# # LWIP MASTER Version 1. commit -- c2ebf5544b4268eac9b32c7f3a689ff646d96eef # # This configuration file configure's, make's and install's LWIP. # %if %{release} == %{nil} %define release 1 %endif Name: lwip-%{lwip_version}-%{_host}-%{release} Summary: Light weight TCP/IP stack Version: %{lwip_version} Release: %{release} URL: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/lwip.git BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) # # LWIP Source # %source set lwip git://git.sv.gnu.org/lwip.git?fetch?reset=hard?branch=master?checkout=c2ebf5544b4268eac9b32c7f3a689ff646d96eef # # Prepare the source code. # %prep build_top=$(pwd) source_dir_lwip="%{lwip_version}" %source setup lwip -q -n %{lwip_version} %patch setup lwip -p1 cd ${build_top} %build build_top=$(pwd) %{build_directory} mkdir -p ${build_dir} cd ${build_dir} %{host_build_flags} cd ${build_top}/%{lwip_version} export RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=%{_exec_prefix} %{__make} all # cd ${build_top} #%install build_top=$(pwd)/%{lwip_version} %{__make} install