with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with TS1325.LED; use TS1325.LED; with Serial_Debug; use Serial_Debug; procedure Debug is package Random_LED_Colour is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (LED_Colour); use Random_LED_Colour; Colour_Gen: Random_LED_Colour.Generator; New_Colour: LED_Colour; Count: Integer := 0; begin Breakpoint; Put_Line ("******* Starting Random LED Debug Test *******"); for I in 1 .. 10_000 loop Count := Count + 1; New_Colour := Random_LED_Colour.Random (Colour_Gen); LED_State.Set (New_Colour); end loop; Put_Line ("******* Finished Random LED Debug Test *******"); end Debug;