path: root/cpukit/score/inline (follow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 2008-02-06 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-02-061-70/+17
| | | | | | | | | | | * posix/src/mqueueunlink.c, score/, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl: Enhance _Objects_Namespace_remove() to handle freeing object names which are strings. All changed _Objects_Close() to call _Objects_Namespace_remove(). The resulting code was then moved from inline routines to function calls. * score/src/objectclose.c, score/src/objectnamespaceremove.c: New files.
* 2008-01-30 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-301-41/+0
| | | | | | | * score/, score/include/rtems/score/threadq.h, score/inline/rtems/score/threadq.inl: _Thread_queue_Process_timeout was really too complex to be inlined. * score/src/threadqprocesstimeout.c: New file.
* 2008-01-29 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-292-4/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * score/Doxyfile: Update to latest Doxygen format. * score/include/rtems/score/apimutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/corebarrier.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/corerwlock.h, score/include/rtems/score/heap.h, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/include/rtems/score/protectedheap.h, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadsync.h, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/inline/rtems/score/corerwlock.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/corespinlock.inl: Remove most doxygen warnings.
* 2008-01-29 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-291-28/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * itron/src/exd_tsk.c, itron/src/task.c, libmisc/capture/capture.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-config.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-driver.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-itask.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-monitor.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-mpci.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-object.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-symbols.c, posix/src/cancelrun.c, posix/src/pthreadexit.c, rtems/, rtems/, rtems/include/rtems.h, rtems/include/rtems/rtems/support.h, rtems/inline/rtems/rtems/tasks.inl, rtems/src/eventmp.c, rtems/src/msgmp.c, rtems/src/partmp.c, rtems/src/regionmp.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectgetname.c, rtems/src/semmp.c, rtems/src/signalmp.c, rtems/src/taskdelete.c, rtems/src/taskmp.c, rtems/src/timerserver.c, score/, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/src/Unlimited.txt, score/src/objectgetnameasstring.c, score/src/threadqextractwithproxy.c: Add new Object Services collection. This changed the name of a few previously public but undocumented services and added a some new services. * rtems/include/rtems/rtems/object.h, rtems/src/rtemsbuildid.c, rtems/src/rtemsbuildname.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectapimaximumclass.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectapiminimumclass.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectgetapiclassname.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectgetapiname.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectgetclassicname.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectgetclassinfo.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectidapimaximum.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectidapiminimum.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectidgetapi.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectidgetclass.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectidgetindex.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectidgetnode.c, rtems/src/rtemsobjectsetname.c, score/src/objectapimaximumclass.c, score/src/objectgetinfo.c, score/src/objectgetinfoid.c, score/src/objectsetname.c: New files. * rtems/src/rtemsidtoname.c: Removed.
* 2008-01-25 Jennifer Averett <>Jennifer Averett2008-01-251-1/+9
| | | | | | | * sapi/include/rtems/fatal.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/interr.h, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl, score/src/coremutexseize.c: Modifications to aid in full path testing.
* 2008-01-23 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-231-13/+59
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * itron/include/rtems/itron/object.h, itron/src/cre_tsk.c, libblock/src/show_bdbuf.c, libmisc/capture/capture-cli.c, libmisc/capture/capture.c, libmisc/monitor/mon-manager.c, libmisc/stackchk/check.c, posix/src/condinit.c, posix/src/keycreate.c, posix/src/mqueuecreatesupp.c, posix/src/mqueuedeletesupp.c, posix/src/mqueuenametoid.c, posix/src/mqueueopen.c, posix/src/mqueueunlink.c, posix/src/mutexinit.c, posix/src/pbarrierinit.c, posix/src/prwlockinit.c, posix/src/pspininit.c, posix/src/pthreadcreate.c, posix/src/pthreadexit.c, posix/src/semaphorecreatesupp.c, posix/src/semaphorenametoid.c, posix/src/timercreate.c, rtems/src/barrierident.c, rtems/src/dpmemident.c, rtems/src/msgqident.c, rtems/src/partident.c, rtems/src/ratemonident.c, rtems/src/regionident.c, rtems/src/semident.c, rtems/src/taskident.c, rtems/src/timerident.c, sapi/src/extensionident.c, score/, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/src/apimutexallocate.c, score/src/objectextendinformation.c, score/src/objectgetnameasstring.c, score/src/objectmp.c, score/src/objectnametoid.c: Convert the Objects_Name type from a simple type to a union of an unsigned 32 bit integer and a pointer. This should help eliminate weird casts between u32 and pointers in various places. The APIs now have to explicitly call _u32 or _string versions of helper routines. This should also simplify things and eliminate the need for ugly casts in some cases. * score/src/objectclearname.c, score/src/objectcomparenameraw.c, score/src/objectcomparenamestring.c, score/src/objectcopynameraw.c, score/src/objectcopynamestring.c: Removed.
* 2008-01-22 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-222-6/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * rtems/include/rtems/rtems/event.h, rtems/inline/rtems/rtems/eventset.inl, rtems/src/event.c, rtems/src/eventseize.c, rtems/src/eventsurrender.c, rtems/src/eventtimeout.c, score/, score/, score/include/rtems/score/interr.h, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadq.h, score/include/rtems/score/tqdata.h, score/inline/rtems/score/threadq.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/tqdata.inl, score/src/threadq.c, score/src/threadqdequeue.c, score/src/threadqdequeuefifo.c, score/src/threadqdequeuepriority.c, score/src/threadqenqueue.c, score/src/threadqenqueuefifo.c, score/src/threadqenqueuepriority.c, score/src/threadqextract.c, score/src/threadqextractfifo.c, score/src/threadqextractpriority.c, score/src/threadqextractwithproxy.c, score/src/threadqfirst.c, score/src/threadqfirstfifo.c, score/src/threadqfirstpriority.c, score/src/threadqflush.c, score/src/threadqrequeue.c, score/src/threadqtimeout.c: Refactor thread queue enqueue and event blocking synchronization critical sections. This resulted in three copies of essentially the same hard to test critical section code becoming the one shared routine _Thread_blocking_operation_Cancel. In addition, the thread queue and event code now share a common synchronization enumerated type. Along the way, switches were reworked to eliminate dead code generated by gcc and comments and copyrights were updated. * score/include/rtems/score/threadsync.h, score/src/threadblockingoperationcancel.c: New files.
* 2008-01-09 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-091-27/+1
| | | | | | | | | * score/include/rtems/score/wkspace.h, score/inline/rtems/score/wkspace.inl, score/src/wkspace.c: Do not inline _Workspace_Free or _Workspace_Allocate since they are not always inlined and actually smaller overall as subroutines. They are not particularly time critical so inlining is not absolutely necessary.
* 2008-01-07 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-071-1/+1
| | | | | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/isr.inl: Fix spacing. * score/src/apimutexallocate.c: Fix spacing. * score/src/coremsgseize.c: Check for message pending instead of message pending count to avoid dead code from inlined chain routine. It checks if the chain is empty so is redundant to count == 0.
* 2008-01-07 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2008-01-071-0/+17
| | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl: Add _Objects_Is_api_valid.
* 2007-12-22 Chris Johns <>Chris Johns2007-12-221-1/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * fixed bug that always enabled strict order mutexes. * score/inline/rtems/score/coremutex.inl: Fixed coding standard. * score/src/coremutex.c: Add the holder's thread to the lock_mutex list if the mutex is initialised locked. * libnetworking/rtems/rtems_glue.c: Changed semaphore error message to show the error is an rtems-net error. * libmisc/monitor/mon-network.c: Removed warnings. * telnetd/icmds.c: Changed shell_* to rtems_shell_*. * score/ Fixed typo that stopped 'make tags' working. * libmisc/shell/err.c, libmisc/shell/err.h, libmisc/shell/errx.c, libmisc/shell/extern-cp.h, libmisc/shell/fts.c, libmisc/shell/fts.h, libmisc/shell/main_cp.c, libmisc/shell/utils-cp.c, libmisc/shell/verr.c, libmisc/shell/verrx.c, libmisc/shell/vwarn.c, libmisc/shell/vwarnx.c, libmisc/shell/warn.c, libmisc/shell/warnx.c: New. Ported from BSD. * libmisc/shell/shellconfig.h: Add the cp command. * libmisc/ Add the new files to the shell. * libmisc/shell/shell.c, libmisc/shell/shell.h: Add scripting support. * libblock/src/flashdisk.c: Fixed disk drive count size setting bug.
* 2007-12-21 Xi Yang <>Joel Sherrill2007-12-211-3/+11
| | | | | | | | | *, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/inline/rtems/score/coremutex.inl, score/src/coremutexsurrender.c, score/src/threadinitialize.c: Add support for proper stacking of priority inheritance on mutexes as well as enforce proper order of release.
* 2007-11-27 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-11-271-4/+5
| | | | | | | | *, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl, score/src/threaddispatch.c: Add ability for user to disable inlining of _Thread_Enable_dispatch. This can save code space but more importantly it means the binary generated does not have code inlined that is difficult to test and very seldom executed.
* 2007-11-07 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-11-071-3/+17
| | | | | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl: During test coverage analysis, we identified this sanity check which should have been conditional on RTEMS_DEBUG since it can NOT be tripped during normal RTEMS operations. With all APIs enabled, this saved 352 bytes from the minimum executable on the SPARC/ERC32.
* 2007-10-26 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-10-261-60/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | * score/, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl: No longer inline _Thread_Get. It resulted in unnessary code explosion, many uncovered paths when looking at binary executable coverage, and only optimized getting self. Id translations were still getting pushed to a subroutine call to _Objects_Get. Later the non-inlined version can be further optimized to get Ids in range for the current API, then self, then look at other APIs. * score/src/threadget.c: New file.
* 2007-07-31 Ralf Corsépius <>Ralf Corsepius2007-07-311-1/+1
| | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/priority.inl: Use size_t instead of uint32_t for array index.
* 2007-07-11 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-07-111-1/+38
| | | | | | | | | * libcsupport/src/malloc.c: Clean up Malloc debug code. * score/include/rtems/score/heap.h: Spacing. * score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl: * score/src/heapfree.c. Clean up and add explicit check of the address being freed actually being in the heap. * score/src/heapwalk.c: Switch to printk and do not call abort.
* 2007-05-09 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-05-091-156/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libcsupport/include/rtems/libcsupport.h, libcsupport/src/newlibc.c, sapi/, sapi/include/confdefs.h, sapi/src/exinit.c, score/, score/, score/include/rtems/score/userext.h, score/src/chain.c, score/src/userext.c: Switch to newlib reentrancy extension being installed in the initial set instead of using rtems_extension_create. While implementing this, noticed that user extensions and chain code had multiple functions in a single file which is not desirable in the SuperCore and API portions of RTEMS, so split these into multiple files with one function per file. Also noticed that some of user extension code was inlined for no particular reason so moved that to C bodies. Split executive shutdown from initialization since not every application shuts down. Moved __fini call to executive shutdown to be more symmetrical with where it is called at startup. * sapi/src/exshutdown.c, score/src/chainappend.c, score/src/chainextract.c, score/src/chainget.c, score/src/chaininsert.c, score/src/userextaddapiset.c, score/src/userextaddset.c, score/src/userextremoveset.c, score/src/userextthreadbegin.c, score/src/userextthreadcreate.c, score/src/userextthreaddelete.c, score/src/userextthreadrestart.c, score/src/userextthreadstart.c, score/src/userextthreadswitch.c: New files. * score/inline/rtems/score/userext.inl: Removed.
* Use size_t for stacksizes.Ralf Corsepius2007-05-081-3/+3
* Include <sys/time.h>.Ralf Corsepius2007-04-131-0/+2
* 2007-04-05 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-04-051-28/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * posix/, posix/include/rtems/posix/time.h, posix/src/adjtime.c, posix/src/alarm.c, posix/src/clockgetres.c, posix/src/condtimedwait.c, posix/src/mqueuetimedreceive.c, posix/src/mqueuetimedsend.c, posix/src/mutextimedlock.c, posix/src/nanosleep.c, posix/src/posixtimespecabsolutetimeout.c, posix/src/pthread.c, posix/src/pthreadcreate.c, posix/src/pthreadsetschedparam.c, posix/src/ptimer1.c, posix/src/sched.c, posix/src/semtimedwait.c, posix/src/sigtimedwait.c, posix/src/ualarm.c, rtems/src/clocktodtoseconds.c, score/, score/, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/inline/rtems/score/tod.inl, score/src/coretod.c, score/src/coretodget.c, score/src/coretodgetuptime.c, score/src/coretodset.c, score/src/coretodtickle.c: Provide timespec manipulation routines in the SuperCore. Use them everywhere possible. This lead to significant cleanup in the API routines and eliminated some of the same code from the POSIX API. At this point, the SuperCore keeps time in POSIX timespec format properly from 1970. You just cannot set it before 1988 in keeping with RTEMS traditional behavior. * score/include/rtems/score/timespec.h, score/src/timespecaddto.c, score/src/timespecfromticks.c, score/src/timespecisvalid.c, score/src/timespeclessthan.c, score/src/timespecsubtract.c, score/src/timespectoticks.c: New files. * posix/src/posixintervaltotimespec.c, posix/src/posixtimespecsubtract.c, posix/src/posixtimespectointerval.c: Removed.
* 2007-04-04 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-04-041-29/+0
| | | | | | | | * score/, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/inline/rtems/score/tod.inl: Make _TOD_Tickle_ticks a real non-inlined routine. It should only be used once so there is little advantage to inlining it. * score/src/coretodtickle.c: New file.
* 2007-04-02 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-04-021-3/+1
| | | | | | | | | * posix/include/rtems/posix/timer.h, posix/src/alarm.c, posix/src/posixtimespectointerval.c, posix/src/ptimer1.c, posix/src/sysconf.c, posix/src/ualarm.c, rtems/src/clockget.c, rtems/src/clocktodvalidate.c, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/inline/rtems/score/tod.inl, score/src/coretod.c: Eliminate TOD_Ticks_per_second variable.
* 2007-04-02 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-04-021-4/+71
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * itron/src/itrontime.c, libcsupport/src/__gettod.c, posix/include/rtems/posix/time.h, posix/include/rtems/posix/timer.h, posix/src/clockgettime.c, posix/src/clocksettime.c, posix/src/nanosleep.c, posix/src/posixtimespecsubtract.c, posix/src/posixtimespectointerval.c, posix/src/ptimer1.c, posix/src/sleep.c, rtems/, rtems/include/rtems/rtems/clock.h, rtems/include/rtems/rtems/timer.h, rtems/include/rtems/rtems/types.h, rtems/src/clockget.c, rtems/src/clockset.c, rtems/src/clocktodtoseconds.c, rtems/src/clocktodvalidate.c, rtems/src/taskwakewhen.c, score/, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/inline/rtems/score/tod.inl, score/src/coretod.c, score/src/coretodset.c: Convert from Classic API style TOD_Control as fundamental time structure to POSIX struct timespec. Add clock_get_uptime(). * rtems/src/clockgetuptime.c, score/src/coretodget.c, score/src/coretodgetuptime.c: New files. * score/src/coretodtickle.c, score/src/coretodtoseconds.c, score/src/coretodvalidate.c: Removed.
* Change _Workspace_Handler_initialization and ↵Ralf Corsepius2007-03-161-1/+1
| | | | _Workspace_Allocate_or_fatal_error to using size_t.
* 2007-03-05 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2007-03-051-12/+25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PR 1222/cpukit * score/, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadq.h, score/inline/rtems/score/coremutex.inl, score/src/coremsgsubmit.c, score/src/coremutexsurrender.c, score/src/threadchangepriority.c, score/src/threadclearstate.c, score/src/threadhandler.c, score/src/threadinitialize.c, score/src/threadqdequeuefifo.c, score/src/threadqdequeuepriority.c, score/src/threadqenqueue.c, score/src/threadqenqueuefifo.c, score/src/threadqenqueuepriority.c, score/src/threadqextractfifo.c, score/src/threadqextractpriority.c, score/src/threadsetstate.c: Enhance so that when the prioirity of a thread that is blocked on a priority based thread queue is changed, that its placement in the queue is reevaluated based upon the new priority. This enhancement includes modifications to the SuperCore as well as new test cases. * score/src/threadqrequeue.c: New file.
* 2007-02-06 Ralf Corsépius <>Ralf Corsepius2007-02-061-3/+3
| | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/coremsg.inl: More size_t and consts.
* Use size_t for sizes.Ralf Corsepius2007-02-061-2/+2
* 2006-12-05 Ralf Corsépius <>Ralf Corsepius2006-12-051-4/+4
| | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl: Add const qualifiers to work around aliasing effects.
* More constsRalf Corsepius2006-12-041-3/+3
* 2006-12-04 Ralf Corsépius <>Ralf Corsepius2006-12-041-6/+6
| | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/chain.inl: Add const qualifiers (works around 651 aliasing bugs).
* 2006-11-17 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2006-11-171-2/+0
| | | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/src/objectnametoid.c: Properly honor searching only local node even when on single CPU system.
* 2006-11-15 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2006-11-151-0/+71
| | | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/threadq.inl, score/src/corerwlocktimeout.c: New files.
* * score/, score/,Joel Sherrill2006-09-254-2/+136
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | score/include/rtems/score/coresem.h, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/include/rtems/score/states.h, score/inline/rtems/score/coresem.inl: Add SuperCore Barriers, SpinLocks and a partial implementation of RWLocks. * score/include/rtems/score/corebarrier.h, score/include/rtems/score/corerwlock.h, score/include/rtems/score/corespinlock.h, score/inline/rtems/score/corebarrier.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/corerwlock.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/corespinlock.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/corebarrier.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/corerwlock.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/corespinlock.inl, score/src/corebarrier.c, score/src/corebarrierrelease.c, score/src/corebarrierwait.c, score/src/corerwlock.c, score/src/corerwlockobtainread.c, score/src/corerwlockobtainwrite.c, score/src/corerwlockrelease.c, score/src/corespinlock.c, score/src/corespinlockrelease.c, score/src/corespinlockwait.c: New files.
* * score/inline/rtems/score/threadmp.inl,Joel Sherrill2006-04-071-0/+1
| | | | score/macros/rtems/score/threadmp.inl: Fix compile error.
* 2006-04-05 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2006-04-051-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Victor V. Vengerov <> * score/include/rtems/score/mpci.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadmp.h, score/inline/rtems/score/threadmp.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/threadmp.inl, score/src/threadmp.c, score/src/threadqenqueue.c: Victor spotted the problem that _MPCI_Receive_server_tcb and _Thread_MP_Receive were duplicate variables and needed to be set to the same value. I took that idea and just removed _Thread_MP_Receive. All uses are now _MPCI_Receive_server_tcb.
* 2006-03-07 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2006-03-071-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | PR 866/rtems * score/include/rtems/system.h, score/include/rtems/score/isr.h, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/thread.inl: Added memory barriers to enter and exit of dispatching and interrupt critical sections so GCC will not optimize and reorder code out of a critical section.
* 2006-01-16 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2006-01-169-234/+448
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Large patch to improve Doxygen output. As a side-effect, grammar and spelling errors were corrected, spacing errors were address, and some variable names were improved. * libmisc/monitor/mon-object.c, libmisc/monitor/monitor.h: Account for changing OBJECTS_NO_CLASS to OBJECTS_CLASSIC_NO_CLASS. * score/Doxyfile: Set output directory. Predefine some macro values. Turn on graphical output. * score/include/rtems/debug.h, score/include/rtems/seterr.h, score/include/rtems/system.h, score/include/rtems/score/address.h, score/include/rtems/score/apiext.h, score/include/rtems/score/apimutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/bitfield.h, score/include/rtems/score/chain.h, score/include/rtems/score/context.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremsg.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/coresem.h, score/include/rtems/score/heap.h, score/include/rtems/score/interr.h, score/include/rtems/score/isr.h, score/include/rtems/score/mpci.h, score/include/rtems/score/mppkt.h, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/include/rtems/score/objectmp.h, score/include/rtems/score/priority.h, score/include/rtems/score/stack.h, score/include/rtems/score/states.h, score/include/rtems/score/sysstate.h, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadmp.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadq.h, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/include/rtems/score/tqdata.h, score/include/rtems/score/userext.h, score/include/rtems/score/watchdog.h, score/include/rtems/score/wkspace.h, score/inline/rtems/score/address.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/chain.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coremutex.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coresem.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/heap.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/stack.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/tqdata.inl, score/macros/README, score/src/heap.c, score/src/threadmp.c, score/src/threadready.c, score/src/threadstartmultitasking.c: Improve generated Doxygen output. Fix spelling and grammar errors in comments. Correct names of some variables and propagate changes.
* 2005-09-01 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2005-09-011-4/+7
| | | | | | | | | PR 820/rtems * score/inline/rtems/score/coremsg.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/coremsg.inl, score/src/coremsginsert.c: Increment of pending message count should be atomic with insertion on the pending message chain. Determination of the need to call the notification handler should also be in this atomic section of code.
* New header guards.Ralf Corsepius2005-02-2121-42/+42
* 2005-01-24 Ralf Corsepius <>Ralf Corsepius2005-01-241-3/+1
| | | | | | | * score/include/rtems/score/heap.h: Use uintptr_t for _H_uptr_t. * score/inline/rtems/score/address.inl: Remove RTEMS_CPU_HAS_16_BIT_ADDRESSES. Use uintptr_t for void* to address cast.
* 2005-01-20 Sergei Organov <>Joel Sherrill2005-01-201-74/+162
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PR 536/rtems Heap manager re-implementation to consume less memory and still satisfy alignment requirements. * score/src/heap.c, score/src/heapallocate.c, score/src/heapextend.c, score/src/heapfree.c, score/src/heapgetinfo.c, score/src/heapgetfreeinfo.c, core/src/heapsizeofuserarea.c, score/src/heapwalk.c, core/macros/rtems/score/heap.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/heap.inl, score/include/rtems/score/heap.h: Reimplemented. * score/src/heapallocatealigned.c: new file * score/ HEAP_C_FILES: add score/src/heapallocatealigned.c
* 2005-01-18 Ralf Corsepius <>Ralf Corsepius2005-01-181-0/+2
| | | | * score/inline/rtems/score/userext.inl: Include <string.h>.
* Adjust doxygen @file.Ralf Corsepius2004-11-2121-21/+25
* 2004-11-02 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2004-11-021-2/+5
| | | | | | | | * posix/src/mqueueunlink.c, posix/src/semunlink.c, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/object.inl: _Objects_Is_local_id() should be avoided in single CPU configurations but always available in the Objects Handlers API.
* 2004-11-01 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2004-11-0120-1063/+448
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * score/cpu/no_cpu/rtems/score/cpu.h, score/include/rtems/debug.h, score/include/rtems/seterr.h, score/include/rtems/system.h, score/include/rtems/score/address.h, score/include/rtems/score/apiext.h, score/include/rtems/score/apimutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/bitfield.h, score/include/rtems/score/chain.h, score/include/rtems/score/context.h, score/include/rtems/score/copyrt.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremsg.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/coresem.h, score/include/rtems/score/heap.h, score/include/rtems/score/interr.h, score/include/rtems/score/isr.h, score/include/rtems/score/mpci.h, score/include/rtems/score/mppkt.h, score/include/rtems/score/objectmp.h, score/include/rtems/score/priority.h, score/include/rtems/score/stack.h, score/include/rtems/score/states.h, score/include/rtems/score/sysstate.h, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadmp.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadq.h, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/include/rtems/score/tqdata.h, score/include/rtems/score/userext.h, score/include/rtems/score/watchdog.h, score/include/rtems/score/wkspace.h, score/inline/rtems/score/address.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/chain.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coremsg.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coremutex.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coresem.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/heap.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/isr.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/mppkt.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/objectmp.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/priority.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/stack.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/states.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/sysstate.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/threadmp.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/tod.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/tqdata.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/userext.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/watchdog.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/wkspace.inl: Add Doxygen comments -- working modifications which are not complete and may have broken code. Committing so work and testing can proceed. * score/Doxyfile, score/mainpage.h: New files.
* 2004-11-01 Joel Sherrill <>Joel Sherrill2004-11-011-3/+7
| | | | | | | * score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/object.inl: Add first cut of optional 16 bit object Id as space reduction for small systems (TinyRTEMS).
* 2004-03-29 Ralf Corsepius <>Ralf Corsepius2004-03-2912-50/+50
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * score/include/rtems/debug.h, score/include/rtems/score/bitfield.h, score/include/rtems/score/chain.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremsg.h, score/include/rtems/score/coremutex.h, score/include/rtems/score/coresem.h, score/include/rtems/score/heap.h, score/include/rtems/score/interr.h, score/include/rtems/score/isr.h, score/include/rtems/score/mpci.h, score/include/rtems/score/mppkt.h, score/include/rtems/score/object.h, score/include/rtems/score/objectmp.h, score/include/rtems/score/priority.h, score/include/rtems/score/stack.h, score/include/rtems/score/states.h, score/include/rtems/score/thread.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadmp.h, score/include/rtems/score/threadq.h, score/include/rtems/score/tod.h, score/include/rtems/score/tqdata.h, score/include/rtems/score/userext.h, score/include/rtems/score/watchdog.h, score/include/rtems/score/wkspace.h, score/inline/rtems/score/address.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coremsg.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/coresem.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/heap.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/isr.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/object.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/priority.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/stack.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/thread.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/tqdata.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/userext.inl, score/inline/rtems/score/wkspace.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/address.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/heap.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/object.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/priority.inl, score/macros/rtems/score/userext.inl: Convert to using c99 fixed size types.
* Unused.Ralf Corsepius2004-03-083-6/+0
* 2003-09-15 Ralf Corsepius <>Ralf Corsepius2003-09-151-2/+2
| | | | | | | PR 489/rtems * include/rtems/score/thread.h: Change struct Thread_Control_struct.libc_reent to using struct _reent*. * inline/rtems/score/thread.inl: Reflect change above.