path: root/source-builder/sb/markdown/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source-builder/sb/markdown/')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f9830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+Preprocessors work on source text before we start doing anything too
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import util
+from . import odict
+import re
+def build_preprocessors(md_instance, **kwargs):
+ """ Build the default set of preprocessors used by Markdown. """
+ preprocessors = odict.OrderedDict()
+ preprocessors['normalize_whitespace'] = NormalizeWhitespace(md_instance)
+ if md_instance.safeMode != 'escape':
+ preprocessors["html_block"] = HtmlBlockPreprocessor(md_instance)
+ preprocessors["reference"] = ReferencePreprocessor(md_instance)
+ return preprocessors
+class Preprocessor(util.Processor):
+ """
+ Preprocessors are run after the text is broken into lines.
+ Each preprocessor implements a "run" method that takes a pointer to a
+ list of lines of the document, modifies it as necessary and returns
+ either the same pointer or a pointer to a new list.
+ Preprocessors must extend markdown.Preprocessor.
+ """
+ def run(self, lines):
+ """
+ Each subclass of Preprocessor should override the `run` method, which
+ takes the document as a list of strings split by newlines and returns
+ the (possibly modified) list of lines.
+ """
+ pass # pragma: no cover
+class NormalizeWhitespace(Preprocessor):
+ """ Normalize whitespace for consistant parsing. """
+ def run(self, lines):
+ source = '\n'.join(lines)
+ source = source.replace(util.STX, "").replace(util.ETX, "")
+ source = source.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n") + "\n\n"
+ source = source.expandtabs(self.markdown.tab_length)
+ source = re.sub(r'(?<=\n) +\n', '\n', source)
+ return source.split('\n')
+class HtmlBlockPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
+ """Remove html blocks from the text and store them for later retrieval."""
+ right_tag_patterns = ["</%s>", "%s>"]
+ attrs_pattern = r"""
+ \s+(?P<attr>[^>"'/= ]+)=(?P<q>['"])(?P<value>.*?)(?P=q) # attr="value"
+ | # OR
+ \s+(?P<attr1>[^>"'/= ]+)=(?P<value1>[^> ]+) # attr=value
+ | # OR
+ \s+(?P<attr2>[^>"'/= ]+) # attr
+ """
+ left_tag_pattern = r'^\<(?P<tag>[^> ]+)(?P<attrs>(%s)*)\s*\/?\>?' % \
+ attrs_pattern
+ attrs_re = re.compile(attrs_pattern, re.VERBOSE)
+ left_tag_re = re.compile(left_tag_pattern, re.VERBOSE)
+ markdown_in_raw = False
+ def _get_left_tag(self, block):
+ m = self.left_tag_re.match(block)
+ if m:
+ tag ='tag')
+ raw_attrs ='attrs')
+ attrs = {}
+ if raw_attrs:
+ for ma in self.attrs_re.finditer(raw_attrs):
+ if'attr'):
+ if'value'):
+ attrs['attr').strip()] ='value')
+ else:
+ attrs['attr').strip()] = ""
+ elif'attr1'):
+ if'value1'):
+ attrs['attr1').strip()] =
+ 'value1'
+ )
+ else:
+ attrs['attr1').strip()] = ""
+ elif'attr2'):
+ attrs['attr2').strip()] = ""
+ return tag, len(, attrs
+ else:
+ tag = block[1:].split(">", 1)[0].lower()
+ return tag, len(tag)+2, {}
+ def _recursive_tagfind(self, ltag, rtag, start_index, block):
+ while 1:
+ i = block.find(rtag, start_index)
+ if i == -1:
+ return -1
+ j = block.find(ltag, start_index)
+ # if no ltag, or rtag found before another ltag, return index
+ if (j > i or j == -1):
+ return i + len(rtag)
+ # another ltag found before rtag, use end of ltag as starting
+ # point and search again
+ j = block.find('>', j)
+ start_index = self._recursive_tagfind(ltag, rtag, j + 1, block)
+ if start_index == -1:
+ # HTML potentially malformed- ltag has no corresponding
+ # rtag
+ return -1
+ def _get_right_tag(self, left_tag, left_index, block):
+ for p in self.right_tag_patterns:
+ tag = p % left_tag
+ i = self._recursive_tagfind(
+ "<%s" % left_tag, tag, left_index, block
+ )
+ if i > 2:
+ return tag.lstrip("<").rstrip(">"), i
+ return block.rstrip()[-left_index:-1].lower(), len(block)
+ def _equal_tags(self, left_tag, right_tag):
+ if left_tag[0] in ['?', '@', '%']: # handle PHP, etc.
+ return True
+ if ("/" + left_tag) == right_tag:
+ return True
+ if (right_tag == "--" and left_tag == "--"):
+ return True
+ elif left_tag == right_tag[1:] and right_tag[0] == "/":
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def _is_oneliner(self, tag):
+ return (tag in ['hr', 'hr/'])
+ def _stringindex_to_listindex(self, stringindex, items):
+ """
+ Same effect as concatenating the strings in items,
+ finding the character to which stringindex refers in that string,
+ and returning the index of the item in which that character resides.
+ """
+ items.append('dummy')
+ i, count = 0, 0
+ while count <= stringindex:
+ count += len(items[i])
+ i += 1
+ return i - 1
+ def _nested_markdown_in_html(self, items):
+ """Find and process html child elements of the given element block."""
+ for i, item in enumerate(items):
+ if self.left_tag_re.match(item):
+ left_tag, left_index, attrs = \
+ self._get_left_tag(''.join(items[i:]))
+ right_tag, data_index = self._get_right_tag(
+ left_tag, left_index, ''.join(items[i:]))
+ right_listindex = \
+ self._stringindex_to_listindex(data_index, items[i:]) + i
+ if 'markdown' in attrs.keys():
+ items[i] = items[i][left_index:] # remove opening tag
+ placeholder = self.markdown.htmlStash.store_tag(
+ left_tag, attrs, i + 1, right_listindex + 1)
+ items.insert(i, placeholder)
+ if len(items) - right_listindex <= 1: # last nest, no tail
+ right_listindex -= 1
+ items[right_listindex] = items[right_listindex][
+ :-len(right_tag) - 2] # remove closing tag
+ else: # raw html
+ if len(items) - right_listindex <= 1: # last element
+ right_listindex -= 1
+ if right_listindex <= i:
+ right_listindex = i + 1
+ placeholder ='\n\n'.join(
+ items[i:right_listindex]))
+ del items[i:right_listindex]
+ items.insert(i, placeholder)
+ return items
+ def run(self, lines):
+ text = "\n".join(lines)
+ new_blocks = []
+ text = text.rsplit("\n\n")
+ items = []
+ left_tag = ''
+ right_tag = ''
+ in_tag = False # flag
+ while text:
+ block = text[0]
+ if block.startswith("\n"):
+ block = block[1:]
+ text = text[1:]
+ if block.startswith("\n"):
+ block = block[1:]
+ if not in_tag:
+ if block.startswith("<") and len(block.strip()) > 1:
+ if block[1:4] == "!--":
+ # is a comment block
+ left_tag, left_index, attrs = "--", 2, {}
+ else:
+ left_tag, left_index, attrs = self._get_left_tag(block)
+ right_tag, data_index = self._get_right_tag(left_tag,
+ left_index,
+ block)
+ # keep checking conditions below and maybe just append
+ if data_index < len(block) and (util.isBlockLevel(left_tag) or left_tag == '--'):
+ text.insert(0, block[data_index:])
+ block = block[:data_index]
+ if not (util.isBlockLevel(left_tag) or block[1] in ["!", "?", "@", "%"]):
+ new_blocks.append(block)
+ continue
+ if self._is_oneliner(left_tag):
+ new_blocks.append(block.strip())
+ continue
+ if block.rstrip().endswith(">") \
+ and self._equal_tags(left_tag, right_tag):
+ if self.markdown_in_raw and 'markdown' in attrs.keys():
+ block = block[left_index:-len(right_tag) - 2]
+ new_blocks.append(self.markdown.htmlStash.
+ store_tag(left_tag, attrs, 0, 2))
+ new_blocks.extend([block])
+ else:
+ new_blocks.append(
+ continue
+ else:
+ # if is block level tag and is not complete
+ if (not self._equal_tags(left_tag, right_tag)) and \
+ (util.isBlockLevel(left_tag) or left_tag == "--"):
+ items.append(block.strip())
+ in_tag = True
+ else:
+ new_blocks.append(
+ )
+ continue
+ else:
+ new_blocks.append(block)
+ else:
+ items.append(block)
+ # Need to evaluate all items so we can calculate relative to the left index.
+ right_tag, data_index = self._get_right_tag(left_tag, left_index, ''.join(items))
+ # Adjust data_index: relative to items -> relative to last block
+ prev_block_length = 0
+ for item in items[:-1]:
+ prev_block_length += len(item)
+ data_index -= prev_block_length
+ if self._equal_tags(left_tag, right_tag):
+ # if find closing tag
+ if data_index < len(block):
+ # we have more text after right_tag
+ items[-1] = block[:data_index]
+ text.insert(0, block[data_index:])
+ in_tag = False
+ if self.markdown_in_raw and 'markdown' in attrs.keys():
+ items[0] = items[0][left_index:]
+ items[-1] = items[-1][:-len(right_tag) - 2]
+ if items[len(items) - 1]: # not a newline/empty string
+ right_index = len(items) + 3
+ else:
+ right_index = len(items) + 2
+ new_blocks.append(self.markdown.htmlStash.store_tag(
+ left_tag, attrs, 0, right_index))
+ placeholderslen = len(self.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data)
+ new_blocks.extend(
+ self._nested_markdown_in_html(items))
+ nests = len(self.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data) - \
+ placeholderslen
+ self.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data[-1 - nests][
+ 'right_index'] += nests - 2
+ else:
+ new_blocks.append(
+ items = []
+ if items:
+ if self.markdown_in_raw and 'markdown' in attrs.keys():
+ items[0] = items[0][left_index:]
+ items[-1] = items[-1][:-len(right_tag) - 2]
+ if items[len(items) - 1]: # not a newline/empty string
+ right_index = len(items) + 3
+ else:
+ right_index = len(items) + 2
+ new_blocks.append(
+ self.markdown.htmlStash.store_tag(
+ left_tag, attrs, 0, right_index))
+ placeholderslen = len(self.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data)
+ new_blocks.extend(self._nested_markdown_in_html(items))
+ nests = len(self.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data) - placeholderslen
+ self.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data[-1 - nests][
+ 'right_index'] += nests - 2
+ else:
+ new_blocks.append(
+ new_blocks.append('\n')
+ new_text = "\n\n".join(new_blocks)
+ return new_text.split("\n")
+class ReferencePreprocessor(Preprocessor):
+ """ Remove reference definitions from text and store for later use. """
+ TITLE = r'[ ]*(\"(.*)\"|\'(.*)\'|\((.*)\))[ ]*'
+ RE = re.compile(
+ r'^[ ]{0,3}\[([^\]]*)\]:\s*([^ ]*)[ ]*(%s)?$' % TITLE, re.DOTALL
+ )
+ TITLE_RE = re.compile(r'^%s$' % TITLE)
+ def run(self, lines):
+ new_text = []
+ while lines:
+ line = lines.pop(0)
+ m = self.RE.match(line)
+ if m:
+ id =
+ link ='<').rstrip('>')
+ t = or or
+ if not t:
+ # Check next line for title
+ tm = self.TITLE_RE.match(lines[0])
+ if tm:
+ lines.pop(0)
+ t = or or
+ self.markdown.references[id] = (link, t)
+ else:
+ new_text.append(line)
+ return new_text # + "\n"