path: root/scripts/README.cdn-X
blob: 639319596152e28799194a9e5fcddc1dfed1a23c (plain) (tree)













Applying RTEMS-toolchain RPM-specs for Canadian Cross Compilation

Example: Building a Cygwin-based xxx-rtems toolchain under Linux:

The command to invoke rpm for building RTEMS's gnu toolchain cdn. cross
under Linux is:
rpmbuild -ba xxx-rtems-yyy.spec \
--define='_build i686-pc-linux-gnu'
--define='_host i686-pc-cygwin' \

[If using rpm < 4.1, use "rpm" instead of "rpmbuild".]

If you don't understand this, read on ... :-)

1. Prerequisites
* a native Linux-toolchain (eg. gcc, binutils).
Prebuild binaries should come with any Linux distribution.
We further on assume this toolchain to be installed in /usr, such that
/usr/bin/gcc is supposed to be your native CC.

* a Linux -> Cygwin cross-toolchain
RPM-specs are available in the contrib/cygwin directory in RTEMS's sourcetree.
Prebuild binaries should be available from

We further on assume this toolchain to be installed in /opt/i686-pc-cygwin,
i.e. /opt/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/i686-pc-cygwin-gcc is assumed to be the linux->cygwin
cross compiler.

2. Preparations

* Make sure to have /usr/bin and /opt/i686-pc-cygwin/bin in $PATH.

* Download the source-tarballs and patches. Put them into a directory where
rpm can pick them up (/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES under RH)

* configure this directory 
[Many files being generated]

Among these files the rpm.specs will be generated, one per tool in its
corresponding subdirectory.

The spec-files you are looking for are: 

[You must have appropriate versions of autoconf and 
automake installed.]

3. Building

rpmbuild -ba binutils/xxx-rtems-binutils-<binutilsvers>.spec \
--define='_build=i686-pc-linux-gnu' \
--define='_host=i686-pc-cygwin' \

rpmbuild -ba gccnewlib/xxx-rtems-gcc-<gccvers>-newlib-<newlibvers>.spec \
--define='_build=i686-pc-linux-gnu' \
--define='_host=i686-pc-cygwin' \

rpmbuild -ba
gdb/xxx-rtems-gdb-<gdbvers>.spec \
--define='_build=i686-pc-linux-gnu' \
--define='_host=i686-pc-cygwin' \

Each of these commands builds several corresponding rpms.
[Beware: This can take several hours.]

NOTE: These packages will be packaged as Linux' rpms, but contain Cygwin
binaries. If using the default rpm-directories, this will put the rpms into
your linux RPM-directories, i.e. pollute these directories with foreign

To avoid this, I recommend to set up RPM's internal variable %_rpmdir to
point to a different directory than the default or to use a different root for the cygwin
RPM directory tree, i.e. to set %_topdir. [1]

4. Repackaging the RPMS into tarballs

Basically, there exist two ways:

* Applying "alien". 
I highly recommend using this, but unfortunately alien is not
shipped with all Linux distributions.
[alien can also be applied to repackage the rpms into other packaging

* Manual unpacking and tar-ing
cd <empty-directory>
rpmcpio xxx-rtems-yyy.<arch>.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories
tar cjvf <where-ever>/xxx-rtems-yyy.<arch>.tar.bz2 opt/rtems
rm -rf opt/rtems

NOTE: You might want to consider performing repackaging as root to avoid
loosing file permissions.

5. Other platforms
The procedure to build for other platforms (Solaris, ...) is analogous. Just
replace i686-pc-cygwin with your target, eg sun-sparc-solaris2.8

Ralf Corsepius		2003-01-31

[1] Setting up an rpm variable can be done:
* on the command line:
rpmbuild --define='_topdir /home/user/src/cygwin' ...
* from a user's ~/.rpmmacros
_topdir /home/user/src/cygwin