# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2010-2018 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # This code builds a package compiler tool suite given a tool set. A tool # set lists the various tools. These are specific tool configurations. # from __future__ import print_function import copy import datetime import glob import operator import os import sys import textwrap try: import build import check import error import log import mailer import options import path import reports import shell import sources import version except KeyboardInterrupt: print('abort: user terminated', file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except: print('error: unknown application load error', file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def macro_expand(macros, _str): cstr = None while cstr != _str: cstr = _str _str = macros.expand(_str) _str = shell.expand(macros, _str) return _str class log_capture(object): def __init__(self): self.log = [] log.capture = self.capture def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join(self.log) def capture(self, text): self.log += [l for l in text.replace(chr(13), '').splitlines()] def get(self): return self.log def clear(self): self.log = [] class buildset: """Build a set builds a set of packages.""" def __init__(self, bset, _configs, opts, macros = None): log.trace('_bset: : %s: init' % (bset)) self.configs = _configs self.opts = opts if macros is None: self.macros = copy.copy(opts.defaults) else: self.macros = copy.copy(macros) log.trace('_bset: : %s: macro defaults' % (bset)) log.trace(str(self.macros)) self.bset = bset _target = macro_expand(self.macros, '%{_target}') if len(_target): pkg_prefix = _target else: pkg_prefix = macro_expand(self.macros, '%{_host}') self.bset_pkg = '%s-%s-set' % (pkg_prefix, self.bset) self.mail_header = '' self.mail_report = '' self.mail_report_0subject = '' self.build_failure = None def write_mail_header(self, text = '', prepend = False): if type(text) is list: text = os.linesep.join(text) text = text.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', os.linesep) if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != os.linesep: text += os.linesep if prepend: self.mail_header = text + self.mail_header else: self.mail_header += text def get_mail_header(self): return self.mail_header def write_mail_report(self, text, prepend = False): if type(text) is list: text = os.linesep.join(text) text = text.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', os.linesep) if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != os.linesep: text += os.linesep if prepend: self.mail_report = text + self.mail_report else: self.mail_report += text def get_mail_report(self): return self.mail_report def mail_single_report(self): return self.macros.get('%{mail_single_report}') != 0 def mail_active(self, mail, nesting_count = 1): return mail is not None and not (self.mail_single_report() and nesting_count > 1) def mail_send(self, mail): if True: #not self.opts.dry_run(): mail_subject = '%s on %s' % (self.bset, self.macros.expand('%{_host}')) if mail['failure'] is not None: mail_subject = 'FAILED %s (%s)' % (mail_subject, mail['failure']) else: mail_subject = 'PASSED %s' % (mail_subject) mail_subject = 'Build %s: %s' % (reports.platform(mode = 'system'), mail_subject) body = mail['log'] body += (os.linesep * 2).join(mail['reports']) mail['mail'].send(mail['to'], mail_subject, body) def copy(self, src, dst): log.output('copy: %s => %s' % (path.host(src), path.host(dst))) if not self.opts.dry_run(): path.copy_tree(src, dst) def report(self, _config, _build, opts, macros, format = None, mail = None): if len(_build.main_package().name()) > 0 \ and not _build.macros.get('%{_disable_reporting}') \ and (not _build.opts.get_arg('--no-report') \ or _build.opts.get_arg('--mail')): if format is None: format = _build.opts.get_arg('--report-format') if format is not None: if len(format) != 2: raise error.general('invalid report format option: %s' % \ ('='.join(format))) format = format[1] if format is None: format = 'text' if format == 'text': ext = '.txt' elif format == 'asciidoc': ext = '.txt' elif format == 'html': ext = '.html' elif format == 'xml': ext = '.xml' elif format == 'ini': ext = '.ini' else: raise error.general('invalid report format: %s' % (format)) buildroot = _build.config.abspath('%{buildroot}') prefix = macro_expand(_build.macros, '%{_prefix}') name = _build.main_package().name() + ext log.notice('reporting: %s -> %s' % (_config, name)) if not _build.opts.get_arg('--no-report'): outpath = path.host(path.join(buildroot, prefix, 'share', 'rtems', 'rsb')) if not _build.opts.dry_run(): outname = path.host(path.join(outpath, name)) else: outname = None r = reports.report(format, False, self.configs, copy.copy(opts), copy.copy(macros)) r.introduction(_build.config.file_name()) r.generate(_build.config.file_name()) r.epilogue(_build.config.file_name()) if not _build.opts.dry_run(): _build.mkdir(outpath) r.write(outname) del r if mail: r = reports.report('text', True, self.configs, copy.copy(opts), copy.copy(macros)) r.introduction(_build.config.file_name()) r.generate(_build.config.file_name()) r.epilogue(_build.config.file_name()) self.write_mail_report(r.get_output()) del r def root_copy(self, src, dst): what = '%s -> %s' % \ (os.path.relpath(path.host(src)), os.path.relpath(path.host(dst))) log.trace('_bset: : %s: collecting: %s' % (self.bset, what)) self.copy(src, dst) def install(self, mode, name, src, dst): log.trace('_bset: : %s: copy %s -> %s' % (mode, src, dst)) log.notice('%s: %s -> %s' % (mode, name, path.host(dst))) self.copy(src, dst) def install_mode(self): return macro_expand(self.macros, '%{install_mode}') def installing(self): return self.install_mode() == 'installing' def staging(self): return not self.installing() def canadian_cross(self, _build): log.trace('_bset: : Cxc for build machine: _build => _host') macros_to_copy = [('%{_host}', '%{_build}'), ('%{_host_alias}', '%{_build_alias}'), ('%{_host_arch}', '%{_build_arch}'), ('%{_host_cpu}', '%{_build_cpu}'), ('%{_host_os}', '%{_build_os}'), ('%{_host_vendor}', '%{_build_vendor}'), ('%{_tmproot}', '%{_tmpcxcroot}'), ('%{buildroot}', '%{buildcxcroot}'), ('%{_builddir}', '%{_buildcxcdir}')] cxc_macros = _build.copy_init_macros() for m in macros_to_copy: log.trace('_bset: : Cxc: %s <= %s' % (m[0], cxc_macros[m[1]])) cxc_macros[m[0]] = cxc_macros[m[1]] _build.set_macros(cxc_macros) _build.reload() _build.make() if not _build.macros.get('%{_disable_collecting}'): self.root_copy(_build.config.expand('%{buildroot}'), _build.config.expand('%{_tmproot}')) _build.set_macros(_build.copy_init_macros()) _build.reload() def build_package(self, _config, _build): if not _build.disabled(): if _build.canadian_cross(): self.canadian_cross(_build) _build.make() if not _build.macros.get('%{_disable_collecting}'): self.root_copy(_build.config.expand('%{buildroot}'), _build.config.expand('%{_tmproot}')) def bset_tar(self, _build): tardir = _build.config.expand('%{_tardir}') if (self.opts.get_arg('--bset-tar-file') or self.opts.canadian_cross()) \ and not _build.macros.get('%{_disable_packaging}'): path.mkdir(tardir) tar = path.join(tardir, _build.config.expand('%s.tar.bz2' % \ (_build.main_package().name()))) log.notice('tarball: %s' % (os.path.relpath(path.host(tar)))) if not self.opts.dry_run(): tmproot = _build.config.expand('%{_tmproot}') cmd = _build.config.expand('"cd ' + tmproot + \ ' && %{__tar} -cf - . | %{__bzip2} > ' + \ tar + '"') _build.run(cmd, shell_opts = '-c', cwd = tmproot) def parse(self, bset): def _clean(line): line = line[0:-1] b = line.find('#') if b >= 0: line = line[1:b] return line.strip() bsetname = bset if not path.exists(bsetname): for cp in macro_expand(self.macros, '%{_configdir}').split(':'): configdir = path.abspath(cp) bsetname = path.join(configdir, bset) if path.exists(bsetname): break bsetname = None if bsetname is None: raise error.general('no build set file found: %s' % (bset)) try: log.trace('_bset: : %s: open: %s' % (self.bset, bsetname)) bset = open(path.host(bsetname), 'r') except IOError as err: raise error.general('error opening bset file: %s' % (bsetname)) configs = [] try: lc = 0 for l in bset: lc += 1 l = _clean(l) if len(l) == 0: continue log.trace('_bset: : %s: %03d: %s' % (self.bset, lc, l)) ls = l.split() if ls[0][-1] == ':' and ls[0][:-1] == 'package': self.bset_pkg = ls[1].strip() self.macros['package'] = self.bset_pkg elif ls[0][0] == '%': def err(msg): raise error.general('%s:%d: %s' % (self.bset, lc, msg)) if ls[0] == '%define': if len(ls) > 2: self.macros.define(ls[1].strip(), ' '.join([f.strip() for f in ls[2:]])) else: self.macros.define(ls[1].strip()) elif ls[0] == '%undefine': if len(ls) > 2: raise error.general('%s:%d: %undefine requires ' \ 'just the name' % (self.bset, lc)) self.macros.undefine(ls[1].strip()) elif ls[0] == '%include': configs += self.parse(ls[1].strip()) elif ls[0] in ['%patch', '%source']: sources.process(ls[0][1:], ls[1:], self.macros, err) elif ls[0] == '%hash': sources.hash(ls[1:], self.macros, err) else: l = l.strip() c = build.find_config(l, self.configs) if c is None: raise error.general('%s:%d: cannot find file: %s' % (self.bset, lc, l)) configs += [c] except: bset.close() raise bset.close() return configs def load(self): # # If the build set file ends with .cfg the user has passed to the # buildset builder a configuration so we just return it. # if self.bset.endswith('.cfg'): configs = [self.bset] else: exbset = macro_expand(self.macros, self.bset) self.macros['_bset'] = exbset bset_tmp = build.short_name(exbset) if bset_tmp.endswith('.bset'): bset_tmp = bset_tmp[:-5] self.macros['_bset_tmp'] = bset_tmp root, ext = path.splitext(exbset) if exbset.endswith('.bset'): bset = exbset else: bset = '%s.bset' % (exbset) configs = self.parse(bset) return configs def build(self, deps = None, nesting_count = 0, mail = None): build_error = False nesting_count += 1 if self.mail_active(mail, nesting_count): mail['output'].clear() mail['log'] = '' mail['reports'] = [] mail['failure'] = None log.trace('_bset: %2d: %s: make' % (nesting_count, self.bset)) log.notice('Build Set: %s' % (self.bset)) current_path = os.environ['PATH'] start = datetime.datetime.now() mail_report = False have_errors = False interrupted = False # # If this is the outter most buildset it's files are installed. Nested # build sets staged their installed file. The staged files are install # when the outtter most build finishes. # if nesting_count != 1: if self.installing(): self.macros['install_mode'] = 'staging' # # Only the outter build set can have staging to install. Get the staging # root via the config because it could require a valid config. # have_staging = False try: configs = self.load() log.trace('_bset: %2d: %s: configs: %s' % (nesting_count, self.bset, ', '.join(configs))) if nesting_count == 1 and len(configs) > 1: # # Prepend staging areas, bin directory to the # path. Lets the later package depend on the earlier # ones. # pathprepend = ['%{stagingroot}/bin'] + \ macro_expand(self.macros, '%{_pathprepend}').split(':') pathprepend = [pp for pp in pathprepend if len(pp)] if len(pathprepend) == 1: self.macros['_pathprepend'] = pathprepend[0] else: self.macros['_pathprepend'] = ':'.join(pathprepend) sizes_valid = False builds = [] for s in range(0, len(configs)): b = None try: # # Each section of the build set gets a separate set of # macros so we do not contaminate one configuration with # another. # opts = copy.copy(self.opts) macros = copy.copy(self.macros) if configs[s].endswith('.bset'): log.trace('_bset: %2d: %s %s' % (nesting_count, configs[s], '=' * (74 - len(configs[s])))) bs = buildset(configs[s], self.configs, opts, macros) bs.build(deps, nesting_count, mail) if self.installing(): have_staging = True del bs elif configs[s].endswith('.cfg'): if mail: mail_report = True log.trace('_bset: %2d: %s %s' % (nesting_count, configs[s], '=' * (74 - len(configs[s])))) try: b = build.build(configs[s], self.opts.get_arg('--pkg-tar-files'), opts, macros) except: build_error = True raise if b.macros.get('%{_disable_reporting}'): mail_report = False if deps is None: self.build_package(configs[s], b) self.report(configs[s], b, copy.copy(self.opts), copy.copy(self.macros), mail = mail) # Always produce an XML report. self.report(configs[s], b, copy.copy(self.opts), copy.copy(self.macros), format = 'xml', mail = mail) if s == len(configs) - 1 and not have_errors: self.bset_tar(b) else: deps += b.config.includes() builds += [b] # # Dump post build macros. # log.trace('_bset: : macros post-build') log.trace(str(b.macros)) else: raise error.general('invalid config type: %s' % (configs[s])) except error.general as gerr: have_errors = True if b is not None: if self.build_failure is None: self.build_failure = b.name() self.write_mail_header('') self.write_mail_header('= ' * 40) self.write_mail_header('Build FAILED: %s' % (b.name())) self.write_mail_header('- ' * 40) self.write_mail_header(str(log.default)) self.write_mail_header('- ' * 40) if self.opts.keep_going(): log.notice(str(gerr)) if self.opts.always_clean(): builds += [b] else: raise else: raise # # Installing or staging ... # log.trace('_bset: %2d: %s: deps:%r no-install:%r' % \ (nesting_count, self.install_mode(), deps is None, self.opts.no_install())) log.trace('_bset: %2d: %s: builds: %s' % \ (nesting_count, self.install_mode(), ', '.join([b.name() for b in builds]))) if deps is None and not self.opts.no_install() and not have_errors: for b in builds: log.trace('_bset: : %s: %r' % (self.install_mode(), b.installable())) if b.installable(): prefix = b.config.expand('%{_prefix}') buildroot = path.join(b.config.expand('%{buildroot}'), prefix) if self.staging(): prefix = b.config.expand('%{stagingroot}') self.install(self.install_mode(), b.name(), buildroot, prefix) # # Sizes ... # if len(builds) > 1: size_build = 0 size_installed = 0 size_build_max = 0 for b in builds: s = b.get_build_size() size_build += s if s > size_build_max: size_build_max = s size_installed += b.get_installed_size() size_sources = 0 for p in builds[0].config.expand('%{_sourcedir}').split(':'): size_sources += path.get_size(p) size_patches = 0 for p in builds[0].config.expand('%{_patchdir}').split(':'): size_patches += path.get_size(p) size_total = size_sources + size_patches + size_installed build_max_size_human = build.humanize_number(size_build_max + size_installed, 'B') build_total_size_human = build.humanize_number(size_total, 'B') build_sources_size_human = build.humanize_number(size_sources, 'B') build_patches_size_human = build.humanize_number(size_patches, 'B') build_installed_size_human = build.humanize_number(size_installed, 'B') build_size = 'usage: %s' % (build_max_size_human) build_size += ' total: %s' % (build_total_size_human) build_size += ' (sources: %s' % (build_sources_size_human) build_size += ', patches: %s' % (build_patches_size_human) build_size += ', installed %s)' % (build_installed_size_human) sizes_valid = True # # Cleaning ... # if deps is None and \ (not self.opts.no_clean() or self.opts.always_clean()): for b in builds: if not b.disabled(): log.notice('cleaning: %s' % (b.name())) b.cleanup() # # Log the build size message # if len(builds) > 1: log.notice('Build Sizes: %s' % (build_size)) # # Clear out the builds ... # for b in builds: del b # # If builds have been staged install into the finaly prefix. # if have_staging and not self.opts.no_install() and not have_errors: stagingroot = macro_expand(self.macros, '%{stagingroot}') have_stagingroot = path.exists(stagingroot) log.trace('_bset: %2d: install staging, present: %s' % \ (nesting_count, have_stagingroot)) if have_stagingroot: prefix = macro_expand(self.macros, '%{_prefix}') self.install(self.install_mode(), self.bset, stagingroot, prefix) staging_size = path.get_size(stagingroot) if not self.opts.no_clean() or self.opts.always_clean(): log.notice('clean staging: %s' % (self.bset)) log.trace('removing: %s' % (stagingroot)) if not self.opts.dry_run(): if path.exists(stagingroot): path.removeall(stagingroot) log.notice('Staging Size: %s' % \ (build.humanize_number(staging_size, 'B'))) except error.general as gerr: if not build_error: log.stderr(str(gerr)) raise except KeyboardInterrupt: interrupted = True raise except: self.build_failure = 'RSB general failure' interrupted = True raise finally: end = datetime.datetime.now() os.environ['PATH'] = current_path build_time = str(end - start) if self.mail_single_report() and nesting_count == 1: mail_report = True if interrupted or self.macros.defined('mail_disable'): mail_report = False if mail_report and mail is not None: if self.installing(): self.write_mail_header('Build Time: %s' % (build_time), True) self.write_mail_header('', True) self.write_mail_header(mail['header'], True) self.write_mail_header('') log.notice('Mailing report: %s' % (mail['to'])) mail['log'] += self.get_mail_header() if sizes_valid: mail['log'] += 'Sizes' + os.linesep mail['log'] += '=====' + os.linesep + os.linesep mail['log'] += \ 'Maximum build usage: ' + build_max_size_human + os.linesep mail['log'] += \ 'Total size: ' + build_total_size_human + os.linesep mail['log'] += \ 'Installed : ' + build_installed_size_human + os.linesep mail['log'] += 'Sources: ' + build_sources_size_human + os.linesep mail['log'] += 'Patches: ' + build_patches_size_human + os.linesep mail['log'] += os.linesep mail['log'] += 'Output' + os.linesep mail['log'] += '======' + os.linesep + os.linesep mail['log'] += os.linesep.join(mail['output'].get()) mail['log'] += os.linesep + os.linesep mail['log'] += 'Report' + os.linesep mail['log'] += '======' + os.linesep + os.linesep mail['reports'] += [self.get_mail_report()] if self.build_failure is not None: mail['failure'] = self.build_failure if self.mail_active(mail, nesting_count): try: self.mail_send(mail) except error.general as gerr: log.notice('Mail Send Failure: %s' % (gerr)) log.notice('Build Set: Time %s' % (build_time)) def list_bset_cfg_files(opts, configs): if opts.get_arg('--list-configs') or opts.get_arg('--list-bsets'): if opts.get_arg('--list-configs'): ext = '.cfg' else: ext = '.bset' for p in configs['paths']: print('Examining: %s' % (os.path.relpath(p))) for c in configs['files']: if c.endswith(ext): print(' %s' % (c)) return True return False def run(): import sys ec = 0 setbuilder_error = False mail = None try: optargs = { '--list-configs': 'List available configurations', '--list-bsets': 'List available build sets', '--list-configs': 'List available configuration files.', '--list-deps': 'List the dependent files.', '--bset-tar-file': 'Create a build set tar file', '--pkg-tar-files': 'Create package tar files', '--no-report': 'Do not create a package report.', '--report-format': 'The report format (text, html, asciidoc).' } mailer.append_options(optargs) opts = options.load(sys.argv, optargs) if opts.get_arg('--mail'): mail = { 'mail' : mailer.mail(opts), 'output' : log_capture(), 'log' : '', 'reports': [], 'failure': None } # Request this now to generate any errors. smtp_host = mail['mail'].smtp_host() to_addr = opts.get_arg('--mail-to') if to_addr is not None: mail['to'] = to_addr[1] else: mail['to'] = macro_expand(opts.defaults, '%{_mail_tools_to}') mail['from'] = mail['mail'].from_address() log.notice('RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, %s' % (version.string())) opts.log_info() if not check.host_setup(opts): raise error.general('host build environment is not set up correctly') if mail: mail['header'] = os.linesep.join(mail['output'].get()) + os.linesep mail['header'] += os.linesep mail['header'] += 'Host: ' + reports.platform('compact') + os.linesep indent = ' ' for l in textwrap.wrap(reports.platform('extended'), width = 80 - len(indent)): mail['header'] += indent + l + os.linesep configs = build.get_configs(opts) if opts.get_arg('--list-deps'): deps = [] else: deps = None if not list_bset_cfg_files(opts, configs): prefix = macro_expand(opts.defaults, '%{_prefix}') if opts.canadian_cross(): opts.disable_install() if not opts.dry_run() and \ not opts.canadian_cross() and \ not opts.no_install() and \ not path.ispathwritable(prefix): raise error.general('prefix is not writable: %s' % (path.host(prefix))) for bset in opts.params(): setbuilder_error = True b = buildset(bset, configs, opts) b.build(deps, mail = mail) b = None setbuilder_error = False if deps is not None: c = 0 for d in sorted(set(deps)): c += 1 print('dep[%d]: %s' % (c, d)) except error.general as gerr: if not setbuilder_error: log.stderr(str(gerr)) log.stderr('Build FAILED') ec = 1 except error.internal as ierr: if not setbuilder_error: log.stderr(str(ierr)) log.stderr('Internal Build FAILED') ec = 1 except error.exit as eerr: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: log.notice('abort: user terminated') ec = 1 except: raise log.notice('abort: unknown error') ec = 1 sys.exit(ec) if __name__ == "__main__": run()