/* * Copyright 2017-2019 NXP * All rights reserved. * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "fsl_elcdif.h" /* Component ID definition, used by tools. */ #ifndef FSL_COMPONENT_ID #define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.elcdif" #endif /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /*! * @brief Get instance number for ELCDIF module. * * @param base ELCDIF peripheral base address */ static uint32_t ELCDIF_GetInstance(LCDIF_Type *base); /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Pointers to ELCDIF bases for each instance. */ static LCDIF_Type *const s_elcdifBases[] = LCDIF_BASE_PTRS; #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /*! @brief Pointers to eLCDIF apb_clk for each instance. */ static const clock_ip_name_t s_elcdifApbClocks[] = LCDIF_CLOCKS; #if defined(LCDIF_PERIPH_CLOCKS) /*! @brief Pointers to eLCDIF pix_clk for each instance. */ static const clock_ip_name_t s_elcdifPixClocks[] = LCDIF_PERIPH_CLOCKS; #endif #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /*! @brief The control register value to select different pixel format. */ static const elcdif_pixel_format_reg_t s_pixelFormatReg[] = { /* kELCDIF_PixelFormatRAW8 */ {/* Register CTRL. */ LCDIF_CTRL_WORD_LENGTH(1U), /* Register CTRL1. */ LCDIF_CTRL1_BYTE_PACKING_FORMAT(0x0FU)}, /* kELCDIF_PixelFormatRGB565 */ {/* Register CTRL. */ LCDIF_CTRL_WORD_LENGTH(0U), /* Register CTRL1. */ LCDIF_CTRL1_BYTE_PACKING_FORMAT(0x0FU)}, /* kELCDIF_PixelFormatRGB666 */ {/* Register CTRL. */ LCDIF_CTRL_WORD_LENGTH(3U) | LCDIF_CTRL_DATA_FORMAT_24_BIT(1U), /* Register CTRL1. */ LCDIF_CTRL1_BYTE_PACKING_FORMAT(0x07U)}, /* kELCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB8888 */ {/* Register CTRL. 24-bit. */ LCDIF_CTRL_WORD_LENGTH(3U), /* Register CTRL1. */ LCDIF_CTRL1_BYTE_PACKING_FORMAT(0x07U)}, /* kELCDIF_PixelFormatRGB888 */ {/* Register CTRL. 24-bit. */ LCDIF_CTRL_WORD_LENGTH(3U), /* Register CTRL1. */ LCDIF_CTRL1_BYTE_PACKING_FORMAT(0x0FU)}, }; /******************************************************************************* * Codes ******************************************************************************/ static uint32_t ELCDIF_GetInstance(LCDIF_Type *base) { uint32_t instance; /* Find the instance index from base address mappings. */ for (instance = 0; instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_elcdifBases); instance++) { if (s_elcdifBases[instance] == base) { break; } } assert(instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_elcdifBases)); return instance; } /*! * brief Initializes the eLCDIF to work in RGB mode (DOTCLK mode). * * This function ungates the eLCDIF clock and configures the eLCDIF peripheral according * to the configuration structure. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. * param config Pointer to the configuration structure. */ void ELCDIF_RgbModeInit(LCDIF_Type *base, const elcdif_rgb_mode_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); assert((uint32_t)config->pixelFormat < ARRAY_SIZE(s_pixelFormatReg)); #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) uint32_t instance = ELCDIF_GetInstance(base); /* Enable the clock. */ CLOCK_EnableClock(s_elcdifApbClocks[instance]); #if defined(LCDIF_PERIPH_CLOCKS) CLOCK_EnableClock(s_elcdifPixClocks[instance]); #endif #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /* Reset. */ ELCDIF_Reset(base); base->CTRL = s_pixelFormatReg[(uint32_t)config->pixelFormat].regCtrl | (uint32_t)(config->dataBus) | LCDIF_CTRL_DOTCLK_MODE_MASK | /* RGB mode. */ LCDIF_CTRL_BYPASS_COUNT_MASK | /* Keep RUN bit set. */ LCDIF_CTRL_MASTER_MASK; base->CTRL1 = s_pixelFormatReg[(uint32_t)config->pixelFormat].regCtrl1; base->TRANSFER_COUNT = ((uint32_t)config->panelHeight << LCDIF_TRANSFER_COUNT_V_COUNT_SHIFT) | ((uint32_t)config->panelWidth << LCDIF_TRANSFER_COUNT_H_COUNT_SHIFT); base->VDCTRL0 = LCDIF_VDCTRL0_ENABLE_PRESENT_MASK | /* Data enable signal. */ LCDIF_VDCTRL0_VSYNC_PERIOD_UNIT_MASK | /* VSYNC period in the unit of display clock. */ LCDIF_VDCTRL0_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_UNIT_MASK | /* VSYNC pulse width in the unit of display clock. */ (uint32_t)config->polarityFlags | (uint32_t)config->vsw; base->VDCTRL1 = (uint32_t)config->vsw + (uint32_t)config->panelHeight + (uint32_t)config->vfp + (uint32_t)config->vbp; base->VDCTRL2 = ((uint32_t)config->hsw << LCDIF_VDCTRL2_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_SHIFT) | (((uint32_t)config->hfp + (uint32_t)config->hbp + (uint32_t)config->panelWidth + (uint32_t)config->hsw)) << LCDIF_VDCTRL2_HSYNC_PERIOD_SHIFT; base->VDCTRL3 = (((uint32_t)config->hbp + config->hsw) << LCDIF_VDCTRL3_HORIZONTAL_WAIT_CNT_SHIFT) | (((uint32_t)config->vbp + config->vsw) << LCDIF_VDCTRL3_VERTICAL_WAIT_CNT_SHIFT); base->VDCTRL4 = LCDIF_VDCTRL4_SYNC_SIGNALS_ON_MASK | ((uint32_t)config->panelWidth << LCDIF_VDCTRL4_DOTCLK_H_VALID_DATA_CNT_SHIFT); base->CUR_BUF = config->bufferAddr; base->NEXT_BUF = config->bufferAddr; } /*! * brief Gets the eLCDIF default configuration structure for RGB (DOTCLK) mode. * * This function sets the configuration structure to default values. * The default configuration is set to the following values. * code config->panelWidth = 480U; config->panelHeight = 272U; config->hsw = 41; config->hfp = 4; config->hbp = 8; config->vsw = 10; config->vfp = 4; config->vbp = 2; config->polarityFlags = kELCDIF_VsyncActiveLow | kELCDIF_HsyncActiveLow | kELCDIF_DataEnableActiveLow | kELCDIF_DriveDataOnFallingClkEdge; config->bufferAddr = 0U; config->pixelFormat = kELCDIF_PixelFormatRGB888; config->dataBus = kELCDIF_DataBus24Bit; code * * param config Pointer to the eLCDIF configuration structure. */ void ELCDIF_RgbModeGetDefaultConfig(elcdif_rgb_mode_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); /* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */ (void)memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); config->panelWidth = 480U; config->panelHeight = 272U; config->hsw = 41; config->hfp = 4; config->hbp = 8; config->vsw = 10; config->vfp = 4; config->vbp = 2; config->polarityFlags = (uint32_t)kELCDIF_VsyncActiveLow | (uint32_t)kELCDIF_HsyncActiveLow | (uint32_t)kELCDIF_DataEnableActiveLow | (uint32_t)kELCDIF_DriveDataOnFallingClkEdge; config->bufferAddr = 0U; config->pixelFormat = kELCDIF_PixelFormatRGB888; config->dataBus = kELCDIF_DataBus24Bit; } /*! * brief Set the pixel format in RGB (DOTCLK) mode. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. * param pixelFormat The pixel format. */ void ELCDIF_RgbModeSetPixelFormat(LCDIF_Type *base, elcdif_pixel_format_t pixelFormat) { assert((uint32_t)pixelFormat < ARRAY_SIZE(s_pixelFormatReg)); base->CTRL = (base->CTRL & ~(LCDIF_CTRL_WORD_LENGTH_MASK | LCDIF_CTRL_DATA_FORMAT_24_BIT_MASK | LCDIF_CTRL_DATA_FORMAT_18_BIT_MASK | LCDIF_CTRL_DATA_FORMAT_16_BIT_MASK)) | s_pixelFormatReg[(uint32_t)pixelFormat].regCtrl; base->CTRL1 = s_pixelFormatReg[(uint32_t)pixelFormat].regCtrl1; } /*! * brief Deinitializes the eLCDIF peripheral. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. */ void ELCDIF_Deinit(LCDIF_Type *base) { ELCDIF_Reset(base); #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) uint32_t instance = ELCDIF_GetInstance(base); /* Disable the clock. */ #if defined(LCDIF_PERIPH_CLOCKS) CLOCK_DisableClock(s_elcdifPixClocks[instance]); #endif CLOCK_DisableClock(s_elcdifApbClocks[instance]); #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ } /*! * brief Stop display in RGB (DOTCLK) mode and wait until finished. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. */ void ELCDIF_RgbModeStop(LCDIF_Type *base) { base->CTRL_CLR = LCDIF_CTRL_DOTCLK_MODE_MASK; /* Wait for data transfer finished. */ while (0U != (base->CTRL & LCDIF_CTRL_DOTCLK_MODE_MASK)) { } } /*! * brief Reset the eLCDIF peripheral. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. */ void ELCDIF_Reset(LCDIF_Type *base) { /* * ELCDIF reset workflow: * * 1. Ungate clock. * 2. Trigger the software reset. * 3. The software reset finished when clk_gate bit is set. * 4. Ungate the clock. * 5. Release the reset. */ /* Ungate clock. */ base->CTRL_CLR = LCDIF_CTRL_CLKGATE_MASK; /* * If already in reset state, release the reset. * If not, trigger reset. */ if (0U == (base->CTRL & LCDIF_CTRL_SFTRST_MASK)) { /* Trigger reset. */ base->CTRL_SET = LCDIF_CTRL_SFTRST_MASK; /* Reset is not finished until CLK_GATE is set. */ while (0U == (base->CTRL & LCDIF_CTRL_CLKGATE_MASK)) { } /* Ungate the clock. */ base->CTRL_CLR = LCDIF_CTRL_CLKGATE_MASK; } /* Release the reset. */ base->CTRL_CLR = LCDIF_CTRL_SFTRST_MASK; } #if !(defined(FSL_FEATURE_LCDIF_HAS_NO_AS) && FSL_FEATURE_LCDIF_HAS_NO_AS) /*! * brief Set the configuration for alpha surface buffer. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. * param config Pointer to the configuration structure. */ void ELCDIF_SetAlphaSurfaceBufferConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, const elcdif_as_buffer_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); base->AS_CTRL = (base->AS_CTRL & ~LCDIF_AS_CTRL_FORMAT_MASK) | LCDIF_AS_CTRL_FORMAT(config->pixelFormat); base->AS_BUF = config->bufferAddr; base->AS_NEXT_BUF = config->bufferAddr; } /*! * brief Set the alpha surface blending configuration. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. * param config Pointer to the configuration structure. */ void ELCDIF_SetAlphaSurfaceBlendConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, const elcdif_as_blend_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); uint32_t reg; reg = base->AS_CTRL; reg &= ~(LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ALPHA_INVERT_MASK | LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ROP_MASK | LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ALPHA_MASK | LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ALPHA_CTRL_MASK); reg |= (LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ROP(config->ropMode) | LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ALPHA(config->alpha) | LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ALPHA_CTRL(config->alphaMode)); if (config->invertAlpha) { reg |= LCDIF_AS_CTRL_ALPHA_INVERT_MASK; } base->AS_CTRL = reg; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_LCDIF_HAS_NO_AS */ #if (defined(FSL_FEATURE_LCDIF_HAS_LUT) && FSL_FEATURE_LCDIF_HAS_LUT) /*! * brief Load the LUT value. * * This function loads the LUT value to the specific LUT memory, user can * specify the start entry index. * * param base eLCDIF peripheral base address. * param lut Which LUT to load. * param startIndex The start index of the LUT entry to update. * param lutData The LUT data to load. * param count Count of p lutData. * retval kStatus_Success Initialization success. * retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Wrong argument. */ status_t ELCDIF_UpdateLut( LCDIF_Type *base, elcdif_lut_t lut, uint16_t startIndex, const uint32_t *lutData, uint16_t count) { volatile uint32_t *regLutAddr; volatile uint32_t *regLutData; uint32_t i; status_t status; /* Only has 256 entries. */ if (startIndex + count > ELCDIF_LUT_ENTRY_NUM) { status = kStatus_InvalidArgument; } else { if (kELCDIF_Lut0 == lut) { regLutAddr = &(base->LUT0_ADDR); regLutData = &(base->LUT0_DATA); } else { regLutAddr = &(base->LUT1_ADDR); regLutData = &(base->LUT1_DATA); } *regLutAddr = startIndex; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { *regLutData = lutData[i]; } status = kStatus_Success; } return status; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_LCDIF_HAS_LUT */