path: root/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/avr/iom64m1.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpukit/score/cpu/avr/avr/iom64m1.h')
1 files changed, 1549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/avr/iom64m1.h b/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/avr/iom64m1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1da9cbb618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpukit/score/cpu/avr/avr/iom64m1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1549 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 Atmel Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
+/* $Id$ */
+/* avr/iom64m1.h - definitions for ATmega64M1 */
+/* This file should only be included from <avr/io.h>, never directly. */
+#ifndef _AVR_IO_H_
+# error "Include <avr/io.h> instead of this file."
+#ifndef _AVR_IOXXX_H_
+# define _AVR_IOXXX_H_ "iom64m1.h"
+# error "Attempt to include more than one <avr/ioXXX.h> file."
+#ifndef _AVR_ATmega64M1_H_
+#define _AVR_ATmega64M1_H_ 1
+/* Registers and associated bit numbers. */
+#define PINB _SFR_IO8(0x03)
+#define PINB0 0
+#define PINB1 1
+#define PINB2 2
+#define PINB3 3
+#define PINB4 4
+#define PINB5 5
+#define PINB6 6
+#define PINB7 7
+#define DDRB _SFR_IO8(0x04)
+#define DDB0 0
+#define DDB1 1
+#define DDB2 2
+#define DDB3 3
+#define DDB4 4
+#define DDB5 5
+#define DDB6 6
+#define DDB7 7
+#define PORTB _SFR_IO8(0x05)
+#define PORTB0 0
+#define PORTB1 1
+#define PORTB2 2
+#define PORTB3 3
+#define PORTB4 4
+#define PORTB5 5
+#define PORTB6 6
+#define PORTB7 7
+#define PINC _SFR_IO8(0x06)
+#define PINC0 0
+#define PINC1 1
+#define PINC2 2
+#define PINC3 3
+#define PINC4 4
+#define PINC5 5
+#define PINC6 6
+#define PINC7 7
+#define DDRC _SFR_IO8(0x07)
+#define DDC0 0
+#define DDC1 1
+#define DDC2 2
+#define DDC3 3
+#define DDC4 4
+#define DDC5 5
+#define DDC6 6
+#define DDC7 7
+#define PORTC _SFR_IO8(0x08)
+#define PORTC0 0
+#define PORTC1 1
+#define PORTC2 2
+#define PORTC3 3
+#define PORTC4 4
+#define PORTC5 5
+#define PORTC6 6
+#define PORTC7 7
+#define PIND _SFR_IO8(0x09)
+#define PIND0 0
+#define PIND1 1
+#define PIND2 2
+#define PIND3 3
+#define PIND4 4
+#define PIND5 5
+#define PIND6 6
+#define PIND7 7
+#define DDRD _SFR_IO8(0x0A)
+#define DDD0 0
+#define DDD1 1
+#define DDD2 2
+#define DDD3 3
+#define DDD4 4
+#define DDD5 5
+#define DDD6 6
+#define DDD7 7
+#define PORTD _SFR_IO8(0x0B)
+#define PORTD0 0
+#define PORTD1 1
+#define PORTD2 2
+#define PORTD3 3
+#define PORTD4 4
+#define PORTD5 5
+#define PORTD6 6
+#define PORTD7 7
+#define PINE _SFR_IO8(0x0C)
+#define PINE0 0
+#define PINE1 1
+#define PINE2 2
+#define DDRE _SFR_IO8(0x0D)
+#define DDE0 0
+#define DDE1 1
+#define DDE2 2
+#define PORTE _SFR_IO8(0x0E)
+#define PORTE0 0
+#define PORTE1 1
+#define PORTE2 2
+#define TIFR0 _SFR_IO8(0x15)
+#define TOV0 0
+#define OCF0A 1
+#define OCF0B 2
+#define TIFR1 _SFR_IO8(0x16)
+#define TOV1 0
+#define OCF1A 1
+#define OCF1B 2
+#define ICF1 5
+#define GPIOR1 _SFR_IO8(0x19)
+#define GPIOR10 0
+#define GPIOR11 1
+#define GPIOR12 2
+#define GPIOR13 3
+#define GPIOR14 4
+#define GPIOR15 5
+#define GPIOR16 6
+#define GPIOR17 7
+#define GPIOR2 _SFR_IO8(0x1A)
+#define GPIOR20 0
+#define GPIOR21 1
+#define GPIOR22 2
+#define GPIOR23 3
+#define GPIOR24 4
+#define GPIOR25 5
+#define GPIOR26 6
+#define GPIOR27 7
+#define PCIFR _SFR_IO8(0x1B)
+#define PCIF0 0
+#define PCIF1 1
+#define PCIF2 2
+#define PCIF3 3
+#define EIFR _SFR_IO8(0x1C)
+#define INTF0 0
+#define INTF1 1
+#define INTF2 2
+#define INTF3 3
+#define EIMSK _SFR_IO8(0x1D)
+#define INT0 0
+#define INT1 1
+#define INT2 2
+#define INT3 3
+#define GPIOR0 _SFR_IO8(0x1E)
+#define GPIOR00 0
+#define GPIOR01 1
+#define GPIOR02 2
+#define GPIOR03 3
+#define GPIOR04 4
+#define GPIOR05 5
+#define GPIOR06 6
+#define GPIOR07 7
+#define EECR _SFR_IO8(0x1F)
+#define EERE 0
+#define EEWE 1
+#define EEMWE 2
+#define EERIE 3
+#define EEPM0 4
+#define EEPM1 5
+#define EEDR _SFR_IO8(0x20)
+#define EEDR0 0
+#define EEDR1 1
+#define EEDR2 2
+#define EEDR3 3
+#define EEDR4 4
+#define EEDR5 5
+#define EEDR6 6
+#define EEDR7 7
+#define EEAR _SFR_IO16(0x21)
+#define EEARL _SFR_IO8(0x21)
+#define EEAR0 0
+#define EEAR1 1
+#define EEAR2 2
+#define EEAR3 3
+#define EEAR4 4
+#define EEAR5 5
+#define EEAR6 6
+#define EEAR7 7
+#define EEARH _SFR_IO8(0x22)
+#define EEAR8 0
+#define EEAR9 1
+#define EEAR10 2
+#define GTCCR _SFR_IO8(0x23)
+#define PSR10 0
+#define PSRSYNC 0
+#define ICPSEL1 6
+#define TSM 7
+#define TCCR0A _SFR_IO8(0x24)
+#define WGM00 0
+#define WGM01 1
+#define COM0B0 4
+#define COM0B1 5
+#define COM0A0 6
+#define COM0A1 7
+#define TCCR0B _SFR_IO8(0x25)
+#define CS00 0
+#define CS01 1
+#define CS02 2
+#define WGM02 3
+#define FOC0B 6
+#define FOC0A 7
+#define TCNT0 _SFR_IO8(0x26)
+#define TCNT0_0 0
+#define TCNT0_1 1
+#define TCNT0_2 2
+#define TCNT0_3 3
+#define TCNT0_4 4
+#define TCNT0_5 5
+#define TCNT0_6 6
+#define TCNT0_7 7
+#define OCR0A _SFR_IO8(0x27)
+#define OCR0A_0 0
+#define OCR0A_1 1
+#define OCR0A_2 2
+#define OCR0A_3 3
+#define OCR0A_4 4
+#define OCR0A_5 5
+#define OCR0A_6 6
+#define OCR0A_7 7
+#define OCR0B _SFR_IO8(0x28)
+#define OCR0B_0 0
+#define OCR0B_1 1
+#define OCR0B_2 2
+#define OCR0B_3 3
+#define OCR0B_4 4
+#define OCR0B_5 5
+#define OCR0B_6 6
+#define OCR0B_7 7
+#define PLLCSR _SFR_IO8(0x29)
+#define PLOCK 0
+#define PLLE 1
+#define PLLF 2
+#define SPCR _SFR_IO8(0x2C)
+#define SPR0 0
+#define SPR1 1
+#define CPHA 2
+#define CPOL 3
+#define MSTR 4
+#define DORD 5
+#define SPE 6
+#define SPIE 7
+#define SPSR _SFR_IO8(0x2D)
+#define SPI2X 0
+#define WCOL 6
+#define SPIF 7
+#define SPDR _SFR_IO8(0x2E)
+#define SPDR0 0
+#define SPDR1 1
+#define SPDR2 2
+#define SPDR3 3
+#define SPDR4 4
+#define SPDR5 5
+#define SPDR6 6
+#define SPDR7 7
+#define ACSR _SFR_IO8(0x30)
+#define AC0O 0
+#define AC1O 1
+#define AC2O 2
+#define AC3O 3
+#define AC0IF 4
+#define AC1IF 5
+#define AC2IF 6
+#define AC3IF 7
+#define DWDR _SFR_IO8(0x31)
+#define SMCR _SFR_IO8(0x33)
+#define SE 0
+#define SM0 1
+#define SM1 2
+#define SM2 3
+#define MCUSR _SFR_IO8(0x34)
+#define PORF 0
+#define EXTRF 1
+#define BORF 2
+#define WDRF 3
+#define MCUCR _SFR_IO8(0x35)
+#define IVCE 0
+#define IVSEL 1
+#define PUD 4
+#define SPIPS 7
+#define SPMCSR _SFR_IO8(0x37)
+#define SPMEN 0
+#define PGERS 1
+#define PGWRT 2
+#define BLBSET 3
+#define RWWSRE 4
+#define SIGRD 5
+#define RWWSB 6
+#define SPMIE 7
+#define WDTCSR _SFR_MEM8(0x60)
+#define WDP0 0
+#define WDP1 1
+#define WDP2 2
+#define WDE 3
+#define WDCE 4
+#define WDP3 5
+#define WDIE 6
+#define WDIF 7
+#define CLKPR _SFR_MEM8(0x61)
+#define CLKPS0 0
+#define CLKPS1 1
+#define CLKPS2 2
+#define CLKPS3 3
+#define CLKPCE 7
+#define PRR _SFR_MEM8(0x64)
+#define PRADC 0
+#define PRLIN 1
+#define PRSPI 2
+#define PRTIM0 3
+#define PRTIM1 4
+#define PRPSC 5
+#define PRCAN 6
+#define OSCCAL _SFR_MEM8(0x66)
+#define CAL0 0
+#define CAL1 1
+#define CAL2 2
+#define CAL3 3
+#define CAL4 4
+#define CAL5 5
+#define CAL6 6
+#define PCICR _SFR_MEM8(0x68)
+#define PCIE0 0
+#define PCIE1 1
+#define PCIE2 2
+#define PCIE3 3
+#define EICRA _SFR_MEM8(0x69)
+#define ISC00 0
+#define ISC01 1
+#define ISC10 2
+#define ISC11 3
+#define ISC20 4
+#define ISC21 5
+#define ISC30 6
+#define ISC31 7
+#define PCMSK0 _SFR_MEM8(0x6A)
+#define PCINT0 0
+#define PCINT1 1
+#define PCINT2 2
+#define PCINT3 3
+#define PCINT4 4
+#define PCINT5 5
+#define PCINT6 6
+#define PCINT7 7
+#define PCMSK1 _SFR_MEM8(0x6B)
+#define PCINT8 0
+#define PCINT9 1
+#define PCINT10 2
+#define PCINT11 3
+#define PCINT12 4
+#define PCINT13 5
+#define PCINT14 6
+#define PCINT15 7
+#define PCMSK2 _SFR_MEM8(0x6C)
+#define PCINT16 0
+#define PCINT17 1
+#define PCINT18 2
+#define PCINT19 3
+#define PCINT20 4
+#define PCINT21 5
+#define PCINT22 6
+#define PCINT23 7
+#define PCMSK3 _SFR_MEM8(0x6D)
+#define PCINT24 0
+#define PCINT25 1
+#define PCINT26 2
+#define TIMSK0 _SFR_MEM8(0x6E)
+#define TOIE0 0
+#define OCIE0A 1
+#define OCIE0B 2
+#define TIMSK1 _SFR_MEM8(0x6F)
+#define TOIE1 0
+#define OCIE1A 1
+#define OCIE1B 2
+#define ICIE1 5
+#define AMP0CSR _SFR_MEM8(0x75)
+#define AMP0TS0 0
+#define AMP0TS1 1
+#define AMP0TS2 2
+#define AMPCMP0 3
+#define AMP0G0 4
+#define AMP0G1 5
+#define AMP0IS 6
+#define AMP0EN 7
+#define AMP1CSR _SFR_MEM8(0x76)
+#define AMP1TS0 0
+#define AMP1TS1 1
+#define AMP1TS2 2
+#define AMPCMP1 3
+#define AMP1G0 4
+#define AMP1G1 5
+#define AMP1IS 6
+#define AMP1EN 7
+#define AMP2CSR _SFR_MEM8(0x77)
+#define AMP2TS0 0
+#define AMP2TS1 1
+#define AMP2TS2 2
+#define AMPCMP2 3
+#define AMP2G0 4
+#define AMP2G1 5
+#define AMP2IS 6
+#define AMP2EN 7
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
+#define ADC _SFR_MEM16(0x78)
+#define ADCW _SFR_MEM16(0x78)
+#define ADCL _SFR_MEM8(0x78)
+#define ADCL0 0
+#define ADCL1 1
+#define ADCL2 2
+#define ADCL3 3
+#define ADCL4 4
+#define ADCL5 5
+#define ADCL6 6
+#define ADCL7 7
+#define ADCH _SFR_MEM8(0x79)
+#define ADCH0 0
+#define ADCH1 1
+#define ADCH2 2
+#define ADCH3 3
+#define ADCH4 4
+#define ADCH5 5
+#define ADCH6 6
+#define ADCH7 7
+#define ADCSRA _SFR_MEM8(0x7A)
+#define ADPS0 0
+#define ADPS1 1
+#define ADPS2 2
+#define ADIE 3
+#define ADIF 4
+#define ADATE 5
+#define ADSC 6
+#define ADEN 7
+#define ADCSRB _SFR_MEM8(0x7B)
+#define ADTS0 0
+#define ADTS1 1
+#define ADTS2 2
+#define ADTS3 3
+#define AREFEN 5
+#define ISRCEN 6
+#define ADHSM 7
+#define ADMUX _SFR_MEM8(0x7C)
+#define MUX0 0
+#define MUX1 1
+#define MUX2 2
+#define MUX3 3
+#define MUX4 4
+#define ADLAR 5
+#define REFS0 6
+#define REFS1 7
+#define DIDR0 _SFR_MEM8(0x7E)
+#define ADC0D 0
+#define ADC1D 1
+#define ADC2D 2
+#define ADC3D 3
+#define ADC4D 4
+#define ADC5D 5
+#define ADC6D 6
+#define ADC7D 7
+#define DIDR1 _SFR_MEM8(0x7F)
+#define ADC8D 0
+#define ADC9D 1
+#define ADC10D 2
+#define AMP0ND 3
+#define AMP0PD 4
+#define ACMP0D 5
+#define AMP2PD 6
+#define TCCR1A _SFR_MEM8(0x80)
+#define WGM10 0
+#define WGM11 1
+#define COM1B0 4
+#define COM1B1 5
+#define COM1A0 6
+#define COM1A1 7
+#define TCCR1B _SFR_MEM8(0x81)
+#define CS10 0
+#define CS11 1
+#define CS12 2
+#define WGM12 3
+#define WGM13 4
+#define ICES1 6
+#define ICNC1 7
+#define TCCR1C _SFR_MEM8(0x82)
+#define FOC1B 6
+#define FOC1A 7
+#define TCNT1 _SFR_MEM16(0x84)
+#define TCNT1L _SFR_MEM8(0x84)
+#define TCNT1L0 0
+#define TCNT1L1 1
+#define TCNT1L2 2
+#define TCNT1L3 3
+#define TCNT1L4 4
+#define TCNT1L5 5
+#define TCNT1L6 6
+#define TCNT1L7 7
+#define TCNT1H _SFR_MEM8(0x85)
+#define TCNT1H0 0
+#define TCNT1H1 1
+#define TCNT1H2 2
+#define TCNT1H3 3
+#define TCNT1H4 4
+#define TCNT1H5 5
+#define TCNT1H6 6
+#define TCNT1H7 7
+#define ICR1 _SFR_MEM16(0x86)
+#define ICR1L _SFR_MEM8(0x86)
+#define ICR1L0 0
+#define ICR1L1 1
+#define ICR1L2 2
+#define ICR1L3 3
+#define ICR1L4 4
+#define ICR1L5 5
+#define ICR1L6 6
+#define ICR1L7 7
+#define ICR1H _SFR_MEM8(0x87)
+#define ICR1H0 0
+#define ICR1H1 1
+#define ICR1H2 2
+#define ICR1H3 3
+#define ICR1H4 4
+#define ICR1H5 5
+#define ICR1H6 6
+#define ICR1H7 7
+#define OCR1A _SFR_MEM16(0x88)
+#define OCR1AL _SFR_MEM8(0x88)
+#define OCR1AL0 0
+#define OCR1AL1 1
+#define OCR1AL2 2
+#define OCR1AL3 3
+#define OCR1AL4 4
+#define OCR1AL5 5
+#define OCR1AL6 6
+#define OCR1AL7 7
+#define OCR1AH _SFR_MEM8(0x89)
+#define OCR1AH0 0
+#define OCR1AH1 1
+#define OCR1AH2 2
+#define OCR1AH3 3
+#define OCR1AH4 4
+#define OCR1AH5 5
+#define OCR1AH6 6
+#define OCR1AH7 7
+#define OCR1B _SFR_MEM16(0x8A)
+#define OCR1BL _SFR_MEM8(0x8A)
+#define OCR1BL0 0
+#define OCR1BL1 1
+#define OCR1BL2 2
+#define OCR1BL3 3
+#define OCR1BL4 4
+#define OCR1BL5 5
+#define OCR1BL6 6
+#define OCR1BL7 7
+#define OCR1BH _SFR_MEM8(0x8B)
+#define OCR1BH0 0
+#define OCR1BH1 1
+#define OCR1BH2 2
+#define OCR1BH3 3
+#define OCR1BH4 4
+#define OCR1BH5 5
+#define OCR1BH6 6
+#define OCR1BH7 7
+#define DACON _SFR_MEM8(0x90)
+#define DAEN 0
+#define DAOE 1
+#define DALA 2
+#define DATS0 4
+#define DATS1 5
+#define DATS2 6
+#define DAATE 7
+#define DAC _SFR_MEM16(0x91)
+#define DACL _SFR_MEM8(0x91)
+#define DACL0 0
+#define DACL1 1
+#define DACL2 2
+#define DACL3 3
+#define DACL4 4
+#define DACL5 5
+#define DACL6 6
+#define DACL7 7
+#define DACH _SFR_MEM8(0x92)
+#define DACH0 0
+#define DACH1 1
+#define DACH2 2
+#define DACH3 3
+#define DACH4 4
+#define DACH5 5
+#define DACH6 6
+#define DACH7 7
+#define AC0CON _SFR_MEM8(0x94)
+#define AC0M0 0
+#define AC0M1 1
+#define AC0M2 2
+#define ACCKSEL 3
+#define AC0IS0 4
+#define AC0IS1 5
+#define AC0IE 6
+#define AC0EN 7
+#define AC1CON _SFR_MEM8(0x95)
+#define AC1M0 0
+#define AC1M1 1
+#define AC1M2 2
+#define AC1ICE 3
+#define AC1IS0 4
+#define AC1IS1 5
+#define AC1IE 6
+#define AC1EN 7
+#define AC2CON _SFR_MEM8(0x96)
+#define AC2M0 0
+#define AC2M1 1
+#define AC2M2 2
+#define AC2IS0 4
+#define AC2IS1 5
+#define AC2IE 6
+#define AC2EN 7
+#define AC3CON _SFR_MEM8(0x97)
+#define AC3M0 0
+#define AC3M1 1
+#define AC3M2 2
+#define AC3IS0 4
+#define AC3IS1 5
+#define AC3IE 6
+#define AC3EN 7
+#define POCR0SA _SFR_MEM16(0xA0)
+#define POCR0SAL _SFR_MEM8(0xA0)
+#define POCR0SA_0 0
+#define POCR0SA_1 1
+#define POCR0SA_2 2
+#define POCR0SA_3 3
+#define POCR0SA_4 4
+#define POCR0SA_5 5
+#define POCR0SA_6 6
+#define POCR0SA_7 7
+#define POCR0SAH _SFR_MEM8(0xA1)
+#define POCR0SA_8 0
+#define POCR0SA_9 1
+#define POCR0SA_10 2
+#define POCR0SA_11 3
+#define POCR0RA _SFR_MEM16(0xA2)
+#define POCR0RAL _SFR_MEM8(0xA2)
+#define POCR0RA_0 0
+#define POCR0RA_1 1
+#define POCR0RA_2 2
+#define POCR0RA_3 3
+#define POCR0RA_4 4
+#define POCR0RA_5 5
+#define POCR0RA_6 6
+#define POCR0RA_7 7
+#define POCR0RAH _SFR_MEM8(0xA3)
+#define POCR0RA_8 0
+#define POCR0RA_9 1
+#define POCR0RA_10 2
+#define POCR0RA_11 3
+#define POCR0SB _SFR_MEM16(0xA4)
+#define POCR0SBL _SFR_MEM8(0xA4)
+#define POCR0SB_0 0
+#define POCR0SB_1 1
+#define POCR0SB_2 2
+#define POCR0SB_3 3
+#define POCR0SB_4 4
+#define POCR0SB_5 5
+#define POCR0SB_6 6
+#define POCR0SB_7 7
+#define POCR0SBH _SFR_MEM8(0xA5)
+#define POCR0SB_8 0
+#define POCR0SB_9 1
+#define POCR0SB_10 2
+#define POCR0SB_11 3
+#define POCR1SA _SFR_MEM16(0xA6)
+#define POCR1SAL _SFR_MEM8(0xA6)
+#define POCR1SA_0 0
+#define POCR1SA_1 1
+#define POCR1SA_2 2
+#define POCR1SA_3 3
+#define POCR1SA_4 4
+#define POCR1SA_5 5
+#define POCR1SA_6 6
+#define POCR1SA_7 7
+#define POCR1SAH _SFR_MEM8(0xA7)
+#define POCR1SA_8 0
+#define POCR1SA_9 1
+#define POCR1SA_10 2
+#define POCR1SA_11 3
+#define POCR1RA _SFR_MEM16(0xA8)
+#define POCR1RAL _SFR_MEM8(0xA8)
+#define POCR1RA_0 0
+#define POCR1RA_1 1
+#define POCR1RA_2 2
+#define POCR1RA_3 3
+#define POCR1RA_4 4
+#define POCR1RA_5 5
+#define POCR1RA_6 6
+#define POCR1RA_7 7
+#define POCR1RAH _SFR_MEM8(0xA9)
+#define POCR1RA_8 0
+#define POCR1RA_9 1
+#define POCR1RA_10 2
+#define POCR1RA_11 3
+#define POCR1SB _SFR_MEM16(0xAA)
+#define POCR1SBL _SFR_MEM8(0xAA)
+#define POCR1SB_0 0
+#define POCR1SB_1 1
+#define POCR1SB_2 2
+#define POCR1SB_3 3
+#define POCR1SB_4 4
+#define POCR1SB_5 5
+#define POCR1SB_6 6
+#define POCR1SB_7 7
+#define POCR1SBH _SFR_MEM8(0xAB)
+#define POCR1SB_8 0
+#define POCR1SB_9 1
+#define POCR1SB_10 2
+#define POCR1SB_11 3
+#define POCR2SA _SFR_MEM16(0xAC)
+#define POCR2SAL _SFR_MEM8(0xAC)
+#define POCR2SA_0 0
+#define POCR2SA_1 1
+#define POCR2SA_2 2
+#define POCR2SA_3 3
+#define POCR2SA_4 4
+#define POCR2SA_5 5
+#define POCR2SA_6 6
+#define POCR2SA_7 7
+#define POCR2SAH _SFR_MEM8(0xAD)
+#define POCR2SA_8 0
+#define POCR2SA_9 1
+#define POCR2SA_10 2
+#define POCR2SA_11 3
+#define POCR2RA _SFR_MEM16(0xAE)
+#define POCR2RAL _SFR_MEM8(0xAE)
+#define POCR2RA_0 0
+#define POCR2RA_1 1
+#define POCR2RA_2 2
+#define POCR2RA_3 3
+#define POCR2RA_4 4
+#define POCR2RA_5 5
+#define POCR2RA_6 6
+#define POCR2RA_7 7
+#define POCR2RAH _SFR_MEM8(0xAF)
+#define POCR2RA_8 0
+#define POCR2RA_9 1
+#define POCR2RA_10 2
+#define POCR2RA_11 3
+#define POCR2SB _SFR_MEM16(0xB0)
+#define POCR2SBL _SFR_MEM8(0xB0)
+#define POCR2SB_0 0
+#define POCR2SB_1 1
+#define POCR2SB_2 2
+#define POCR2SB_3 3
+#define POCR2SB_4 4
+#define POCR2SB_5 5
+#define POCR2SB_6 6
+#define POCR2SB_7 7
+#define POCR2SBH _SFR_MEM8(0xB1)
+#define POCR2SB_8 0
+#define POCR2SB_9 1
+#define POCR2SB_10 2
+#define POCR2SB_11 3
+#define POCR_RB _SFR_MEM16(0xB2)
+#define POCR_RBL _SFR_MEM8(0xB2)
+#define POCR_RB_0 0
+#define POCR_RB_1 1
+#define POCR_RB_2 2
+#define POCR_RB_3 3
+#define POCR_RB_4 4
+#define POCR_RB_5 5
+#define POCR_RB_6 6
+#define POCR_RB_7 7
+#define POCR_RBH _SFR_MEM8(0xB3)
+#define POCR_RB_8 0
+#define POCR_RB_9 1
+#define POCR_RB_10 2
+#define POCR_RB_11 3
+#define PSYNC _SFR_MEM8(0xB4)
+#define PSYNC00 0
+#define PSYNC01 1
+#define PSYNC10 2
+#define PSYNC11 3
+#define PSYNC20 4
+#define PSYNC21 5
+#define PCNF _SFR_MEM8(0xB5)
+#define POPA 2
+#define POPB 3
+#define PMODE 4
+#define PULOCK 5
+#define POC _SFR_MEM8(0xB6)
+#define POEN0A 0
+#define POEN0B 1
+#define POEN1A 2
+#define POEN1B 3
+#define POEN2A 4
+#define POEN2B 5
+#define PCTL _SFR_MEM8(0xB7)
+#define PRUN 0
+#define PCCYC 1
+#define PCLKSEL 5
+#define PPRE0 6
+#define PPRE1 7
+#define PMIC0 _SFR_MEM8(0xB8)
+#define PRFM00 0
+#define PRFM01 1
+#define PRFM02 2
+#define PAOC0 3
+#define PFLTE0 4
+#define PELEV0 5
+#define PISEL0 6
+#define POVEN0 7
+#define PMIC1 _SFR_MEM8(0xB9)
+#define PRFM10 0
+#define PRFM11 1
+#define PRFM12 2
+#define PAOC1 3
+#define PFLTE1 4
+#define PELEV1 5
+#define PISEL1 6
+#define POVEN1 7
+#define PMIC2 _SFR_MEM8(0xBA)
+#define PRFM20 0
+#define PRFM21 1
+#define PRFM22 2
+#define PAOC2 3
+#define PFLTE2 4
+#define PELEV2 5
+#define PISEL2 6
+#define POVEN2 7
+#define PIM _SFR_MEM8(0xBB)
+#define PEOPE 0
+#define PEVE0 1
+#define PEVE1 2
+#define PEVE2 3
+#define PIFR _SFR_MEM8(0xBC)
+#define PEOP 0
+#define PEV0 1
+#define PEV1 2
+#define PEV2 3
+#define LINCR _SFR_MEM8(0xC8)
+#define LCMD0 0
+#define LCMD1 1
+#define LCMD2 2
+#define LENA 3
+#define LCONF0 4
+#define LCONF1 5
+#define LIN13 6
+#define LSWRES 7
+#define LINSIR _SFR_MEM8(0xC9)
+#define LRXOK 0
+#define LTXOK 1
+#define LIDOK 2
+#define LERR 3
+#define LBUSY 4
+#define LIDST0 5
+#define LIDST1 6
+#define LIDST2 7
+#define LINENIR _SFR_MEM8(0xCA)
+#define LENRXOK 0
+#define LENTXOK 1
+#define LENIDOK 2
+#define LENERR 3
+#define LINERR _SFR_MEM8(0xCB)
+#define LBERR 0
+#define LCERR 1
+#define LPERR 2
+#define LSERR 3
+#define LFERR 4
+#define LOVERR 5
+#define LTOERR 6
+#define LABORT 7
+#define LINBTR _SFR_MEM8(0xCC)
+#define LBT0 0
+#define LBT1 1
+#define LBT2 2
+#define LBT3 3
+#define LBT4 4
+#define LBT5 5
+#define LDISR 7
+#define LINBRR _SFR_MEM16(0xCD)
+#define LINBRRL _SFR_MEM8(0xCD)
+#define LDIV0 0
+#define LDIV1 1
+#define LDIV2 2
+#define LDIV3 3
+#define LDIV4 4
+#define LDIV5 5
+#define LDIV6 6
+#define LDIV7 7
+#define LINBRRH _SFR_MEM8(0xCE)
+#define LDIV8 0
+#define LDIV9 1
+#define LDIV10 2
+#define LDIV11 3
+#define LINDLR _SFR_MEM8(0xCF)
+#define LRXDL0 0
+#define LRXDL1 1
+#define LRXDL2 2
+#define LRXDL3 3
+#define LTXDL0 4
+#define LTXDL1 5
+#define LTXDL2 6
+#define LTXDL3 7
+#define LINIDR _SFR_MEM8(0xD0)
+#define LID0 0
+#define LID1 1
+#define LID2 2
+#define LID3 3
+#define LID4 4
+#define LID5 5
+#define LP0 6
+#define LP1 7
+#define LINSEL _SFR_MEM8(0xD1)
+#define LINDX0 0
+#define LINDX1 1
+#define LINDX2 2
+#define LAINC 3
+#define LINDAT _SFR_MEM8(0xD2)
+#define LDATA0 0
+#define LDATA1 1
+#define LDATA2 2
+#define LDATA3 3
+#define LDATA4 4
+#define LDATA5 5
+#define LDATA6 6
+#define LDATA7 7
+#define CANGCON _SFR_MEM8(0xD8)
+#define SWRES 0
+#define ENASTB 1
+#define TEST 2
+#define LISTEN 3
+#define SYNTTC 4
+#define TTC 5
+#define OVRQ 6
+#define ABRQ 7
+#define CANGSTA _SFR_MEM8(0xD9)
+#define ERRP 0
+#define BOFF 1
+#define ENFG 2
+#define RXBSY 3
+#define TXBSY 4
+#define OVFG 6
+#define CANGIT _SFR_MEM8(0xDA)
+#define AERG 0
+#define FERG 1
+#define CERG 2
+#define SERG 3
+#define BXOK 4
+#define OVRTIM 5
+#define BOFFIT 6
+#define CANIT 7
+#define CANGIE _SFR_MEM8(0xDB)
+#define ENOVRT 0
+#define ENERG 1
+#define ENBX 2
+#define ENERR 3
+#define ENTX 4
+#define ENRX 5
+#define ENBOFF 6
+#define ENIT 7
+#define CANEN2 _SFR_MEM8(0xDC)
+#define ENMOB0 0
+#define ENMOB1 1
+#define ENMOB2 2
+#define ENMOB3 3
+#define ENMOB4 4
+#define ENMOB5 5
+#define CANEN1 _SFR_MEM8(0xDD)
+#define CANIE2 _SFR_MEM8(0xDE)
+#define IEMOB0 0
+#define IEMOB1 1
+#define IEMOB2 2
+#define IEMOB3 3
+#define IEMOB4 4
+#define IEMOB5 5
+#define CANIE1 _SFR_MEM8(0xDF)
+#define CANSIT2 _SFR_MEM8(0xE0)
+#define SIT0 0
+#define SIT1 1
+#define SIT2 2
+#define SIT3 3
+#define SIT4 4
+#define SIT5 5
+#define CANSIT1 _SFR_MEM8(0xE1)
+#define CANBT1 _SFR_MEM8(0xE2)
+#define BRP0 1
+#define BRP1 2
+#define BRP2 3
+#define BRP3 4
+#define BRP4 5
+#define BRP5 6
+#define CANBT2 _SFR_MEM8(0xE3)
+#define PRS0 1
+#define PRS1 2
+#define PRS2 3
+#define SJW0 5
+#define SJW1 6
+#define CANBT3 _SFR_MEM8(0xE4)
+#define SMP 0
+#define PHS10 1
+#define PHS11 2
+#define PHS12 3
+#define PHS20 4
+#define PHS21 5
+#define PHS22 6
+#define CANTCON _SFR_MEM8(0xE5)
+#define TPRSC0 0
+#define TPRSC1 1
+#define TPRSC2 2
+#define TPRSC3 3
+#define TPRSC4 4
+#define TPRSC5 5
+#define TPRSC6 6
+#define TPRSC7 7
+#define CANTIM _SFR_MEM16(0xE6)
+#define CANTIML _SFR_MEM8(0xE6)
+#define CANTIM0 0
+#define CANTIM1 1
+#define CANTIM2 2
+#define CANTIM3 3
+#define CANTIM4 4
+#define CANTIM5 5
+#define CANTIM6 6
+#define CANTIM7 7
+#define CANTIMH _SFR_MEM8(0xE7)
+#define CANTIM8 0
+#define CANTIM9 1
+#define CANTIM10 2
+#define CANTIM11 3
+#define CANTIM12 4
+#define CANTIM13 5
+#define CANTIM14 6
+#define CANTIM15 7
+#define CANTTC _SFR_MEM16(0xE8)
+#define CANTTCL _SFR_MEM8(0xE8)
+#define TIMTCC0 0
+#define TIMTCC1 1
+#define TIMTCC2 2
+#define TIMTCC3 3
+#define TIMTCC4 4
+#define TIMTCC5 5
+#define TIMTCC6 6
+#define TIMTCC7 7
+#define CANTTCH _SFR_MEM8(0xE9)
+#define TIMTCC8 0
+#define TIMTCC9 1
+#define TIMTCC10 2
+#define TIMTCC11 3
+#define TIMTCC12 4
+#define TIMTCC13 5
+#define TIMTCC14 6
+#define TIMTCC15 7
+#define CANTEC _SFR_MEM8(0xEA)
+#define TEC0 0
+#define TEC1 1
+#define TEC2 2
+#define TEC3 3
+#define TEC4 4
+#define TEC5 5
+#define TEC6 6
+#define TEC7 7
+#define CANREC _SFR_MEM8(0xEB)
+#define REC0 0
+#define REC1 1
+#define REC2 2
+#define REC3 3
+#define REC4 4
+#define REC5 5
+#define REC6 6
+#define REC7 7
+#define CANHPMOB _SFR_MEM8(0xEC)
+#define CGP0 0
+#define CGP1 1
+#define CGP2 2
+#define CGP3 3
+#define HPMOB0 4
+#define HPMOB1 5
+#define HPMOB2 6
+#define HPMOB3 7
+#define CANPAGE _SFR_MEM8(0xED)
+#define INDX0 0
+#define INDX1 1
+#define INDX2 2
+#define AINC 3
+#define MOBNB0 4
+#define MOBNB1 5
+#define MOBNB2 6
+#define MOBNB3 7
+#define CANSTMOB _SFR_MEM8(0xEE)
+#define AERR 0
+#define FERR 1
+#define CERR 2
+#define SERR 3
+#define BERR 4
+#define RXOK 5
+#define TXOK 6
+#define DLCW 7
+#define CANCDMOB _SFR_MEM8(0xEF)
+#define DLC0 0
+#define DLC1 1
+#define DLC2 2
+#define DLC3 3
+#define IDE 4
+#define RPLV 5
+#define CONMOB0 6
+#define CONMOB1 7
+#define CANIDT4 _SFR_MEM8(0xF0)
+#define RB0TAG 0
+#define RB1TAG 1
+#define RTRTAG 2
+#define IDT0 3
+#define IDT1 4
+#define IDT2 5
+#define IDT3 6
+#define IDT4 7
+#define CANIDT3 _SFR_MEM8(0xF1)
+#define IDT5 0
+#define IDT6 1
+#define IDT7 2
+#define IDT8 3
+#define IDT9 4
+#define IDT10 5
+#define IDT11 6
+#define IDT12 7
+#define CANIDT2 _SFR_MEM8(0xF2)
+#define IDT13 0
+#define IDT14 1
+#define IDT15 2
+#define IDT16 3
+#define IDT17 4
+#define IDT18 5
+#define IDT19 6
+#define IDT20 7
+#define CANIDT1 _SFR_MEM8(0xF3)
+#define IDT21 0
+#define IDT22 1
+#define IDT23 2
+#define IDT24 3
+#define IDT25 4
+#define IDT26 5
+#define IDT27 6
+#define IDT28 7
+#define CANIDM4 _SFR_MEM8(0xF4)
+#define IDEMSK 0
+#define RTRMSK 2
+#define IDMSK0 3
+#define IDMSK1 4
+#define IDMSK2 5
+#define IDMSK3 6
+#define IDMSK4 7
+#define CANIDM3 _SFR_MEM8(0xF5)
+#define IDMSK5 0
+#define IDMSK6 1
+#define IDMSK7 2
+#define IDMSK8 3
+#define IDMSK9 4
+#define IDMSK10 5
+#define IDMSK11 6
+#define IDMSK12 7
+#define CANIDM2 _SFR_MEM8(0xF6)
+#define IDMSK13 0
+#define IDMSK14 1
+#define IDMSK15 2
+#define IDMSK16 3
+#define IDMSK17 4
+#define IDMSK18 5
+#define IDMSK19 6
+#define IDMSK20 7
+#define CANIDM1 _SFR_MEM8(0xF7)
+#define IDMSK21 0
+#define IDMSK22 1
+#define IDMSK23 2
+#define IDMSK24 3
+#define IDMSK25 4
+#define IDMSK26 5
+#define IDMSK27 6
+#define IDMSK28 7
+#define CANSTM _SFR_MEM16(0xF8)
+#define CANSTML _SFR_MEM8(0xF8)
+#define TIMSTM0 0
+#define TIMSTM1 1
+#define TIMSTM2 2
+#define TIMSTM3 3
+#define TIMSTM4 4
+#define TIMSTM5 5
+#define TIMSTM6 6
+#define TIMSTM7 7
+#define CANSTMH _SFR_MEM8(0xF9)
+#define TIMSTM8 0
+#define TIMSTM9 1
+#define TIMSTM10 2
+#define TIMSTM11 3
+#define TIMSTM12 4
+#define TIMSTM13 5
+#define TIMSTM14 6
+#define TIMSTM15 7
+#define CANMSG _SFR_MEM8(0xFA)
+#define MSG0 0
+#define MSG1 1
+#define MSG2 2
+#define MSG3 3
+#define MSG4 4
+#define MSG5 5
+#define MSG6 6
+#define MSG7 7
+/* Interrupt vectors */
+/* Vector 0 is the reset vector */
+#define ANACOMP0_vect_num 1
+#define ANACOMP0_vect _VECTOR(1) /* Analog Comparator 0 */
+#define ANACOMP1_vect_num 2
+#define ANACOMP1_vect _VECTOR(2) /* Analog Comparator 1 */
+#define ANACOMP2_vect_num 3
+#define ANACOMP2_vect _VECTOR(3) /* Analog Comparator 2 */
+#define ANACOMP3_vect_num 4
+#define ANACOMP3_vect _VECTOR(4) /* Analog Comparator 3 */
+#define PSC_FAULT_vect_num 5
+#define PSC_FAULT_vect _VECTOR(5) /* PSC Fault */
+#define PSC_EC_vect_num 6
+#define PSC_EC_vect _VECTOR(6) /* PSC End of Cycle */
+#define INT0_vect_num 7
+#define INT0_vect _VECTOR(7) /* External Interrupt Request 0 */
+#define INT1_vect_num 8
+#define INT1_vect _VECTOR(8) /* External Interrupt Request 1 */
+#define INT2_vect_num 9
+#define INT2_vect _VECTOR(9) /* External Interrupt Request 2 */
+#define INT3_vect_num 10
+#define INT3_vect _VECTOR(10) /* External Interrupt Request 3 */
+#define TIMER1_CAPT_vect_num 11
+#define TIMER1_CAPT_vect _VECTOR(11) /* Timer/Counter1 Capture Event */
+#define TIMER1_COMPA_vect_num 12
+#define TIMER1_COMPA_vect _VECTOR(12) /* Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A */
+#define TIMER1_COMPB_vect_num 13
+#define TIMER1_COMPB_vect _VECTOR(13) /* Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B */
+#define TIMER1_OVF_vect_num 14
+#define TIMER1_OVF_vect _VECTOR(14) /* Timer1/Counter1 Overflow */
+#define TIMER0_COMPA_vect_num 15
+#define TIMER0_COMPA_vect _VECTOR(15) /* Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A */
+#define TIMER0_COMPB_vect_num 16
+#define TIMER0_COMPB_vect _VECTOR(16) /* Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B */
+#define TIMER0_OVF_vect_num 17
+#define TIMER0_OVF_vect _VECTOR(17) /* Timer/Counter0 Overflow */
+#define CAN_INT_vect_num 18
+#define CAN_INT_vect _VECTOR(18) /* CAN MOB, Burst, General Errors */
+#define CAN_TOVF_vect_num 19
+#define CAN_TOVF_vect _VECTOR(19) /* CAN Timer Overflow */
+#define LIN_TC_vect_num 20
+#define LIN_TC_vect _VECTOR(20) /* LIN Transfer Complete */
+#define LIN_ERR_vect_num 21
+#define LIN_ERR_vect _VECTOR(21) /* LIN Error */
+#define PCINT0_vect_num 22
+#define PCINT0_vect _VECTOR(22) /* Pin Change Interrupt Request 0 */
+#define PCINT1_vect_num 23
+#define PCINT1_vect _VECTOR(23) /* Pin Change Interrupt Request 1 */
+#define PCINT2_vect_num 24
+#define PCINT2_vect _VECTOR(24) /* Pin Change Interrupt Request 2 */
+#define PCINT3_vect_num 25
+#define PCINT3_vect _VECTOR(25) /* Pin Change Interrupt Request 3 */
+#define SPI_STC_vect_num 26
+#define SPI_STC_vect _VECTOR(26) /* SPI Serial Transfer Complete */
+#define ADC_vect_num 27
+#define ADC_vect _VECTOR(27) /* ADC Conversion Complete */
+#define WDT_vect_num 28
+#define WDT_vect _VECTOR(28) /* Watchdog Time-Out Interrupt */
+#define EE_READY_vect_num 29
+#define EE_READY_vect _VECTOR(29) /* EEPROM Ready */
+#define SPM_READY_vect_num 30
+#define SPM_READY_vect _VECTOR(30) /* Store Program Memory Read */
+#define _VECTOR_SIZE 4 /* Size of individual vector. */
+#define _VECTORS_SIZE (31 * _VECTOR_SIZE)
+/* Constants */
+#define SPM_PAGESIZE (256)
+#define RAMSTART (0x0100)
+#define RAMSIZE (4096)
+#define XRAMSTART (0x0)
+#define XRAMSIZE (0)
+#define E2END (0x7FF)
+#define E2PAGESIZE (8)
+#define FLASHEND (0xFFFF)
+/* Fuses */
+/* Low Fuse Byte */
+#define FUSE_CKSEL0 (unsigned char)~_BV(0) /* Select Clock Source */
+#define FUSE_CKSEL1 (unsigned char)~_BV(1) /* Select Clock Source */
+#define FUSE_CKSEL2 (unsigned char)~_BV(2) /* Select Clock Source */
+#define FUSE_CKSEL3 (unsigned char)~_BV(3) /* Select Clock Source */
+#define FUSE_SUT0 (unsigned char)~_BV(4) /* Select start-up time */
+#define FUSE_SUT1 (unsigned char)~_BV(5) /* Select start-up time */
+#define FUSE_CKOUT (unsigned char)~_BV(6) /* Oscillator output option */
+#define FUSE_CKDIV8 (unsigned char)~_BV(7) /* Divide clock by 8 */
+/* High Fuse Byte */
+#define FUSE_BOOTRST (unsigned char)~_BV(0) /* Select Reset Vector */
+#define FUSE_BOOTSZ0 (unsigned char)~_BV(1) /* Select Boot Size */
+#define FUSE_BOOTSZ1 (unsigned char)~_BV(2) /* Select Boot Size */
+#define FUSE_EESAVE (unsigned char)~_BV(3) /* EEPROM memory is preserved through chip erase */
+#define FUSE_WDTON (unsigned char)~_BV(4) /* Watchdog timer always on */
+#define FUSE_SPIEN (unsigned char)~_BV(5) /* Enable Serial programming and Data Downloading */
+#define FUSE_DWEN (unsigned char)~_BV(6) /* DebugWIRE Enable */
+#define FUSE_RSTDISBL (unsigned char)~_BV(7) /* External Reset Disable */
+/* Extended Fuse Byte */
+#define FUSE_BODLEVEL0 (unsigned char)~_BV(0) /* Brown-out Detector Trigger Level */
+#define FUSE_BODLEVEL1 (unsigned char)~_BV(1) /* Brown-out Detector Trigger Level */
+#define FUSE_BODLEVEL2 (unsigned char)~_BV(2) /* Brown-out Detector Trigger Level */
+#define FUSE_PSCRVB (unsigned char)~_BV(3) /* PSC Outputs xB Reset Value */
+#define FUSE_PSCRVA (unsigned char)~_BV(4) /* PSC Outputs xA Reset Value */
+#define FUSE_PSCRB (unsigned char)~_BV(5) /* PSC Reset Behavior */
+/* Lock Bits */
+#define __LOCK_BITS_EXIST
+/* Signature */
+#define SIGNATURE_0 0x1E
+#define SIGNATURE_1 0x96
+#define SIGNATURE_2 0x84
+#endif /* _AVR_ATmega64M1_H_ */