# # RTEMS Classic API Support # Copyright 2010 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # # $Id$ # import gdb import itertools import re import objects import threads class attribute: """The Classic API attribute.""" groups = { 'none' : [], 'all' : ['scope', 'priority', 'fpu', 'semaphore-type', 'semaphore-pri', 'semaphore-pri-ceiling', 'barrier', 'task'], 'task' : ['scope', 'priority', 'fpu', 'task'], 'semaphore' : ['scope', 'priority', 'semaphore-type', 'semaphore-pri', 'semaphore-pri-ceiling'], 'barrier' : ['scope', 'priority', 'barrier'] } masks = { 'scope' : 0x00000002, 'priority' : 0x00000004, 'fpu' : 0x00000001, 'semaphore-type' : 0x00000030, 'semaphore-pri' : 0x00000040, 'semaphore-pri-ceiling' : 0x00000080, 'barrier' : 0x00000010, 'task' : 0x00008000 } fields = { 'scope' : [(0x00000000, 'local'), (0x00000002, 'global')], 'priority' : [(0x00000000, 'fifo'), (0x00000004, 'pri')], 'fpu' : [(0x00000000, 'no-fpu'), (0x00000001, 'fpu')], 'semaphore-type' : [(0x00000000, 'count-sema'), (0x00000010, 'bin-sema'), (0x00000020, 'simple-bin-sema')], 'semaphore-pri' : [(0x00000000, 'no-inherit-pri'), (0x00000040, 'inherit-pri')], 'semaphore-pri-ceiling' : [(0x00000000, 'no-pri-ceiling'), (0x00000080, 'pri-ceiling')], 'barrier' : [(0x00000010, 'barrier-auto-release'), (0x00000000, 'barrier-manual-release')], 'task' : [(0x00000000, 'app-task'), (0x00008000, 'sys-task')] } def __init__(self, attr, attrtype = 'none'): if attrtype not in self.groups: raise 'invalid attribute type' self.attrtype = attrtype self.attr = attr def to_string(self): s = '0x%08x,' % (self.attr) if self.attrtype != 'none': for m in self.groups[self.attrtype]: v = self.attr & self.masks[m] for f in self.fields[m]: if f[0] == v: s += f[1] + ',' break return s[:-1] def test(self, mask, value): if self.attrtype != 'none' and \ mask in self.groups[self.attrtype]: v = self.masks[mask] & self.attr for f in self.fields[mask]: if v == f[0] and value == f[1]: return True return False class attribute_printer: def __init__(self, attr): self.attr = attr def to_string(self): return gdb.Value(self.attr.to_string()) class semaphore_printer: """Print a Semaphore_Control object. Print using the struct display hint and an iterator.""" class iterator: """Use an iterator for each field expanded from the id so GDB output is formatted correctly.""" def __init__(self, semaphore): self.semaphore = semaphore self.count = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): self.count += 1 if self.count == 1: return self.semaphore['Object'] elif self.count == 2: attr = attribute(self.semaphore['attribute_set'], 'semaphore') return attr.to_string() elif self.count == 3: return self.semaphore['Core_control'] raise StopIteration def __init__(self, semaphore): self.semaphore = semaphore def to_string(self): return '' @staticmethod def key(i): if i == 0: return 'Object' elif i == 1: return 'attribute_set' elif i == 2: return 'Core_control' return 'bad' def children(self): counter = itertools.imap (self.key, itertools.count()) return itertools.izip (counter, self.iterator(self.semaphore)) def display_hint (self): return 'struct' class semaphore: "Print a classic semaphore." def __init__(self, id): self.id = id; self.object = objects.information.object(self.id).dereference() self.object_control = objects.control(self.object['Object']) self.attr = attribute(self.object['attribute_set'], 'semaphore') def show(self, from_tty): print ' Name:', self.object_control.name() print ' Attr:', self.attr.to_string() if self.attr.test('semaphore-type', 'bin-sema') or \ self.attr.test('semaphore-type', 'simple-bin-sema'): core_mutex = self.object['Core_control']['mutex'] locked = core_mutex['lock'] == 0 if locked: s = 'locked' else: s = 'unlocked' print ' Lock:', s print ' Nesting:', core_mutex['nest_count'] print ' Blocked:', core_mutex['blocked_count'] print ' Holder:', holder = core_mutex['holder'] if holder and locked: holder = threads.control(holder.dereference()) print holder.brief() elif holder == 0 and locked: print 'locked but no holder' else: print 'unlocked' wait_queue = threads.queue(core_mutex['Wait_queue']) tasks = wait_queue.tasks() print ' Queue: len = %d, state = %s' % (len(tasks), wait_queue.state()) for t in range(0, len(tasks)): print ' ', tasks[t].brief(), ' (%08x)' % (tasks[t].id()) else: print 'semaphore' class task: "Print a classic tasks." def __init__(self, id): self.id = id; self.task = \ threads.control(objects.information.object(self.id).dereference()) def show(self, from_tty): print ' Name:', self.task.name() print ' State:', self.task.current_state() print ' Current:', self.task.current_priority() print ' Real:', self.task.real_priority() print ' Suspends:', self.task.suspends() print ' Post Ext:', self.task.post_task_switch_ext() print ' Preempt:', self.task.preemptible() print ' T Budget:', self.task.cpu_time_budget() wait_info = self.task.wait_info()