# # RTEMS Linker build script. # import sys version_major = 1 version_minor = 0 version_revision = 0 def options(opt): opt.load("g++") opt.load("gcc") def configure(conf): conf.load("g++") conf.load("gcc") conf.env.C_OPTS = conf.options.c_opts.split(',') conf.env.RTEMS_VERSION = conf.options.rtems_version conf.write_config_header('config.h') def build(bld): # # Build the doxygen documentation. # if bld.cmd == 'doxy': bld(features = 'doxygen', doxyfile = 'rtl-host.conf') return # # The local configuration. # conf = {} # # Build flags. # rtemstoolkit = '../rtemstoolkit' conf['includes'] = [rtemstoolkit, rtemstoolkit + '/elftoolchain/libelf', rtemstoolkit + '/elftoolchain/common', rtemstoolkit + '/libiberty'] conf['warningflags'] = ['-Wall', '-Wextra', '-pedantic'] conf['optflags'] = bld.env.C_OPTS conf['cflags'] = ['-pipe', '-g'] + conf['optflags'] conf['cxxflags'] = ['-pipe', '-g'] + conf['optflags'] conf['linkflags'] = ['-g'] # # The list of modules. # modules = ['rld', 'elf', 'iberty'] # # Build the linker. # bld.program(target = 'rtems-ld', source = ['rtems-ld.cpp'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H=1', 'RTEMS_VERSION=' + bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION], includes = ['.'] + conf['includes'], cflags = conf['cflags'] + conf['warningflags'], cxxflags = conf['cxxflags'] + conf['warningflags'], linkflags = conf['linkflags'], use = modules) # # Build the ra linker. # bld.program(target = 'rtems-ra', source = ['rtems-ra.cpp'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H=1', 'RTEMS_VERSION=' + bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION], includes = ['.'] + conf['includes'], cflags = conf['cflags'] + conf['warningflags'], cxxflags = conf['cxxflags'] + conf['warningflags'], linkflags = conf['linkflags'], use = modules) # # Build the trace linker. # bld.program(target = 'rtems-tld', source = ['rtems-tld.cpp'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H=1', 'RTEMS_VERSION=' + bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION], includes = ['.'] + conf['includes'], cflags = conf['cflags'] + conf['warningflags'], cxxflags = conf['cxxflags'] + conf['warningflags'], linkflags = conf['linkflags'], use = modules) bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/share/rtems/trace-linker', ['libc.ini', 'libc-heap.ini', 'rtems.ini', 'rtems-api.ini', 'rtems-score.ini', 'rtems-score-object.ini', 'rtems-score-thread.ini', 'rtems-score-heap.ini', 'rtems-score-coremutex.ini', 'rtld-base.ini', 'rtld-print.ini']) # # Build the symbols. # bld.program(target = 'rtems-syms', source = ['rtems-syms.cpp'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H=1', 'RTEMS_VERSION=' + bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION], includes = ['.'] + conf['includes'], cflags = conf['cflags'] + conf['warningflags'], cxxflags = conf['cxxflags'] + conf['warningflags'], linkflags = conf['linkflags'], use = modules) # # Build the RAP utility. # bld.program(target = 'rtems-rap', source = ['rtems-rapper.cpp'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H=1', 'RTEMS_VERSION=' + bld.env.RTEMS_VERSION], includes = ['.'] + conf['includes'], cflags = conf['cflags'] + conf['warningflags'], cxxflags = conf['cxxflags'] + conf['warningflags'], linkflags = conf['linkflags'], use = modules) def tags(ctx): ctx.exec_command('etags $(find . -name \*.[sSch])', shell = True)