path: root/c/src/librdbg/src/m68k/rdbg_cpu_asm.S
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diff --git a/c/src/librdbg/src/m68k/rdbg_cpu_asm.S b/c/src/librdbg/src/m68k/rdbg_cpu_asm.S
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f4dc9dad..0000000000
--- a/c/src/librdbg/src/m68k/rdbg_cpu_asm.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-/* rdbg_cpu_asm.s
- *
- * This file contains all assembly code for the Motorola m68k implementation
- * of RDBG.
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- */
-#include <rtems/asm.h>
-#include <rtems/score/cpu.h>
- * void copyback_data_cache_and_invalidate_instr_cache(addr, size)
- *
- * This routine performs a copy of the data cache
- * and invalidate the instruction cache
- */
- .align 2
- PUBLIC (copyback_data_cache_and_invalidate_instr_cache)
-SYM (copyback_data_cache_and_invalidate_instr_cache):
- nop | how?
- rts
- * void enterRdbg(void)
- *
- * This function performs trap #4
- * It is used :
- * 1 - in the user code, to simulate a Breakpoint.
- * (with justSaveContext = 0)
- * 2 - in the RDBG code, to push a ctx in the list.
- * (with justSaveContext = 1)
- *
- * In most of case, it will be use as described in 1.
- * The 2nd possibility will be used by RDBG to obtain
- * its own ctx
- */
- PUBLIC (enterRdbg)
-SYM (enterRdbg):
- trap #4
- rts
- * void excHandler(void)
- *
- * lotsa copypaste from cpu_asm.S
- *
- */
- * The RTEMS jump table pushes vector
- *
- * The two types of exception frames on m68000 are
- *
- * uint16_t sr <- sp
- * uint32_t pc
- *
- * uint16_t fc <- sp
- * uint32_t addr
- * uint16_t instr
- * uint16_t sr
- * uint32_t pc
- *
- * after real frame we push d0-d1/a0-a1
- *
- * after that we push CPU_Exception_frame
- *
- * exframe <- sp
- * d0-d1/a0-a1
- * frame
- */
-#if ( M68K_COLDFIRE_ARCH == 1 )
-.set SR_OFFSET, 2 | Status register offset
-.set PC_OFFSET, 4 | Program Counter offset
-.set FVO_OFFSET, 0 | Format/vector offset
-#elif ( M68K_HAS_VBR == 1 )
-.set SR_OFFSET, 0 | Status register offset
-.set PC_OFFSET, 2 | Program Counter offset
-.set FVO_OFFSET, 6 | Format/vector offset
-.set SR_OFFSET, 2 | Status register offset
-.set PC_OFFSET, 4 | Program Counter offset
-.set FVO_OFFSET, 0 | Format/vector offset placed in the stack
-#endif /* M68K_HAS_VBR */
- .align 4
- PUBLIC (excHandler)
- PUBLIC (BreakPointExcHdl)
-SYM (excFormatLength):
- /*
- * size of exception stack frame depending on format type
- * This is valid for m68k with VBR (68020/030/040/CPU32/CPU32+)
- * size | format/name
- */
- dc.w 4*2 | $0 standard
- dc.w 4*2 | $1 throwaway stackframe
- dc.w 6*2 | $2 CHK/CHK2/TRAPcc/TRAPV/DIV0/TRACE
- dc.w 6*2 | $3 Coprocessor Post-Instruction (040)
- dc.w 4*2 | $4 reserved
- dc.w 4*2 | $5 reserved
- dc.w 4*2 | $6 reserved
- dc.w 30*2 | $7 Access Error (040)
- dc.w 29*2 | $8 Bus Error (020)
- dc.w 10*2 | $9 Coprocessor Mid-Instruction (020)
- dc.w 16*2 | $A Short Bus-Error (020)
- dc.w 46*2 | $B Long Bus-Error (020)
- dc.w 12*2 | $C Bus Error/Address Error (CPU32)
- dc.w 4*2 | $D reserved
- dc.w 4*2 | $E reserved
- dc.w 4*2 | $F reserved
-SYM (excHandler):
-#if ( M68K_COLDFIRE_ARCH == 1 )
- lea a7@(-16),a7
- movm.l d0-d1/a0-a1,a7@ | save d0-d1,a0-a1
- movew a7@(16+FVO_OFFSET),d0 | d0 = F/VO
- andl #0x0ffc,d0 | d0 = vector offset in vbr
- lsrl #2,d0 | d0 = vector number
- lea a7@(16),a1 | address of orig frame
- lea a7@(16),a0 | address of orig frame
- lea a0@(8),a0 | skip exception frame
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a7@- | save d0-d1,a0-a1
- movew a7@(16+FVO_OFFSET),d0 | d0 = F/VO
-#if ( M68K_HAS_VBR == 1 )
- movew d0,d1 | d1 is copy of F/VO
- andl #0x0ffc,d0 | d0 = vector offset in vbr
- lsrl #2,d0 | d0 = vector number
- lsrl #8,d1
- lsrl #3,d1
- andl #0x001f,d1 | d1 is format number
- lea SYM (excFormatLength),a1
- movew a1@(d1),d1 | d1 = size of exc frame
- lea a7@(16,d1),a0
- lea a7@(16),a1 | address of orig frame
-#else /* (M68k_HAS_VBR == 0) */
- lea a7@(16),a1 | address of orig frame
- lea a1@(6),a0 | skip stack frame
- * skip bus error stack frame...
- */
- cmpi.l #3,d0
- bgt 1f | if >3 then normal exc
- lea a1@(8),a0 | skip extra stuff
- lea a0@(6),a0 | a0 = orig sp
-#endif /* M68K_HAS_VBR */
-#endif /* ( M68K_COLDFIRE_ARCH == 0 ) */
- /*
- * at this point:
- * a0 points to stack above exception stack frame
- * a1 points to start of exception stack frame
- */
- movew a1@(SR_OFFSET),d1 | d1 = sr
- andl #0xffff,d1
- lea a7@(-76),a7 | reserve room for exception frame
-| build CPU_Exception_frame
- movel d0,a7@ | vecnum
- movel d1,a7@(4) | sr
- movel a1@(PC_OFFSET),d1 | d1 = pc
-#if ( M68K_COLDFIRE_ARCH == 0 )
- cmpiw #47,d0 | trap #15, breakpoint?
- cmpil #47,d0 | trap #15, breakpoint?
- bne 2f
- subql #2,d1 | real PC is at trap insn
-2: movel d1,a7@(8) | store pc to exframe struct
- movel a7@(76),a7@(12) | the orig d0 pushed at beginning
- movel a7@(76+4),a7@(16) | the orig d1 pushed at beginning
- movel d2,a7@(20)
- movel d3,a7@(24)
- movel d4,a7@(28)
- movel d5,a7@(32)
- movel d6,a7@(36)
- movel d7,a7@(40)
- movel a7@(76+8),a7@(44) | the orig a0 pushed at beginning
- movel a7@(76+12),a7@(48) | the orig a1 pushed at beginning
- movel a2,a7@(52)
- movel a3,a7@(56)
- movel a4,a7@(60)
- movel a5,a7@(64)
- movel a6,a7@(68)
- movel a0,a7@(72) | stack pointer before exception
- lea a7@,a0 | exframe address
- movel a1,a7@- | save top of orig frame
- movel a0,a7@- | push exframe address
- jsr SYM(BreakPointExcHdl)
- addql #4,a7 | pop exframe address
- movel a7@+,a1 | restore orig frame address
-| XXX what should be restored from exframe??
- movel a7@(4),d1 | sr
- movew d1,a1@(SR_OFFSET) | store sr to frame XXX ???
- movel a7@(8),a1@(PC_OFFSET) | store pc to frame XXX ???
- movel a7@(12),a7@(76) | d0 to be restored from stack
- movel a7@(16),a7@(76+4) | d1 to be restored from stack
- movel a7@(20),d2
- movel a7@(24),d3
- movel a7@(28),d4
- movel a7@(32),d5
- movel a7@(36),d6
- movel a7@(40),d7
- movel a7@(44),a7@(76+8) | a0 to be restored from stack
- movel a7@(48),a7@(76+12) | a1 to be restored from stack
- movel a7@(52),a2
- movel a7@(56),a3
- movel a7@(60),a4
- movel a7@(64),a5
- movel a7@(68),a6
- addl #76,a7 | pop exframe
-#if ( M68K_COLDFIRE_ARCH == 0 )
- moveml a7@+,d0-d1/a0-a1 | restore d0-d1,a0-a1
- moveml a7@,d0-d1/a0-a1 | restore d0-d1,a0-a1
- lea a7@(16),a7
-#if ( M68K_HAS_VBR == 0 )
- addql #2,a7 | pop format/id
-#endif /* M68K_HAS_VBR */
-| XXX bus err cleanup
- rte