# # RTEMS Tools from git for a release. # # # Optionally enable/disable building the RTEMS Tools via the command line. # %if %{defined with_rtems_tools} %define rtems_tools_build 1 %endif %if %{defined without_rtems_tools} %define rtems_tools_build 0 %endif # # Build by default. # %if ! %{defined rtems_tools_build} %define rtems_tools_build 1 %endif %if %{rtems_tools_build} # # rtems_git_commit_hash : The commit hash else the branch is tracked. # %if ! %{defined rtems_tools_version} %define rtems_tools_version HEAD %endif %if %{defined rtems_tools_git_commit_hash} %define rtems_tools_git_checkout ?checkout=%{defined rtems_tools_git_commit_hash} %else %define rtems_tools_git_checkout %{nil} %endif %source set rtems-tools git://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools.git?reset=hard?fetch?branch=%{rtems_tools_version}?pull%{rtems_tools_git_checkout} # # The RTEMS Tools build instructions. # %include tools/rtems-tools-common-1.cfg %endif