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+{\par\centering \newpage\par}
+{\par\centering \textbf{\Huge Ethernet Driver for PCI DEC board}\Huge \par}
+\section{\noindent Introduction}
+One aim of our project is to port RTEMS on a standard PowerPC platform. To achieve
+it, we have chosen a Motorola MCP750 board. This board includes an Ethernet
+controller based on a DEC21140 chip. Because RTEMS has a TCP/IP stack, we will
+have to develop the DEC21140 related ethernet driver for the PowerPC port of
+RTEMS. As this controller is able to support 100Mbps network and as there is
+a lot of PCI card using this DEC chip (cf \ref{List}), we have decided to first
+implement this driver on an Intel PC386 target to provide a solution for using
+RTEMS on PC with the 100Mbps network and then to port this code on PowerPC in
+a second phase.\\
+\noindent The aim of this document is to give some PCI board generalities and
+to explain the software architecture of the RTEMS driver. Finally, we will see
+what will be done for ChorusOs and Netboot environment .
+\section{Document Revision History}
+\underbar{Current release} :
+\item \noindent Current applicable release is 1.0.
+\noindent \underbar{Existing releases} :
+\item \noindent 1.0 : Released the 10/02/98. First version of this document.
+\item 0.1 : First draft of this document
+\noindent \underbar{Planned releases} :
+\item \noindent None planned today.
+\section{DEC21140 PCI Board Generalities}
+This chapter describes rapidely the PCI interface of this Ethernet controller.
+The board we have chosen for our PC386 implementation is a D-Link DFE-500TX.
+This is a dual-speed 10/100Mbps Ethernet PCI adapter with a DEC21140AF chip.
+Like other PCI devices, this board has a PCI device's header containing some
+required configuration registers, as shown in figure \ref{PCI reg}. By reading
+or writing these registers, a driver can obtain information about the type of
+the board, the interrupt it uses, the mapping of the chip specific registers,~...
+\noindent On Intel target, the chip specific registers can be accessed via 2
+methods : I/O port access or PCI address mapped access. We have chosen to implement
+the PCI address access to obtain compatible source code to the port the driver
+on a PowerPC target.\\
+{\par\centering \includegraphics{PCI_reg.eps} \par}
+\caption{\label{PCI reg}PCI device's configuration header space format}
+On RTEMS, a PCI API exists. We have used it to configure the board. After initializing
+this PCI module via the \textbf{\textit{pcib\_init()}} function, we try to detect
+the DEC21140 based ethernet board. This board is characterized by its Vendor
+ID (0x1011) and its Device ID (0x0009). We give these arguments to the \textbf{\textit{pcib\_find\_by\_deviceid}}
+function which returns , if the device is present, a pointer to the configuration
+header space (cf fig \ref{PCI reg}). Once this operation performed, the driver
+is able to extract the information it needs to configure the board internal
+registers, like the interrupt line, the base address,... The board internal
+registers will not be detailled here. You can find them in \cite{1}.\newpage
+\section{\noindent RTEMS Driver Software Architecture}
+In this chapter will see the initialization phase, how the controller uses the
+host memory and the 2 threads launched at the initialization time.
+\subsection{Initialization phase}
+The DEC21140 Ethernet driver keeps the same software architecture than the other
+RTEMS ethernet drivers. The only API the programmer can use is the \textbf{\textit{``rtems\_dec21140\_driver\_attach}}\\
+\textbf{\textit{(struct rtems\_bsdnet\_ifconfig {*}config)''}} function which
+detects the board and initializes the associated data structure (with registers
+base address, entry points to low-level initialization function,...), if the
+board is found.
+\noindent Once the attach function executed, the driver initializes the DEC
+chip. Then the driver connects an interrupt handler to the interrupt line driven
+by the Ethernet controller (the only interrupt which will be treated is the
+receive interrupt) and launches 2 threads : a receiver thread and a transmitter
+thread. Then the driver waits for incoming frame to give to the protocol stack
+or outcoming frame to send on the physical link.
+\subsection{Memory Buffer}
+This DEC chip uses the host memory to store the incoming Ethernet frames and
+the descriptor of these frames. We have chosen to use 7 receive buffers and
+1 transmit buffer to optimize memory allocation due to cache and paging problem
+that will be explained in paragraph \ref{Problem}).\\
+\noindent To reference these buffers to the DEC chip we use a buffer descriptors
+ring. The descriptor structure is defined in figure \ref{bdescr}. Each descriptor
+can reference one or two memory buffers. We choose to use only one buffer of
+1520 bytes per descriptor.\\
+\noindent The difference between a receive and a transmit buffer descriptor
+is located in the status and control bits fields. We do not give details here,
+please refer to \cite{1}.
+{\par\centering \includegraphics{recv_bd.eps} \par}
+\caption{\label{bdescr}Buffer Descriptor}
+\subsection{Receiver Thread}
+This thread is event driven. Each time a DEC PCI board interrupt occurs, the
+handler checks if this is a receive interrupt and send an event ``reception''
+to the receiver thread which looks into the entire buffer descriptors ring the
+ones that contain a valid incoming frame (bit OWN=0 means descriptor belongs
+to host processor). Each valid incoming ethernet frame is sent to the protocol
+stack and the buffer descriptor is given back to the DEC board (the host processor
+reset bit OWN, which means descriptor belongs to 21140).
+\subsection{Transmitter Thread}
+This thread is also event driven. Each time an Ethernet frame is put in the
+transmit queue, an event is sent to the transmit thread, which empty the queue
+by sending each outcoming frame. Because we use only one transmit buffer, we
+are sure that the frame is well-sent before sending the next.
+\section{\label{Problem}Encountered Problems}
+On Intel PC386 target, we were faced with a problem of memory cache management.
+Because the DEC chip uses the host memory to store the incoming frame and because
+the DEC21140 configuration registers are mapped into the PCI address space,
+we must ensure that the data read (or written) by the host processor are the
+ones written (or read) by the DEC21140 device in the host memory and not old
+data stored in the cache memory. Therefore, we had to provide a way to manage
+the cache. This module is described in the document \cite{2}. On Intel, the
+memory region cache management is available only if the paging unit is enabled.
+We have used this paging mechanism, with 4Kb page. All the buffers allocated
+to store the incoming or outcoming frames, buffer descriptor and also the PCI
+address space of the DEC board are located in a memory space with cache disable.\\
+\noindent Concerning the buffers and their descriptors, we have tried to optimize
+the memory space in term of allocated page. One buffer has 1520 bytes, one descriptor
+has 16 bytes. We have 7 receive buffers and 1 transmit buffer, and for each,
+1 descriptor : (7+1){*}(1520+16) = 12288 bytes = 12Kb = 3 entire pages. This
+allows not to lose too much memory or not to disable cache memory for a page
+which contains other data than buffer, which could decrease performance.
+\section{ChorusOs DEC Driver}
+Because ChorusOs is used in several Canon CRF projects, we must provide such
+a driver on this OS to ensure compatibility between the RTEMS and ChorusOs developments.
+On ChorusOs, a DEC driver source code already exists but only for a PowerPC
+target. We plan to port this code (which uses ChorusOs API) on Intel target.
+This will allow us to have homogeneous developments. Moreover, the port of the
+development performed with ChorusOs environment to RTEMS environment will be
+easier for the developers.
+\section{Netboot DEC driver}
+We use Netboot tool to load our development from a server to the target via
+an ethernet network. Currently, this tool does not support the DEC board. We
+plan to port the DEC driver for the Netboot tool.\\
+\noindent But concerning the port of the DEC driver into Netboot, we are faced
+with a problem : in RTEMS environment, the DEC driver is interrupt or event
+driven, in Netboot environment, it must be used in polling mode. It means that
+we will have to re-write some mechanisms of this driver.
+\section{\label{List}List of Ethernet cards using the DEC chip}
+Many Ethernet adapter cards use the Tulip chip. Here is a non exhaustive list
+of adapters which support this driver :
+\item Accton EtherDuo PCI.
+\item Accton EN1207 All three media types supported.
+\item Adaptec ANA6911/TX 21140-AC.
+\item Cogent EM110 21140-A with DP83840 N-Way MII transceiver.
+\item Cogent EM400 EM100 with 4 21140 100mbps-only ports + PCI Bridge.
+\item Danpex EN-9400P3.
+\item D-Link DFE500-Tx 21140-A with DP83840 transceiver.
+\item Kingston EtherX KNE100TX 21140AE.
+\item Netgear FX310 TX 10/100 21140AE.
+\item SMC EtherPower10/100 With DEC21140 and 68836 SYM transceiver.
+\item SMC EtherPower10/100 With DEC21140-AC and DP83840 MII transceiver. \\
+Note: The EtherPower II uses the EPIC chip, which requires a different driver.
+\item Surecom EP-320X DEC 21140.
+\item Thomas Conrad TC5048.
+\item Znyx ZX345 21140-A, usually with the DP83840 N-Way MII transciever. Some ZX345
+cards made in 1996 have an ICS 1890 transciver instead.
+\item ZNYX ZX348 Two 21140-A chips using ICS 1890 transcievers and either a 21052
+or 21152 bridge. Early versions used National 83840 transcievers, but later
+versions are depopulated ZX346 boards.
+\item ZNYX ZX351 21140 chip with a Broadcom 100BaseT4 transciever.
+Our DEC driver has not been tested with all these cards, only with the D-Link
+\begin{thebibliography}{DEC21140 Hardware Manual}
+\bibitem[DEC21140 Hardware Manual]{1}DIGITAL, \textit{DIGITAL Semiconductor 21140A PCI Fast Ethernet LAN Controller
+- Hardware Reference Manual.}
+\bibitem[99.TA.0021.M.ER]{2}Emmanuel Raguet, \textit{RTEMS Cache Management For Intel.}