path: root/tools/update/acpolish
blob: d348bf9ae6106a6339621e74c1dac1d0b20c97dd (plain) (tree)




# Perl script to beautify and enhance RTEMS autoconf Makefile.ins
# Reads from stdin and writes to stdout
# usage: 
# acpolish < >
# mv
# ATTENTION: This file contains embedded tabs

if ( -f "" )
  # Refuse to work on autoconfiscated Makefile.ins;
  # redirecting STDOUT to will trash the ;-

  die "acpolish must not be run in autoconfiscated directories" ;

my $build_pgms_seen = "" ;
my $top_builddir = "";
my $subdir = "";

sub find_root
  $top_builddir = "." ;
  my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd;
  $pwd .= "/" ;
  my $len ;

  if ( -f "" )  { return $top_builddir ; }
  my $i = rindex($pwd,'/');

  $len = $i;
  $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len);
  $i = rindex($pwd,'/');
  $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1);
  $top_builddir = ".." ;  

  while( -d "$top_builddir" ) 
    if ( -f "${top_builddir}/" )  
      return $top_builddir ; 
    $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len);
    $i = rindex($pwd,'/');
    $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1) . "/$subdir";
    $top_builddir .= "/.." ;  
  } ;
  die "Can't find\n" ;


my $nl_seen = 0 ;

while( <> )
  if ( /^[ 	]*$/o )
    $nl_seen = $nl_seen+1;

  if ( /^(.*)\$\(RTEMS_BSP\)(.*)$/o )
    $_ = "$1\$\{RTEMS_BSP\}$2\n" ;

  if ( /^(.*)\$\(PROJECT_ROOT\)\/\$\{RTEMS_BSP\}\/lib\/include(.*)$/o )
    $_ = "$1\$\(PROJECT_INCLUDE\)$2\n" ;

  if ( /^(.*)\$\{PROJECT_RELEASE\}(.*)$/o )
    $_ = "$1\$\{PROJECT_RELEASE\}$2\n" ;

  if ( /^[ 	]*srcdir[ 	]*=.*$/o ) 
    print "\@SET_MAKE\@\n" ;
    print "$_" ;
    print "top_srcdir = \@top_srcdir\@\n" ; 
    print "top_builddir = $top_builddir\n" ;
    print "subdir = $subdir\n" if "$subdir" ;
    print "\nINSTALL = \@INSTALL\@\n\n";
    print "RTEMS_ROOT = \$(top_srcdir)/\@RTEMS_TOPdir\@\n" ;
    print "PROJECT_ROOT = \@PROJECT_ROOT\@\n\n" ;
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*top_srcdir[ 	]*=.*$/o )
    # remove the line 
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*top_builddir[ 	]*=.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*Makefile:.*/o )
  { # consume the block
    while( <> ) { last if /^[ 	]*$/o ; }
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*%:[ 	]\$\(srcdir\)\/%\.in.*$/o )
  { # consume the block
    while( <> ) { last if /^[ 	]*$/o ; }
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*RTEMS_ROOT[ 	]*=.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*PROJECT_ROOT[ 	]*=.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*INSTALL[ 	]*=[ 	]*\@INSTALL\@.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*subdir[ 	]*=.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*\@SET_MAKE\@.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^include[ 	]*.*rtems\.cfg.*$/o )
    # remove the line
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*BUILD_PGMS.*=.*$/o )
    $build_pgms_seen = "true" ;
    print "$_" ;
  elsif ( /^[ 	]*$/o )
    print "$_" if $nl_seen < 2 ;
    print "$_" ;
    $nl_seen = 0;
} # while

print "\n" if $nl_seen < 1 ;

# Add rules for config.status generated files
if ( "$build_pgms_seen" )
print "%: \$(srcdir)/ \$(top_builddir)/config.status\n" ;
print "	cd \$(top_builddir) \\\n" ;
print "	 && CONFIG_FILES=" ;
print "\$(subdir)/" if ( "$subdir" );
print "\$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= \$(SHELL) ./config.status\n";
print "Makefile: \$(srcdir)/ \$(top_builddir)/config.status\n" ;
print "	cd \$(top_builddir) \\\n" ;
print "	 && CONFIG_FILES=" ;
print "\$(subdir)/" if ( "$subdir" );
print "\$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= \$(SHELL) ./config.status\n";
