path: root/c/src/lib/libbsp/i386/pc386/startup/ldsegs.s
blob: a8eb935322ed0d7b2668137b8cff0b9f59c08351 (plain) (tree)
























| ldsegs.s v1.1 - PC386 BSP - 1997/08/07
| This file assists the board independent startup code by loading the proper
| segment register values. The values loaded are board dependent. In addition
| it contains code to enable the A20 line and to reprogram the PIC to relocate
| the IRQ interrupt vectors to 0x20 -> 0x2f.
| NOTE: No stack has been established when this routine is invoked.
|	It returns by jumping back to bspentry.
| (C) Copyright 1997 -
| - NavIST Group - Real-Time Distributed Systems and Industrial Automation
| Instituto Superior Tecnico * Lisboa * PORTUGAL
| Disclaimer:
| This file is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
| expressed or implied.
| This code is base on:
|   ldsegs.s,v 1.4 1996/04/20 16:48:30 joel Exp - go32 BSP
| With the following copyright notice:
| **************************************************************************
| *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1998.
| *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
| *  Copyright assigned to U.S. Government, 1994. 
| *
| *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
| *  found in found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
| *
| **************************************************************************
|  $Id$
| Also based on (from the Linux source tree):
|   setup.S - Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds

#include "asm.h"

| CODE section


        EXTERN (_establish_stack)
	EXTERN (Timer_exit)
	EXTERN (Clock_exit)

	.p2align 4
| delay
| Delay is needed after doing I/O. We do it by writing to a non-existent port.
	outb	al, $0xED	# about 1uS delay

|         Function: _load_segments
|      Description: Current environment is standard PC booted by grub.
|                   So, there is no value in saving current GDT and IDT
|                   Settings we have to set it up ourseves. (Naturally
|	            it will be not so in case we are booted by some
|                   boot monitor, however, then it will be different
|                   BSP), After that we have to load board segment registers
|                   with apropriate values +  reprogram PIC.
| Global Variables: None.
|        Arguments: None.
|          Returns: Nothing. 
	.p2align 4
        PUBLIC (_load_segments)
SYM (_load_segments):

	lgdt SYM(gdtdesc)
	lidt SYM(idtdesc)

	/* Load CS, flush prefetched queue */
	ljmp $0x8, $next_step

        /* Load segment registers */
	movw $0x10, ax
	movw ax, ss
	movw ax, ds
	movw ax, es
	movw ax, fs
	movw ax, gs

	/* Set default interrupt handler */
	movl  $0, ecx
	movl  $Interrupt_descriptor_table, eax
	movl  $_default_int_handler, ebx
	movl  ebx, edx
	sarl  $16, edx
	movw  bx, (eax)
	movw  $0x8, 2(eax)
	movw  $0x8e00, 4(eax)
	movw  dx, 8(eax)
	addl  $8, eax
	addl  $1, ecx
	cmpl  $255, ecx
	jle   loop

| Now we have to reprogram the interrupts :-(. We put them right after
| the intel-reserved hardware interrupts, at int 0x20-0x2F. There they
| won't mess up anything. Sadly IBM really messed this up with the
| original PC, and they haven't been able to rectify it afterwards. Thus
| the bios puts interrupts at 0x08-0x0f, which is used for the internal
| hardware interrupts as well. We just have to reprogram the 8259's, and
| it isn't fun.

	movb	$0x11, al		/* initialization sequence          */
	outb	al, $0x20		/* send it to 8259A-1               */
	call	SYM(delay)
	outb	al, $0xA0		/* and to 8259A-2                   */
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0x20, al		/* start of hardware int's (0x20)   */
	outb	al, $0x21
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0x28, al		/* start of hardware int's 2 (0x28) */
	outb	al, $0xA1
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0x04, al		/* 8259-1 is master                 */
	outb	al, $0x21
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0x02, al		/* 8259-2 is slave                  */
	outb	al, $0xA1
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0x01, al		/* 8086 mode for both               */
	outb	al, $0x21
	call	SYM(delay)
	outb	al, $0xA1
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0xFF, al		/* mask off all interrupts for now  */
	outb	al, $0xA1
	call	SYM(delay)
	movb	$0xFB, al		/* mask all irq's but irq2 which    */
	outb	al, $0x21		/* is cascaded                      */
	call	SYM(delay)

	jmp	SYM (_establish_stack)	# return to the bsp entry code

|         Function: _return_to_monitor
|      Description: Return to board's monitor (we have none so simply restart).
| Global Variables: None.
|        Arguments: None.
|          Returns: Nothing. 

	.p2align 4
        PUBLIC (_return_to_monitor)
SYM (_return_to_monitor):

	call	SYM (Timer_exit)
	call	SYM (Clock_exit)
	jmp	SYM (start)

|         Function: _default_int_handler
|      Description: default interrupt handler
| Global Variables: None.
|        Arguments: None.
|          Returns: Nothing. 
	.p2align 4
	PUBLIC (_default_int_handler)
SYM (_default_int_handler):

| GDT itself

	.p2align 4
	PUBLIC (_Global_descriptor_table)
SYM (_Global_descriptor_table):

	/* NULL segment */
	.word 0, 0     
	.byte 0, 0, 0, 0

	/* code segment */
	.word 0xffff, 0
	.byte 0, 0x9e, 0xcf, 0

	/* data segment */
	.word 0xffff, 0
	.byte 0, 0x92, 0xcf, 0

| Descriptor of GDT
SYM (gdtdesc):
	.word (3*8 - 1)  
	.long SYM (_Global_descriptor_table)

| IDT itself
	.p2align 4
	.rept 256
	.word 0,0,0,0
| Descriptor of IDT
	.word  (256*8 - 1)
	.long  SYM (Interrupt_descriptor_table)