#include #include #include #include "ReportsText.h" #include "app_common.h" #include "CoverageRanges.h" #include "DesiredSymbols.h" #include "Explanations.h" #include "ObjdumpProcessor.h" namespace Coverage { ReportsText::ReportsText( time_t timestamp, const std::string& symbolSetName ): ReportsBase( timestamp, symbolSetName ) { reportExtension_m = ".txt"; } ReportsText::~ReportsText() { } void ReportsText::AnnotatedStart( std::ofstream& aFile ) { aFile << "========================================" << "=======================================" << std::endl; } void ReportsText::AnnotatedEnd( std::ofstream& aFile ) { } void ReportsText::PutAnnotatedLine( std::ofstream& aFile, AnnotatedLineState_t state, const std::string& line, uint32_t id ) { aFile << line << std::endl; } bool ReportsText::PutNoBranchInfo( std::ofstream& report ) { if ( BranchInfoAvailable && SymbolsToAnalyze->getNumberBranchesFound(symbolSetName_m) != 0 ) report << "All branch paths taken." << std::endl; else report << "No branch information found." << std::endl; return true; } bool ReportsText::PutBranchEntry( std::ofstream& report, unsigned int number, const std::string& symbolName, const SymbolInformation& symbolInfo, const CoverageRanges::coverageRange_t& range ) { const Coverage::Explanation* explanation; // Add an entry to the report report << "============================================" << std::endl << "Symbol : " << symbolName << std::hex << " (0x" << symbolInfo.baseAddress << ")" << std::endl << "Line : " << range.lowSourceLine << " (0x" << range.lowAddress << ")" << std::endl << "Size in Bytes : " << range.highAddress - range.lowAddress + 1 << std::dec << std::endl; if (range.reason == Coverage::CoverageRanges::UNCOVERED_REASON_BRANCH_ALWAYS_TAKEN) report << "Reason : ALWAYS TAKEN" << std::endl << std::endl; else if (range.reason == Coverage::CoverageRanges::UNCOVERED_REASON_BRANCH_NEVER_TAKEN) report << "Reason : NEVER TAKEN" << std::endl << std::endl; // See if an explanation is available explanation = AllExplanations->lookupExplanation( range.lowSourceLine ); if ( !explanation ) { report << "Classification: NONE" << std::endl << std::endl << "Explanation:" << std::endl << "No Explanation" << std::endl; } else { report << "Classification: " << explanation->classification << std::endl << std::endl << "Explanation:" << std::endl; for ( unsigned int i=0; i < explanation->explanation.size(); i++) { report << explanation->explanation[i] << std::endl; } } report << "============================================" << std::endl; return true; } void ReportsText::putCoverageNoRange( std::ofstream& report, std::ofstream& noRangeFile, unsigned int number, const std::string& symbol ) { report << "============================================" << std::endl << "Symbol : " << symbol << std::endl << std::endl << " *** NEVER REFERENCED ***" << std::endl << std::endl << "This symbol was never referenced by an analyzed executable." << std::endl << "Therefore there is no size or disassembly for this symbol." << std::endl << "This could be due to symbol misspelling or lack of a test for" << std::endl << "this symbol." << std::endl << "============================================" << std::endl; noRangeFile << symbol << std::endl; } bool ReportsText::PutCoverageLine( std::ofstream& report, unsigned int number, const std::string& symbolName, const SymbolInformation& symbolInfo, const CoverageRanges::coverageRange_t& range ) { const Coverage::Explanation* explanation; report << "============================================" << std::endl << "Index : " << range.id << std::endl << "Symbol : " << symbolName << std::hex << " (0x" << symbolInfo.baseAddress << ")" << std::endl << "Starting Line : " << range.lowSourceLine << " (0x" << range.lowAddress << ")" << std::endl << "Ending Line : " << range.highSourceLine << " (0x" << range.highAddress << ")" << std::endl << std::dec << "Size in Bytes : " << range.highAddress - range.lowAddress + 1 << std::endl << "Size in Instructions : " << range.instructionCount << std::endl << std::endl; explanation = AllExplanations->lookupExplanation( range.lowSourceLine ); if ( !explanation ) { report << "Classification: NONE" << std::endl << std::endl << "Explanation:" << std::endl << "No Explanation" << std::endl; } else { report << "Classification: " << explanation->classification << std::endl << std::endl << "Explanation:" << std::endl; for ( unsigned int i=0; i < explanation->explanation.size(); i++) { report << explanation->explanation[i] << std::endl; } } report << "============================================" << std::endl; return true; } bool ReportsText::PutSizeLine( std::ofstream& report, unsigned int number, const std::string& symbolName, const CoverageRanges::coverageRange_t& range ) { report << range.highAddress - range.lowAddress + 1 << '\t' << symbolName << '\t' << range.lowSourceLine << std::endl; return true; } bool ReportsText::PutSymbolSummaryLine( std::ofstream& report, unsigned int number, const std::string& symbolName, const SymbolInformation& symbolInfo ) { float uncoveredBytes; float uncoveredInstructions; if (symbolInfo.stats.sizeInBytes == 0) { report << "============================================" << std::endl << "Symbol : " << symbolName << std::endl << " *** NEVER REFERENCED ***" << std::endl << std::endl << "This symbol was never referenced by an analyzed executable." << std::endl << "Therefore there is no size or disassembly for this symbol." << std::endl << "This could be due to symbol misspelling or lack of a test for" << std::endl << "this symbol." << std::endl << "============================================" << std::endl; } else { if ( symbolInfo.stats.sizeInInstructions == 0 ) uncoveredInstructions = 0; else uncoveredInstructions = (symbolInfo.stats.uncoveredInstructions*100.0)/ symbolInfo.stats.sizeInInstructions; if ( symbolInfo.stats.sizeInBytes == 0 ) uncoveredBytes = 0; else uncoveredBytes = (symbolInfo.stats.uncoveredBytes*100.0)/ symbolInfo.stats.sizeInBytes; report << "============================================" << std::endl << "Symbol : " << symbolName << std::endl << "Total Size in Bytes : " << symbolInfo.stats.sizeInBytes << std::endl << "Total Size in Instructions : " << symbolInfo.stats.sizeInInstructions << std::endl << "Total number Branches : " << symbolInfo.stats.branchesNotExecuted + symbolInfo.stats.branchesExecuted << std::endl << "Total Always Taken : " << symbolInfo.stats.branchesAlwaysTaken << std::endl << "Total Never Taken : " << symbolInfo.stats.branchesNeverTaken << std::endl << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << "Percentage Uncovered Instructions : " << uncoveredInstructions << std::endl << "Percentage Uncovered Bytes : " << uncoveredBytes << std::endl; report << "============================================" << std::endl; } return true; } }