.. comment: Copyright (c) 2016 Chris Johns .. comment: All rights reserved. .. _prefixes: Prefixes ======== You will see the term **prefix** referred to thoughout this documentation and in a wide number of software packages you can download from the internet. A **prefix** is a path on your computer a software package is built and installed under. Packages that have a **prefix** will place all parts under the *prefix path*. On a host computer like Linux the packages you install from your distribution typically use a platform specific standard *prefix*. For example on Linux it is :file:`/usr` and on FreeBSD it is :file:`/usr/local`. We recommend you **do not** use the standard *prefix* when installing RTEMS Tools. If you are building the tools as a normal user and not as ``root`` the RTEMS Source Builder (RSB) will fail if the *prefix* is not writable. We recommend you leave the standand *prefix* for the packages your operating system installs. A further reason not use the standard *prefix* is to allow more than one version of RTEMS to exist on your host machine at a time. The ``autoconf`` and ``automake`` tools required by RTEMS are not versioned and vary between RTEMS versions. If you use a single *prefix* there is a chance things from different versions may interact. This should not happen but it could. For POSIX or Unix hosts the RTEMS Project uses :file:`/opt/rtems` as a standard *prefix*. We view this *prefix* as a production level path and we place development versions under a different *prefix* away from the production versions. Under this top level *prefix* we place the various versions we need for development, for example the version 4.11.0 *prefix* would be :file:`/opt/rtems/4.11.0`. If an update called 4.11.1 is released the *prefix* would be :file:`/opt/rtems/4.11.1`. These are recommendations and the choice of what you use is entirly yours. You may decide to have a single path for all RTEMS 4.11 releases of :file:`/opt/rtems/4.11`. For Windows a typical prefix is :file:`C:\\opt\\rtems` and as an MSYS2 path this is :file:`/c/opt/rtems`. .. _project_sandboxing: Project Sandboxing ================== Project specific sandboxes let you have a number of projects running in parallel with each project in its own sandbox. You simply have a prefix per project and under that prefix you create a simple yet repeatable structure. As an example lets say I have a large disk mounted under :file:`/bd` for *Big Disk*. As ``root`` create a directory called ``projects`` and give the directory suitable permissions to be writable by you as a user. Lets create a project sandbox for my *Box Sorter* project. First create a project directory called :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter`. Under this create :file:`rtems` and under that create :file:`rtems-4.11.0`. Under this path you can follow the :ref:`released-version` procedure to build a tool set using the prefix of :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter/rtems/4.11.0`. You are free to create your project specific directories under :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter`. The top level directories would be: :file:`/bd/projects` Project specific development trees. :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter` Box Sorter project sandbox. :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter/rtems/4.11.0` Project prefix for RTEMS 4.11.0 compiler, debuggers, tools and installed Board Support Package (BSP). A variation is to use the ``--without-rtems`` option with the RSB to not build the BSPs when building the tools and to build RTEMS specifically for each project. This lets you have a production tools installed at a top level on your disk and each project can have a specific and possibly customised version of RTEMS. The top level directories would be: :file:`/bd/rtems` The top path to production tools. :file:`/bd/rtems/4.11.0` Production prefix for RTEMS 4.11.0 compiler, debuggers and tools. :file:`/bd/projects` Project specific development trees. :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter` Box Sorter project sandbox. :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter/rtems` Box Sorter project's custom RTEMS kernel source and installed BSP. A further varation if there is an RTEMS kernel you want to share between projects is it to move this to a top level and share. In this case you will end up with: :file:`/bd/rtems` The top path to production tools and kernels. :file:`/bd/rtems/4.11.0` Production prefix for RTEMS 4.11.0. :file:`/bd/rtems/4.11.0/tools` Production prefix for RTEMS 4.11.0 compiler, debuggers and tools. :file:`/bd/rtems/4.11.0/bsps` Production prefix for RTEMS 4.11.0 Board Support Packages (BSPs). :file:`/bd/projects` Project specific development trees. :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter` Box Sorter project sandbox. Finally you can have a single set of *production* tools and RTEMS BSPs on the disk under :file:`/bd/rtems` you can share between your projects. The top level directories would be: :file:`/bd/rtems` The top path to production tools and kernels. :file:`/bd/rtems/4.11.0` Production prefix for RTEMS 4.11.0 compiler, debuggers, tools and Board Support Packages (BSPs). :file:`/bd/projects` Project specific development trees. :file:`/bd/projects/box-sorter` Box Sorter project sandbox. The project sandoxing approach allows you move a specific production part into the project's sandbox to allow you to customise it. This is useful if you are testing new releases. The typical dependency is the order listed above. You can test new RTEMS kernels with production tools but new tools will require you build the kernel with them. Release notes with each release will let know what you need to update. If the machine is a central project development machine simply replace :file:`projects` with :file:`users` and give each user a personal directory.