from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.locale import l_, _ from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription from import Domain, ObjType, Index from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode from sphinx.util.docfields import Field, TypedField """ :r:bsp:`sparc/sis` :r:arch:`sparc` :r:board:`...` :r:user:`amar` :r:list:`devel` """ role_name = { "bsp": "BSP", "arch": "Architecture", "board": "Board", "user": "User", "list": "Mailing List", "rtems": "`RTEMS`", } role_url = { "trac": ("Trac", ""), "devel": ("Developer Site", ""), "www": ("RTEMS Home", ""), "buildbot": ("Buildbot Instance", ""), "builder": ("Builder Site", ""), "docs": ("Documentation Site", ""), "lists": ("Mailing Lists", ""), "git": ("Git Repositories", ""), "ftp": ("FTP File Server", ""), "review": ("Gerrit Code Review", ""), "bugs": ("Bugs Database", ""), "gsoc": ("Google Summer of Code", ""), "socis": ("ESA SOCIS", ""), "bsp-howto": ("RTEMS BSP and Driver Guide", ""), "cpu-supplement": ("RTEMS CPU Architecture Supplement", ""), "c-user": ("RTEMS Classic API Guide", ""), "develenv": ("RTEMS Development Environment Guide", ""), "eclipse": ("RTEMS Eclipse Manual", ""), "eng": ("RTEMS Software Engineering", ""), "filesystem": ("RTEMS Filesystem Design Guide", ""), "networking": ("RTEMS Networking User Manual", ""), "posix-compliance": ("RTEMS POSIX 1003.1 Compliance Guide", ""), "posix-users": ("RTEMS POSIX API Guide", ""), "shell": ("RTEMS Shell Guide", ""), "user": ("RTEMS User Manual", ""), } role_list = { "announce": ("Announce Mailing List", ""), "bugs": ("Bugs Mailing List", ""), "devel": ("Developers Mailing List", ""), "build": ("Build Logs", ""), "users": ("Users Mailing List", ""), "vc": ("Version Control Mailing List", ""), } def rtems_resolve_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): role = name.split(":")[1] #XXX: is there a better way? try: if role == "list": text, url = role_list[text] elif role == "url": text, url = role_url[text] except KeyError: msg = inliner.reporter.error("rtems_resolve_role: '%s' is not a valid %s" % (text, role)) err = inliner.problematic("ERROR: %s" % rawtext, None, msg) return [err], [msg] # XXX: how do you add an alt tag? node = nodes.reference(rawtext, text, refuri=url, **options) return [node], [] class RTEMSXrefRole(XRefRole): def __init__(self, item, title, **kwargs): XRefRole.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.item = item self.title = title def process_link(self, env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target): if has_explicit_title: title = has_explicit_title return has_explicit_title or self.title, target class RTEMSDomain(Domain): """RTEMS domain.""" name = "r" label = "RTEMS" directives = {} object_types = {} roles = { "bsp": RTEMSXrefRole("bsp", "BSP"), "arch": RTEMSXrefRole("arch", "Architecture"), "user": RTEMSXrefRole("user", "User"), "list": rtems_resolve_role, "url": rtems_resolve_role, } def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node, contnode): info = "*info*" anchor = "*anchor*" title = "*title*" return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, info, anchor, contnode, title) def merge_domaindata(self, docnames, otherdata): pass # XXX is this needed? def setup(app): app.add_domain(RTEMSDomain) return {'version': "1.0", 'parallel_read_safe': True}