/* ANSI C namespace clean utility typedefs */ /* This file defines various typedefs needed by the system calls that support the C library. Basically, they're just the POSIX versions with an '_' prepended. This file lives in the `sys' directory so targets can provide their own if desired (or they can put target dependant conditionals here). */ #ifndef _SYS__TYPES_H #define _SYS__TYPES_H typedef long _off_t; __extension__ typedef long long _off64_t; typedef long _fpos_t; __extension__ typedef long long _fpos64_t; #if defined(__INT_MAX__) && __INT_MAX__ == 2147483647 typedef int _ssize_t; #else typedef long _ssize_t; #endif #define __need_wint_t #include /* Conversion state information. */ typedef struct { int __count; union { wint_t __wch; unsigned char __wchb[4]; } __value; /* Value so far. */ } _mbstate_t; struct __flock_mutex_t_tmp; typedef struct { int __a; int __b; struct { long int __c1; int __c2; } __c; int __d; struct __flock_mutex_t_tmp * __e; } __flock_mutex_t; typedef struct { __flock_mutex_t mutex; } _flock_t; #endif /* _SYS__TYPES_H */