MEMORY { NUL : ORIGIN = 0xa00f0000, LENGTH = 0 RAM : ORIGIN = 0xa00fe000, LENGTH = 8K ROM : ORIGIN = 0xbfc00000, LENGTH = 8K } SECTIONS { /* Initialized data is _not_ supported. */ /* Assign it to an empty region in order */ /* to force a link error if any exists. */ .data 0xa00f0000 (NOLOAD): { _fdata = .; *(.data) . = ALIGN(8); _gp = . + 0x8000; *(.sdata) . = ALIGN(8); _edata = .; } >NUL /* Assign uninitialized read/write data to RAM. */ .bss 0xa00fe000 (NOLOAD): { _fbss = .; stubinit.o(.bss) *(.sbss) *(.bss) *(.scommon) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(8); _end = .; } >RAM /* Assign code and read-only data to ROM. This */ /* section MUST start at the reset address, */ /* and the reset code MUST be linked first. */ .text 0xbfc00000: { _ftext = .; stubinit.o(.text) . = ALIGN(8); r46kstub.o(.text) . = ALIGN(8); *(.rdata) . = ALIGN(8); *(.rodata) . = ALIGN(8); _etext = .; } >ROM = 0 } ENTRY(_reset_exception)