# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2013-2016 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # Copyright (C) 2021 On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # Manage emailing results or reports. # from __future__ import print_function import os import smtplib import socket import error import execute import options import path _options = { '--mail' : 'Send email report or results.', '--use-gitconfig': 'Use mail configuration from git config.', '--mail-to' : 'Email address to send the email to.', '--mail-from' : 'Email address the report is from.', '--smtp-host' : 'SMTP host to send via.', '--smtp-port' : 'SMTP port to send via.', '--smtp-user' : 'User for SMTP authentication.', '--smtp-password': 'Password for SMTP authentication.' } def append_options(opts): for o in _options: opts[o] = _options[o] def add_arguments(argsp): argsp.add_argument('--mail', help = _options['--mail'], action = 'store_true') argsp.add_argument('--use-gitconfig', help = _options['--use-gitconfig'], action = 'store_true') no_add = ['--mail', '--use-gitconfig'] for o in [opt for opt in list(_options) if opt not in no_add]: argsp.add_argument(o, help = _options[o], type = str) class mail: def __init__(self, opts): self.opts = opts self.gitconfig_lines = None if opts.find_arg('--use-gitconfig') is not None: # Read the output of `git config --list` instead of reading the # .gitconfig file directly because Python 2 ConfigParser does not # accept tabs at the beginning of lines. e = execute.capture_execution() exit_code, proc, output = e.open('git config --list', shell=True) if exit_code == 0: self.gitconfig_lines = output.split(os.linesep) def _args_are_macros(self): return isinstance(self.opts, options.command_line) def _get_arg(self, arg): if self._args_are_macros(): value = self.opts.find_arg(arg) if value is not None: value = self.opts.find_arg(arg)[1] else: if arg.startswith('--'): arg = arg[2:] arg = arg.replace('-', '_') if arg in vars(self.opts): value = vars(self.opts)[arg] else: value = None return value def _get_from_gitconfig(self, variable_name): if self.gitconfig_lines is None: return None for line in self.gitconfig_lines: if line.startswith(variable_name): ls = line.split('=') if len(ls) >= 2: return ls[1] def from_address(self): def _clean(l): if '#' in l: l = l[:l.index('#')] if '\r' in l: l = l[:l.index('r')] if '\n' in l: l = l[:l.index('\n')] return l.strip() addr = self._get_arg('--mail-from') if addr is not None: return addr addr = self._get_from_gitconfig('user.email') if addr is not None: name = self._get_from_gitconfig('user.name') if name is not None: addr = '%s <%s>' % (name, addr) return addr mailrc = None if 'MAILRC' in os.environ: mailrc = os.environ['MAILRC'] if mailrc is None and 'HOME' in os.environ: mailrc = path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.mailrc') if mailrc is not None and path.exists(mailrc): # set from="Joe Blow " try: with open(mailrc, 'r') as mrc: lines = mrc.readlines() except IOError as err: raise error.general('error reading: %s' % (mailrc)) for l in lines: l = _clean(l) if 'from' in l: fa = l[l.index('from') + len('from'):] if '=' in fa: addr = fa[fa.index('=') + 1:].replace('"', ' ').strip() if addr is not None: return addr if self._args_are_macros(): addr = self.opts.defaults.get_value('%{_sbgit_mail}') else: raise error.general('no valid from address for mail') return addr def smtp_host(self): host = self._get_arg('--smtp-host') if host is not None: return host host = self._get_from_gitconfig('sendemail.smtpserver') if host is not None: return host if self._args_are_macros(): host = self.opts.defaults.get_value('%{_mail_smtp_host}') if host is not None: return host return 'localhost' def smtp_port(self): port = self._get_arg('--smtp-port') if port is not None: return port port = self._get_from_gitconfig('sendemail.smtpserverport') if port is not None: return port if self._args_are_macros(): port = self.opts.defaults.get_value('%{_mail_smtp_port}') return port def smtp_user(self): user = self._get_arg('--smtp-user') if user is not None: return user user = self._get_from_gitconfig('sendemail.smtpuser') return user def smtp_password(self): password = self._get_arg('--smtp-password') if password is not None: return password password = self._get_from_gitconfig('sendemail.smtppass') return password def send(self, to_addr, subject, body): from_addr = self.from_address() msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % \ (from_addr, to_addr, subject) + body port = self.smtp_port() try: s = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host(), port, timeout=10) password = self.smtp_password() # If a password is provided, assume that authentication is required. if password is not None: user = self.smtp_user() if user is None: user = from_addr s.starttls() s.login(user, password) s.sendmail(from_addr, [to_addr], msg) except smtplib.SMTPException as se: raise error.general('sending mail: %s' % (str(se))) except socket.error as se: raise error.general('sending mail: %s' % (str(se))) def send_file_as_body(self, to_addr, subject, name, intro = None): try: with open(name, 'r') as f: body = f.readlines() except IOError as err: raise error.general('error reading mail body: %s' % (name)) if intro is not None: body = intro + body self.send(to_addr, from_addr, body) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import macros optargs = {} rtdir = 'source-builder' defaults = '%s/defaults.mc' % (rtdir) append_options(optargs) opts = options.command_line(base_path = '.', argv = sys.argv, optargs = optargs, defaults = macros.macros(name = defaults, rtdir = rtdir), command_path = '.') options.load(opts) m = mail(opts) print('From: %s' % (m.from_address())) print('SMTP Host: %s' % (m.smtp_host())) if '--mail' in sys.argv: m.send(m.from_address(), 'Test mailer.py', 'This is a test')