path: root/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/cpu_asm.S
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1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/cpu_asm.S b/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/cpu_asm.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ad0f6a729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/cpu_asm.S
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+/* cpu_asm.c ===> cpu_asm.S or cpu_asm.s
+ *
+ * This file contains the basic algorithms for all assembly code used
+ * in an specific CPU port of RTEMS. These algorithms must be implemented
+ * in assembly language
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is supposed to be a .S or .s file NOT a C file.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2008.
+ * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
+ *
+ * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ *
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+ * This is supposed to be an assembly file. This means that system.h
+ * and cpu.h should not be included in a "real" cpu_asm file. An
+ * implementation in assembly should include "cpu_asm.h>
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <rtems/asm.h>
+#include <avr/sfr_defs.h>
+#include <rtems/score/percpu.h>
+#define jmpb_hi r25
+#define jmpb_lo r24
+#define val_hi r23
+#define val_lo r22
+#define ret_lo r24
+#define ret_hi r25
+ PUBLIC( setjmp )
+SYM( setjmp ):
+ X_movw XL, jmpb_lo
+/*;save call-saved registers and frame pointer*/
+ .irp .L_regno, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,28,29
+ st X+, r\.L_regno
+ .endr
+/*;get return address*/
+ pop ZH
+ pop ZL
+/*save stack pointer (after popping)*/
+ st X+, ret_lo
+ st X+, ret_lo
+ st X+, ret_lo
+/*save status reg (I flag)*/
+ in ret_lo, AVR_STATUS_ADDR
+ st X+, ret_lo
+/*save return addr*/
+ st X+, ZL
+ st X+, ZH
+/*return zero*/
+ clr ret_hi
+ clr ret_lo
+ ijmp
+ .size _U(setjmp),.-_U(setjmp)
+ .global _U(longjmp)
+ .type _U(longjmp), @function
+ X_movw XL, jmpb_lo
+/*return value*/
+ X_movw ret_lo, val_lo
+/*if zero, change to 1*/
+ cpi ret_lo, 1
+ cpc ret_hi, __zero_reg__
+ adc ret_lo, __zero_reg__
+/*restore call-saved registers and frame pointer*/
+ .irp .L_regno, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,28,29
+ ld r\.L_regno, X+
+ .endr
+/*; restore stack pointer (SP value before the setjmp() call) and SREG*/
+ ld ZL, X+
+ ld ZH, X+
+ ld __tmp_reg__, X+
+#if defined (__AVR_XMEGA__) && __AVR_XMEGA__
+ /* A write to SPL will automatically disable interrupts for up to 4
+ instructions or until the next I/O memory write. */
+ out AVR_STATUS_ADDR, __tmp_reg__
+ /* interrupts disabled for shortest possible time (3 cycles) */
+ cli
+# endif
+ /* Restore status register (including the interrupt enable flag).
+ Interrupts are re-enabled only after the next instruction. */
+ out AVR_STATUS_ADDR, __tmp_reg__
+ ; get return address and jump
+ ld ZL, X+
+ ld ZH, X+
+#if defined(__AVR_3_BYTE_PC__) && __AVR_3_BYTE_PC__
+ ld __tmp_reg__, X+
+ push ZL
+ push ZH
+ push __tmp_reg__
+ ret
+ ijmp
+ .size _U(longjmp), . - _U(longjmp)
+ * _CPU_Context_save_fp_context
+ *
+ * This routine is responsible for saving the FP context
+ * at *fp_context_ptr. If the point to load the FP context
+ * from is changed then the pointer is modified by this routine.
+ *
+ * Sometimes a macro implementation of this is in cpu.h which dereferences
+ * the ** and a similarly named routine in this file is passed something
+ * like a (Context_Control_fp *). The general rule on making this decision
+ * is to avoid writing assembly language.
+ *
+ * NO_CPU Specific Information:
+ *
+ * XXX document implementation including references if appropriate
+void _CPU_Context_save_fp(
+ Context_Control_fp **fp_context_ptr
+ PUBLIC(_CPU_Context_save_fp)
+ ret
+ * _CPU_Context_restore_fp_context
+ *
+ * This routine is responsible for restoring the FP context
+ * at *fp_context_ptr. If the point to load the FP context
+ * from is changed then the pointer is modified by this routine.
+ *
+ * Sometimes a macro implementation of this is in cpu.h which dereferences
+ * the ** and a similarly named routine in this file is passed something
+ * like a (Context_Control_fp *). The general rule on making this decision
+ * is to avoid writing assembly language.
+ *
+ * NO_CPU Specific Information:
+ *
+ * XXX document implementation including references if appropriate
+void _CPU_Context_restore_fp(
+ Context_Control_fp **fp_context_ptr
+ PUBLIC(_CPU_Context_restore_fp)
+ ret
+/* _CPU_Context_switch
+ *
+ * This routine performs a normal non-FP context switch.
+ *
+ * NO_CPU Specific Information:
+ *
+ * XXX document implementation including references if appropriate
+ void _CPU_Context_switch(
+ Context_Control *run,
+ Context_Control *heir
+ PUBLIC(_CPU_Context_switch)
+ mov r26, r24 /*r26,r27 is X*/
+ mov r27, r25
+ mov r24, r22
+ mov r25, r23
+ /*save registers*/
+#if 1
+/*if this section is removed there is a problem.*/
+/*debug section start*/
+ pop r22
+ pop r23
+ push r22
+ push r23
+/*debug section end*/
+ push r2
+ push r3
+ push r4
+ push r5
+ push r6
+ push r7
+ push r8
+ push r9
+ push r10
+ push r11
+ push r12
+ push r13
+ push r14
+ push r15
+ push r16
+ push r17
+ push r28
+ push r29
+ /*load sreg*/
+ lds r23,0x5f /*load sreg*/
+ /*disable interrupts*/
+ cli
+ /*load stack pointer*/
+ lds r22,0x5d /*spl*/
+ lds r21,0x5e /*sph*/
+ /*save sreg and sp to context struct*/
+ /*save low then high byte --- verify this delete when verified*/
+ st X+, r22
+ st X+, r21
+ st X, r23
+ PUBLIC(_CPU_Context_restore)
+ mov r26,r24 /* R26/27 are X */
+ mov r27,r25
+ /*restore stack pointer*/
+ ld r25, X+
+ ld r24, X+
+ sts 0x5E,r24 /*sph*/
+ sts 0x5D ,r25 /*spl*/
+ /*restore registers from stack*/
+ pop r29
+ pop r28
+ pop r17
+ pop r16
+ pop r15
+ pop r14
+ pop r13
+ pop r12
+ pop r11
+ pop r10
+ pop r9
+ pop r8
+ pop r7
+ pop r6
+ pop r5
+ pop r4
+ pop r3
+ pop r2
+ /*restore sreg*/
+ ld r25, X
+ sts 0x5f,r25 /*sreg*/
+ pop r30
+ pop r31
+ ret
+ *
+ * _CPU_Context_Initialize
+ *
+ * This kernel routine initializes the basic non-FP context area associated
+ * with each thread.
+ *
+ * Input parameters:
+ * the_context - pointer to the context area
+ * stack_base - address of memory for the SPARC
+ * size - size in bytes of the stack area
+ * new_level - interrupt level for this context area
+ * entry_point - the starting execution point for this this context
+ * is_fp - TRUE if this context is associated with an FP thread
+ *
+ * the_context is in r25,r24
+ * entry point is in r13,r12
+ * stack base is in r23, r22
+ * size is in r21, r20, r19,r18
+ * newleve is in r14,r15, r16, 17
+ *
+ *
+ * Output parameters: NONE
+ */
+ PUBLIC(_CPU_Context_Initialize)
+ //save caller saved regs
+ PUSH R10
+ PUSH R11
+ PUSH R12
+ PUSH R13
+ PUSH R14
+ PUSH R15
+ PUSH R16
+ PUSH R17
+ PUSH R28
+ PUSH R29
+ //calculate new stack pointer
+ ADD R22, R18
+ ADC R23, R19
+ MOV R26, R22
+ MOV R27, R23
+ //Initialize stack with entry point
+ ST -X, R13
+ ST -X, R12
+ //store new stack pointer in context control
+ SBIW R26, 0X13 /*subtract 33 to account for registers*/
+ MOV R28, R24
+ MOV R29, R25
+ STD Y+1, R27 //save stack pointer high to context control
+ ST Y, R26 //save stack pointer low to context control
+ //set interrupt level in new context
+ LDI R18, 0 //set sreg in new context to zero
+ STD Y+2, R18 //interrupts not enabled
+ MOV R18, R14
+ CPI R18, 0
+ LDI R18, 0X80 //set sreg in new context to 0x80
+ STD Y+2, R18 //interupts enabled
+ //restore caller saved regs
+ POP R29
+ POP R28
+ POP R17
+ POP R16
+ POP R15
+ POP R14
+ POP R13
+ POP R12
+ POP R11
+ POP R10
+/* void __ISR_Handler()
+ *
+ * This routine provides the RTEMS interrupt management.
+ *
+ * NO_CPU Specific Information:
+ *
+ * XXX document implementation including references if appropriate
+void _ISR_Handler(void)
+ /*
+ * This discussion ignores a lot of the ugly details in a real
+ * implementation such as saving enough registers/state to be
+ * able to do something real. Keep in mind that the goal is
+ * to invoke a user's ISR handler which is written in C and
+ * uses a certain set of registers.
+ *
+ * Also note that the exact order is to a large extent flexible.
+ * Hardware will dictate a sequence for a certain subset of
+ * _ISR_Handler while requirements for setting
+ */
+ /*
+ * At entry to "common" _ISR_Handler, the vector number must be
+ * available. On some CPUs the hardware puts either the vector
+ * number or the offset into the vector table for this ISR in a
+ * known place. If the hardware does not give us this information,
+ * then the assembly portion of RTEMS for this port will contain
+ * a set of distinct interrupt entry points which somehow place
+ * the vector number in a known place (which is safe if another
+ * interrupt nests this one) and branches to _ISR_Handler.
+ *
+ * save some or all context on stack
+ * may need to save some special interrupt information for exit
+ *
+ * if ( _ISR_Nest_level == 0 )
+ * switch to software interrupt stack
+ * #endif
+ *
+ * _ISR_Nest_level++;
+ *
+ * _Thread_Dispatch_disable_level++;
+ *
+ * (*_ISR_Vector_table[ vector ])( vector );
+ *
+ * _Thread_Dispatch_disable_level--;
+ *
+ * --_ISR_Nest_level;
+ *
+ * if ( _ISR_Nest_level )
+ * goto the label "exit interrupt (simple case)"
+ *
+ * if ( _Thread_Dispatch_disable_level )
+ * goto the label "exit interrupt (simple case)"
+ *
+ * if ( _Thread_Dispatch_necessary ) {
+ * call _Thread_Dispatch() or prepare to return to _ISR_Dispatch
+ * prepare to get out of interrupt
+ * return from interrupt (maybe to _ISR_Dispatch)
+ *
+ * LABEL "exit interrupt (simple case):
+ * if outermost interrupt
+ * restore stack
+ * #endif
+ * prepare to get out of interrupt
+ * return from interrupt
+ */
+/*} */
+ PUBLIC(_ISR_Handler)
+ ret