fatal exit. Otherwise generate system error which will hand over to debugger, simulator, etc.]) RTEMS_BSP_CLEANUP_OPTIONS(0, 1, 1) # Explicitly list all Makefiles here AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT