# # Verify priority inheritance with a priority ceiling mutex # echo "*** TEST INHERIT PRIORITY ***" rtems_init echo "=== Create 0x0a010001 at priority 8 ===" task_create smp1 8 cpus smp1 # sem1 is binary semaphore (e.g. mutex) with priority ceiling of 5 echo "Create mutex with priority ceiling of 5 semaphore_create -b -p -C 5 -V 1 sem1 cpus smp1 semaphore_obtain sem1 0 # This should show smp4 has inherited a priority of 5 echo "smp1 should inherit a priority of 5 cpus smp1 semaphore_release sem1 # This should show smp1 has its original priority of 8 echo "smp1 should return to a priority of 8 cpus smp1 echo "*** END OF TEST INHERIT PRIORITY ***"