path: root/scripts-ada/gnatnewlib/
blob: b140b8591189b03421704ed45ebec224ea95f68b (plain) (tree)
























































# spec file for building gcc for rtems
# Copyright  (c)  1999  OARCorp, Huntsville, AL
# please send bugfixes or comments to

Vendor:       OAR Corporation
Distribution: Linux
Name:         @target_alias@-gnat-newlib
Summary:      gnat, gcc, and newlib C Library for @target_alias@.
Group:	      gnatrtems
Release:      @Release@
License:      gcc is GPL/LGPL ; newlib no has restrictions on run-time usage

Provides:     	rtems-base-gnat @target_alias@-gnat 
Provides:       rtems-base-gnat-binutils @target_alias@-gnat-binutils
# Requires:     	@target_alias@-binutils

Autoreqprov:  	on
Packager: and

Version:      	gnat@gnat_version@
Source1:	ftp://sourceware.cygnus/com/pub/newlib/newlib-@newlib_version@.tar.gz
Patch0:		gcc-@gcc_version@-rtems-gnat-@gnat_version@-@gcc_patch_version@.diff
Patch1:		newlib-@newlib_version@-rtems-@newlib_patch_version@.diff
Patch2:		gnat-@gnat_version@-rtems-@gnat_patch_version@.diff
Patch3:		binutils-@binutils_version@-rtems-gnat-@gnat_version@-@binutils_patch_version@.diff
Buildroot:	/tmp

# The original sources are not included in the source RPM.
# If we included them, then the source RPMs for each target
# would duplicate MBs of source unnecessarily.  This is 
# a duplication of over 30 MBs of source for each of
# the more than 10 targets it is possible to build.
# You can get them yourself from the Internet and copy them to
# your /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES directory ($RPM_SOURCE_DIR).
# Or you can try the ftp options of rpm :-)
NoSource:	0
NoSource:	1
NoSource:	2
NoSource:	3

RTEMS is an open source operating system for embedded systems.

This is gcc's and newlib C Library's sources with patches for RTEMS.

 The original sources are not included in the source RPM.
 If we included them, then the source RPMs for each target
 would duplicate MBs of source unnecessarily.  This is 
 a duplication of over 30 MBs of source for each of
 the more than 10 targets it is possible to build.

 You can get them yourself from the Internet and copy them to
 your /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES directory ($RPM_SOURCE_DIR).
 Or you can try the ftp options of rpm :-)

This version of GNAT/RTEMS RPMs is based on the following:

  + gnat-@gnat_version@-src
  + gcc-@gcc_version@
  + newlib-@newlib_version@
  + binutils-@binutils_version@

with appropriate patches.

%package -n rtems-base-gnat
Summary:      base package for rtems gnat, gcc, and newlib C Library
Group: rtems

%description -n rtems-base-gnat

RTEMS is an open source operating system for embedded systems.

This is the files for gnat, gcc, and newlib that are shared by all targets.

%package -n rtems-base-gnat-binutils
Summary:      base package for rtems binutils
Group: rtems

%description -n rtems-base-gnat-binutils

RTEMS is an open source operating system for embedded systems.

This is the base for binutils regardless of target CPU.

%package -n @target_alias@-gnat-binutils
Summary:      rtems binutils for @target_alias@
Group: rtems
Requires: rtems-base-gnat-binutils

%description -n @target_alias@-gnat-binutils

RTEMS is an open source operating system for embedded systems.

This is the GNU binutils for RTEMS targetting @target_alias@.

%package -n @target_alias@-gnat
Summary:      rtems gnat, gcc, and newlib C Library for @target_alias@
Group: rtems
Requires: @target_alias@-gnat-binutils rtems-base-gnat

%description -n @target_alias@-gnat
RTEMS is an open source operating system for embedded systems.

This is gnat, gcc, and newlib C Library for @target_alias@.

# untar the sources inside @target_alias@-gnat-newlib
%setup -c -n @target_alias@-gnat-newlib -a 0 -a 1 -a 2 -a 3

%patch0 -p0
%patch1 -p0
%patch2 -p0
%patch3 -p0

  # this 281 needs to be a variable. :(
  cd gcc-@gcc_version@
  patch -p0 <../gnat-@gnat_version@-src/src/gcc-281.dif
  mv ../gnat-@gnat_version@-src/src/ada .

  cd ada 
  touch a-[es]info.h[bs]
  cd ../..    # now back at top 

  # Now we should be done patching everything.. build up a source tree

  # this sequence is VERY dependent on the versions involved
  #  When the gcc gets updated to 2.95.x or newer, this HAS to change.

  mkdir src
  cd src
  # configure scripts
  for f in config config.guess config.sub configure \ include install-sh ltconfig \
        move-if-change mkinstalldirs libiberty
        # some packages have more configure scripts than others
        # our list is inclusive
	test -r ../binutils-@binutils_version@/$f && \
          mv ../binutils-@binutils_version@/$f .

  # link in gcc
  mv ../gcc-@gcc_version@ gcc
  # link in binutils
  for f in bfd binutils gas gprof ld opcodes etc
    mv ../binutils-@binutils_version@/$f .

  # link in newlib
  mv ../newlib-@newlib_version@/newlib .
  cd ..

  # now we have a linked together source tree
  test -d build || mkdir build

  cd build
  # after we switch off gcc 2.8.1, configure using gcc not a src directory
  # and build binutils separately.
  ../src/configure --target=@target_alias@ \
    --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --verbose \

  # for now we are building all the languages
  #  '--enable-languages=c,c++'

#  #  This is a hack that is only because gnat still uses gcc 2.8.1
#  test -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@ || 
#    mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@
#  for dir in ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@/include \
#             ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@/sys-include
#  do
#    test -d ${dir} || mkdir -p ${dir}
#    cp ../newlib-@newlib_version@/newlib/libc/sys/rtems/include/limits.h ${dir}
#  done

  make CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2" LANGUAGES="c" all
  make CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2" LANGUAGES="c" info
  # must be installed to allow gnat to continue to build
  make CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2" LANGUAGES="c" install install-info
  make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems \
    CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2" LANGUAGES="c" install install-info

#  When GNAT uses a gcc that finds the RTEMS limits.h, this will not
#  be needed.  This should not be needed if the limits.h trick above works.
#   cd gcc
#   rm -f stmp-multilib
#   find . -name "*.a" -print | xargs -e rm -f
#   make all
#   cd ..

####################     Ada from here down      ###################

    # Just so the log shows what directory we are in.
    cd gcc
    echo "Starting build of GNAT proper."
    make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems \
     CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2" LANGUAGES="c ada"

    echo "Starting build of cross GNAT tools"
    make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems \
     CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2 -g" LANGUAGES="c ada" cross-gnattools

    echo "Starting build of ada.all.cross"
    make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems \
     CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2" LANGUAGES="c ada" ada.all.cross

    # must have -gnato to pass validation
    # may want CC=gcc GNATLIBCFLAGS="-O3" GNATLIBFLAGS="-gnatpgn" gnatliy
    # NOTE:  gnatlib is not multilib'ed -- serious embedded flaw
    echo "Starting build of gnatlib"
    make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems \
     CC=gcc GNATLIBCFLAGS="-O2 -g" gnatlib

  cd build
  # Bug in gcc-2.95.1: It doesn't build this installation directory
  # If it doesn't find it, gcc doesn't install @target_alias@/bin/gcc
  # ../gcc-@gcc_version@/mkinstalldirs \
  #   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@/bin

  cd gcc
  echo "Starting install of gnat"
  make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems \
     CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O2 -g -gnata -gnatp" LANGUAGES="c ada" install
  # GNAT has to be mostly installed to even build itself

  make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems install-info

  # cd go back to build/
  cd ..

  # gzip info files
  gzip -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems/info/*.info 2>/dev/null
  gzip -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems/info/*.info-? 2>/dev/null
  gzip -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems/info/*.info-?? 2>/dev/null

  rm -f dirs ;
  echo "%dir /opt/gnatrtems/lib" >> dirs ;
  echo "%dir /opt/gnatrtems/lib/gcc-lib" >> dirs ;
  echo "%dir /opt/gnatrtems/lib/gcc-lib/@target_alias@" >> dirs ;

  touch ../files
  # if test -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems/info/;
  # then
# These common files are only present in binutils >= 2.9.5
  #   find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/gnatrtems/info -name 'configure.*' | \
  #     sed -e "s,^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,,g" > ../files
  # else
  #   touch ../files
  # fi
# These target specific files are only present in binutils >= 2.9.5
  if test -f /opt/gnatrtems/bin/@target_alias@-readelf@exe_ext@;
    echo /opt/gnatrtems/bin/@target_alias@-readelf@exe_ext@ > ../
    touch ../

  # Collect multilib subdirectories
  find $TGTDIR \
    \( -type d -a ! -path "$TGTDIR/include*" \) -print | \
    sed -e "s,^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,%dir ,g" >> dirs

  # Collect files to go into different packages
  # NOTE: This is left in as a place holder to move the 2.95.x code into.
  cp dirs ../files.gcc

  f=`find $TGTDIR ! -type d -print | sed -e "s,^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,,g"`;
  for i in $f; do
    case $i in
    *) echo "$i" >> ../files.gcc ;;

%files -n rtems-base-gnat-binutils -f files
%dir /opt/gnatrtems/info
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/dir
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/man
%dir /opt/gnatrtems/man/man1

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/include

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/lib

# %dir /opt/gnatrtems/share
# %dir /opt/gnatrtems/share/locale

%files -n @target_alias@-gnat-binutils -f
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/man/man1/@target_alias@-*.1

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/bin
# readelf is not in older binutils so get it from file list
# /opt/gnatrtems/bin/@target_alias@-readelf@exe_ext@

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@
%dir /opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@/bin

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/@target_alias@/lib
%files -n rtems-base-gnat 
%dir /opt/gnatrtems/info
# %doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/dir
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/*
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/*
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/*
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/info/*

# %dir /opt/gnatrtems/man
# %dir /opt/gnatrtems/man/man1
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/man/man1/cccp.1
%doc /opt/gnatrtems/man/man1/@target_alias@-gcc.1

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/bin
# /opt/gnatrtems/bin/cpp@exe_ext@
# /opt/gnatrtems/bin/gcov@exe_ext@
%dir /opt/gnatrtems/include
# /opt/gnatrtems/include/g++-3

%files -n @target_alias@-gnat -f files.gcc

%dir /opt/gnatrtems/lib/gcc-lib/@target_alias@/@gcc_version@/include


%post -n @target_alias@-gnat
  if test -d $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info; 
    rm -f $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info/dir
    f=`find $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info -name '*.info.gz'`
    test -n "$f" && for i in $f; do
      install-info $i $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info/dir

%postun -n @target_alias@-gnat
  if test -d $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info; 
    rm -f $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info/dir
    f=`find $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info -name '*.info.gz'`
    test -n "$f" && for i in $f; do
      install-info $i $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/rtems/info/dir