# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2010-2016 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # Provide some basic access to the git command. # from __future__ import print_function import os import error import execute import log import options import path class repo: """An object to manage a git repo.""" def _git_exit_code(self, ec): if ec: raise error.general('git command failed (%s): %d' % (self.git, ec)) def _run(self, args, check = False): e = execute.capture_execution() if path.exists(self.path): cwd = self.path else: cwd = None cmd = [self.git] + args log.trace('cmd: (%s) %s' % (str(cwd), ' '.join(cmd))) exit_code, proc, output = e.spawn(cmd, cwd = path.host(cwd)) log.trace(output) if check: self._git_exit_code(exit_code) return exit_code, output def __init__(self, _path, opts = None, macros = None): self.path = _path self.opts = opts if macros is None and opts is not None: self.macros = opts.defaults else: self.macros = macros if self.macros is None: self.git = 'git' else: self.git = self.macros.expand('%{__git}') def git_version(self): ec, output = self._run(['--version'], True) gvs = output.split() if len(gvs) < 3: raise error.general('invalid version string from git: %s' % (output)) vs = gvs[2].split('.') if len(vs) not in [3, 4]: raise error.general('invalid version number from git: %s' % (gvs[2])) return tuple(map(int, vs)) def clone(self, url, _path): ec, output = self._run(['clone', url, path.host(_path)], check = True) def fetch(self): ec, output = self._run(['fetch'], check = True) def merge(self): ec, output = self._run(['merge'], check = True) def pull(self): ec, output = self._run(['pull'], check = True) def reset(self, args): if type(args) == str: args = [args] ec, output = self._run(['reset'] + args, check = True) def branch(self): ec, output = self._run(['branch']) if ec == 0: for b in output.split('\n'): if b[0] == '*': return b[2:] return None def checkout(self, branch = 'master'): ec, output = self._run(['checkout', branch], check = True) def submodule(self, module): ec, output = self._run(['submodule', 'update', '--init', module], check = True) def submodule_foreach(self, args = []): if type(args) == str: args = [args.split(args)] ec, output = self._run(['submodule', 'foreach', '--recursive', self.git] + args, check = True) def submodules(self): smodules = {} ec, output = self._run(['submodule'], check = True) if ec == 0: for l in output.split('\n'): ms = l.split() if len(ms) == 3: smodules[ms[1]] = (ms[0], ms[2][1:-1]) return smodules def clean(self, args = []): if type(args) == str: args = [args] ec, output = self._run(['clean'] + args, check = True) def status(self, submodules_always_clean = False): _status = {} if path.exists(self.path): if submodules_always_clean: submodules = self.submodules() else: submodules = {} ec, output = self._run(['status']) if ec == 0: state = 'none' for l in output.split('\n'): if l.startswith('# '): l = l[2:] if l.startswith('On branch '): _status['branch'] = l[len('On branch '):] elif l.startswith('Changes to be committed:'): state = 'staged' elif l.startswith('Changes not staged for commit:'): state = 'unstaged' elif l.startswith('Untracked files:'): state = 'untracked' elif l.startswith('HEAD detached'): state = 'detached' elif state != 'none' and len(l.strip()) != 0: if l[0].isspace(): l = l.strip() if l[0] != '(': if ':' in l: l = l.split(':')[1] if len(l.strip()) > 0: l = l.strip() ls = l.split() if state != 'unstaged' or ls[0] not in submodules: if state not in _status: _status[state] = [l] else: _status[state] += [l] return _status def dirty(self): _status = self.status() _status.pop('untracked', None) _status.pop('detached', None) return not (len(_status) == 1 and 'branch' in _status) def valid(self): if path.exists(self.path): ec, output = self._run(['status']) return ec == 0 return False def remotes(self): _remotes = {} ec, output = self._run(['config', '--list']) if ec == 0: for l in output.split('\n'): if l.startswith('remote'): ls = l.split('=') if len(ls) >= 2: rs = ls[0].split('.') if len(rs) == 3: r_name = rs[1] r_type = rs[2] if r_name not in _remotes: _remotes[r_name] = {} if r_type not in _remotes[r_name]: _remotes[r_name][r_type] = [] _remotes[r_name][r_type] = '='.join(ls[1:]) return _remotes def email(self): _email = None _name = None ec, output = self._run(['config', '--list']) if ec == 0: for l in output.split('\n'): if l.startswith('user.email'): ls = l.split('=') if len(ls) >= 2: _email = ls[1] elif l.startswith('user.name'): ls = l.split('=') if len(ls) >= 2: _name = ls[1] if _email is not None: if _name is not None: _email = '%s <%s>' % (_name, _email) return _email return None def head(self): hash = '' ec, output = self._run(['log', '-n', '1']) if ec == 0: l1 = output.split('\n')[0] if l1.startswith('commit '): hash = l1[len('commit '):] return hash if __name__ == '__main__': import os.path import sys defaults = path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.shell(sys.argv[0]))), 'defaults.mc') opts = options.load(sys.argv, defaults = defaults) g = repo('.', opts) print('g.git_version():', g.git_version()) print('g.valid():', g.valid()) print('g.submodules():', g.submodules()) print('g.status():', g.status()) print('g.status():', g.status(True)) print('g.dirty():', g.dirty()) print('g.remotes():', g.remotes()) print('g.email():', g.email()) print('g.head():', g.head())