path: root/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions
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Diffstat (limited to 'source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions')
18 files changed, 2675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
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index 0000000..6e7a08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from ..util import parseBoolValue
+import warnings
+class Extension(object):
+ """ Base class for extensions to subclass. """
+ # Default config -- to be overriden by a subclass
+ # Must be of the following format:
+ # {
+ # 'key': ['value', 'description']
+ # }
+ # Note that Extension.setConfig will raise a KeyError
+ # if a default is not set here.
+ config = {}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ Initiate Extension and set up configs. """
+ # check for configs arg for backward compat.
+ # (there only ever used to be one so we use arg[0])
+ if len(args):
+ if args[0] is not None:
+ self.setConfigs(args[0])
+ warnings.warn('Extension classes accepting positional args is '
+ 'pending Deprecation. Each setting should be '
+ 'passed into the Class as a keyword. Positional '
+ 'args are deprecated and will raise '
+ 'an error in version 2.7. See the Release Notes for '
+ 'Python-Markdown version 2.6 for more info.',
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ # check for configs kwarg for backward compat.
+ if 'configs' in kwargs.keys():
+ if kwargs['configs'] is not None:
+ self.setConfigs(kwargs.pop('configs', {}))
+ warnings.warn('Extension classes accepting a dict on the single '
+ 'keyword "config" is pending Deprecation. Each '
+ 'setting should be passed into the Class as a '
+ 'keyword directly. The "config" keyword is '
+ 'deprecated and raise an error in '
+ 'version 2.7. See the Release Notes for '
+ 'Python-Markdown version 2.6 for more info.',
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ # finally, use kwargs
+ self.setConfigs(kwargs)
+ def getConfig(self, key, default=''):
+ """ Return a setting for the given key or an empty string. """
+ if key in self.config:
+ return self.config[key][0]
+ else:
+ return default
+ def getConfigs(self):
+ """ Return all configs settings as a dict. """
+ return dict([(key, self.getConfig(key)) for key in self.config.keys()])
+ def getConfigInfo(self):
+ """ Return all config descriptions as a list of tuples. """
+ return [(key, self.config[key][1]) for key in self.config.keys()]
+ def setConfig(self, key, value):
+ """ Set a config setting for `key` with the given `value`. """
+ if isinstance(self.config[key][0], bool):
+ value = parseBoolValue(value)
+ if self.config[key][0] is None:
+ value = parseBoolValue(value, preserve_none=True)
+ self.config[key][0] = value
+ def setConfigs(self, items):
+ """ Set multiple config settings given a dict or list of tuples. """
+ if hasattr(items, 'items'):
+ # it's a dict
+ items = items.items()
+ for key, value in items:
+ self.setConfig(key, value)
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """
+ Add the various proccesors and patterns to the Markdown Instance.
+ This method must be overriden by every extension.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ * md: The Markdown instance.
+ * md_globals: Global variables in the markdown module namespace.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Extension "%s.%s" must define an "extendMarkdown"'
+ 'method.' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ )
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index 0000000..353d126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+Abbreviation Extension for Python-Markdown
+This extension adds abbreviation handling to Python-Markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Oringinal code Copyright 2007-2008 [Waylan Limberg]( and
+ [Seemant Kulleen](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..preprocessors import Preprocessor
+from ..inlinepatterns import Pattern
+from ..util import etree, AtomicString
+import re
+# Global Vars
+ABBR_REF_RE = re.compile(r'[*]\[(?P<abbr>[^\]]*)\][ ]?:\s*(?P<title>.*)')
+class AbbrExtension(Extension):
+ """ Abbreviation Extension for Python-Markdown. """
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Insert AbbrPreprocessor before ReferencePreprocessor. """
+ md.preprocessors.add('abbr', AbbrPreprocessor(md), '<reference')
+class AbbrPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
+ """ Abbreviation Preprocessor - parse text for abbr references. """
+ def run(self, lines):
+ '''
+ Find and remove all Abbreviation references from the text.
+ Each reference is set as a new AbbrPattern in the markdown instance.
+ '''
+ new_text = []
+ for line in lines:
+ m = ABBR_REF_RE.match(line)
+ if m:
+ abbr ='abbr').strip()
+ title ='title').strip()
+ self.markdown.inlinePatterns['abbr-%s' % abbr] = \
+ AbbrPattern(self._generate_pattern(abbr), title)
+ else:
+ new_text.append(line)
+ return new_text
+ def _generate_pattern(self, text):
+ '''
+ Given a string, returns an regex pattern to match that string.
+ 'HTML' -> r'(?P<abbr>[H][T][M][L])'
+ Note: we force each char as a literal match (in brackets) as we don't
+ know what they will be beforehand.
+ '''
+ chars = list(text)
+ for i in range(len(chars)):
+ chars[i] = r'[%s]' % chars[i]
+ return r'(?P<abbr>\b%s\b)' % (r''.join(chars))
+class AbbrPattern(Pattern):
+ """ Abbreviation inline pattern. """
+ def __init__(self, pattern, title):
+ super(AbbrPattern, self).__init__(pattern)
+ self.title = title
+ def handleMatch(self, m):
+ abbr = etree.Element('abbr')
+ abbr.text = AtomicString('abbr'))
+ abbr.set('title', self.title)
+ return abbr
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return AbbrExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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index 0000000..76e0fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Admonition extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds rST-style admonitions. Inspired by [rST][] feature with the same name.
+[rST]: # noqa
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright [Tiago Serafim](
+All changes Copyright The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
+from ..util import etree
+import re
+class AdmonitionExtension(Extension):
+ """ Admonition extension for Python-Markdown. """
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add Admonition to Markdown instance. """
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.add('admonition',
+ AdmonitionProcessor(md.parser),
+ '_begin')
+class AdmonitionProcessor(BlockProcessor):
+ CLASSNAME = 'admonition'
+ CLASSNAME_TITLE = 'admonition-title'
+ RE = re.compile(r'(?:^|\n)!!!\ ?([\w\-]+)(?:\ "(.*?)")?')
+ def test(self, parent, block):
+ sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
+ return or \
+ (block.startswith(' ' * self.tab_length) and sibling is not None and
+ sibling.get('class', '').find(self.CLASSNAME) != -1)
+ def run(self, parent, blocks):
+ sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
+ block = blocks.pop(0)
+ m =
+ if m:
+ block = block[m.end() + 1:] # removes the first line
+ block, theRest = self.detab(block)
+ if m:
+ klass, title = self.get_class_and_title(m)
+ div = etree.SubElement(parent, 'div')
+ div.set('class', '%s %s' % (self.CLASSNAME, klass))
+ if title:
+ p = etree.SubElement(div, 'p')
+ p.text = title
+ p.set('class', self.CLASSNAME_TITLE)
+ else:
+ div = sibling
+ self.parser.parseChunk(div, block)
+ if theRest:
+ # This block contained unindented line(s) after the first indented
+ # line. Insert these lines as the first block of the master blocks
+ # list for future processing.
+ blocks.insert(0, theRest)
+ def get_class_and_title(self, match):
+ klass, title =,
+ if title is None:
+ # no title was provided, use the capitalized classname as title
+ # e.g.: `!!! note` will render
+ # `<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>`
+ title = klass.capitalize()
+ elif title == '':
+ # an explicit blank title should not be rendered
+ # e.g.: `!!! warning ""` will *not* render `p` with a title
+ title = None
+ return klass, title
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return AdmonitionExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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index 0000000..a7f92b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+Attribute List Extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds attribute list syntax. Inspired by
+feature of the same name.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2011 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2011-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
+from ..util import isBlockLevel
+import re
+ Scanner = re.Scanner
+except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover
+ # must be on Python 2.4
+ from sre import Scanner
+def _handle_double_quote(s, t):
+ k, v = t.split('=', 1)
+ return k, v.strip('"')
+def _handle_single_quote(s, t):
+ k, v = t.split('=', 1)
+ return k, v.strip("'")
+def _handle_key_value(s, t):
+ return t.split('=', 1)
+def _handle_word(s, t):
+ if t.startswith('.'):
+ return '.', t[1:]
+ if t.startswith('#'):
+ return 'id', t[1:]
+ return t, t
+_scanner = Scanner([
+ (r'[^ =]+=".*?"', _handle_double_quote),
+ (r"[^ =]+='.*?'", _handle_single_quote),
+ (r'[^ =]+=[^ =]+', _handle_key_value),
+ (r'[^ =]+', _handle_word),
+ (r' ', None)
+def get_attrs(str):
+ """ Parse attribute list and return a list of attribute tuples. """
+ return _scanner.scan(str)[0]
+def isheader(elem):
+ return elem.tag in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']
+class AttrListTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ BASE_RE = r'\{\:?([^\}\n]*)\}'
+ HEADER_RE = re.compile(r'[ ]+%s[ ]*$' % BASE_RE)
+ BLOCK_RE = re.compile(r'\n[ ]*%s[ ]*$' % BASE_RE)
+ INLINE_RE = re.compile(r'^%s' % BASE_RE)
+ NAME_RE = re.compile(r'[^A-Z_a-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02ff'
+ r'\u0370-\u037d\u037f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d'
+ r'\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\ud7ff'
+ r'\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd'
+ r'\:\-\.0-9\u00b7\u0300-\u036f\u203f-\u2040]+')
+ def run(self, doc):
+ for elem in doc.iter():
+ if isBlockLevel(elem.tag):
+ # Block level: check for attrs on last line of text
+ RE = self.BLOCK_RE
+ if isheader(elem) or elem.tag == 'dt':
+ # header or def-term: check for attrs at end of line
+ RE = self.HEADER_RE
+ if len(elem) and elem.tag == 'li':
+ # special case list items. children may include a ul or ol.
+ pos = None
+ # find the ul or ol position
+ for i, child in enumerate(elem):
+ if child.tag in ['ul', 'ol']:
+ pos = i
+ break
+ if pos is None and elem[-1].tail:
+ # use tail of last child. no ul or ol.
+ m =[-1].tail)
+ if m:
+ self.assign_attrs(elem,
+ elem[-1].tail = elem[-1].tail[:m.start()]
+ elif pos is not None and pos > 0 and elem[pos-1].tail:
+ # use tail of last child before ul or ol
+ m =[pos-1].tail)
+ if m:
+ self.assign_attrs(elem,
+ elem[pos-1].tail = elem[pos-1].tail[:m.start()]
+ elif elem.text:
+ # use text. ul is first child.
+ m =
+ if m:
+ self.assign_attrs(elem,
+ elem.text = elem.text[:m.start()]
+ elif len(elem) and elem[-1].tail:
+ # has children. Get from tail of last child
+ m =[-1].tail)
+ if m:
+ self.assign_attrs(elem,
+ elem[-1].tail = elem[-1].tail[:m.start()]
+ if isheader(elem):
+ # clean up trailing #s
+ elem[-1].tail = elem[-1].tail.rstrip('#').rstrip()
+ elif elem.text:
+ # no children. Get from text.
+ m =
+ if not m and elem.tag == 'td':
+ m =, elem.text)
+ if m:
+ self.assign_attrs(elem,
+ elem.text = elem.text[:m.start()]
+ if isheader(elem):
+ # clean up trailing #s
+ elem.text = elem.text.rstrip('#').rstrip()
+ else:
+ # inline: check for attrs at start of tail
+ if elem.tail:
+ m = self.INLINE_RE.match(elem.tail)
+ if m:
+ self.assign_attrs(elem,
+ elem.tail = elem.tail[m.end():]
+ def assign_attrs(self, elem, attrs):
+ """ Assign attrs to element. """
+ for k, v in get_attrs(attrs):
+ if k == '.':
+ # add to class
+ cls = elem.get('class')
+ if cls:
+ elem.set('class', '%s %s' % (cls, v))
+ else:
+ elem.set('class', v)
+ else:
+ # assign attr k with v
+ elem.set(self.sanitize_name(k), v)
+ def sanitize_name(self, name):
+ """
+ Sanitize name as 'an XML Name, minus the ":"'.
+ See
+ """
+ return self.NAME_RE.sub('_', name)
+class AttrListExtension(Extension):
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ md.treeprocessors.add(
+ 'attr_list', AttrListTreeprocessor(md), '>prettify'
+ )
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return AttrListExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b889c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+CodeHilite Extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds code/syntax highlighting to standard Python-Markdown code blocks.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2006-2008 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
+ from pygments import highlight
+ from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer
+ from pygments.formatters import get_formatter_by_name
+ pygments = True
+except ImportError:
+ pygments = False
+def parse_hl_lines(expr):
+ """Support our syntax for emphasizing certain lines of code.
+ expr should be like '1 2' to emphasize lines 1 and 2 of a code block.
+ Returns a list of ints, the line numbers to emphasize.
+ """
+ if not expr:
+ return []
+ try:
+ return list(map(int, expr.split()))
+ except ValueError:
+ return []
+# ------------------ The Main CodeHilite Class ----------------------
+class CodeHilite(object):
+ """
+ Determine language of source code, and pass it into pygments hilighter.
+ Basic Usage:
+ >>> code = CodeHilite(src = 'some text')
+ >>> html = code.hilite()
+ * src: Source string or any object with a .readline attribute.
+ * linenums: (Boolean) Set line numbering to 'on' (True),
+ 'off' (False) or 'auto'(None). Set to 'auto' by default.
+ * guess_lang: (Boolean) Turn language auto-detection
+ 'on' or 'off' (on by default).
+ * css_class: Set class name of wrapper div ('codehilite' by default).
+ * hl_lines: (List of integers) Lines to emphasize, 1-indexed.
+ Low Level Usage:
+ >>> code = CodeHilite()
+ >>> code.src = 'some text' # String or anything with a .readline attr.
+ >>> code.linenos = True # Turns line numbering on or of.
+ >>> html = code.hilite()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, src=None, linenums=None, guess_lang=True,
+ css_class="codehilite", lang=None, style='default',
+ noclasses=False, tab_length=4, hl_lines=None, use_pygments=True):
+ self.src = src
+ self.lang = lang
+ self.linenums = linenums
+ self.guess_lang = guess_lang
+ self.css_class = css_class
+ = style
+ self.noclasses = noclasses
+ self.tab_length = tab_length
+ self.hl_lines = hl_lines or []
+ self.use_pygments = use_pygments
+ def hilite(self):
+ """
+ Pass code to the [Pygments]( highliter with
+ optional line numbers. The output should then be styled with css to
+ your liking. No styles are applied by default - only styling hooks
+ (i.e.: <span class="k">).
+ returns : A string of html.
+ """
+ self.src = self.src.strip('\n')
+ if self.lang is None:
+ self._parseHeader()
+ if pygments and self.use_pygments:
+ try:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.lang)
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ if self.guess_lang:
+ lexer = guess_lexer(self.src)
+ else:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text')
+ except ValueError:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text')
+ formatter = get_formatter_by_name('html',
+ linenos=self.linenums,
+ cssclass=self.css_class,
+ noclasses=self.noclasses,
+ hl_lines=self.hl_lines)
+ return highlight(self.src, lexer, formatter)
+ else:
+ # just escape and build markup usable by JS highlighting libs
+ txt = self.src.replace('&', '&amp;')
+ txt = txt.replace('<', '&lt;')
+ txt = txt.replace('>', '&gt;')
+ txt = txt.replace('"', '&quot;')
+ classes = []
+ if self.lang:
+ classes.append('language-%s' % self.lang)
+ if self.linenums:
+ classes.append('linenums')
+ class_str = ''
+ if classes:
+ class_str = ' class="%s"' % ' '.join(classes)
+ return '<pre class="%s"><code%s>%s</code></pre>\n' % \
+ (self.css_class, class_str, txt)
+ def _parseHeader(self):
+ """
+ Determines language of a code block from shebang line and whether said
+ line should be removed or left in place. If the sheband line contains a
+ path (even a single /) then it is assumed to be a real shebang line and
+ left alone. However, if no path is given (e.i.: #!python or :::python)
+ then it is assumed to be a mock shebang for language identifitation of
+ a code fragment and removed from the code block prior to processing for
+ code highlighting. When a mock shebang (e.i: #!python) is found, line
+ numbering is turned on. When colons are found in place of a shebang
+ (e.i.: :::python), line numbering is left in the current state - off
+ by default.
+ Also parses optional list of highlight lines, like:
+ :::python hl_lines="1 3"
+ """
+ import re
+ # split text into lines
+ lines = self.src.split("\n")
+ # pull first line to examine
+ fl = lines.pop(0)
+ c = re.compile(r'''
+ (?:(?:^::+)|(?P<shebang>^[#]!)) # Shebang or 2 or more colons
+ (?P<path>(?:/\w+)*[/ ])? # Zero or 1 path
+ (?P<lang>[\w#.+-]*) # The language
+ \s* # Arbitrary whitespace
+ # Optional highlight lines, single- or double-quote-delimited
+ (hl_lines=(?P<quot>"|')(?P<hl_lines>.*?)(?P=quot))?
+ ''', re.VERBOSE)
+ # search first line for shebang
+ m =
+ if m:
+ # we have a match
+ try:
+ self.lang ='lang').lower()
+ except IndexError:
+ self.lang = None
+ if'path'):
+ # path exists - restore first line
+ lines.insert(0, fl)
+ if self.linenums is None and'shebang'):
+ # Overridable and Shebang exists - use line numbers
+ self.linenums = True
+ self.hl_lines = parse_hl_lines('hl_lines'))
+ else:
+ # No match
+ lines.insert(0, fl)
+ self.src = "\n".join(lines).strip("\n")
+# ------------------ The Markdown Extension -------------------------------
+class HiliteTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ """ Hilight source code in code blocks. """
+ def run(self, root):
+ """ Find code blocks and store in htmlStash. """
+ blocks = root.iter('pre')
+ for block in blocks:
+ if len(block) == 1 and block[0].tag == 'code':
+ code = CodeHilite(
+ block[0].text,
+ linenums=self.config['linenums'],
+ guess_lang=self.config['guess_lang'],
+ css_class=self.config['css_class'],
+ style=self.config['pygments_style'],
+ noclasses=self.config['noclasses'],
+ tab_length=self.markdown.tab_length,
+ use_pygments=self.config['use_pygments']
+ )
+ placeholder =,
+ safe=True)
+ # Clear codeblock in etree instance
+ block.clear()
+ # Change to p element which will later
+ # be removed when inserting raw html
+ block.tag = 'p'
+ block.text = placeholder
+class CodeHiliteExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add source code hilighting to markdown codeblocks. """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # define default configs
+ self.config = {
+ 'linenums': [None,
+ "Use lines numbers. True=yes, False=no, None=auto"],
+ 'guess_lang': [True,
+ "Automatic language detection - Default: True"],
+ 'css_class': ["codehilite",
+ "Set class name for wrapper <div> - "
+ "Default: codehilite"],
+ 'pygments_style': ['default',
+ 'Pygments HTML Formatter Style '
+ '(Colorscheme) - Default: default'],
+ 'noclasses': [False,
+ 'Use inline styles instead of CSS classes - '
+ 'Default false'],
+ 'use_pygments': [True,
+ 'Use Pygments to Highlight code blocks. '
+ 'Disable if using a JavaScript library. '
+ 'Default: True']
+ }
+ super(CodeHiliteExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add HilitePostprocessor to Markdown instance. """
+ hiliter = HiliteTreeprocessor(md)
+ hiliter.config = self.getConfigs()
+ md.treeprocessors.add("hilite", hiliter, "<inline")
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return CodeHiliteExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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index 0000000..77cca6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Definition List Extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds parsing of Definition Lists to Python-Markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2008 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..blockprocessors import BlockProcessor, ListIndentProcessor
+from ..util import etree
+import re
+class DefListProcessor(BlockProcessor):
+ """ Process Definition Lists. """
+ RE = re.compile(r'(^|\n)[ ]{0,3}:[ ]{1,3}(.*?)(\n|$)')
+ NO_INDENT_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{0,3}[^ :]')
+ def test(self, parent, block):
+ return bool(
+ def run(self, parent, blocks):
+ raw_block = blocks.pop(0)
+ m =
+ terms = [l.strip() for l in
+ raw_block[:m.start()].split('\n') if l.strip()]
+ block = raw_block[m.end():]
+ no_indent = self.NO_INDENT_RE.match(block)
+ if no_indent:
+ d, theRest = (block, None)
+ else:
+ d, theRest = self.detab(block)
+ if d:
+ d = '%s\n%s' % (, d)
+ else:
+ d =
+ sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
+ if not terms and sibling is None:
+ # This is not a definition item. Most likely a paragraph that
+ # starts with a colon at the begining of a document or list.
+ blocks.insert(0, raw_block)
+ return False
+ if not terms and sibling.tag == 'p':
+ # The previous paragraph contains the terms
+ state = 'looselist'
+ terms = sibling.text.split('\n')
+ parent.remove(sibling)
+ # Aquire new sibling
+ sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
+ else:
+ state = 'list'
+ if sibling is not None and sibling.tag == 'dl':
+ # This is another item on an existing list
+ dl = sibling
+ if not terms and len(dl) and dl[-1].tag == 'dd' and len(dl[-1]):
+ state = 'looselist'
+ else:
+ # This is a new list
+ dl = etree.SubElement(parent, 'dl')
+ # Add terms
+ for term in terms:
+ dt = etree.SubElement(dl, 'dt')
+ dt.text = term
+ # Add definition
+ self.parser.state.set(state)
+ dd = etree.SubElement(dl, 'dd')
+ self.parser.parseBlocks(dd, [d])
+ self.parser.state.reset()
+ if theRest:
+ blocks.insert(0, theRest)
+class DefListIndentProcessor(ListIndentProcessor):
+ """ Process indented children of definition list items. """
+ ITEM_TYPES = ['dd']
+ LIST_TYPES = ['dl']
+ def create_item(self, parent, block):
+ """ Create a new dd and parse the block with it as the parent. """
+ dd = etree.SubElement(parent, 'dd')
+ self.parser.parseBlocks(dd, [block])
+class DefListExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add definition lists to Markdown. """
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add an instance of DefListProcessor to BlockParser. """
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.add('defindent',
+ DefListIndentProcessor(md.parser),
+ '>indent')
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.add('deflist',
+ DefListProcessor(md.parser),
+ '>ulist')
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return DefListExtension(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de5db03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Python-Markdown Extra Extension
+A compilation of various Python-Markdown extensions that imitates
+[PHP Markdown Extra](
+Note that each of the individual extensions still need to be available
+on your PYTHONPATH. This extension simply wraps them all up as a
+convenience so that only one extension needs to be listed when
+initiating Markdown. See the documentation for each individual
+extension for specifics about that extension.
+There may be additional extensions that are distributed with
+Python-Markdown that are not included here in Extra. Those extensions
+are not part of PHP Markdown Extra, and therefore, not part of
+Python-Markdown Extra. If you really would like Extra to include
+additional extensions, we suggest creating your own clone of Extra
+under a differant name. You could also edit the `extensions` global
+variable defined below, but be aware that such changes may be lost
+when you upgrade to any future version of Python-Markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Copyright The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
+from .. import util
+import re
+extensions = [
+ 'markdown.extensions.smart_strong',
+ 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code',
+ 'markdown.extensions.footnotes',
+ 'markdown.extensions.attr_list',
+ 'markdown.extensions.def_list',
+ 'markdown.extensions.tables',
+ 'markdown.extensions.abbr'
+class ExtraExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add various extensions to Markdown class."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ config is a dumb holder which gets passed to actual ext later. """
+ self.config = kwargs.pop('configs', {})
+ self.config.update(kwargs)
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Register extension instances. """
+ md.registerExtensions(extensions, self.config)
+ if not md.safeMode:
+ # Turn on processing of markdown text within raw html
+ md.preprocessors['html_block'].markdown_in_raw = True
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.add('markdown_block',
+ MarkdownInHtmlProcessor(md.parser),
+ '_begin')
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.tag_counter = -1
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.contain_span_tags = re.compile(
+ r'^(p|h[1-6]|li|dd|dt|td|th|legend|address)$', re.IGNORECASE)
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return ExtraExtension(*args, **kwargs)
+class MarkdownInHtmlProcessor(BlockProcessor):
+ """Process Markdown Inside HTML Blocks."""
+ def test(self, parent, block):
+ return block == util.TAG_PLACEHOLDER % \
+ str(self.parser.blockprocessors.tag_counter + 1)
+ def _process_nests(self, element, block):
+ """Process the element's child elements in"""
+ # Build list of indexes of each nest within the parent element.
+ nest_index = [] # a list of tuples: (left index, right index)
+ i = self.parser.blockprocessors.tag_counter + 1
+ while len(self._tag_data) > i and self._tag_data[i]['left_index']:
+ left_child_index = self._tag_data[i]['left_index']
+ right_child_index = self._tag_data[i]['right_index']
+ nest_index.append((left_child_index - 1, right_child_index))
+ i += 1
+ # Create each nest subelement.
+ for i, (left_index, right_index) in enumerate(nest_index[:-1]):
+, block[left_index:right_index],
+ block[right_index:nest_index[i + 1][0]], True)
+, block[nest_index[-1][0]:nest_index[-1][1]], # last
+ block[nest_index[-1][1]:], True) # nest
+ def run(self, parent, blocks, tail=None, nest=False):
+ self._tag_data = self.parser.markdown.htmlStash.tag_data
+ self.parser.blockprocessors.tag_counter += 1
+ tag = self._tag_data[self.parser.blockprocessors.tag_counter]
+ # Create Element
+ markdown_value = tag['attrs'].pop('markdown')
+ element = util.etree.SubElement(parent, tag['tag'], tag['attrs'])
+ # Slice Off Block
+ if nest:
+ self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, tail) # Process Tail
+ block = blocks[1:]
+ else: # includes nests since a third level of nesting isn't supported
+ block = blocks[tag['left_index'] + 1: tag['right_index']]
+ del blocks[:tag['right_index']]
+ # Process Text
+ if (self.parser.blockprocessors.contain_span_tags.match( # Span Mode
+ tag['tag']) and markdown_value != 'block') or \
+ markdown_value == 'span':
+ element.text = '\n'.join(block)
+ else: # Block Mode
+ i = self.parser.blockprocessors.tag_counter + 1
+ if len(self._tag_data) > i and self._tag_data[i]['left_index']:
+ first_subelement_index = self._tag_data[i]['left_index'] - 1
+ self.parser.parseBlocks(
+ element, block[:first_subelement_index])
+ if not nest:
+ block = self._process_nests(element, block)
+ else:
+ self.parser.parseBlocks(element, block)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277bac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Fenced Code Extension for Python Markdown
+This extension adds Fenced Code Blocks to Python-Markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2007-2008 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..preprocessors import Preprocessor
+from .codehilite import CodeHilite, CodeHiliteExtension, parse_hl_lines
+import re
+class FencedCodeExtension(Extension):
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add FencedBlockPreprocessor to the Markdown instance. """
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+ md.preprocessors.add('fenced_code_block',
+ FencedBlockPreprocessor(md),
+ ">normalize_whitespace")
+class FencedBlockPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
+ FENCED_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(r'''
+(?P<fence>^(?:~{3,}|`{3,}))[ ]* # Opening ``` or ~~~
+(\{?\.?(?P<lang>[\w#.+-]*))?[ ]* # Optional {, and lang
+# Optional highlight lines, single- or double-quote-delimited
+(hl_lines=(?P<quot>"|')(?P<hl_lines>.*?)(?P=quot))?[ ]*
+}?[ ]*\n # Optional closing }
+(?P=fence)[ ]*$''', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE)
+ CODE_WRAP = '<pre><code%s>%s</code></pre>'
+ LANG_TAG = ' class="%s"'
+ def __init__(self, md):
+ super(FencedBlockPreprocessor, self).__init__(md)
+ self.checked_for_codehilite = False
+ self.codehilite_conf = {}
+ def run(self, lines):
+ """ Match and store Fenced Code Blocks in the HtmlStash. """
+ # Check for code hilite extension
+ if not self.checked_for_codehilite:
+ for ext in self.markdown.registeredExtensions:
+ if isinstance(ext, CodeHiliteExtension):
+ self.codehilite_conf = ext.config
+ break
+ self.checked_for_codehilite = True
+ text = "\n".join(lines)
+ while 1:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ lang = ''
+ if'lang'):
+ lang = self.LANG_TAG %'lang')
+ # If config is not empty, then the codehighlite extension
+ # is enabled, so we call it to highlight the code
+ if self.codehilite_conf:
+ highliter = CodeHilite(
+ linenums=self.codehilite_conf['linenums'][0],
+ guess_lang=self.codehilite_conf['guess_lang'][0],
+ css_class=self.codehilite_conf['css_class'][0],
+ style=self.codehilite_conf['pygments_style'][0],
+ use_pygments=self.codehilite_conf['use_pygments'][0],
+ lang=('lang') or None),
+ noclasses=self.codehilite_conf['noclasses'][0],
+ hl_lines=parse_hl_lines('hl_lines'))
+ )
+ code = highliter.hilite()
+ else:
+ code = self.CODE_WRAP % (lang,
+ self._escape('code')))
+ placeholder =, safe=True)
+ text = '%s\n%s\n%s' % (text[:m.start()],
+ placeholder,
+ text[m.end():])
+ else:
+ break
+ return text.split("\n")
+ def _escape(self, txt):
+ """ basic html escaping """
+ txt = txt.replace('&', '&amp;')
+ txt = txt.replace('<', '&lt;')
+ txt = txt.replace('>', '&gt;')
+ txt = txt.replace('"', '&quot;')
+ return txt
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return FencedCodeExtension(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd8595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+Footnotes Extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds footnote handling to Python-Markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Copyright The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..preprocessors import Preprocessor
+from ..inlinepatterns import Pattern
+from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
+from ..postprocessors import Postprocessor
+from .. import util
+from ..odict import OrderedDict
+import re
+import copy
+FN_BACKLINK_TEXT = util.STX + "zz1337820767766393qq" + util.ETX
+NBSP_PLACEHOLDER = util.STX + "qq3936677670287331zz" + util.ETX
+DEF_RE = re.compile(r'[ ]{0,3}\[\^([^\]]*)\]:\s*(.*)')
+TABBED_RE = re.compile(r'((\t)|( ))(.*)')
+RE_REF_ID = re.compile(r'(fnref)(\d+)')
+class FootnoteExtension(Extension):
+ """ Footnote Extension. """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ Setup configs. """
+ self.config = {
+ ["///Footnotes Go Here///",
+ "The text string that marks where the footnotes go"],
+ [False,
+ "Avoid name collisions across "
+ "multiple calls to reset()."],
+ ["&#8617;",
+ "The text string that links from the footnote "
+ "to the reader's place."]
+ }
+ super(FootnoteExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # In multiple invocations, emit links that don't get tangled.
+ self.unique_prefix = 0
+ self.found_refs = {}
+ self.used_refs = set()
+ self.reset()
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add pieces to Markdown. """
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+ self.parser = md.parser
+ = md
+ # Insert a preprocessor before ReferencePreprocessor
+ md.preprocessors.add(
+ "footnote", FootnotePreprocessor(self), "<reference"
+ )
+ # Insert an inline pattern before ImageReferencePattern
+ FOOTNOTE_RE = r'\[\^([^\]]*)\]' # blah blah [^1] blah
+ md.inlinePatterns.add(
+ "footnote", FootnotePattern(FOOTNOTE_RE, self), "<reference"
+ )
+ # Insert a tree-processor that would actually add the footnote div
+ # This must be before all other treeprocessors (i.e., inline and
+ # codehilite) so they can run on the the contents of the div.
+ md.treeprocessors.add(
+ "footnote", FootnoteTreeprocessor(self), "_begin"
+ )
+ # Insert a tree-processor that will run after inline is done.
+ # In this tree-processor we want to check our duplicate footnote tracker
+ # And add additional backrefs to the footnote pointing back to the
+ # duplicated references.
+ md.treeprocessors.add(
+ "footnote-duplicate", FootnotePostTreeprocessor(self), '>inline'
+ )
+ # Insert a postprocessor after amp_substitute oricessor
+ md.postprocessors.add(
+ "footnote", FootnotePostprocessor(self), ">amp_substitute"
+ )
+ def reset(self):
+ """ Clear footnotes on reset, and prepare for distinct document. """
+ self.footnotes = OrderedDict()
+ self.unique_prefix += 1
+ self.found_refs = {}
+ self.used_refs = set()
+ def unique_ref(self, reference, found=False):
+ """ Get a unique reference if there are duplicates. """
+ if not found:
+ return reference
+ original_ref = reference
+ while reference in self.used_refs:
+ ref, rest = reference.split(self.get_separator(), 1)
+ m = RE_REF_ID.match(ref)
+ if m:
+ reference = '%s%d%s%s' % (, int(, self.get_separator(), rest)
+ else:
+ reference = '%s%d%s%s' % (ref, 2, self.get_separator(), rest)
+ self.used_refs.add(reference)
+ if original_ref in self.found_refs:
+ self.found_refs[original_ref] += 1
+ else:
+ self.found_refs[original_ref] = 1
+ return reference
+ def findFootnotesPlaceholder(self, root):
+ """ Return ElementTree Element that contains Footnote placeholder. """
+ def finder(element):
+ for child in element:
+ if child.text:
+ if child.text.find(self.getConfig("PLACE_MARKER")) > -1:
+ return child, element, True
+ if child.tail:
+ if child.tail.find(self.getConfig("PLACE_MARKER")) > -1:
+ return child, element, False
+ child_res = finder(child)
+ if child_res is not None:
+ return child_res
+ return None
+ res = finder(root)
+ return res
+ def setFootnote(self, id, text):
+ """ Store a footnote for later retrieval. """
+ self.footnotes[id] = text
+ def get_separator(self):
+ if in ['html5', 'xhtml5']:
+ return '-'
+ return ':'
+ def makeFootnoteId(self, id):
+ """ Return footnote link id. """
+ if self.getConfig("UNIQUE_IDS"):
+ return 'fn%s%d-%s' % (self.get_separator(), self.unique_prefix, id)
+ else:
+ return 'fn%s%s' % (self.get_separator(), id)
+ def makeFootnoteRefId(self, id, found=False):
+ """ Return footnote back-link id. """
+ if self.getConfig("UNIQUE_IDS"):
+ return self.unique_ref('fnref%s%d-%s' % (self.get_separator(), self.unique_prefix, id), found)
+ else:
+ return self.unique_ref('fnref%s%s' % (self.get_separator(), id), found)
+ def makeFootnotesDiv(self, root):
+ """ Return div of footnotes as et Element. """
+ if not list(self.footnotes.keys()):
+ return None
+ div = util.etree.Element("div")
+ div.set('class', 'footnote')
+ util.etree.SubElement(div, "hr")
+ ol = util.etree.SubElement(div, "ol")
+ surrogate_parent = util.etree.Element("div")
+ for id in self.footnotes.keys():
+ li = util.etree.SubElement(ol, "li")
+ li.set("id", self.makeFootnoteId(id))
+ # Parse footnote with surrogate parent as li cannot be used.
+ # List block handlers have special logic to deal with li.
+ # When we are done parsing, we will copy everything over to li.
+ self.parser.parseChunk(surrogate_parent, self.footnotes[id])
+ for el in list(surrogate_parent):
+ li.append(el)
+ surrogate_parent.remove(el)
+ backlink = util.etree.Element("a")
+ backlink.set("href", "#" + self.makeFootnoteRefId(id))
+ if not in ['html5', 'xhtml5']:
+ backlink.set("rev", "footnote") # Invalid in HTML5
+ backlink.set("class", "footnote-backref")
+ backlink.set(
+ "title",
+ "Jump back to footnote %d in the text" %
+ (self.footnotes.index(id)+1)
+ )
+ backlink.text = FN_BACKLINK_TEXT
+ if li.getchildren():
+ node = li[-1]
+ if node.tag == "p":
+ node.text = node.text + NBSP_PLACEHOLDER
+ node.append(backlink)
+ else:
+ p = util.etree.SubElement(li, "p")
+ p.append(backlink)
+ return div
+class FootnotePreprocessor(Preprocessor):
+ """ Find all footnote references and store for later use. """
+ def __init__(self, footnotes):
+ self.footnotes = footnotes
+ def run(self, lines):
+ """
+ Loop through lines and find, set, and remove footnote definitions.
+ Keywords:
+ * lines: A list of lines of text
+ Return: A list of lines of text with footnote definitions removed.
+ """
+ newlines = []
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ m = DEF_RE.match(lines[i])
+ if m:
+ fn, _i = self.detectTabbed(lines[i+1:])
+ fn.insert(0,
+ i += _i-1 # skip past footnote
+ self.footnotes.setFootnote(, "\n".join(fn))
+ else:
+ newlines.append(lines[i])
+ if len(lines) > i+1:
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ return newlines
+ def detectTabbed(self, lines):
+ """ Find indented text and remove indent before further proccesing.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ * lines: an array of strings
+ Returns: a list of post processed items and the index of last line.
+ """
+ items = []
+ blank_line = False # have we encountered a blank line yet?
+ i = 0 # to keep track of where we are
+ def detab(line):
+ match = TABBED_RE.match(line)
+ if match:
+ return
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.strip(): # Non-blank line
+ detabbed_line = detab(line)
+ if detabbed_line:
+ items.append(detabbed_line)
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ elif not blank_line and not DEF_RE.match(line):
+ # not tabbed but still part of first par.
+ items.append(line)
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ return items, i+1
+ else: # Blank line: _maybe_ we are done.
+ blank_line = True
+ i += 1 # advance
+ # Find the next non-blank line
+ for j in range(i, len(lines)):
+ if lines[j].strip():
+ next_line = lines[j]
+ break
+ else:
+ break # There is no more text; we are done.
+ # Check if the next non-blank line is tabbed
+ if detab(next_line): # Yes, more work to do.
+ items.append("")
+ continue
+ else:
+ break # No, we are done.
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ return items, i
+class FootnotePattern(Pattern):
+ """ InlinePattern for footnote markers in a document's body text. """
+ def __init__(self, pattern, footnotes):
+ super(FootnotePattern, self).__init__(pattern)
+ self.footnotes = footnotes
+ def handleMatch(self, m):
+ id =
+ if id in self.footnotes.footnotes.keys():
+ sup = util.etree.Element("sup")
+ a = util.etree.SubElement(sup, "a")
+ sup.set('id', self.footnotes.makeFootnoteRefId(id, found=True))
+ a.set('href', '#' + self.footnotes.makeFootnoteId(id))
+ if not in ['html5', 'xhtml5']:
+ a.set('rel', 'footnote') # invalid in HTML5
+ a.set('class', 'footnote-ref')
+ a.text = util.text_type(self.footnotes.footnotes.index(id) + 1)
+ return sup
+ else:
+ return None
+class FootnotePostTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ """ Ammend footnote div with duplicates. """
+ def __init__(self, footnotes):
+ self.footnotes = footnotes
+ def add_duplicates(self, li, duplicates):
+ """ Adjust current li and add the duplicates: fnref2, fnref3, etc. """
+ for link in li.iter('a'):
+ # Find the link that needs to be duplicated.
+ if link.attrib.get('class', '') == 'footnote-backref':
+ ref, rest = link.attrib['href'].split(self.footnotes.get_separator(), 1)
+ # Duplicate link the number of times we need to
+ # and point the to the appropriate references.
+ links = []
+ for index in range(2, duplicates + 1):
+ sib_link = copy.deepcopy(link)
+ sib_link.attrib['href'] = '%s%d%s%s' % (ref, index, self.footnotes.get_separator(), rest)
+ links.append(sib_link)
+ self.offset += 1
+ # Add all the new duplicate links.
+ el = list(li)[-1]
+ for l in links:
+ el.append(l)
+ break
+ def get_num_duplicates(self, li):
+ """ Get the number of duplicate refs of the footnote. """
+ fn, rest = li.attrib.get('id', '').split(self.footnotes.get_separator(), 1)
+ link_id = '%sref%s%s' % (fn, self.footnotes.get_separator(), rest)
+ return self.footnotes.found_refs.get(link_id, 0)
+ def handle_duplicates(self, parent):
+ """ Find duplicate footnotes and format and add the duplicates. """
+ for li in list(parent):
+ # Check number of duplicates footnotes and insert
+ # additional links if needed.
+ count = self.get_num_duplicates(li)
+ if count > 1:
+ self.add_duplicates(li, count)
+ def run(self, root):
+ """ Crawl the footnote div and add missing duplicate footnotes. """
+ self.offset = 0
+ for div in root.iter('div'):
+ if div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'footnote':
+ # Footnotes shoul be under the first orderd list under
+ # the footnote div. So once we find it, quit.
+ for ol in div.iter('ol'):
+ self.handle_duplicates(ol)
+ break
+class FootnoteTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ """ Build and append footnote div to end of document. """
+ def __init__(self, footnotes):
+ self.footnotes = footnotes
+ def run(self, root):
+ footnotesDiv = self.footnotes.makeFootnotesDiv(root)
+ if footnotesDiv is not None:
+ result = self.footnotes.findFootnotesPlaceholder(root)
+ if result:
+ child, parent, isText = result
+ ind = parent.getchildren().index(child)
+ if isText:
+ parent.remove(child)
+ parent.insert(ind, footnotesDiv)
+ else:
+ parent.insert(ind + 1, footnotesDiv)
+ child.tail = None
+ else:
+ root.append(footnotesDiv)
+class FootnotePostprocessor(Postprocessor):
+ """ Replace placeholders with html entities. """
+ def __init__(self, footnotes):
+ self.footnotes = footnotes
+ def run(self, text):
+ text = text.replace(
+ FN_BACKLINK_TEXT, self.footnotes.getConfig("BACKLINK_TEXT")
+ )
+ return text.replace(NBSP_PLACEHOLDER, "&#160;")
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ Return an instance of the FootnoteExtension """
+ return FootnoteExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cb20b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+HeaderID Extension for Python-Markdown
+Auto-generate id attributes for HTML headers.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2007-2011 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2011-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
+from ..util import parseBoolValue
+from .toc import slugify, unique, stashedHTML2text
+import warnings
+class HeaderIdTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ """ Assign IDs to headers. """
+ IDs = set()
+ def run(self, doc):
+ start_level, force_id = self._get_meta()
+ slugify = self.config['slugify']
+ sep = self.config['separator']
+ for elem in doc:
+ if elem.tag in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']:
+ if force_id:
+ if "id" in elem.attrib:
+ id = elem.get('id')
+ else:
+ id = stashedHTML2text(''.join(elem.itertext()),
+ id = slugify(id, sep)
+ elem.set('id', unique(id, self.IDs))
+ if start_level:
+ level = int(elem.tag[-1]) + start_level
+ if level > 6:
+ level = 6
+ elem.tag = 'h%d' % level
+ def _get_meta(self):
+ """ Return meta data suported by this ext as a tuple """
+ level = int(self.config['level']) - 1
+ force = parseBoolValue(self.config['forceid'])
+ if hasattr(, 'Meta'):
+ if 'header_level' in
+ level = int(['header_level'][0]) - 1
+ if 'header_forceid' in
+ force = parseBoolValue(['header_forceid'][0])
+ return level, force
+class HeaderIdExtension(Extension):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # set defaults
+ self.config = {
+ 'level': ['1', 'Base level for headers.'],
+ 'forceid': ['True', 'Force all headers to have an id.'],
+ 'separator': ['-', 'Word separator.'],
+ 'slugify': [slugify, 'Callable to generate anchors']
+ }
+ super(HeaderIdExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The HeaderId Extension is pending deprecation. Use the TOC Extension instead.',
+ PendingDeprecationWarning
+ )
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+ self.processor = HeaderIdTreeprocessor()
+ = md
+ self.processor.config = self.getConfigs()
+ if 'attr_list' in md.treeprocessors.keys():
+ # insert after attr_list treeprocessor
+ md.treeprocessors.add('headerid', self.processor, '>attr_list')
+ else:
+ # insert after 'prettify' treeprocessor.
+ md.treeprocessors.add('headerid', self.processor, '>prettify')
+ def reset(self):
+ self.processor.IDs = set()
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return HeaderIdExtension(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..711235e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Meta Data Extension for Python-Markdown
+This extension adds Meta Data handling to markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2007-2008 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..preprocessors import Preprocessor
+import re
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger('MARKDOWN')
+# Global Vars
+META_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{0,3}(?P<key>[A-Za-z0-9_-]+):\s*(?P<value>.*)')
+META_MORE_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{4,}(?P<value>.*)')
+BEGIN_RE = re.compile(r'^-{3}(\s.*)?')
+END_RE = re.compile(r'^(-{3}|\.{3})(\s.*)?')
+class MetaExtension (Extension):
+ """ Meta-Data extension for Python-Markdown. """
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add MetaPreprocessor to Markdown instance. """
+ md.preprocessors.add("meta",
+ MetaPreprocessor(md),
+ ">normalize_whitespace")
+class MetaPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
+ """ Get Meta-Data. """
+ def run(self, lines):
+ """ Parse Meta-Data and store in Markdown.Meta. """
+ meta = {}
+ key = None
+ if lines and BEGIN_RE.match(lines[0]):
+ lines.pop(0)
+ while lines:
+ line = lines.pop(0)
+ m1 = META_RE.match(line)
+ if line.strip() == '' or END_RE.match(line):
+ break # blank line or end of YAML header - done
+ if m1:
+ key ='key').lower().strip()
+ value ='value').strip()
+ try:
+ meta[key].append(value)
+ except KeyError:
+ meta[key] = [value]
+ else:
+ m2 = META_MORE_RE.match(line)
+ if m2 and key:
+ # Add another line to existing key
+ meta[key].append('value').strip())
+ else:
+ lines.insert(0, line)
+ break # no meta data - done
+ self.markdown.Meta = meta
+ return lines
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return MetaExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8acd60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+NL2BR Extension
+A Python-Markdown extension to treat newlines as hard breaks; like
+GitHub-flavored Markdown does.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Oringinal code Copyright 2011 [Brian Neal](
+All changes Copyright 2011-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..inlinepatterns import SubstituteTagPattern
+BR_RE = r'\n'
+class Nl2BrExtension(Extension):
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ br_tag = SubstituteTagPattern(BR_RE, 'br')
+ md.inlinePatterns.add('nl', br_tag, '_end')
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return Nl2BrExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828ae7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Sane List Extension for Python-Markdown
+Modify the behavior of Lists in Python-Markdown to act in a sane manor.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2011 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2011-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..blockprocessors import OListProcessor, UListProcessor
+import re
+class SaneOListProcessor(OListProcessor):
+ SIBLING_TAGS = ['ol']
+ def __init__(self, parser):
+ super(SaneOListProcessor, self).__init__(parser)
+ self.CHILD_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{0,%d}((\d+\.))[ ]+(.*)' %
+ (self.tab_length - 1))
+class SaneUListProcessor(UListProcessor):
+ SIBLING_TAGS = ['ul']
+ def __init__(self, parser):
+ super(SaneUListProcessor, self).__init__(parser)
+ self.CHILD_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{0,%d}(([*+-]))[ ]+(.*)' %
+ (self.tab_length - 1))
+class SaneListExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add sane lists to Markdown. """
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Override existing Processors. """
+ md.parser.blockprocessors['olist'] = SaneOListProcessor(md.parser)
+ md.parser.blockprocessors['ulist'] = SaneUListProcessor(md.parser)
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return SaneListExtension(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58570bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Smart_Strong Extension for Python-Markdown
+This extention adds smarter handling of double underscores within words.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2011 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2011-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..inlinepatterns import SimpleTagPattern
+SMART_STRONG_RE = r'(?<!\w)(_{2})(?!_)(.+?)(?<!_)\2(?!\w)'
+STRONG_RE = r'(\*{2})(.+?)\2'
+class SmartEmphasisExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add smart_emphasis extension to Markdown class."""
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Modify inline patterns. """
+ md.inlinePatterns['strong'] = SimpleTagPattern(STRONG_RE, 'strong')
+ md.inlinePatterns.add(
+ 'strong2',
+ SimpleTagPattern(SMART_STRONG_RE, 'strong'),
+ '>emphasis2'
+ )
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return SmartEmphasisExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600d74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Smarty extension for Python-Markdown
+Adds conversion of ASCII dashes, quotes and ellipses to their HTML
+entity equivalents.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Author: 2013, Dmitry Shachnev <>
+All changes Copyright 2013-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+SmartyPants license:
+ Copyright (c) 2003 John Gruber <>
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ * Neither the name "SmartyPants" nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+ software without specific prior written permission.
+ This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as
+ is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited
+ to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
+ particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright
+ owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
+ special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
+ limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use,
+ data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any
+ theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
+ (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use
+ of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+ license:
+ is a derivative work of SmartyPants.
+ Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Chad Miller <>
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as
+ is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited
+ to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
+ particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright
+ owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
+ special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
+ limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use,
+ data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any
+ theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
+ (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use
+ of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..inlinepatterns import HtmlPattern, HTML_RE
+from ..odict import OrderedDict
+from ..treeprocessors import InlineProcessor
+# Constants for quote education.
+punctClass = r"""[!"#\$\%'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?\@\[\\\]\^_`{|}~]"""
+endOfWordClass = r"[\s.,;:!?)]"
+closeClass = "[^\ \t\r\n\[\{\(\-\u0002\u0003]"
+openingQuotesBase = (
+ '(\s' # a whitespace char
+ '|&nbsp;' # or a non-breaking space entity
+ '|--' # or dashes
+ '|–|—' # or unicode
+ '|&[mn]dash;' # or named dash entities
+ '|&#8211;|&#8212;' # or decimal entities
+ ')'
+substitutions = {
+ 'mdash': '&mdash;',
+ 'ndash': '&ndash;',
+ 'ellipsis': '&hellip;',
+ 'left-angle-quote': '&laquo;',
+ 'right-angle-quote': '&raquo;',
+ 'left-single-quote': '&lsquo;',
+ 'right-single-quote': '&rsquo;',
+ 'left-double-quote': '&ldquo;',
+ 'right-double-quote': '&rdquo;',
+# Special case if the very first character is a quote
+# followed by punctuation at a non-word-break. Close the quotes by brute force:
+singleQuoteStartRe = r"^'(?=%s\B)" % punctClass
+doubleQuoteStartRe = r'^"(?=%s\B)' % punctClass
+# Special case for double sets of quotes, e.g.:
+# <p>He said, "'Quoted' words in a larger quote."</p>
+doubleQuoteSetsRe = r""""'(?=\w)"""
+singleQuoteSetsRe = r"""'"(?=\w)"""
+# Special case for decade abbreviations (the '80s):
+decadeAbbrRe = r"(?<!\w)'(?=\d{2}s)"
+# Get most opening double quotes:
+openingDoubleQuotesRegex = r'%s"(?=\w)' % openingQuotesBase
+# Double closing quotes:
+closingDoubleQuotesRegex = r'"(?=\s)'
+closingDoubleQuotesRegex2 = '(?<=%s)"' % closeClass
+# Get most opening single quotes:
+openingSingleQuotesRegex = r"%s'(?=\w)" % openingQuotesBase
+# Single closing quotes:
+closingSingleQuotesRegex = r"(?<=%s)'(?!\s|s\b|\d)" % closeClass
+closingSingleQuotesRegex2 = r"(?<=%s)'(\s|s\b)" % closeClass
+# All remaining quotes should be opening ones
+remainingSingleQuotesRegex = "'"
+remainingDoubleQuotesRegex = '"'
+HTML_STRICT_RE = HTML_RE + r'(?!\>)'
+class SubstituteTextPattern(HtmlPattern):
+ def __init__(self, pattern, replace, markdown_instance):
+ """ Replaces matches with some text. """
+ HtmlPattern.__init__(self, pattern)
+ self.replace = replace
+ self.markdown = markdown_instance
+ def handleMatch(self, m):
+ result = ''
+ for part in self.replace:
+ if isinstance(part, int):
+ result +=
+ else:
+ result +=, safe=True)
+ return result
+class SmartyExtension(Extension):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config = {
+ 'smart_quotes': [True, 'Educate quotes'],
+ 'smart_angled_quotes': [False, 'Educate angled quotes'],
+ 'smart_dashes': [True, 'Educate dashes'],
+ 'smart_ellipses': [True, 'Educate ellipses'],
+ 'substitutions': [{}, 'Overwrite default substitutions'],
+ }
+ super(SmartyExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.substitutions = dict(substitutions)
+ self.substitutions.update(self.getConfig('substitutions', default={}))
+ def _addPatterns(self, md, patterns, serie):
+ for ind, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
+ pattern += (md,)
+ pattern = SubstituteTextPattern(*pattern)
+ after = ('>smarty-%s-%d' % (serie, ind - 1) if ind else '_begin')
+ name = 'smarty-%s-%d' % (serie, ind)
+ self.inlinePatterns.add(name, pattern, after)
+ def educateDashes(self, md):
+ emDashesPattern = SubstituteTextPattern(
+ r'(?<!-)---(?!-)', (self.substitutions['mdash'],), md
+ )
+ enDashesPattern = SubstituteTextPattern(
+ r'(?<!-)--(?!-)', (self.substitutions['ndash'],), md
+ )
+ self.inlinePatterns.add('smarty-em-dashes', emDashesPattern, '_begin')
+ self.inlinePatterns.add(
+ 'smarty-en-dashes', enDashesPattern, '>smarty-em-dashes'
+ )
+ def educateEllipses(self, md):
+ ellipsesPattern = SubstituteTextPattern(
+ r'(?<!\.)\.{3}(?!\.)', (self.substitutions['ellipsis'],), md
+ )
+ self.inlinePatterns.add('smarty-ellipses', ellipsesPattern, '_begin')
+ def educateAngledQuotes(self, md):
+ leftAngledQuotePattern = SubstituteTextPattern(
+ r'\<\<', (self.substitutions['left-angle-quote'],), md
+ )
+ rightAngledQuotePattern = SubstituteTextPattern(
+ r'\>\>', (self.substitutions['right-angle-quote'],), md
+ )
+ self.inlinePatterns.add(
+ 'smarty-left-angle-quotes', leftAngledQuotePattern, '_begin'
+ )
+ self.inlinePatterns.add(
+ 'smarty-right-angle-quotes',
+ rightAngledQuotePattern,
+ '>smarty-left-angle-quotes'
+ )
+ def educateQuotes(self, md):
+ lsquo = self.substitutions['left-single-quote']
+ rsquo = self.substitutions['right-single-quote']
+ ldquo = self.substitutions['left-double-quote']
+ rdquo = self.substitutions['right-double-quote']
+ patterns = (
+ (singleQuoteStartRe, (rsquo,)),
+ (doubleQuoteStartRe, (rdquo,)),
+ (doubleQuoteSetsRe, (ldquo + lsquo,)),
+ (singleQuoteSetsRe, (lsquo + ldquo,)),
+ (decadeAbbrRe, (rsquo,)),
+ (openingSingleQuotesRegex, (2, lsquo)),
+ (closingSingleQuotesRegex, (rsquo,)),
+ (closingSingleQuotesRegex2, (rsquo, 2)),
+ (remainingSingleQuotesRegex, (lsquo,)),
+ (openingDoubleQuotesRegex, (2, ldquo)),
+ (closingDoubleQuotesRegex, (rdquo,)),
+ (closingDoubleQuotesRegex2, (rdquo,)),
+ (remainingDoubleQuotesRegex, (ldquo,))
+ )
+ self._addPatterns(md, patterns, 'quotes')
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ configs = self.getConfigs()
+ self.inlinePatterns = OrderedDict()
+ if configs['smart_ellipses']:
+ self.educateEllipses(md)
+ if configs['smart_quotes']:
+ self.educateQuotes(md)
+ if configs['smart_angled_quotes']:
+ self.educateAngledQuotes(md)
+ # Override HTML_RE from so that it does not
+ # process tags with duplicate closing quotes.
+ md.inlinePatterns["html"] = HtmlPattern(HTML_STRICT_RE, md)
+ if configs['smart_dashes']:
+ self.educateDashes(md)
+ inlineProcessor = InlineProcessor(md)
+ inlineProcessor.inlinePatterns = self.inlinePatterns
+ md.treeprocessors.add('smarty', inlineProcessor, '_end')
+ md.ESCAPED_CHARS.extend(['"', "'"])
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return SmartyExtension(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe6ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+Tables Extension for Python-Markdown
+Added parsing of tables to Python-Markdown.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright 2009 [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
+from ..util import etree
+import re
+class TableProcessor(BlockProcessor):
+ """ Process Tables. """
+ RE_CODE_PIPES = re.compile(r'(?:(\\\\)|(\\`+)|(`+)|(\\\|)|(\|))')
+ RE_END_BORDER = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\|$')
+ def __init__(self, parser):
+ self.border = False
+ self.separator = ''
+ super(TableProcessor, self).__init__(parser)
+ def test(self, parent, block):
+ """
+ Ensure first two rows (column header and separator row) are valid table rows.
+ Keep border check and separator row do avoid repeating the work.
+ """
+ is_table = False
+ header = [row.strip() for row in block.split('\n')[0:2]]
+ if len(header) == 2:
+ self.border = header[0].startswith('|')
+ row = self._split_row(header[0])
+ is_table = len(row) > 1
+ if is_table:
+ row = self._split_row(header[1])
+ is_table = len(row) > 1 and set(''.join(row)) <= set('|:- ')
+ if is_table:
+ self.separator = row
+ return is_table
+ def run(self, parent, blocks):
+ """ Parse a table block and build table. """
+ block = blocks.pop(0).split('\n')
+ header = block[0].strip()
+ rows = [] if len(block) < 3 else block[2:]
+ # Get alignment of columns
+ align = []
+ for c in self.separator:
+ c = c.strip()
+ if c.startswith(':') and c.endswith(':'):
+ align.append('center')
+ elif c.startswith(':'):
+ align.append('left')
+ elif c.endswith(':'):
+ align.append('right')
+ else:
+ align.append(None)
+ # Build table
+ table = etree.SubElement(parent, 'table')
+ thead = etree.SubElement(table, 'thead')
+ self._build_row(header, thead, align)
+ tbody = etree.SubElement(table, 'tbody')
+ for row in rows:
+ self._build_row(row.strip(), tbody, align)
+ def _build_row(self, row, parent, align):
+ """ Given a row of text, build table cells. """
+ tr = etree.SubElement(parent, 'tr')
+ tag = 'td'
+ if parent.tag == 'thead':
+ tag = 'th'
+ cells = self._split_row(row)
+ # We use align here rather than cells to ensure every row
+ # contains the same number of columns.
+ for i, a in enumerate(align):
+ c = etree.SubElement(tr, tag)
+ try:
+ c.text = cells[i].strip()
+ except IndexError: # pragma: no cover
+ c.text = ""
+ if a:
+ c.set('align', a)
+ def _split_row(self, row):
+ """ split a row of text into list of cells. """
+ if self.border:
+ if row.startswith('|'):
+ row = row[1:]
+ row = self.RE_END_BORDER.sub('', row)
+ return self._split(row)
+ def _split(self, row):
+ """ split a row of text with some code into a list of cells. """
+ elements = []
+ pipes = []
+ tics = []
+ tic_points = []
+ tic_region = []
+ good_pipes = []
+ # Parse row
+ # Throw out \\, and \|
+ for m in self.RE_CODE_PIPES.finditer(row):
+ # Store ` data (len, start_pos, end_pos)
+ if
+ # \`+
+ # Store length of each tic group: subtract \
+ tics.append(len( - 1)
+ # Store start of group, end of group, and escape length
+ tic_points.append((m.start(2), m.end(2) - 1, 1))
+ elif
+ # `+
+ # Store length of each tic group
+ tics.append(len(
+ # Store start of group, end of group, and escape length
+ tic_points.append((m.start(3), m.end(3) - 1, 0))
+ # Store pipe location
+ elif
+ pipes.append(m.start(5))
+ # Pair up tics according to size if possible
+ # Subtract the escape length *only* from the opening.
+ # Walk through tic list and see if tic has a close.
+ # Store the tic region (start of region, end of region).
+ pos = 0
+ tic_len = len(tics)
+ while pos < tic_len:
+ try:
+ tic_size = tics[pos] - tic_points[pos][2]
+ if tic_size == 0:
+ raise ValueError
+ index = tics[pos + 1:].index(tic_size) + 1
+ tic_region.append((tic_points[pos][0], tic_points[pos + index][1]))
+ pos += index + 1
+ except ValueError:
+ pos += 1
+ # Resolve pipes. Check if they are within a tic pair region.
+ # Walk through pipes comparing them to each region.
+ # - If pipe position is less that a region, it isn't in a region
+ # - If it is within a region, we don't want it, so throw it out
+ # - If we didn't throw it out, it must be a table pipe
+ for pipe in pipes:
+ throw_out = False
+ for region in tic_region:
+ if pipe < region[0]:
+ # Pipe is not in a region
+ break
+ elif region[0] <= pipe <= region[1]:
+ # Pipe is within a code region. Throw it out.
+ throw_out = True
+ break
+ if not throw_out:
+ good_pipes.append(pipe)
+ # Split row according to table delimeters.
+ pos = 0
+ for pipe in good_pipes:
+ elements.append(row[pos:pipe])
+ pos = pipe + 1
+ elements.append(row[pos:])
+ return elements
+class TableExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add tables to Markdown. """
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ """ Add an instance of TableProcessor to BlockParser. """
+ if '|' not in md.ESCAPED_CHARS:
+ md.ESCAPED_CHARS.append('|')
+ md.parser.blockprocessors.add('table',
+ TableProcessor(md.parser),
+ '<hashheader')
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return TableExtension(*args, **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56db33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Table of Contents Extension for Python-Markdown
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Oringinal code Copyright 2008 [Jack Miller](
+All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
+from ..util import etree, parseBoolValue, AMP_SUBSTITUTE, HTML_PLACEHOLDER_RE, string_type
+import re
+import unicodedata
+def slugify(value, separator):
+ """ Slugify a string, to make it URL friendly. """
+ value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+ value = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', value.decode('ascii')).strip().lower()
+ return re.sub('[%s\s]+' % separator, separator, value)
+IDCOUNT_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*)_([0-9]+)$')
+def unique(id, ids):
+ """ Ensure id is unique in set of ids. Append '_1', '_2'... if not """
+ while id in ids or not id:
+ m = IDCOUNT_RE.match(id)
+ if m:
+ id = '%s_%d' % (, int(
+ else:
+ id = '%s_%d' % (id, 1)
+ ids.add(id)
+ return id
+def stashedHTML2text(text, md):
+ """ Extract raw HTML from stash, reduce to plain text and swap with placeholder. """
+ def _html_sub(m):
+ """ Substitute raw html with plain text. """
+ try:
+ raw, safe = md.htmlStash.rawHtmlBlocks[int(]
+ except (IndexError, TypeError): # pragma: no cover
+ return
+ if md.safeMode and not safe: # pragma: no cover
+ return ''
+ # Strip out tags and entities - leaveing text
+ return re.sub(r'(<[^>]+>)|(&[\#a-zA-Z0-9]+;)', '', raw)
+ return HTML_PLACEHOLDER_RE.sub(_html_sub, text)
+def nest_toc_tokens(toc_list):
+ """Given an unsorted list with errors and skips, return a nested one.
+ [{'level': 1}, {'level': 2}]
+ =>
+ [{'level': 1, 'children': [{'level': 2, 'children': []}]}]
+ A wrong list is also converted:
+ [{'level': 2}, {'level': 1}]
+ =>
+ [{'level': 2, 'children': []}, {'level': 1, 'children': []}]
+ """
+ ordered_list = []
+ if len(toc_list):
+ # Initialize everything by processing the first entry
+ last = toc_list.pop(0)
+ last['children'] = []
+ levels = [last['level']]
+ ordered_list.append(last)
+ parents = []
+ # Walk the rest nesting the entries properly
+ while toc_list:
+ t = toc_list.pop(0)
+ current_level = t['level']
+ t['children'] = []
+ # Reduce depth if current level < last item's level
+ if current_level < levels[-1]:
+ # Pop last level since we know we are less than it
+ levels.pop()
+ # Pop parents and levels we are less than or equal to
+ to_pop = 0
+ for p in reversed(parents):
+ if current_level <= p['level']:
+ to_pop += 1
+ else: # pragma: no cover
+ break
+ if to_pop:
+ levels = levels[:-to_pop]
+ parents = parents[:-to_pop]
+ # Note current level as last
+ levels.append(current_level)
+ # Level is the same, so append to
+ # the current parent (if available)
+ if current_level == levels[-1]:
+ (parents[-1]['children'] if parents
+ else ordered_list).append(t)
+ # Current level is > last item's level,
+ # So make last item a parent and append current as child
+ else:
+ last['children'].append(t)
+ parents.append(last)
+ levels.append(current_level)
+ last = t
+ return ordered_list
+class TocTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
+ def __init__(self, md, config):
+ super(TocTreeprocessor, self).__init__(md)
+ self.marker = config["marker"]
+ self.title = config["title"]
+ self.base_level = int(config["baselevel"]) - 1
+ self.slugify = config["slugify"]
+ self.sep = config["separator"]
+ self.use_anchors = parseBoolValue(config["anchorlink"])
+ self.use_permalinks = parseBoolValue(config["permalink"], False)
+ if self.use_permalinks is None:
+ self.use_permalinks = config["permalink"]
+ self.header_rgx = re.compile("[Hh][123456]")
+ def iterparent(self, root):
+ ''' Iterator wrapper to get parent and child all at once. '''
+ for parent in root.iter():
+ for child in parent:
+ yield parent, child
+ def replace_marker(self, root, elem):
+ ''' Replace marker with elem. '''
+ for (p, c) in self.iterparent(root):
+ text = ''.join(c.itertext()).strip()
+ if not text:
+ continue
+ # To keep the output from screwing up the
+ # validation by putting a <div> inside of a <p>
+ # we actually replace the <p> in its entirety.
+ # We do not allow the marker inside a header as that
+ # would causes an enless loop of placing a new TOC
+ # inside previously generated TOC.
+ if c.text and c.text.strip() == self.marker and \
+ not self.header_rgx.match(c.tag) and c.tag not in ['pre', 'code']:
+ for i in range(len(p)):
+ if p[i] == c:
+ p[i] = elem
+ break
+ def set_level(self, elem):
+ ''' Adjust header level according to base level. '''
+ level = int(elem.tag[-1]) + self.base_level
+ if level > 6:
+ level = 6
+ elem.tag = 'h%d' % level
+ def add_anchor(self, c, elem_id): # @ReservedAssignment
+ anchor = etree.Element("a")
+ anchor.text = c.text
+ anchor.attrib["href"] = "#" + elem_id
+ anchor.attrib["class"] = "toclink"
+ c.text = ""
+ for elem in c:
+ anchor.append(elem)
+ while c:
+ c.remove(c[0])
+ c.append(anchor)
+ def add_permalink(self, c, elem_id):
+ permalink = etree.Element("a")
+ permalink.text = ("%spara;" % AMP_SUBSTITUTE
+ if self.use_permalinks is True
+ else self.use_permalinks)
+ permalink.attrib["href"] = "#" + elem_id
+ permalink.attrib["class"] = "headerlink"
+ permalink.attrib["title"] = "Permanent link"
+ c.append(permalink)
+ def build_toc_div(self, toc_list):
+ """ Return a string div given a toc list. """
+ div = etree.Element("div")
+ div.attrib["class"] = "toc"
+ # Add title to the div
+ if self.title:
+ header = etree.SubElement(div, "span")
+ header.attrib["class"] = "toctitle"
+ header.text = self.title
+ def build_etree_ul(toc_list, parent):
+ ul = etree.SubElement(parent, "ul")
+ for item in toc_list:
+ # List item link, to be inserted into the toc div
+ li = etree.SubElement(ul, "li")
+ link = etree.SubElement(li, "a")
+ link.text = item.get('name', '')
+ link.attrib["href"] = '#' + item.get('id', '')
+ if item['children']:
+ build_etree_ul(item['children'], li)
+ return ul
+ build_etree_ul(toc_list, div)
+ prettify = self.markdown.treeprocessors.get('prettify')
+ if prettify:
+ return div
+ def run(self, doc):
+ # Get a list of id attributes
+ used_ids = set()
+ for el in doc.iter():
+ if "id" in el.attrib:
+ used_ids.add(el.attrib["id"])
+ toc_tokens = []
+ for el in doc.iter():
+ if isinstance(el.tag, string_type) and self.header_rgx.match(el.tag):
+ self.set_level(el)
+ text = ''.join(el.itertext()).strip()
+ # Do not override pre-existing ids
+ if "id" not in el.attrib:
+ innertext = stashedHTML2text(text, self.markdown)
+ el.attrib["id"] = unique(self.slugify(innertext, self.sep), used_ids)
+ toc_tokens.append({
+ 'level': int(el.tag[-1]),
+ 'id': el.attrib["id"],
+ 'name': text
+ })
+ if self.use_anchors:
+ self.add_anchor(el, el.attrib["id"])
+ if self.use_permalinks:
+ self.add_permalink(el, el.attrib["id"])
+ div = self.build_toc_div(nest_toc_tokens(toc_tokens))
+ if self.marker:
+ self.replace_marker(doc, div)
+ # serialize and attach to markdown instance.
+ toc = self.markdown.serializer(div)
+ for pp in self.markdown.postprocessors.values():
+ toc =
+ self.markdown.toc = toc
+class TocExtension(Extension):
+ TreeProcessorClass = TocTreeprocessor
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config = {
+ "marker": ['[TOC]',
+ 'Text to find and replace with Table of Contents - '
+ 'Set to an empty string to disable. Defaults to "[TOC]"'],
+ "title": ["",
+ "Title to insert into TOC <div> - "
+ "Defaults to an empty string"],
+ "anchorlink": [False,
+ "True if header should be a self link - "
+ "Defaults to False"],
+ "permalink": [0,
+ "True or link text if a Sphinx-style permalink should "
+ "be added - Defaults to False"],
+ "baselevel": ['1', 'Base level for headers.'],
+ "slugify": [slugify,
+ "Function to generate anchors based on header text - "
+ "Defaults to the headerid ext's slugify function."],
+ 'separator': ['-', 'Word separator. Defaults to "-".']
+ }
+ super(TocExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ md.registerExtension(self)
+ = md
+ self.reset()
+ tocext = self.TreeProcessorClass(md, self.getConfigs())
+ # Headerid ext is set to '>prettify'. With this set to '_end',
+ # it should always come after headerid ext (and honor ids assinged
+ # by the header id extension) if both are used. Same goes for
+ # attr_list extension. This must come last because we don't want
+ # to redefine ids after toc is created. But we do want toc prettified.
+ md.treeprocessors.add("toc", tocext, "_end")
+ def reset(self):
+ = ''
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return TocExtension(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e1b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-builder/sb/markdown/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+WikiLinks Extension for Python-Markdown
+Converts [[WikiLinks]] to relative links.
+See <>
+for documentation.
+Original code Copyright [Waylan Limberg](
+All changes Copyright The Python Markdown Project
+License: [BSD](
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import Extension
+from ..inlinepatterns import Pattern
+from ..util import etree
+import re
+def build_url(label, base, end):
+ """ Build a url from the label, a base, and an end. """
+ clean_label = re.sub(r'([ ]+_)|(_[ ]+)|([ ]+)', '_', label)
+ return '%s%s%s' % (base, clean_label, end)
+class WikiLinkExtension(Extension):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.config = {
+ 'base_url': ['/', 'String to append to beginning or URL.'],
+ 'end_url': ['/', 'String to append to end of URL.'],
+ 'html_class': ['wikilink', 'CSS hook. Leave blank for none.'],
+ 'build_url': [build_url, 'Callable formats URL from label.'],
+ }
+ super(WikiLinkExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
+ = md
+ # append to end of inline patterns
+ WIKILINK_RE = r'\[\[([\w0-9_ -]+)\]\]'
+ wikilinkPattern = WikiLinks(WIKILINK_RE, self.getConfigs())
+ = md
+ md.inlinePatterns.add('wikilink', wikilinkPattern, "<not_strong")
+class WikiLinks(Pattern):
+ def __init__(self, pattern, config):
+ super(WikiLinks, self).__init__(pattern)
+ self.config = config
+ def handleMatch(self, m):
+ if
+ base_url, end_url, html_class = self._getMeta()
+ label =
+ url = self.config['build_url'](label, base_url, end_url)
+ a = etree.Element('a')
+ a.text = label
+ a.set('href', url)
+ if html_class:
+ a.set('class', html_class)
+ else:
+ a = ''
+ return a
+ def _getMeta(self):
+ """ Return meta data or config data. """
+ base_url = self.config['base_url']
+ end_url = self.config['end_url']
+ html_class = self.config['html_class']
+ if hasattr(, 'Meta'):
+ if 'wiki_base_url' in
+ base_url =['wiki_base_url'][0]
+ if 'wiki_end_url' in
+ end_url =['wiki_end_url'][0]
+ if 'wiki_html_class' in
+ html_class =['wiki_html_class'][0]
+ return base_url, end_url, html_class
+def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
+ return WikiLinkExtension(*args, **kwargs)